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"Cyprus itself is Greek!" - British view.

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Re: "Cyprus itself is Greek!" - British view.

Postby Viewpoint » Fri May 18, 2012 7:36 am

non-cypriot wrote:
GreekIslandGirl wrote:"Cyprus itself is Greek and the northern bit is Turkish occupied" - as I heard the BBC chap (Jeremy Vine) utter today, once he got his mind straight after hearing the worries of a Brit about to head to Cyprus and concerned it will revert to Drachmas (duh :) ).

From the British perspective, as exemplified by the UK Ministry of Defence Deputy Secretary, Frank Motorshead, in his briefing for the Defence and Overseas Policy Committee back in April, 1964:

- In order to solve the Cyprus problem; he suggested Britain and the UN could give "financial and other assistance for the resettling" of Turkish Cypriots (to Turkey or elsewhere).

- Britain considered a Cyprus ceded to Greece, or as a unitary state controlled by the majority GCs, as the ONLY viable solution to the Cyprus problem.

And yes, we do want a viable solution!

Well, if that was Mr Mtorshead's view back in 1964, then he should have focused in resettling the loyalist Irish (who decent from settlers) somewhere in the UK, and passed on Northern Ireland back to the Republic of Ireland... Cyprus is not the only nation in the world who's population consist in different ethnic backgrounds. Ultimately, no non cypriot out there with two fingers of general knowledge perceives Cyprus as Greek or Turkish. It is seen as a sovereign nation with its own identity. Its citizens (the legal one's) regardless the background are widely understood to be Cypriots. In my view, the only viable solution would be to get rid of the 1974 invaders and their settlers, so that the citizens could then democratically decide the nations path, not as Greeks,turks,Armenians or Maronites, But as equal CYPRIOTS.

A lot of truth in what you sa but you forget Cypriots on both sides of the divide are stupid and could never think along the lines you suggest as the mistrust is just to deeply ingrained to allow them to think as normal person would.
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Re: "Cyprus itself is Greek!" - British view.

Postby Viewpoint » Fri May 18, 2012 7:38 am

B25 wrote:
Viewpoint wrote:When did it become Greek, never has been never will be...thats a myth peddled by guess who the Greeks themselves, and we all know that Greek is a dirty word in the EU.

Yeah, ok, in your dreams :lol: :lol: Haven't you chocked on that turkish propoganda shit yet :lol: :lol: :lol: Once your mama fill the north with the anatolian gypsies scum, you'll be begging to come over. I'll have a visa waiting for you at the crossing point :lol: :lol: :lol: But only if you learn the official GREEK language first :lol: :lol:

And now can you tell us when the island was GREEK?
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Re: "Cyprus itself is Greek!" - British view.

Postby B25 » Fri May 18, 2012 7:58 am

It was always GREEK, it was created that way. You are just passing parasites we regretably picked up along the way. We are still looking for a cure to rid us of this disease.
Soon turk soon.
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Re: "Cyprus itself is Greek!" - British view.

Postby Viewpoint » Fri May 18, 2012 8:18 am

B25 wrote:It was always GREEK, it was created that way. You are just passing parasites we regretably picked up along the way. We are still looking for a cure to rid us of this disease.
Soon turk soon.

You are so blind and so wrong it was never and will never be Greek, if you want to be Greek f--k off to Greece.
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Re: "Cyprus itself is Greek!" - British view.

Postby B25 » Fri May 18, 2012 8:38 am

Soon Turk Soon.
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Re: "Cyprus itself is Greek!" - British view.

Postby kurupetos » Fri May 18, 2012 8:23 pm

Viewpoint wrote:
B25 wrote:It was always GREEK, it was created that way. You are just passing parasites we regretably picked up along the way. We are still looking for a cure to rid us of this disease.
Soon turk soon.

You are so blind and so wrong it was never and will never be Greek, if you want to be Greek f--k off to Greece.

I will go back to Asia Minor. 8) All Turks back to Mongolia...and London. :lol: :lol:
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Re: "Cyprus itself is Greek!" - British view.

Postby Cap » Fri May 18, 2012 9:03 pm

How about this?

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Re: "Cyprus itself is Greek!" - British view.

Postby non-cypriot » Fri May 18, 2012 9:19 pm

Cap wrote:How about this?


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Re: "Cyprus itself is Greek!" - British view.

Postby bill cobbett » Fri May 18, 2012 9:22 pm

Erm... yes, but what's with the guns...??? ... :? .. :shock: .. :(
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Re: "Cyprus itself is Greek!" - British view.

Postby supporttheunderdog » Fri May 18, 2012 10:28 pm

B25 wrote:It was always GREEK, it was created that way. You are just passing parasites we regretably picked up along the way. We are still looking for a cure to rid us of this disease.
Soon turk soon.

Balls! Cyprus was not created Greek - that is a lie put about to disguise ancient invasions. Cyprus only became Greek speaking because of acts of imperialist agression in Ancient times including colonisation and settlers - Look at the destruction of the ancient Cypriot city of Enkomi. Well if it is wrong now it was wrong then.
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