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Turkey optimistic with Sarkozy gone

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Turkey optimistic with Sarkozy gone

Postby Jerry » Sun May 13, 2012 8:43 pm

With Sarkozy gone Turkey is hoping to open more chapters for EU membership but they still have to get past Cyprus. Cyprus, not France, is now the main obstacle to Turkish membership, thank you Monsieur Sarkozy. :lol: :lol: :lol: ... talks.html :lol:
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Re: Turkey optimistic with Sarkozy gone

Postby Panicos UK » Sun May 13, 2012 8:56 pm

There was some debate (or maybe they were leaks) a few months ago about the RoC opening chapters with Turkey to force Turkey to negotiate with the RoC. It'll be interesting and a genius stroke for the RoC to play this card. No doubt the government will be called traitors if the press gets wind of it before the story breaks.
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Re: Turkey optimistic with Sarkozy gone

Postby Jerry » Sun May 13, 2012 9:13 pm

Panicos UK wrote:There was some debate (or maybe they were leaks) a few months ago about the RoC opening chapters with Turkey to force Turkey to negotiate with the RoC. It'll be interesting and a genius stroke for the RoC to play this card. No doubt the government will be called traitors if the press gets wind of it before the story breaks.

Yes but the Zaman report seems a bit contradictory. It's time Erdo & co started acting like grown-ups, sooner or later they wil have to recognise the ROC.

"Turkish officials hope that the talks on the economic and monetary chapter can begin by July 1, when current president Denmark hands over the EU presidency to Greek Cyprus. No progress is expected in the talks in the second half of 2012 when Greek Cyprus will be at the helm of the EU because Turkey does not recognize Greek Cyprus and has declared it will have no dialogue with the EU presidency, even if this is in order to open accession talks on new chapters.

Zaman had another report today that said that three quarters of foreign investment come from Europe and the UK was the single biggest investor.
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Re: Turkey optimistic with Sarkozy gone

Postby Panicos UK » Sun May 13, 2012 9:25 pm

But it makes you wonder, how much of their tactics are just to save face and how much do they really stand behind? Don't forget they're trying to get this new constituion agreed and ratified with the army breathing down their neck. I would suspect that they know they have to recognise the RoC. The trouble is the RoC government takes their soundbytes and press briefings as their true gospel when undoubtedly there are other conversations going on behind closed doors.

I don't think it's realistic to 'suspend all ties' with the EU for 6 months as you've clearly shown. My guess is that they'll find a way to trade/deal with the EU and save face at the same time. Similar to the Piri Reis incident and the unproductive drilling for oil that's currently going on.
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Re: Turkey optimistic with Sarkozy gone

Postby humanist » Sun May 13, 2012 9:53 pm

Panicos your very critical of the RoC and its government. I am not sure what you would like the RoC to do? Do you want them to say well Turkey invaded our Country took half of it and allows the TC to live there, we'll just give it to them because they can have it?

Can you clarify because your posts are a bit difficult to follow.

Thank you

BY the way I don't really care what their internal politics are I don't think it's up to the RoC to make allowance for their situation and constitution with their Army.
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Re: Turkey optimistic with Sarkozy gone

Postby GreekIslandGirl » Mon May 14, 2012 10:24 am

The RoC will not open any chapters for Turkey as long as it occupies Cyprus.

Here's what the RoC has done with desperate Turkey's most cherished "Energy Chapter":

Turkey's EU Energy Chapter Not Only Closed, But Buried - Marcoulis

Thu, 26/04/2012 - 18:11 — Sarah Fenwick
Turkey's EU membership negotiation chapter on Energy is not only closed but buried, said Foreign Minister Erato Kozakou-Marcoulis in reaction to Ankara's inauguration of an oil exploration borehole in Famagusta in north Cyprus.
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Re: Turkey optimistic with Sarkozy gone

Postby Me Ed » Mon May 14, 2012 11:13 am

Jerry wrote:With Sarkozy gone Turkey is hoping to open more chapters for EU membership but they still have to get past Cyprus. Cyprus, not France, is now the main obstacle to Turkish membership, thank you Monsieur Sarkozy. :lol: :lol: :lol: ... talks.html :lol:

The Turkish people's optimism might increase even further if Bagis the clown went as well.
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Re: Turkey optimistic with Sarkozy gone

Postby Panicos UK » Mon May 14, 2012 11:54 am

humanist wrote:Panicos your very critical of the RoC and its government. I am not sure what you would like the RoC to do? Do you want them to say well Turkey invaded our Country took half of it and allows the TC to live there, we'll just give it to them because they can have it?

