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Postby bill cobbett » Mon Apr 30, 2012 9:22 pm

GreekIslandGirl wrote:
bill cobbett wrote:
kimon07 wrote:Here is how Britain was grabbing a big part of the CY EEZ (including the area where field 12 is).


The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, Cyprus, Greece and Turkey
Desiring to make provision to give effect to the intention of the Government of the United Kingdom to relinquish sovereignty over parts of the Akrotiri Sovereign Base Area and Dhekelia Sovereign Base Area,
Have agreed as follows


Article 5
1. Section 3 of Annex A to the Treaty of Establishment shall be replaced by the following:

“Section 3
Cyprus shall not claim, as part of its territorial sea, waters lying between the lines described in the report referred to in the Additional Protocol to this Treaty.”
2. The lines referred to in Section 3, as amended, of Annex A to the Treaty of Establishment, which delimit the waters adjacent to the Sovereign Base Areas that the United Cyprus Republic shall not claim as part of its territorial sea, shall be set out in a report to be prepared by a duly qualified person to be designated by the Government of the United Kingdom. S/he shall begin the work not later than one month after the entry into force of this Protocol and complete it as soon as possible and in any event within a period of nine months. The designated person may appoint technical advisers to assist him/her. S/he shall report to the appropriate authorities of the United Kingdom and Cyprus upon completion of the work.
3. ……….
Article 8

Any dispute about the interpretation or application of this Protocol shall be resolved by consultations and shall not be referred to any international tribunal or third party for settlement.The whole official text.

Other links here:


Like I said in my relevant post titled "The Annan Fraud for Cyprus", I dedicate this with utter contempt to the advocates of British neo - colonialism.

Erm... one of us needs to go away and do some research. There may be an issue of definitions here.

Believe that Territorial Waters are not the same as EEZ. Territorial Waters extend to max 12 miles, thereafter up to 200 miles from shore (up to any relevant mid-points) is EEZ.

There are legal defs within the law of the Sea for these terms. Who's gonna do the research...????

That's how the Brits got it wrong during the 1960 Constitution and were immediately trying to correct it (first with the 13 point plan and then post 1970). Of course, the final (?) attempt to gain Cyprus' minerals came in the Annan Plan (they did not initially have these rights, i.e. from the treaty of establishment).

The Law of the Sea in anything like its modern form with 200 mile EEZs is a very modern invention... wasn't around in 1960.
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Postby bill cobbett » Mon Apr 30, 2012 9:31 pm

Whilst we're on the subject of resources and EEZs etc, there is a far, far more pressing issue. This is the main issue in CY EEZ...

What has Eroglu of the Illegal Regime promised Turkey in this matter and post any future settlement, what power would Eroglu or whoever succeeds him, have at the Federal Level of any future government to cede a part of the CY EEZ to Turkey, to give away CY oil/gas to Turkey...???
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Postby kimon07 » Tue May 01, 2012 7:16 pm

bill cobbett wrote:
GreekIslandGirl wrote:
bill cobbett wrote:
kimon07 wrote:Here is how Britain was grabbing a big part of the CY EEZ (including the area where field 12 is).


The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, Cyprus, Greece and Turkey
Desiring to make provision to give effect to the intention of the Government of the United Kingdom to relinquish sovereignty over parts of the Akrotiri Sovereign Base Area and Dhekelia Sovereign Base Area,
Have agreed as follows


Article 5
1. Section 3 of Annex A to the Treaty of Establishment shall be replaced by the following:

“Section 3
Cyprus shall not claim, as part of its territorial sea, waters lying between the lines described in the report referred to in the Additional Protocol to this Treaty.”
2. The lines referred to in Section 3, as amended, of Annex A to the Treaty of Establishment, which delimit the waters adjacent to the Sovereign Base Areas that the United Cyprus Republic shall not claim as part of its territorial sea, shall be set out in a report to be prepared by a duly qualified person to be designated by the Government of the United Kingdom. S/he shall begin the work not later than one month after the entry into force of this Protocol and complete it as soon as possible and in any event within a period of nine months. The designated person may appoint technical advisers to assist him/her. S/he shall report to the appropriate authorities of the United Kingdom and Cyprus upon completion of the work.
3. ……….
Article 8

Any dispute about the interpretation or application of this Protocol shall be resolved by consultations and shall not be referred to any international tribunal or third party for settlement.The whole official text.

