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Was Makarios black mailed because he was gay?

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Re: Was Makarios black mailed because he was gay?

Postby Lordo » Fri Apr 27, 2012 9:14 pm

Dream on ELAM boy. There were no Turks in Cyprus in that Period. Turks came after at the invitation of your friends. TPapa was there alright.

But of course to a fascist like you there are no Turkish Cypriots, there are all turks right?

Turkic people of where? I did not know Eskimos were involved?
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Re: Was Makarios black mailed because he was gay?

Postby Mapko » Fri Apr 27, 2012 9:42 pm

Lordo...ELAM has the right idea and, seemingly, the only way forward as everything else seems to have failed. We have tried diplomacy (totally lost on you), we have tried finessing you (again, totally lost), so we should have a stab (figuratively speaking, of course) at something else.

Look, you lot spoke Turk, had Turk names, didn't eat pork, etc., etc., etc., so you are all Turks. Papadopoulos was a hero - a veteran of the struggle to free the yoke of oppression.

Hmm, I'm a racist and now a facist. It's funnny how you lot love to lay the words on us, but you were masturbating into your adult nappies when the Mongols from across the sea came to your aid, dropping napalm on unsuspecting farmers.

OH! DEAR! ME! Quickly - there's a man overboard and he's drowning. Get a life-belt. What the f*ck have Eskimos got to do with Turkics? Either you didn't mean to type 'Eskimos', in which case I'll take the p*ss unreservedly, or you meant to type it in which case you haven't got a clue about anything at all in life in general. Which is it to be Mongol-Turkic-Inuit?
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Re: Was Makarios black mailed because he was gay?

Postby Lordo » Fri Apr 27, 2012 11:08 pm

Talking of 1974, what exactly was Sampson planning with his Aphrodite 1 and 2 plans? Was it a Tea Party? I hope it included Turkish Coffee, Dengtash liked it sketto.

If Turkey did not intervene who exactly was going to defeat your elam boys of 74?
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Re: Was Makarios black mailed because he was gay?

Postby kurupetos » Sat Apr 28, 2012 1:08 am

Lordo wrote:Talking of 1974, what exactly was Sampson planning with his Aphrodite 1 and 2 plans? Was it a Tea Party? I hope it included Turkish Coffee, Dengtash liked it sketto.

If Turkey did not intervene who exactly was going to defeat your elam boys of 74?

You have been caught with pants down. Again! 8)
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Re: Was Makarios black mailed because he was gay?

Postby Piratis » Sat Apr 28, 2012 1:44 am

Lordo wrote:What Makarios did in his private time is no concern of anybody else so long as it was legal. The 60 Agreement was the best we could have under the circumstances. In 1973 he was offered all the changes he wanted for the Constitution and he turned it down on account that it excluded Enosis with Greece. That makes him, Grivas and the rest of eoka thugs and their current supporters all traitors.

May they all rot in hell.

Grivas and EOKA B were traitors because he went against the democratically elected president of Cyprus. The same is true for most TCs who collaborated with foreign imperialists to violate the human and democratic rights of the majority of the native Cypriot people.

You are talking nonsense that TCs and Turkey agreed to all changes Makarios wanted on account that it excluded Enosis with Greece. Enosis with Greece was already excluded with the 1960 agreements and non of the 13 points Makarios proposed had any change in this. The fact is that TCs and Turkey refused to accept the very reasonable changes that Makarios proposed with his 13 points.

As far as the 1960 agreements go, maybe they were the best for you, but they were extremely bad for the majority of the Cypriot people. If what you wanted was to provoke even further the majority of the Cypriot people by imposing on them something racist and undemocratic in order to cause conflict and find an excuse for partition as you had it planned from the 50s then yes, I can understand how it was really the best for you.
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Re: Was Makarios black mailed because he was gay?

Postby Piratis » Sat Apr 28, 2012 2:06 am

Pyrpolizer wrote:
Bananiot wrote:But, EOKA defeated Great Britain and therefore how could, if I may ask, Britain blackmailed Makarios with partition? Shouldn't it have been the other way? The victorious EOKA blackmailing the Brits to get a chunk of Devon, perhaps?

Pyrpoliser, I agree with you. These jokers, whom we still glorify, destroyed Cyprus.

What most people like to forget was that the Eoka struggle was for freedom AND Enosis.
When people don't know or chose to ignore the true facts, they are driven like sheep Bananiot. It started with Napoleon "the Great". :lol:

Of course the EOKA struggle was for freedom AND Enosis, because that is exactly what the vast majority of the Cypriot people wanted.

And no, we didn't defeat the Turko-British axis. We are half a million fighting against 2 powers of combined population of 120 million. Still, our struggle against the imperialist axis is important and should always be celebrated as it demonstrates that while foreign invaders can enslave our lands they can never enslave our minds and souls. Those who are trying to destroy Cyprus are the Turkish invaders and the British colonialists, not the ones who fight for the freedom and self-determination of the Cypriot people. Those are heroes and will remain so for ever.
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Re: Was Makarios black mailed because he was gay?

Postby Piratis » Sat Apr 28, 2012 2:20 am

Lordo wrote:Mapko give it a rest will you. Since when has a person become a racist if he prefers not to live with GCs in the same area especially after the problems we have had in the 60s and 70s. I suspect you have no idea what 60s and 70s were like for the TCs. Learn about it first will you.

As to TPapa, he will go down in history for negotiatying a deal and not reccomending it. For that stupidity the price you paid is 37.5% of Cyprus.

One day maybe a hundred years from now we may be able to but for now I am afraid Annan plan was the best you could have had but I am afraid it was refused, so you are getting bugger all back.

The TCs never agreed to be equal Cypriot citizens. Racist discriminations is exactly what they wanted and they continue to want. You could have been like every other minority in Cyprus and live with us in peace, but instead of that you choose conflict in an attempt to have privileges and gains on our expense.

The Annan plan would have officially partitioned Cyprus by recognizing a Turkish State in the north part of Cyprus. On top of that the Cypriot people would have lost the power to democratically rule any part of Cyprus and the whole island would become a banana republic of Turkey. Annan plan would have been far worst than what we have now and therefore rejecting that plan was the best choice of the two options.
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Re: Was Makarios black mailed because he was gay?

Postby SKI-preo » Sat Apr 28, 2012 7:04 am

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Re: Was Makarios black mailed because he was gay?

Postby Mapko » Sat Apr 28, 2012 8:44 am

Lordo...That's funny, because I heard Denktoad like it skata!
I'm not aware Sampson had any plans - he was just instilled as President by the junta and then the Mongols invaded.

SKI-preo...Come on - you must be intelligent enough to know not to put any credence into anything Wikipedia has to offer. Any fool - like the one above - can edit anything in there for their own pleasure.
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Re: Was Makarios black mailed because he was gay?

Postby SKI-preo » Sat Apr 28, 2012 9:13 am

Mapko wrote:Lordo...That's funny, because I heard Denktoad like it skata!
I'm not aware Sampson had any plans - he was just instilled as President by the junta and then the Mongols invaded.

SKI-preo...Come on - you must be intelligent enough to know not to put any credence into anything Wikipedia has to offer. Any fool - like the one above - can edit anything in there for their own pleasure.

Lamne re intelligent.

All I can say if Dimbledore was poof then why not Makarios?
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