Can you clarify because your posts are a bit difficult to follow.

Thank you

BY the way I don't really care what their internal politics are I don't think it's up to the RoC to make allowance for their situation and constitution with their Army.

Sorry Humanist, I thought I was speaking plainly. I don't see how I'm being critical of the RoC or the government. What I'm saying is that the Turks probably know that they have to recognise the RoC although they won't admit this in public. The RoC and Turkey do not have diplomatic links. Ergo, the government of the RoC have got no information to go on other than the soundbytes and press briefings from the Turkish press - which are undoubtedly inaccurate - that was my point.

You say you don't care about their internal politics. Why not? This is a major factor in their foreign and domestic policy. Actions by our side have the potential to cause big swings in Turkish public opinion. If we take a hard line with their accession negotiations this can cause nationalist feeling to boil over and stop any concessions they may be on the verge of making. If we open some chapters, this does two things: First it takes pressure off us as the dealbreakers/intransigent side (international opinion), and second it puts the ball back into Turkey's court - they can accept (which means tacit recognition of the RoC), or they can reject which will show them as the dealbreakers and be a source of fierce debate in their parliament.

Opening some small relatively minor chapters with Turkey is a win-win situation for Cyprus. The political capital is huge. We'll see what happens...
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Re: Turkey optimistic with Sarkozy gone

Postby bill cobbett » Mon May 14, 2012 2:42 pm

Panicos UK wrote:
humanist wrote:Panicos your very critical of the RoC and its government. I am not sure what you would like the RoC to do? Do you want them to say well Turkey invaded our Country took half of it and allows the TC to live there, we'll just give it to them because they can have it?

Can you clarify because your posts are a bit difficult to follow.

Thank you

BY the way I don't really care what their internal politics are I don't think it's up to the RoC to make allowance for their situation and constitution with their Army.

Sorry Humanist, I thought I was speaking plainly. I don't see how I'm being critical of the RoC or the government. What I'm saying is that the Turks probably know that they have to recognise the RoC although they won't admit this in public. The RoC and Turkey do not have diplomatic links. Ergo, the government of the RoC have got no information to go on other than the soundbytes and press briefings from the Turkish press - which are undoubtedly inaccurate - that was my point.

You say you don't care about their internal politics. Why not? This is a major factor in their foreign and domestic policy. Actions by our side have the potential to cause big swings in Turkish public opinion. If we take a hard line with their accession negotiations this can cause nationalist feeling to boil over and stop any concessions they may be on the verge of making. If we open some chapters, this does two things: First it takes pressure off us as the dealbreakers/intransigent side (international opinion), and second it puts the ball back into Turkey's court - they can accept (which means tacit recognition of the RoC), or they can reject which will show them as the dealbreakers and be a source of fierce debate in their parliament.

Opening some small relatively minor chapters with Turkey is a win-win situation for Cyprus. The political capital is huge. We'll see what happens...

Interesting ideas there, perhaps there is advantage to the Republic proposing to open one particular Chapter and that's the Energy Chapter, which ultimately will require, without ifs and buts, Turkey's signature on the Convention on the Law of the Sea, recognition of the CY (and indeed the GR) EEZ and you can't recognise the CY EEZ without recognising CY.
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Re: Turkey optimistic with Sarkozy gone

Postby Maximus » Mon May 14, 2012 3:16 pm

Turkeys energy chapter is open, she has started drilling for potential hydrocarbons in Cyprus's sovereign territory.
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