Other links here:


Like I said in my relevant post titled "The Annan Fraud for Cyprus", I dedicate this with utter contempt to the advocates of British neo - colonialism.

Erm... one of us needs to go away and do some research. There may be an issue of definitions here.

Believe that Territorial Waters are not the same as EEZ. Territorial Waters extend to max 12 miles, thereafter up to 200 miles from shore (up to any relevant mid-points) is EEZ.

There are legal defs within the law of the Sea for these terms. Who's gonna do the research...????

That's how the Brits got it wrong during the 1960 Constitution and were immediately trying to correct it (first with the 13 point plan and then post 1970). Of course, the final (?) attempt to gain Cyprus' minerals came in the Annan Plan (they did not initially have these rights, i.e. from the treaty of establishment).

The Law of the Sea in anything like its modern form with 200 mile EEZs is a very modern invention... wasn't around in 1960.

True. The EEZ was regulated with the treaty of 1982 if I remember well. However, the continental shelf regulation existed before that. And in any case, with the Zurich/London agreements Cyprus was not relinquishing its rights on the Waters adjacent to the coasts of the bases.
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Postby GreekIslandGirl » Tue May 01, 2012 9:08 pm

This was one of the conditions the British regretted making in the 1960 Constitution:

10) Mining
The Republic will be invited to collect and keep revenue derived from any royalties due or taxes payable on minerals obtained in the Sovereign Base Areas, and fees in respect of mining and prospecting licences, and for these purposes will be invited to issue licences in relation to these matters, subject to the consent and control of the authorities of the Sovereign Base Areas. These arrangements will not apply to stone, shingle, sand, gravel or other building and construction materials obtained by, or to mining and prospecting for such materials by, the United Kingdom authorities, or their contractors and others acting on their behalf.
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Postby kimon07 » Tue May 01, 2012 9:36 pm

bill cobbett wrote:Erm... one of us needs to go away and do some research. There may be an issue of definitions here.

Believe that Territorial Waters are not the same as EEZ. Territorial Waters extend to max 12 miles, thereafter up to 200 miles from shore (up to any relevant mid-points) is EEZ.

There are legal defs within the law of the Sea for these terms. Who's gonna do the research...????

Bill, the EEZ starts at the point were the territorial waters of a country end. Therefore since the waters adjasent to the bases would not be territorial waters of the RoC., they would be territorial waters of Britain. Therefore, the 200 mile area further out from the territorial waters of the bases would be the EEZ of Britain (bases).
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Postby kimon07 » Tue May 01, 2012 9:41 pm

bill cobbett wrote:Erm... one of us needs to go away and do some research. There may be an issue of definitions here.

Believe that Territorial Waters are not the same as EEZ. Territorial Waters extend to max 12 miles, thereafter up to 200 miles from shore (up to any relevant mid-points) is EEZ.

There are legal defs within the law of the Sea for these terms. Who's gonna do the research...????

A state's exclusive economic zone starts at the seaward edge of its territorial sea and extends outward to a distance of 200 nautical miles (370,4 km) from the baseline. The exclusive economic zone stretches much further into sea than the territorial waters which extends 12 NM (22 km) into the sea[4] Thus, the EEZ includes the contiguous zone. States also have rights to the seabed of what is called the continental shelf up to 350 nautical miles (648 km) from the coastal baseline, beyond the EEZ, but such areas are not part of their EEZ. The legal definition of the continental shelf does not directly correspond to the geological meaning of the term, as it also includes the continental rise and slope, and the entire seabed within the EEZ. ... Definition
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Postby kimon07 » Tue May 01, 2012 9:54 pm

bill cobbett wrote:Whilst we're on the subject of resources and EEZs etc, there is a far, far more pressing issue. This is the main issue in CY EEZ...

