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Was Makarios black mailed because he was gay?

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Re: Was Makarios black mailed because he was gay?

Postby kimon07 » Sat Apr 28, 2012 9:15 am

Lordo wrote:Talking of 1974, what exactly was Sampson planning with his Aphrodite 1 and 2 plans? Was it a Tea Party? I hope it included Turkish Coffee, Dengtash liked it sketto.

Quit your propaganda.

Aphrodite 1 and Aphrodite 2 were plans for the defense of Cyprus against a turkish invasion.

According to Aphrodite 1 the Nat. Guard would deal with the militants of the enclaves while the Greek Division would be used for the defense on the beaches and for the counter offensive against the beach head.

When the Greek division was withdrawn in 1967 by the Greek junta, the plan was amended to Aphrodite 2 according to which both legs of the defense would be undertaken by the National Guard, while the counter offensive would be spear headed by the Greek contingent (ELDYK) aided by other Nat. guard units (armored battalions commando battalions etc). Unfortunately, due to the messy situation that followed the coup against Makarios, Aphrodite 2 was not implemented.

Aphrodite Two Defense Plan and Counter Offensive

The Cyprus National Guard High Command had planned a massive island-wide assault on the Turkish-Cypriot enclaves of Cyprus, in the event of a Turkish invasion, so as to quickly eliminate these enclaves as potential footholds for a bridgehead. The initial plan (drawn up by Georgios Grivas in 1964) was given the codename "Aphrodite One" and relied upon the presence of a full Greek division of 10,000 troops with heavy weapons. This division however, had been withdrawn from the island in 1967, and so a new plan was drawn up prior to 1974, named Aphrodite Two, and was to take the form of a major ground offensive against the enclaves, instigated at the initiative of the Greek Cypriots rather than the Greeks. ... _Offensive

If Turkey did not intervene who exactly was going to defeat your elam boys of 74?

As I said above, both plans were to be implemented only in the event of an invasion. Therefore the invasion was not made to stop any of these plans from being implemented but on the contrary it triggered the partial implementation of Aphrodite 2 i.e., the elimination of the enclaves of Larnaca, Paphos and Limassol, if I remember well.

Actually, that was one of the major mistakes committed by the National Guard, i.e., instead of using its full force to fight off the invading force and to eliminate the fragile initial bridge head during the first night of the invasion, it wasted a lot of forces against the enclaves. It would have been enough to simply contain the enclaves by posting garrisons around them so as to have all main units available on the beaches.

And the second major mistake was that the units which were to defend the shores (infantry and artillery) instead of being deployed there when the invasion was imminent, or even LATEST during the first night of the invasion, when the beachhead was still small, fragile and in total confusion, (as General Demirel admitted in his memoirs) they were sent to take their positions on the beaches at noon the second day of the invasion and they were destroyed completely on their way there by the TAF.
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Re: Was Makarios black mailed because he was gay?

Postby kimon07 » Sat Apr 28, 2012 9:33 am

Bananiot wrote:But, EOKA defeated Great Britain and therefore how could, if I may ask, Britain blackmailed Makarios with partition?

Aren't you tired to be contradicting yourself? Let me refresh your memory

Quoting Bananiot:

“I never said 1957 but 1959 since the talks at Lancaster House were held then and the Brits obviously had something under their sleeve to force Makarios to agree. Perhaps you think it had something to do with Makarios being a crypto homosexual as it was suggested in another thread and for which you did not ask for evidence.”


The facts and realities deriving from the previous admissions are the following:

1. The Empire, till 1959, when the Zurich-London agreements were signed, had not managed to subdue Grivas, EOKA and the GREEK Cypriot youth militarily and was forced to negotiate and try to find a political solution, JUST like Grivas had intended when staging the EOKA struggle. Therefore, the Empire was DEFEATED militarily by EOKA and the basic goal of EOKA had been achieved up to that point.
According to the representative of the Empire, the military defeat was the result of the inability of the 40.000 British troops to subdue EOKA. It is irrelevant whether this inability was due to the incompetency of the "conscripts" as Don suggests or the successful conduct of the armed struggle by Grivas as I support. The end result is the same.

