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Why was Britain defeated by EOKA?

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Re: Why was Britain defeated by EOKA?

Postby PC Bubble » Thu Apr 26, 2012 4:00 pm

GIG now.


Where's your honesty ?
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Re: Why was Britain defeated by EOKA?

Postby GreekIslandGirl » Thu Apr 26, 2012 4:36 pm

How does my forum name (which I do not keep a mystery) make any difference to the opinions and quotes I post? What is dishonest is to pretend you are non-partisan when you are. Do you, gassyone, detect any difference to my opinions on the Turkish occupation of Cyprus? I don't pretend to be 'English' and siding with Greeks.

Clearly you have a problem understanding the concept.
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Re: Why was Britain defeated by EOKA?

Postby PC Bubble » Thu Apr 26, 2012 5:36 pm

Why change your name then ? Were you banned ?

I believe in truth and honesty , something you know nothing about.

You consider any GC not agreeing with you to be a traitor. You are sadly wrong, GCs are allowed to have opinions different to yours.

The Turks rightly intervened in 74 to save the TC population from genocide....FACT

They have been in Cyprus since 1571 and are not going anywhere...FACT

Cyprus has never been ruled by Greece and never will be ....FACT
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Re: Why was Britain defeated by EOKA?

Postby Bananiot » Thu Apr 26, 2012 5:48 pm

It was something else before Oracle, but I agree with her, it's besides the point. However, I do remember her saying, in the very beginning, that she was here to learn. She has learned nothing all these years but consolidated her stereotypical ideas that all Turks are the same who can not even speak English (thanks to the other fanatics in the forum), because as we all know, Turks are Anatolians and Mongols and therefore, thick to the bone. Perhaps this is why they only took half of Cyprus. Had they been as canny as us they would have taken all of it. People like her do the worse service to GC's and perhaps I should apologise for her, but then, I am a citizen of the world and hence I do know that there are thick people every where.
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Re: Why was Britain defeated by EOKA?

Postby Don Kelley » Thu Apr 26, 2012 6:47 pm

GreekIslandGirl wrote:So you must have been a regular visitor to Turkey, since well before 1974, to draw up such a conclusion about the linguistic abilities of Anatolians. I sensed some hurt pride and a defense strongly suggestive of something personal here. I do believe you could be a Turk. Either way; we'll never get an honest post out of you.

You do post some rubbish, how does saying that I've visited Turkey several time equate to meaning pre 1974? :roll:
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Re: Why was Britain defeated by EOKA?

Postby GreekIslandGirl » Thu Apr 26, 2012 7:02 pm

Don Kelley wrote:
GreekIslandGirl wrote:So you must have been a regular visitor to Turkey, since well before 1974, to draw up such a conclusion about the linguistic abilities of Anatolians. I sensed some hurt pride and a defense strongly suggestive of something personal here. I do believe you could be a Turk. Either way; we'll never get an honest post out of you.

You do post some rubbish, how does saying that I've visited Turkey several time equate to meaning pre 1974? :roll:

See, this is what happens when you make such stupid, unqualified remarks about what you know about Turkish conscripts of 1974. Based on some visits (later than 1974 and pre 2012). To say you visited Turkey at some unspecified time and formed your opinion, retrospectively, on 1974 conscripts, is not quite right is it? I don't really care how many Turks spoke/speak English - but I care that you are here trolling anti-Greek and anti-Cypriot rubbish. Try qualifying your comments with some evidence - you might find it refreshing and eye-opening.

I guess your input on this topic has been exhausted!
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Re: Why was Britain defeated by EOKA?

Postby wyoming cowboy » Thu Apr 26, 2012 7:56 pm

Don Kelley wrote:
GreekIslandGirl wrote:You speaking to a few waiters in some cheap Turkish resort in 2012 is not comparable to the reality of the backwardness of the Turkish thugs sent to cause maximum carnage in Cyprus in 1974.

Why don't you admit you are a lying troll who is here just to cause misery to fellow (?) Europeans as they remember their many dead and missing.

Did I say that I visited TurKey in 2012? just shows what an illiterate plonker you are. :roll: I've visted Turkey several times over the years.

All this Bullshit about defeating is codswallop, the fact is proven by how welcome the service familys were made in Cyprus until the Turks invaded unapposed in 74. where were the EOKA then?

It wasnt only the Turk army that we were fighting in Cyprus in July of 74, the USA, and Kissinger had a big role among others in invading on Don Kelley and educate yourself before coming on here and showing us how big an idiot and anti Greek Cypriot you are...........


