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The Annan Fraud for Cyprus 2004

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The Annan Fraud for Cyprus 2004

Postby kimon07 » Fri Apr 27, 2012 12:00 am

I dedicate this thread with utter CONTEMPT to all those professional history forgers, professional liars and professional advocates of neo-colonialism who are trying to drive Cyprus to extinction and elimination through a “solution” to the Cyprus problem which will turn our island partly into a province of Turkey and partly into a British colony all over again and will deprive us from both our freedom as well as from our national wealth.

The facts and comments I submit below are related mainly to the absolute sovereign and exclusive exploitation rights which were granted to Britain under the provisions of the Annan Plan 5 on the waters (sea) adjacent to the base areas. I also submit the exact text of the Annan Plan provisions on this issue, copied from the official UN site. Finally, I submit quotes of prominent foreign persons on the Annan Plan, copied from Wikipedia.

NOTE: All bolds are mine.


1. “The Long Mile of Empire” by

“As stated in its preamble, the Additional Protocol to the Treaty of Establishment was meant to “give effect to the intention of the Government of the United Kingdom to
relinquish sovereignty over parts of Akrotiri Sovereign Base Area and Dhekelia Sovereign Base Area” (Annan Plan, Annex II, 2004).

Instead, Article 6 of the Additional Protocol contained an interesting and crucial detail, while addressing the issue of the seas. It required a report “delimit[ing] the waters adjacent to the Sovereign Base Areas that the United Cyprus Republic shall not claim as part of its territorial sea. . . prepared by a duly qualified person to be designated by
the Government of the United Kingdom”
(authors’ italics). This was a surprise change from the previous version of the Plan, which the UN team made in its
arbitrating capacity where disagreements existed (that is, a post-negotiation modification that was not open to renegotiation). Yet what is amazing is that this
issue was not part of the negotiation between Greek Cypriots and Turkish Cypriots and the earlier version of the Annan Plan stated that there would actually be
80 C. M. Constantinou & O. P. Richmond “two duly qualified persons to be designated by the Governments of the United Cyprus Republic and of the United Kingdom” (authors’ italics).

What is even more amazing is that this provision of essentially UK-authorized delimitation, specifically overrides the provision of the 1960 Treaty of Establishment, which allows for the referral of delimitation disputes “to an independent expert to be selected by agreement between the United Kingdom and the Republic of Cyprus. . . [and whose]
decision shall be final and binding” (TOE, Annex A, 1960: Section 2.4).

In other words, on this particular issue the 2004 Annan Plan was a clear “improvement” for the British imperial prerogative, more “imperialist” than the 1960 post-colonial
provisions. Reading between the lines of the Additional Protocol dissolves any doubts that this would have been anything other than a power imposition of the
British interest given previous disputes with the Republic of Cyprus on whether the bases could have a territorial sea and its breadth (not to mention the issue of
continental shelf and exclusive economic zone, that the UK never claimed but also never denied, an issue exacerbated by recent reports of offshore oil opportunities in
the area). Article 8 of the Additional Protocol thus covered the possibility of disputing the UK-authorized delimitation:

Any dispute about the interpretation or application of this Protocol shall be resolved by consultations and shall not be referred to any international tribunal
or third party for settlement. (Annan Plan, Annex II, 2004)

In short, in exchange for relinquishing 45 square miles of base (land) territory, the UK government could appoint a person who was solely charged to delimit its base
(sea) territory, and over whose final ruling, whatever that might be, the Cypriot government could not appeal in any international tribunal or refer the matter to an
independent mediator or arbitrator.
Land square miles would have been returned, presented as a grand act of post-colonial generosity, and instead sea square miles
would have been seized in technical, non-publicized fashion, authorized through annexed details of the UN Plan settling the inter-ethnic conflict in Cyprus.

In addition, the UK would have relinquished land territory in which the Cypriot population lived and worked, that is to say, territory whose administration entailed
increasing levels of burden and responsibility, not only towards the local population but also towards a variety of EU and Council of Europe agencies. The Additional
Protocol annexed to the Annan Plan would have also reconfirmed the sovereign legal status of the bases (a status that remains contestable under the law of treaties due to
the coercive character of the 1960 Treaty of Establishment, which had to be agreed upon in exchange for independence) by giving the base regime and its sea extensions
the highest possible authorization and legitimation in the form of local referenda.
This would have constituted the final act in the complex power game that is the long mile of empire.

Paradoxically, had both sides voted “yes” in the recent referenda (and there were other, good reasons for doing so), Cypriots would have boasted a
reunified island inside the EU whilst inadvertently sealing a more subtle division that they learned to invariably live with – sometimes accepting, sometimes
protesting, sometimes exploiting – on a daily basis. ... %20plan%22

2. The actual provisions related to the British Bases






The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, Cyprus, Greece and Turkey
Desiring to make provision to give effect to the intention of the Government of the United Kingdom to relinquish sovereignty over parts of the Akrotiri Sovereign Base Area and Dhekelia Sovereign Base Area,
Have agreed as follows


Article 5
1. Section 3 of Annex A to the Treaty of Establishment shall be replaced by the following:

“Section 3
Cyprus shall not claim, as part of its territorial sea, waters lying between the lines described in the report referred to in the Additional Protocol to this Treaty.”
2. The lines referred to in Section 3, as amended, of Annex A to the Treaty of Establishment, which delimit the waters adjacent to the Sovereign Base Areas that the United Cyprus Republic shall not claim as part of its territorial sea, shall be set out in a report to be prepared by a duly qualified person to be designated by the Government of the United Kingdom. S/he shall begin the work not later than one month after the entry into force of this Protocol and complete it as soon as possible and in any event within a period of nine months. The designated person may appoint technical advisers to assist him/her. S/he shall report to the appropriate authorities of the United Kingdom and Cyprus upon completion of the work.
3. The United Kingdom shall continue to enjoy complete and unimpeded access for any purpose whatsoever to the waters lying between the waters which the United Cyprus Republic shall not claim adjacent to the eastern part of the Dhekelia Sovereign Base Area adjoining the sea (which part is marked on Map A with an area of 16.10 sq. km), and the waters which the United Cyprus Republic shall not claim adjacent to the western part of the Dhekelia Sovereign Base Area adjoining the sea (which is marked on Map A with an area of 5.01 sq km).

Article 8

Any dispute about the interpretation or application of this Protocol shall be resolved by consultations and shall not be referred to any international tribunal or third party for settlement.

3. The whole official text.

4. Wikipedia:

“The British were granted rights to unilaterally define the continental shelf and territorial waters along two base areas and to claim potential mineral rights. Under the 1959-1960 Zürich and London Agreements, Britain did not have such rights (see the 2nd annex to the Additional Protocol to the 1959 Treaty of Establishment).” ... dums,_2004

5. Negative comments of foreign (mostly) personalities.

I know that the professional liars and advocates of the Annan Plan and of the neo-colonial aspirations of Britain will not budge. They will keep coming back to their lies and to the forging and the denial of the truth. Hope above facts will be effectively used to shut them up.
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Re: The Annan Fraud for Cyprus 2004

Postby wyoming cowboy » Fri Apr 27, 2012 12:36 am

Great post Kimon, off the coast of Dherenia is almost exactly where the first drilling for natural gas has begun, and with the Annan plan the dirty Brits would of had their hands wrapped allaroung it. Bananiot should reread the plan and not rely on his Tc and Brit buddies to interpret it for him
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