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General Strike in the Occupied Areas

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General Strike in the Occupied Areas

Postby bill cobbett » Wed May 16, 2012 3:21 pm

Reported in various papers in the Occupied Areas and summarised at CNA...

The Trades Union Platform in the Occupied Areas have announced a three-hour General Strike in support of the workers of the "council" in Occupied Nicosia and against a 60-day ban on the "council" worker's strike that the Illegal regime is trying to impose.

These are workers who haven't been paid for three months.

..."Further Sener Elcil, secretary general of KTOS trade Union, commenting on the incidents said that the “country” is leading to the destruction. According to Elcil, the recent developments in the “TRNC” indicated strongly that the separatist structure which was established after 1974, has been collapsed."...

Here, in full, is how CNA reports this...

1. Serious incidents in occupied Lefkosia “municipality”
Under the front page title: “It get out of control”, Turkish Cypriot daily Kibris (16.05.12) gives an extensive coverage to the incidents occurred yesterday outside of the building of the so-called municipality of the occupied part of Lefkosia, where the employees in the “municipality” are on a strike for more than a month.

According to the paper, after the so-called ministerial council’s extraordinary meeting yesterday, which took place under the leadership of the Turkish Cypriot leader, Dervis Eroglu, the so called minister of interior Nazim Cavusoglu announced the decision of the “council of ministers” to prohibit the strike for a period of 60 days, under the excuse, that the uncollected rubbish has started to pose a public health risk.

As soon as the decision was announced, writes the paper, the workers in the so-called municipality in occupied Lefkosia gathered outside the building of the “municipality” in order to react over the fact that the “council” did not took any decision related to their unpaid salaries for two months. The paper writes that incidents and strife occurred as soon as the workers of the “municipality” were prevented by the so-called police. Participants in the strike poured then rubbish on the streets and burn a lot of things. The so-called anti riot forces, were also engaged and five workers of the “municipality” where taken into custody while the so-called police announced that more than 17 injured persons were taken to the hospital.

Issuing a statement commenting on the incidents occurred yesterday, the so-called prime minister, Irsen Kucuk condemned the incidents and said that they will not permit the situation to lead “country” to chaos, adding that they will be unsparing in, even to take the necessary hard measures for the public’s good.

According to the paper, a lot of Turkish Cypriot politicians condemned with several statements the incidents in the so-called municipality of occupied Lefkosia as a result of the decision of the so-called ministerial council to ban the strike. Also, the so-called Trade Union Platform announced yesterday that they will march today in front of the so-called municipality and go on with a three-hour general strike, in order to express their strong reaction to the above mentioned decision and their support to the “municipality workers”.

In statements on the issues, the chairman of the Republican Turkish Party-United Forces, Ozkan Yorgancioglu criticized the so-called council of ministers for its decision and said that this decision indicates strongly the incapability of those who administrate the country to find solutions to several problems.

Sener Elcil, secretary general of KTOS trade Union, commenting on the incidents said that the “country” is leading to the destruction. According to Elcil, the recent developments in the “TRNC” indicated strongly that the separatist structure which was established after 1974, has been collapsed.

Moreover, the so-called Chamber of Industry issued yesterday a written statement and called on the trade unions, the workers of the “municipality” and the so-called officials to proceed in dialogue so that to find a solution to the problem.

All Turkish Cypriot newspaper covers the issues extensively. Following are the front-page titles of the papers:

Haberdar: “Chaos”
Star Kibris: “Civil war in the capital”
Vatan: “Tension occurred in the Lefkosia Turk Municipality”
Havadis: “No Salary but whipping”
Yeni Duzen: “Lefkosia is like Athens”
Ortam: “Incapable government”
Halkin Sesi: “It should not be like this”
Volkan: “Battlefield”
Bakis: “Misfortune”
Gunes: Kucuk: “Common sense should win”
Kibrisli: “We are becoming a second Greece”
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Re: General Strike in the Occupied Areas

Postby apc2010 » Thu May 24, 2012 5:48 pm

What no more hand-outs...........
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Re: General Strike in the Occupied Areas

Postby humanist » Thu May 24, 2012 9:22 pm

Firstly our dear brothers are always getting handouts if not from Turkey the RoC through pensions, health and welfare.

That article above is all propaganda, everything is happy and rosie in the occupied area under the TA regime. Fun and games and freedoms :lol: and if you believe this you will believe that VP is TC
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Re: General Strike in the Occupied Areas

Postby Lordo » Thu May 24, 2012 9:55 pm

Hand outs? pull the other one my friend the middle one has bells on it and is dingle inging. The TCs have got healthcare because they are cypriots and are entitled to it on grounds of poverty wages compared to their GC friends. The problem is that most of the GCs here are blind to realities in Cyprus, but soon 20th of July will arrive so they can have another dose of hatred to last them another 12 months till next time.

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Re: General Strike in the Occupied Areas

Postby repulsewarrior » Thu May 24, 2012 10:21 pm

...humanist, do not deceive yourself, the Kibrisli are few among their Turkish brethren, they are the victims of all Cypriots, who suffer the illegal occupation, and the intransigence, everyday the most; be respectful to them because without our population united we remain the unheard amongst "Greeks", and "Turks".

handouts are obviously the concern of this larger population, the unrest indicates that their order deteriorates with its inept corruption, on this matter. a change of government is likely therefore, and perhaps a change of thinking, that is if the cash injections continue to be no longer applied along with taxpayers money for the infrastructure these people need in their daily lives as election platforms, but rather toward bigger political machines and their propaganda; that is if a Cypriot identity cannot be crushed, and the labouring classes, (as well as the civil servants) are not subjugated to follow and not to lead.

...we should be preparing for the long hot summer ahead.
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