bill cobbett wrote:One of the Leaders of the Fascist Neo-Nazi Golden Dawg, a certain Nikos Michaloliakos, Denies the Holocaust in this recent interview on Mega...
This leader of Rusty Spawn claims 6 million gassed in the Concentration Camps is an exaggeration...!!!
This chap says... "There were no Gas Chambers" He goes on to say...
"There were no Ovens, this is a Lie"
... and to describe Adolph Hitler as... "a Great Man of the 20th Century" .... !!!!
bsharpish wrote:You can (as I do) have strong views on immigration, particularly the financial kind.
You can believe that a homogenous, multi cultural, globalised world is a fools dream that strips us of our history, culture and identity.
You can believe that the march of wahhabi influenced Islam into the democratic, christian west needs to be halted.
You can wrap yourself in the flag of your homeland and be proud of your heritage.
But when you deny the holocaust, surround yourself with the trappings of fascism, wear black shirts and shout sieg heil, regard the "Austrian corporal" as anything other than a deranged monster then adopt the stylised imagery of this loathsome regime......... Then the wonder of free speech has done its work and exposed you as the ignorant, peasant piece of shit that you truly are.
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