2. Now, according to the Annan Plan/Empire advocate, honourable member of this forum Bananiot, the Empire, although it had not managed to subdue Grivas and EOKA by 1959, nevertheless, it managed to impose a political solution which insured its presence on the island, by pulling some dirty card from its sleeve. According to the new theory of our distinguished member, this “card” was neither the fact that the British had Grivas under their grip (as initially alleged) nor that EOKA had lost the support of the Cypriots (as later suggested) but information about the alleged homosexuality of Makarios.According to my opinion, it is irrelevant which “card” was pulled from the sleeve of the Empire. i.e., wheter that was the alleged homo sexual activities of Makarios or the card of the partition as I support. The fact remains that Makarios AND Karamanlis failed to grab the opportunity offered to them by Grivas and EOKA to conclude a better deal (Harding’s proposal in 1956 even better terms for the constitution pof the young republic).

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Re: Was Makarios black mailed because he was gay?

Postby Don Kelley » Sat Apr 28, 2012 7:37 pm

kimon07 wrote:Aphrodite 1 and Aphrodite 2 were plans for the defense of Cyprus against a turkish invasion.

According to Aphrodite 1 the Nat. Guard would deal with the militants of the enclaves while the Greek Division would be used for the defense on the beaches and for the counter offensive against the beach head.

When the Greek division was withdrawn in 1967 by the Greek junta, the plan was amended to Aphrodite 2 according to which both legs of the defense would be undertaken by the National Guard, while the counter offensive would be spear headed by the Greek contingent (ELDYK) aided by other Nat. guard units (armored battalions commando battalions etc). Unfortunately, due to the messy situation that followed the coup against Makarios, Aphrodite 2 was not implemented..

Everyone but the national guard were told were they, is that why the national guard lead the retreat?
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Re: Was Makarios black mailed because he was gay?

Postby Pyrpolizer » Sat Apr 28, 2012 10:41 pm

Mapko wrote:Pyrpolizer...I think Papadopoulos was a great man (look at what he achieved in his life and he sided with the correct people - EOKA and then Makarios). The unfortunate thing for Cyprus was he lost out to blobby Christofias 'The Turk Lover'. Yes, Papadopoulos was against the plan - and so were the illegal politicians in the north - but it was the people who voted against it, not Tassos! Why should Greek Cypriots (the majority) make concessions to the minority for what is rightfully and legally theirs? The flag was going to be crap, too!! weren't very conciliatory (a bit like your illegal government). You are racist yourself. Do you understand the term 'racist' or do you think it's just a word you can level at others to make yourself feel 'mightier and holier than thou'? Racism is the belief that you are superior to someone else because of your race or beliefs. Do you believe you are better than a Greek or are you on a similar level or even subordinate to them? I will ask you again - are you racist?

Papadopoulos was NOT a great man, he almost brought us to the point that the pseudo would get recognized,he went on to negotiate the Anan Plan without even have it read trusting the other traitor Klerides...
Makarios was NOT a great man, look at the end result he delivered half a country just like Napoleon delivered half of France...
Better concentrate on your discussions with Lordo my friend, I don't need heroes to feel proud myself.
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Re: Was Makarios black mailed because he was gay?

Postby Pyrpolizer » Sat Apr 28, 2012 10:45 pm

GreekIslandGirl wrote:
Pyrpolizer wrote:
GreekIslandGirl wrote:The British preferred enosis of Cyprus with Greece as a solution -they agreed with Makarios. But it was the USA who blackmailed Britain into drawing up the unworkable Constitution - unworkable for the Greeks and the British (who wanted out of the guarantee treaties "before the ink was dry"), but 'workable' for the USA and Turkey.

first time I hear such a thing. Any links?

There's an analysis of various documents which William Mallinson obtained using the Freedom of Information Act in his newish book*. I have to retype various passages which have the essence of what I'm saying; but the book makes sense of a lot ...

From what I gather, it's well documented that Britain considered ceding Cyprus to Greece for enosis a couple of times in the first half of the last century (since they believed this would be inevitable after Crete and the Ionian islands). [This might have been influenced, anyway, by Churchill-Stalin agreeing that Greece would be 90% British.]

From Mallinson: On 13th September 1945, MP, Noel-Baker, wrote:

"I believe each of the 10 measures I propose, including the return of Cyprus to Greece, will at some stage become a matter of necessity;"

(NB The British view was of a "return of Cyprus to Greece".)

He continued:

"The return of Cyprus to Greece:
There is no doubt that the population of Cyprus ardently desire to rejoin Greece, and that feeling is beginning to run high."

NB No objections were raised to ceding Cyprus to Greece.

- But the USA couldn't allow Turkey to go to war (inevitable) with Greece over this and leave its NATO stronghold weakened.

Will type out more snippets when I can unless someone can access the whole thing online.