What has Eroglu of the Illegal Regime promised Turkey in this matter and post any future settlement, what power would Eroglu or whoever succeeds him, have at the Federal Level of any future government to cede a part of the CY EEZ to Turkey, to give away CY oil/gas to Turkey...???

Legally binding power? None whatsoever. Ceding such rights to a third country would be like ceding land territory of Cyprus to a third country. No leader or "leader" and no government, not even the parliament would be entitled to do such a thing. It would be high treason. BUT!! Is the occupation of the north by Turkey legal??
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Postby kimon07 » Tue May 01, 2012 10:08 pm

bill cobbett wrote:Erm... one of us needs to go away and do some research. There may be an issue of definitions here.

Believe that Territorial Waters are not the same as EEZ. Territorial Waters extend to max 12 miles, thereafter up to 200 miles from shore (up to any relevant mid-points) is EEZ.

There are legal defs within the law of the Sea for these terms. Who's gonna do the research...????

A maritime zone adjacent to the territorial sea that may not extend beyond 200 nautical miles from the baselines from which the breadth of the territorial sea is measured. Within the exclusive economic zone (EEZ), the coastal state has sovereign rights for the purpose of exploring, exploiting, conserving, and managing natural resources, both living and nonliving, of the seabed, subsoil, and the subjacent waters and, with regard to other activities, for the economic exploitation and exploration of the zone (e.g., the production of energy from the water, currents, and winds). Within the EEZ, the coastal state has jurisdiction with regard to establishing and using artificial islands, installations, and structures having economic purposes as well as for marine scientific research and the protection and preservation of the marine environment. Other states may, however, exercise traditional high seas freedoms of navigation, overflight, and related freedoms, such as conducting military exercises in the EEZ. Also called EEZ.
Dictionary of Military and Associated Terms. US Department of Defense 2005. ... nomic+Zone
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Postby bill cobbett » Tue May 01, 2012 10:13 pm

kimon07 wrote:
bill cobbett wrote:Erm... one of us needs to go away and do some research. There may be an issue of definitions here.

Believe that Territorial Waters are not the same as EEZ. Territorial Waters extend to max 12 miles, thereafter up to 200 miles from shore (up to any relevant mid-points) is EEZ.

There are legal defs within the law of the Sea for these terms. Who's gonna do the research...????

Bill, the EEZ starts at the point were the territorial waters of a country end. Therefore since the waters adjasent to the bases would not be territorial waters of the RoC., they would be territorial waters of Britain. Therefore, the 200 mile area further out from the territorial waters of the bases would be the EEZ of Britain (bases).

Yes, agree they would be territorial waters of GB out to 12 miles but don't agree with your start-point for EEZs. See now that the EEZ starts at the coast and therefore includes the territorial waters (see the graphic below). Anyway, GB was caught out trying to pull a fast one in the small print on this with Anan, will it try it again???

Well, GB raised no objection to the CY Blocks off the "S"BA coasts, and raised no objection to the CY/Israel and the CY/Egypt demarkation agreements.

Indeed Block 12 (that we've all heard about) is directly south of the Akrotiri "S"BA and it borders the Egyptian as well as the Israelli EEZ..., and GB has said nothing by way of a counter claim !!!! ... (Block 2 is off-shore from the Dhekalia "S"BA.)

We have been forewarned with the past Anon experience, we should cert be wary.

Here's the map of the Blocks...
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Postby bill cobbett » Tue May 01, 2012 10:20 pm

GreekIslandGirl wrote:This was one of the conditions the British regretted making in the 1960 Constitution:

10) Mining
The Republic will be invited to collect and keep revenue derived from any royalties due or taxes payable on minerals obtained in the Sovereign Base Areas, and fees in respect of mining and prospecting licences, and for these purposes will be invited to issue licences in relation to these matters, subject to the consent and control of the authorities of the Sovereign Base Areas. These arrangements will not apply to stone, shingle, sand, gravel or other building and construction materials obtained by, or to mining and prospecting for such materials by, the United Kingdom authorities, or their contractors and others acting on their behalf.

Just as well two very little words ... "oil" and "gas" weren't added to the list of materials in the small print.
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