Main_Source wrote:lol vision of peace!? He set the standards for your country and look at it today. Run by the military, has terrible human rights violations, a bad record against ethnic minorities and injected ignorance in the mind of his people. As for 'Greek Yoke'...thats a nice play with words...ut you cant hide the fact that we as a people inhabited that area and lived in that area before the Turks came...so you can play with whatever words that you want but your only kidding yourself. Besides, your setting the example of Turkish nationalistic land-greed again...by saying "Oh you should be grateful we didnt invade the other Greek lands".
Viewpoint wrote:Main_Source the prime example on display for all Turkish Cypriots to take note of and decide on just who and what mentality they would be banking their future on. Yet again you vomit the venom from within your brain and heart for all to see. Well done.
At least I wouldn't expect you to say "cos we know you guys smell like your allergic to soap and water or something". Now are you going to say that you only meant 2fan? I know you meant all Turks. You are even worse than VP, and I am ashamed of myself because I defended you against him before...
Anyway, I was just trying to point out that he could have easily taken West Thrace which was predominantly turkish at the time and at the moment actually. But he didn't, take a land that was previously invaded by Greece from Bulgaria, and you hardly had any claims on it based on ethnic compositions.
And while accusing ataturk for "a bad record against ethnic minorities" and nationalism, just to help you out of your historic ignorance, I would like to remind you that turks in general were the last once to emerge as a nation. Greeks, Serbians and Bulgarians were quite feverish nationalists, and it is no coincidance that there is hardly any minority in greece today. Do you know why? It is because you are so good in ethnic cleansing and assimilation, that there is hardly anything left to assimilate in the state of greece.
As far as "injecting ignorance" in the minds of his people is concerned, I am not quite sure what you mean? He establised democracy, educated the illiterate masses and abolished the arbaic script, and banned religious fundamentalism, gave women voting rights before Austria and France, no doubt things you consider to be very ignorat.
PS And besides my country is Bulgaria, just for your information
As far as "injecting ignorance" in the minds of his people is concerned, I am not quite sure what you mean? He establised democracy, educated the illiterate masses and abolished the arbaic script, and banned religious fundamentalism, gave women voting rights before Austria and France, no doubt things you consider to be very ignorat
PS And besides my country is Bulgaria, just for your information.
If its any consolation...I meant Turks from Turkey...AND VP.
Are you REALLY trying to tell me there are NO ethnic minorities in Greece!? HAHAHAHAHAHA. Listen, like I said before, dont even bother trying to compare Greece adn Turkey's policy towards ethnic minorities...because it is a European Court of Human Rights FACT that Turkey has terrible human rights records towards ethnic minorities, which is a reform that is compulsory before joining the EU.
1. There was no such thing as Bulgaria when the ancient Macedonian Greeks inhabited Thessaloniki. The Greeks took back what was there's through heritage.
2. Your second paragraph makes no sense. Just because Turkey is a young country, are you saying there is no overt nationalism? lol Come on, the nationalism shown by many Turks is extreme, at least admit to that.
I dont know any other peoples that would wave Turkish flags down Green Lanes after a 0-0 draw with Greece...
Oh yeah, have you BEEN to Greece!? Are you REALLY trying to tell me there are NO ethnic minorities in Greece!? HAHAHAHAHAHA. Listen, like I said before, dont even bother trying to compare Greece adn Turkey's policy towards ethnic minorities...
because it is a European Court of Human Rights FACT that Turkey has terrible human rights records towards ethnic minorities, which is a reform that is compulsory before joining the EU.
What I mean by injecting ignorance is that has made the average Turk think they are better then any other people and they can do no wrong. Look at some of the injustices in history and look how apologetic the ancestors of people who carried out those injustices are. You can get a white-american saying they are sorry for the slave trade, or even a British person admitting the British Empire was not so noble, i'll even admit to not being a fan of Alexander the Great...but you will NEVER get a Turk admitting to the huge injustices caused by their government in the past. Even though they have had many conflicts with different countries, Ataturk has brainwashed your people into thinking Turkey is always right and great in everything they do.
Oh sorry, who do you blindly stick up for and what is your name on this forum again?
It's very obvious that you are suffering from bitchslap syndrome. I know it's not easy for you to face up to the fact that you got your ass kicked twice in a century. I think we know who the brainwashed sheep are in this forum. It ain't the Turks. I suggest you read some objective books about history.
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