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For President of ROC

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For President of ROC

Postby B25 » Sun Apr 22, 2012 8:39 pm

This lady for president, its about time a few more countries did this as well. ... =1&theater
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Re: For President of ROC

Postby GreekIslandGirl » Sun Apr 22, 2012 8:48 pm

She would get my vote! :D

I like this bit:

... This culture has been developed over two centuries of struggles, trials and victories ...

- So much confidence after only two centuries - what should that entitle the Greeks who have been in Cyprus for thousands of years?
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Re: For President of ROC

Postby bill cobbett » Sun Apr 22, 2012 8:59 pm

B25 wrote:This lady for president, its about time a few more countries did this as well. ... =1&theater

Gem of a speech.

Multi-culturalism has failed and failed miserably. Keeps people isolated and apart. Here in London we have a bunch of CYs masquerading as greeks, (you know the usual problem) and the self-delusional buggers are trying to start a Free Greek School with GB government funds. Pollocks to that.

... as the OZ lady says if they don't like our Anglo-Saxon ways, they have a right to leave, to bugger off to Greece.
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Re: For President of ROC

Postby Mapko » Sun Apr 22, 2012 9:06 pm

No, no, no, no, no. Cypriots are Greek. Like other islands that were incorporated into the Greek nation, Cyprus is Greek. Everything about a Cypriot is Greek. I am proud to have Greek Cypriot roots. I want everyone to know that everything we endear ourselves to and the way we lead our lives is because of the Greeks. The fact that man walks on two legs is because Greeks taught man how to do it. The fact we don't live in trees, picking peanuts out of our own sh*t is because Greeks built houses, taught us to live on the land and how to eat proper food. The fact we don't grunt and point at things we want is because Greeks taught us how to talk.

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Re: For President of ROC

Postby Bananiot » Sun Apr 22, 2012 9:16 pm

Stop picking on our most sacred morons mapko.
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Re: For President of ROC

Postby Cap » Sun Apr 22, 2012 9:40 pm

Have always wondered how the mainland Greeks view Cypriots. (from a 'purity' perspective )
I'm not entirely sure if the 'love' is entirely reciprocated.
Just sayin...
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Re: For President of ROC

Postby GreekIslandGirl » Sun Apr 22, 2012 9:53 pm

No Greek from any one region loves another. Too competitive. It's what drove the early development of civilisation.
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Re: For President of ROC

Postby Bananiot » Sun Apr 22, 2012 9:58 pm

Actually we have always hated the mainland Greeks. We called them kalamarades, but this is the strange thing about the whole matter. We associated Greece with Socrates, Plato and all the great minds of ancient Greece. We knew nothing of the contemporary Greeks and there was no way of finding out of our own. Those few who did manage to go to Greece and came back, were full of praise, but they were just misleading us. In a similar way, all those who went to ex socialist countries to study, sent there because of the political convictions of their families, came back and were full of praise for countries such as the Soviet Union and Bulgaria. Listening to them you would think that these countries were a haven on earth.

So, you can understand the shock of people when they started to get to know the majority of modern Greeks, due to the easier travel opportunities, the explosion in information technology and the general ease of getting information. The mainland Greeks, in the eyes of most people, became examples to be avoided. Before the 60's we had painted an ideal picture of them in our mind and we looked up to them.

As for the mainland Greeks, I can say that they do not think much of us either. In a way, the feeling is mutual but there are exemptions of course, as always.
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Re: For President of ROC

Postby GreekIslandGirl » Sun Apr 22, 2012 10:07 pm

"We" did not call mainland Greeks 'Kalamarades' - it was the Turks who labeled them that!
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Re: For President of ROC

Postby kurupetos » Sun Apr 22, 2012 10:52 pm

bill cobbett wrote:
B25 wrote:This lady for president, its about time a few more countries did this as well. ... =1&theater

Gem of a speech.

Multi-culturalism has failed and failed miserably. Keeps people isolated and apart. Here in London we have a bunch of CYs masquerading as greeks, (you know the usual problem) and the self-delusional buggers are trying to start a Free Greek School with GB government funds. Pollocks to that.

... as the OZ lady says if they don't like our Anglo-Saxon ways, they have a right to leave, to bugger off to Greece.

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