supporttheunderdog wrote:GreekIslandGirl wrote:Me Ed wrote:Of course the British say Cyprus is Greek, because by pigeon holing Cypriots into Greek and Turk serves their divide and conquer tactic which is in operation today.
They know that as long as no solution can be found, they can sit on the fence whilst the Cypriots squabble amongst themselves in petty disagreements and keep the SBA indefinately.
Stating that Cyprus is Greek is making an observation of a fact - as 85% of the population of Cyprus, or 100% of the native population, would tell you. That doesn't immediately justify any opposite claims by Turkey. How you can immediately jump to such conclusions beggars belief.I agree that the status quo may suit some, but to allow ourselves to lose our identity, to alter the situation, is entirely what Turkey would want. It was denying that Cyprus is Greek, which made Turks think they could jump in, which caused the problem in the first place. The Turks have admitted it's Greek - which is why they wanted to swap it for some other more suitable Greek islands.
The other 15% are probably native too, and they are certainly legally citizens .
Probably? Based on what? That they invaded recently and enslaved the natives for centuries?
If ever we were fooled that they were prepared to live in an equal society, as equal citizens - we are certainly not fooled now, nor ever will be again. Fool me once, shame on you; fool me twice, shame on me. The British knew by the 60's the Turk-following-TCs did not fit into Cyprus and were willing to offer assistance to resettle them to Turkey.