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EOKA Terrorism & the TMT in the 50's and 60's - The Truth

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Re: EOKA Terrorism & the TMT in the 50's and 60's - The Trut

Postby kimon07 » Sat Apr 21, 2012 6:59 am

newgeneration wrote:That theory is so far fetched. Where is the evidence of that? Can you point to some sources

The evidence is provided in my posts by Denktash, Kutsiouc, Levent, etc, etc. It becomes clear from the sources sited in my posts and the posts of other members that the provocation of inter communal clashes was the first step to the creation of fear/hate and division between GCs and TCs while the mass movement of TCs from their homes into the enclaves and the withdrawl of all TCs from the RoC administration etc, was the second step, leading to the territorial division, the creation of a purelyb Turkish Cypriot Administration and thus and the de-facto partition. All under the commands of Turkey.

Look newgen. Your questions and arguments are not new in this forum. They have been answered, contradicted and overturned times and times again.

Try to go back a few months even a few years and you will see what I mean.
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Re: EOKA Terrorism & the TMT in the 50's and 60's - The Trut

Postby GreekIslandGirl » Sat Apr 21, 2012 9:29 am

kimon07 wrote:
newgeneration wrote:That theory is so far fetched. Where is the evidence of that? Can you point to some sources

The evidence is provided in my posts by Denktash, Kutsiouc, Levent, etc, etc. It becomes clear from the sources sited in my posts and the posts of other members that the provocation of inter communal clashes was the first step to the creation of fear/hate and division between GCs and TCs while the mass movement of TCs from their homes into the enclaves and the withdrawl of all TCs from the RoC administration etc, was the second step, leading to the territorial division, the creation of a purelyb Turkish Cypriot Administration and thus and the de-facto partition. All under the commands of Turkey.

Look newgen. Your questions and arguments are not new in this forum. They have been answered, contradicted and overturned times and times again.

Try to go back a few months even a few years and you will see what I mean.

You are asking too much of this hireling. That is, to read and understand what applies as evidence and then to derive the logical conclusion from the facts.
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Re: EOKA Terrorism & the TMT in the 50's and 60's - The Trut

Postby kimon07 » Sun Apr 22, 2012 9:08 am

Well, I suppose that the facts and evidences posted under the thread: "Why is Cyprus Divided" clears (once again) the issues of this present thread as well and answers all the relevant queries of newgen.
Case closed!

I have no doubt that the same issues will come to surface again by a "new" forum participant under a different alias.
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Re: EOKA Terrorism & the TMT in the 50's and 60's - The Trut

Postby loyalcypriot10 » Tue Apr 24, 2012 4:33 pm

Come on guys , without EOKA and Enosis Cyprus would now be a peaceful and rich country. If you want to live like a Greek or Turk bugger off to the respective motherlands.
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Re: EOKA Terrorism & the TMT in the 50's and 60's - The Trut

Postby kimon07 » Fri Apr 27, 2012 9:12 am

loyalcypriot10 wrote:Come on guys , without EOKA and Enosis Cyprus would now be a peaceful ............

British colony.......

.......and rich country......,

.......the riches of which would be enjoyed and exploited by the colonial force (Annan Plan 5).
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Re: EOKA Terrorism & the TMT in the 50's and 60's - The Trut

Postby Bananiot » Fri Apr 27, 2012 9:31 am

Which riches would Britain exploit under Annan Plan 5 Kimon? It is utterly stupid to believe the fairy tales of the EEZ that supposedly would go to Britain. It looks as though people have now started to believe their own lies they invented to kill any prospects of solution. And yes, EOKA and the push for enosis have destroyed our country, but still, people like Kimon are so blind they can not see simple, plain historical truths. We are the champions for blaming everybody else for our misfrortunes and in so doing never learn.
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Re: EOKA Terrorism & the TMT in the 50's and 60's - The Trut

Postby kimon07 » Fri Apr 27, 2012 9:40 am

Bananiot wrote:Which riches would Britain exploit under Annan Plan 5 Kimon? It is utterly stupid to believe the fairy tales of the EEZ that supposedly would go to Britain.

Still pretending ignorance teacher? Shame!

The Annan Fraud for Cyprus 2004
by kimon07 » Fri Apr 27, 2012 1:00 am
I dedicate this thread with utter CONTEMPT to all those professional history forgers, professional liars and professional advocates of neo-colonialism who are trying to drive Cyprus to extinction and elimination through a “solution” to the Cyprus problem which will turn our island partly into a province of Turkey and partly into a British colony all over again and will deprive us from both our freedom as well as from our national wealth. ... %20plan%22
Article 5
1. Section 3 of Annex A to the Treaty of Establishment shall be replaced by the following:

“Section 3
Cyprus shall not claim, as part of its territorial sea, waters lying between the lines described in the report referred to in the Additional Protocol to this Treaty.”
2. The lines referred to in Section 3, as amended, of Annex A to the Treaty of Establishment, which delimit the waters adjacent to the Sovereign Base Areas that the United Cyprus Republic shall not claim as part of its territorial sea, shall be set out in a report to be prepared by a duly qualified person to be designated by the Government of the United Kingdom. S/he shall begin the work not later than one month after the entry into force of this Protocol and complete it as soon as possible and in any event within a period of nine months. The designated person may appoint technical advisers to assist him/her. S/he shall report to the appropriate authorities of the United Kingdom and Cyprus upon completion of the work.
3. The United Kingdom shall continue to enjoy complete and unimpeded access for any purpose whatsoever to the waters lying between the waters which the United Cyprus Republic shall not claim adjacent to the eastern part of the Dhekelia Sovereign Base Area adjoining the sea (which part is marked on Map A with an area of 16.10 sq. km), and the waters which the United Cyprus Republic shall not claim adjacent to the western part of the Dhekelia Sovereign Base Area adjoining the sea (which is marked on Map A with an area of 5.01 sq km).

Article 8

Any dispute about the interpretation or application of this Protocol shall be resolved by consultations and shall not be referred to any international tribunal or third party for settlement.

3. The whole official text.
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Re: EOKA Terrorism & the TMT in the 50's and 60's - The Trut

Postby kimon07 » Fri Apr 27, 2012 9:47 am

kimon07 wrote:
Bananiot wrote:Which riches would Britain exploit under Annan Plan 5 Kimon? It is utterly stupid to believe the fairy tales of the EEZ that supposedly would go to Britain.

Still pretending ignorance teacher? Shame!

The Annan Fraud for Cyprus 2004
by kimon07 » Fri Apr 27, 2012 1:00 am
I dedicate this thread with utter CONTEMPT to all those professional history forgers, professional liars and professional advocates of neo-colonialism who are trying to drive Cyprus to extinction and elimination through a “solution” to the Cyprus problem which will turn our island partly into a province of Turkey and partly into a British colony all over again and will deprive us from both our freedom as well as from our national wealth. ... %20plan%22

Article 5
1. Section 3 of Annex A to the Treaty of Establishment shall be replaced by the following:

“Section 3
Cyprus shall not claim, as part of its territorial sea, waters lying between the lines described in the report referred to in the Additional Protocol to this Treaty.”
2. The lines referred to in Section 3, as amended, of Annex A to the Treaty of Establishment, which delimit the waters adjacent to the Sovereign Base Areas that the United Cyprus Republic shall not claim as part of its territorial sea, shall be set out in a report to be prepared by a duly qualified person to be designated by the Government of the United Kingdom. S/he shall begin the work not later than one month after the entry into force of this Protocol and complete it as soon as possible and in any event within a period of nine months. The designated person may appoint technical advisers to assist him/her. S/he shall report to the appropriate authorities of the United Kingdom and Cyprus upon completion of the work.
3. The United Kingdom shall continue to enjoy complete and unimpeded access for any purpose whatsoever to the waters lying between the waters which the United Cyprus Republic shall not claim adjacent to the eastern part of the Dhekelia Sovereign Base Area adjoining the sea (which part is marked on Map A with an area of 16.10 sq. km), and the waters which the United Cyprus Republic shall not claim adjacent to the western part of the Dhekelia Sovereign Base Area adjoining the sea (which is marked on Map A with an area of 5.01 sq km).

Article 8

Any dispute about the interpretation or application of this Protocol shall be resolved by consultations and shall not be referred to any international tribunal or third party for settlement.

3. The whole official text.

PERASTIKA. No go tell your students the same lies all over again as a good teacher.
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Re: EOKA Terrorism & the TMT in the 50's and 60's - The Trut

Postby Bananiot » Fri Apr 27, 2012 12:15 pm

Wasting everyone's time, that's what you are doing Kimon. Only recognised states have a continental shelf and the British Bases only have access by the water ways. You do believe in your myths don't you. As a teacher I fully abide to Dionysios Solomo's legacy of "only the truth serves national interests".

Solomos resorted to this famous saying during a period of rising nationalism in Greece. He destroyed the myths of the nation on which super patriots thrive on. Patriotism can gain a new meaning, according to Solomos, one that has man at the centre and provides one flag under which we can all live. The truth of the Turk and the Greek can become one and indivisible. When we all consider the truth as the only axiom that serves the national interests, then we will all have one country: the truth.

Again, I do not expect you to understand all the above Kimon. You seem to lack the basic culture to understand such issues. Probably a teacher is to blame but I do not know the variables and thus I cannot make inferences.
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Re: EOKA Terrorism & the TMT in the 50's and 60's - The Trut

Postby Lordo » Fri Apr 27, 2012 4:11 pm

Bananiot wrote:Which riches would Britain exploit under Annan Plan 5 Kimon? It is utterly stupid to believe the fairy tales of the EEZ that supposedly would go to Britain. It looks as though people have now started to believe their own lies they invented to kill any prospects of solution. And yes, EOKA and the push for enosis have destroyed our country, but still, people like Kimon are so blind they can not see simple, plain historical truths. We are the champions for blaming everybody else for our misfrortunes and in so doing never learn.

Unfortunately blind people cannot see. Political blindness must be hereditary in Cyprus.
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