supporttheunderdog wrote:Aren't we always?? We are after all British!!!
OMG, this is what it's all about with your dogmatic denial of the Cypriot ethnicity. You're hoping they redefine themselves from an Hellenic people to becoming British, on par with with the mongrels of Gibralter and the inbred weirdos of the Falklands. LOL! What bloody era are you posting from? Victorian or Edwardian? You can't accept the British Empire no longer exists. What a loser, lol.
Mr Ed, Boom-Boom, Mr Limey applauds you for your Britishness. That deserves a
jolly good.
Levity aside, I have always been sceptical about the Euro, and indeed the whole thrust of EU devlopment into a new superstate, which I have suspected is a plan to do by stealth what Naploeon Bonepart and Adolf Hitler failed to do by war.
Wow, you're pretty switched on. Yep, what the Jerries and Frogs couldn't achieve with war they are doing with the EU. And it's actually working (well with regarding the Germans as long as them pesky Greeks do as they're told). Europe now looks to Paris and Berlin for leadership. London is a tourist destination or a destinaton for East Europeans to go and find work. Even your "special friendship" (in reality your lapdog status) with the US has run its course. Welcome to reality. The UK is no longer important.
Maybe if you want to convert the Cypriots, you should them if they declare themsleves British then they too can smile like this: