Don Kelley wrote:Agree 100%, the only thing missing from Cyprus are the Pyramids with its Egyptian connections. You've only got to look how the Egyptians in Cyprus and Egypt act the same, look how quick the egyptians ran in the Yom Kippur war abandoning or selling their gear and weapons, and look how the Egyptian cypriots ran in 1974, Addidas/Reebok could have made a brilliant commercial advertising running shoes.

The fall of SingaporeThe fall of Singapore to the Japanese Army on February 15th 1942 is considered
one of the greatest defeats in the history of the British Army and probably Britain’s worst defeat in World War Two. The fall of Singapore in 1942 clearly illustrated the way Japan was to fight in the Far East – a combination of speed and savagery that only ended with the use of the atomic bomb on Hiroshima in August 1945. ... gapore.htmA very British defeatRichard Overy reviews Dunkirk: Fight to the Last Man by Hugh Sebag-Montefiore.
Richard Overy
12:01AM BST 28 May 2006
When is a defeat not a defeat? When it is the retreat from Dunkirk. Perhaps no single operation in the whole of the Second World War captured the popular imagination in Britain as did the transport of the remnants of the British Expeditionary Force back to England in the summer of 1940. The evacuation has even entered the language: everyone knows what is meant by the "Dunkirk spirit".
Yet the retreat was also a humiliating defeat. The object of British and French forces was to hold back the German attack, sit in France and Belgium as they had done during the Great War, and wait until the battle of attrition took its toll on German resolve. What actually resulted was the smashing of French and British resistance in a few weeks, and Britain's expulsion from a continent she had no hope of re-entering again unaided.
With almost all their equipment lost and their organisation in disarray, the British armies that returned to southern England were scarcely a fighting force. ... efeat.html