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Ipad !!

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Ipad !!

Postby fig head » Thu May 10, 2012 10:14 am

To cut it short, i got this Ipad that i cant seem to find any use for it !
I already got pc and fast connection at home, i do everything from it, watch movies, youtube, social networks and I do some little programs such as Photoshop etc !

Now this Ipad is already connected 1 gig a month but I dont know what to use it for!!!!

And its pretty much stupid i have to convert everything and have to connect it to my pc anyway to transfer data, movies, music etc!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

it pisses me off !!!!! I didnt want it but does not change the fact that I have it and i really do believe its for show off ppl !!!!

can anyone tell me an easy way to get the best use out of it before i throw it from my balcony !!
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Re: Ipad !!

Postby dragonmaster » Thu May 10, 2012 10:47 am

if you have an ipad 2
i may be interested to exchange it with my advent laptop
for me ipad is a tool as i use it for some programs on the run
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Re: Ipad !!

Postby fig head » Thu May 10, 2012 10:55 am

i got ipad 3
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Re: Ipad !!

Postby dragonmaster » Thu May 10, 2012 10:59 am

then i can offer and my galaxy s for the exchange listed on the forum
if you are interested let me know
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Re: Ipad !!

Postby johbee » Sat May 12, 2012 1:01 pm

I use my i-pad every day. Mostly for surfing and playing games. In fact I'm on it now. The biggest advantage is that there's not start up or shut down. When i do " real work" I'm on either my notebook or desktop.
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Re: Ipad !!

Postby Sotos » Sat May 12, 2012 2:54 pm

And its pretty much stupid i have to convert everything and have to connect it to my pc anyway to transfer data, movies, music etc!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

You should have bought an Android tablet. With Android there is no such issue. You can upload your movies, music, photos etc directly on it with usb or WiFi and they all play fine!

The biggest advantage is that there's not start up or shut down.

If you have a fast PC start up is not an issue. Mine takes less than 20 seconds to load windows and be ready. You can also have your PC to go to sleep and it can "wake up" even faster. Actually this is what the iPad does. When you turn it "off" it actually just goes to sleep. If you really turn it off by pressing the power button for several seconds then when you turn it back on it will take as much as a fast PC to load.
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Re: Ipad !!

Postby Sotos » Sat May 12, 2012 3:14 pm

can anyone tell me an easy way to get the best use out of it before i throw it from my balcony !!

If you don't want it you can always give it to me ;) With a tablet you can use the touch screen to do things you can't do on a computer... like play angry birds and similar games :P It is also much better than a PC for reading books and magazines and quickly browsing the news with apps like flipboard or taptu. And because it is so portable you can use it while lying in bed! It also has some nice social networking apps if you are into those kind of things. And if you have the 3G version then it also has GPS that combined with Google maps can be used to find your way around ... if you don't already have a smart phone with that kind of feature. But for creating content... even writing a post in a forum, touch screens are not so good. And because the iPad lacks Flash support web browsing is not great either.
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Re: Ipad !!

Postby Cap » Sat May 12, 2012 3:43 pm

Once again, Figs gives us the brutal truth.
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Re: Ipad !!

Postby fig head » Sat May 12, 2012 4:23 pm

it looks good in its red case on my coffee table!!

Made a contract yesterday 1gig a month ((dont even know how 1gig is calculated and what does it exactly means!!-other than its the size of file you upload/download))
It will come handy soon when I travel ! or for some reason couldn't wait to go home to check my emails etc

It is 3G ?? if that makes any different to me ((I am a happy and simple internet user))
and I bought an android tablet before and got red of it ! thought it had no use and hated typing on it.. maybe this is one of my biggest issues ! touch screens wind me

up ....

Would be interested if you tell me what is easiest way to get the movies/videos/pictures on your pc to Itunes so i can synk it ((it takes sooo long time i wonder if i am doing it wrong))
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Re: Ipad !!

Postby FragnaticDeath » Sat May 12, 2012 6:19 pm

Figgy what seems to be the problem? I have been an iPad user for over 1.5 years now and into iOS operating system for 4 years. Pretty much know everything about this devices.

All the things you stated above is not true about the iPad. You are just not using it appropriately and have zero experience over them.

Just catch up with me on facebook i will tell you a few good Apps to get the most out of it.
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