wyoming cowboy wrote:bsharpish wrote:"English dog, Don Kelley, there arent many places where the dogs of the British Empire, like you, stepped their foot on, and there is peace, is it Israel/Palestine, India/ pakistan, Cyprus, Rwanda, Iraq, Northern Ireland...Your racist empire can also be credited with importing millions of Africans as slaves to the new world. Congratulations on the carnage you left behind. What is Hitler or Stalin compared to the British empire?"
I'd suggest that you learn a little history and specifically consider local culture and PRE colonial tensions -
Let's pick a few thoughts for you to consider -
1. Rwanda was a German then Belgian Colony ..... And the genocide had nothing to do with either .....it was a Hutu/Tutsi Rwanda/Burundi issue ....... Nothing to do with the British EVER
2. I'd suggest you do some research about Islam/ Hindu relationships on the Indian sub continent and particularly the relationships between Muhammed Ali Jinnah/ Nehru and Gandhi ...... Pakistan in particular is a monster of its own creation ...... Look at the history of the relationship and atrocities it carried out in the former east Pakistan ( now Bangladesh ).
3. Iraq ..... Ermmmmm it was under British mandate for 14 years only ! .....Several hundred years under the ottomans and again the whole Sunni/Shia issue rears its ugly head ( as it does throughout the middle east).
4. Northern Ireland ?... A lot of history in Ireland as a whole , however, the predominantly unionist,Protestant counties that formed the province opted out of home rule .... In fact nearly half a million of them signed a petition NOT to be part of Eire........ So yes in Ireland as a whole we have a lot to answer for but northern Ireland is not the clear cut empire issue you assume.
As for the issue of slavery ........ Again far more complicated and certainly not just an English thing but while we talk about empires in this context how about Rome , Greece ( Helotry is just 1 example), The moguls ... The list is endless
And we did have a few success stories to ..... Australia, Canada, Most of he Caribbean , most of the pacific islands handed over .... In a fact a few chose to remain under British rule
Rwanda may not have been under the Imperialist British, but Sudan, Nigeria, India, Cyprus, Northern Ireland and the whole Arab world was. They used the same formula in all these places in order to divide and conquer. First they exploited the differences among the population, then exploited them and then continuously fueled the religious, ethnic or tribal fire in order to pillage, much like locust eating a wheat field until there was nothing but dust. Then the Brits would move onto another field or land mass and do the same thing.
Today in the Sudan, because of British colonialism, millions upon millions of people are killing each other. Today there was a news report that North Sudan and South Sudan have started another war. In Nigeria, the Brits pitted one tribe against the other, and their civil war continues to this day. In Northern Ireland, expoitation of religious differences kept England fed for many centuries, regardless of the continuing hardships the local Irish Catholics have had to endure. In Cyprus, the same formula of divide and conquer, and exploitation of ethnic differences was used. It was first used when the minority Tc were made police officers to control the Gc in their rebellion against the Imperialist Brits. The list goes on and on. Bringing up the Greeks and Romans of ancient times does not excuse you today in this modern day and age. It may even have been the Romans who taught the Brits this formula, and the Romans probably learned it from the Greeks.
Dude ...... I'd humbly suggest you chill the fuck out and go hit the books
In Sudan , A region under joint Egyptian and British control for just over 40 years ( The ottomans were there much longer), there is a religious and ethnic conflict between Muslims and Non Muslims over resources in which tens of thousands have died ...... Justify Millions and Millions with any evidence whatsoever !!!..... This tension between the Arabic north and African south of the region PRE dates Colonial involvement by centuries .
In Nigeria the British ended I REPEAT ended the African on African, Tribe on Tribe conflict based around slavery that was a feature of the region for centuries ..... Yes here's some uncomfortable history most slaves were sold to the Americas by other Africans or Arabs who'd been slaving for hundreds of years....... Also I'd take a good long look at the Portuguese history in the region.?... Oh and name the tribes pitted against each other? ... You'll find again that it's actually more of a Muslim Hausa vs Christian Yoruba and Igbo conlict and as the British empire cannot be blamed for inflicting either Christianity or Islam on the world I'd suggest you look at AlL the factors for ethnic tensions in Nigeria.
The main fuck up that ALL the colonial powers made in Africa was the establishment of Countries with no consideration of PRE existing tribal borders and without considering the cultural/historical differences and conflicts between them ..... So yes the Belgians forming a nation out of Hutu and Tutsi , which eventually beame Rwanda , was just plain fucking stupid and oddly parallels the artificial nature of Belgium itself where the Flemish and Walloon influences are distinct, antagonistic and want shut of each other?.... Leading to Belgium lacking a government through most of 2011, however the two sides in this conflict don't grab the machetes at the first opportunity !
I'm in no way defending the shamefull colonial past of all the "players of the game" - And there have been many many players across the centuries, however, hysterical, half assed assumptions and accusations just make you look like a rabid Anglophobe with a sub standard education ...... But if it helps you sleep at night ..... Go right ahead
Btw the grammar and punctuation above can be blamed on too many beers resulting in sausage fingers not suitable for iPhone use