* William Mallinson, (2011), "Britain and Cyprus: Key Themes and Documents Since World War II"

P.S. I'm going to type out these snippets of documents which aren't generally available on the internet into Kimon's thread on the Kew Garden release of papers.

Thanks I will have a look there. Imo Greece herself should of have fought to get Cyprus on the first place if she really wanted...
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Re: Was Makarios black mailed because he was gay?

Postby Mapko » Sat Apr 28, 2012 10:54 pm

Pyrpolizer...They were great men for what they did and for how they did it. For what you said about Makarios, look at how the Irish view Michael Collins. He delivered the Republic of Ireland to the Irish - minus six counties in the north - but he got the British out of most of the country and determined self-rule for themselves. He's a national hero for it.

We need heroes. Every country needs a hero. People need heroes or they have nothing. Even if it's a father or grand-father, we need a hero.

My discussions with Lordo and PC Bubble are like shooting huge fish in a very small barrel with a shotgun.
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Re: Was Makarios black mailed because he was gay?

Postby Pyrpolizer » Sat Apr 28, 2012 10:55 pm

Piratis wrote:
Pyrpolizer wrote:
Bananiot wrote:But, EOKA defeated Great Britain and therefore how could, if I may ask, Britain blackmailed Makarios with partition? Shouldn't it have been the other way? The victorious EOKA blackmailing the Brits to get a chunk of Devon, perhaps?

Pyrpoliser, I agree with you. These jokers, whom we still glorify, destroyed Cyprus.

What most people like to forget was that the Eoka struggle was for freedom AND Enosis.
When people don't know or chose to ignore the true facts, they are driven like sheep Bananiot. It started with Napoleon "the Great". :lol:

Of course the EOKA struggle was for freedom AND Enosis, because that is exactly what the vast majority of the Cypriot people wanted.

And no, we didn't defeat the Turko-British axis. We are half a million fighting against 2 powers of combined population of 120 million. Still, our struggle against the imperialist axis is important and should always be celebrated as it demonstrates that while foreign invaders can enslave our lands they can never enslave our minds and souls. Those who are trying to destroy Cyprus are the Turkish invaders and the British colonialists, not the ones who fight for the freedom and self-determination of the Cypriot people. Those are heroes and will remain so for ever.

Then the Eoka struggle has obviously failed. The freedom we got was crippled and we got no Enosis. Listen Piratis what the majority wants does not come automatically in this world, unless the majority has the power to do it. I will give you 2 examples:
a)The majority today wants those few hundred Kypreoi who own hundreds of acres in Nicosia Limassol Paphos etc, who just keep them there to get more value, to get taxed.They are only a few hundred people... Guess why it doesn't happen
b)The majority of the Kypreoi refugees want to return back to their homes and lands. Guess why it doesn't happen.
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Re: Was Makarios black mailed because he was gay?

Postby GreekIslandGirl » Sat Apr 28, 2012 11:01 pm

Mapko wrote:Pyrpolizer...They were great men for what they did and for how they did it. For what you said about Makarios, look at how the Irish view Michael Collins. He delivered the Republic of Ireland to the Irish - minus six counties in the north - but he got the British out of most of the country and determined self-rule for themselves. He's a national hero for it.

We need heroes. Every country needs a hero. People need heroes or they have nothing. Even if it's a father or grand-father, we need a hero.

My discussions with Lordo and PC Bubble are like shooting huge fish in a very small barrel with a shotgun.

You are correct. Good comparison.

In 1947, Deputy Under Secretary of State, Oliver Harvey, issued stark warnings that Britain would never leave Cyprus except:

"When the Greeks in despair turn to the methods of the Irish, the Jews, the Hindus, and the Egyptians, then, I suspect, the British people will rise and compel the government to evacuate."
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Re: Was Makarios black mailed because he was gay?

Postby Lordo » Sat Apr 28, 2012 11:34 pm

Mapko wrote:Lordo...That's funny, because I heard Denktoad like it skata!
I'm not aware Sampson had any plans - he was just instilled as President by the junta and then the Mongols invaded.

SKI-preo...Come on - you must be intelligent enough to know not to put any credence into anything Wikipedia has to offer. Any fool - like the one above - can edit anything in there for their own pleasure.

Of course you are not aware. Why would you be. After all it is not on the internet is it?
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Re: Was Makarios black mailed because he was gay?

Postby Mapko » Sat Apr 28, 2012 11:44 pm

Lordo...No, it's not on the internet. I looked and looked but couldn't find anything. Please can you help me with your Wikipedia-knowledge?
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