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Economy in Cyprus: Are you affected?

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Re: Economy in Cyprus: Are you affected?

Postby GreekIslandGirl » Sat Apr 21, 2012 2:53 pm

B25 wrote:GIG, she does it deliberately posting negatives / lies and if she doesn't get picked up on it, it remains on record.

I sussed her game already, as I said one step ahead.

Yup - and I've noticed 'it' has no sense of humour when you post something tongue-in-cheek or rhetorical. I guess it is desperate to jump in and post its pro-Turkish opinion on everything.
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Re: Economy in Cyprus: Are you affected?

Postby newgeneration » Sat Apr 21, 2012 3:11 pm

GIG, was this you being tongue-in-cheek then? Or are you back tracking now because you've been shown to be really rather stupid?

GIG you could start by widening your reading material from 'The Cyprus News' to the international financial press. Or you could wait until July 1st and ask the ECB to print you some Euros, as this is what you seem to think rotating E presidency allows you to do. Hysterical!

Cyprus accepted a loan from Russia in Jan which postponed the bailout, but the EU bailout is imminent. To say it is not, is to show your ignorance on the financial affairs of your country.

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Re: Economy in Cyprus: Are you affected?

Postby Sotos » Sat Apr 21, 2012 3:38 pm

The economy of Cyprus is very small. It will be very easy for Russia to help Cyprus with very good terms if this is needed. I doubt Russia will let Cyprus fall in the hands of others just because of a few billions... especially now that they might lose Syria and we found natural gas ;)
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Re: Economy in Cyprus: Are you affected?

Postby GreekIslandGirl » Sat Apr 21, 2012 4:16 pm

Very 'stupid'. Just you keep getting wound up and revealing your anti-Cypriot sentiments every time we bring up Cyprus' imminent Presidency ...
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Re: Economy in Cyprus: Are you affected?

Postby B25 » Sat Apr 21, 2012 4:56 pm

VP is playing with you GIG.
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Re: Economy in Cyprus: Are you affected?

Postby wyoming cowboy » Sun Apr 22, 2012 6:28 am

[quote="newgeneration"]GIG you could start by widening your reading material from 'The Cyprus News' to the international financial press. Or you could wait until July 1st and ask the ECB to print you some Euros, as this is what you seem to think rotating E presidency allows you to do. Hysterical!

Cyprus accepted a loan from Russia in Jan which postponed the bailout, but the EU bailout is imminent. To say it is not, is to show your ignorance on the financia ... ting_Money

...this article was printed in november, when did the law change in europe that enables the european central bank to print more euros.? Germany was against all this because of what happened to it in the 1930's with its problems with hyperinflation, when trillions and trillions of german marks were printed to pay for world war 1 reparations to the allies. the money to pay the loans for Greece were coming straight out of German pockets,thats why the Germans were going crazy........The Eu last year was also trying to get the Chinese(with their 3trillion dollar surplus)and the russians(1trillion dollar surplus) to buy european bonds, in essence loan the money to Europe with a guarantee of no more then 50 percent loss or something to that effect. I cant find any information that the European central bank printed any more euros, or that the Germans agreed to it. On the other hand here in the USA, we printed a whole bunch of dollars around 2 trillion since the housing crisis of 2008/2009, to prop up faltering banks and to stimulate the economy. The Stock Market, during the crisis fell to almost 6500 and now its over 13000, we doubled in 4 years......because the money inserted into the economy has cycled to pension funds and they have nowhere to invest except the stock market......
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Re: Economy in Cyprus: Are you affected?

Postby SKI-preo » Tue Apr 24, 2012 5:36 pm

yes. Its harder to evict bad tenants. Does any one know a good anglo real estate in Nicosia?
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