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CIA Document confirms Kissinger’s involvement in selling Cyprus for 30 silver pieces June 28, 2007
Posted by grhomeboy in Cyprus Occupied, Politics.
Most noteworthy is the involvement of Henry Kissinger in giving the green light to Turkey’s invasion of Cyprus.

The recent release by the CIA of documents concerning the agency’s illegal surveillance of Americans and involvement in the assassinations of Ngo Dinh Diem of South Vietnam, Rafael Trujillo of the Dominican Republic, Salvador Allende of Chile, and Patrice Lumumba of Congo, as well as assassinations plots against Fidel Castro, prove what authors and scholars have already concluded about the agency. Most noteworthy is the involvement of Henry Kissinger in giving the green light to Turkey’s invasion of Cyprus.

The links between Kissinger and Turkey formed a long lasting relationship between Kissinger and the Israeli Lobby in the United States, particularly the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) and the Turks, particularly the links between AIPAC and the American Turkish Council and individuals like Richard Perle, Marc Grossman, and Douglas Feith. That relationship was exposed with revelations stemming from information divulged as a result of the FBI’s firing of Turkish translator Sibel Edmonds and the concentration of the Brewster Jennings & Associates CIA front company on weapons of mass destruction and the Turkish nexus to nuclear materials trafficking from the former Soviet Central Asian states.

When Turkey invaded Cyprus in July 1974, Kissinger was only concerned about the continued operation of U.S. intelligence bases in Turkey and three in the presently under Turkish military control and occupied north zone of Cyprus: Yerolakkos, Mia Milia, and Karavas. Eventually, these listening stations were evacuated in 1975 by CIA agents and U.S. Marines.

Although Barbara Bush blamed CIA whistleblower Phil Agee for divulging the identity of Athens CIA station chief Richard Welch and blamed him for Welch’s assassination by left-wing terrorists in 1975, the confirmation of Kissinger’s support for the invasion of Cyprus is what triggered a wave of anti-American terrorist activity in Greece in the mid-1970s and well into the 1980s. It is Kissinger who is ultimately to blame for anti-American violence in Greece, both for his support of the Greek junta and his support for the Turkish invasion of Cyprus.

We can also now add Cypriot President Archbishop Makarios to the long list of foreign leaders targeted for assassination by the CIA and Kissinger. From the book “The Cyprus Conspiracy” by Brendan O’Malley and Ian Craig, we know that on July 15, 1974, Makarios’ Presidential Palace in Nicosia was hit with artilley fire from tanks while Makarios was greeting a group of young schoolchildren from Cairo. Makarios’ Presidential Guard fought the coup plotters off for several hours until the rebellious troops stormed the building and set fire to it. The CIA saw to it that Cyprus Radio broadcast the news that Makarios was dead.

It was a replay of Santiago, Chile and the anti-Allende coup the year before. Both events had Kissinger’s sordid fingerprints on them. Although Kissinger denied it, he has denied almost everything that shows him to be an arch war criminal, it was widely known that he believed Makarios to be the “Castro of the Mediterranean.”

Eventually, the right-wing junta that replaced Makarios collapsed along with the Greek military junta in Athens. Makarios, who continued to enjoy international recognition as President of Cyprus while in exile in London, returned to Cyprus to resume his Presidency. Makarios died suddenly from a heart attack in 1977, just shy of his 64th birthday.

On March 8, 1970, Makarios’ helicopter was was hit with bullets in an assassination attempt also linked to the CIA and the Greek Colonels junta in Athens. Kissinger, at the time, served as Nixon’s National Security Adviser.

And in a precursor to the neo-con purge that would drive out many experienced military, intelligence, and foreign service officers who opposed the Iraq war, Kissinger ensured that those within the State Department who opposed Turkey’s invasion of Cyprus were removed. They included the U.S. ambassador to Greece Henry Tasca, Cyprus Desk chief Tom Boyatt, and Greek desk chief George Churchill.

The newly-released CIA documents also show that Kissinger was furious at CIA director William Colby for divulging past CIA dirty tricks in the wake of Watergate. Kissinger said he was afraid that he could be blackmailed by the revelations about CIA misdeeds, much of which have come to light as a result of the recent CIA disclosures. Gerald Ford fired Colby and replaced him with George H. W. Bush.

Colby died in a suspicious boating accident in the Cheaspeake Bay in 1996. The CIA documents also reveal that former CIA director Richard Helms warned Kissinger that Colby’s disclosures were the “tip of the iceberg” and that much more damaging information might follow. Richard Nixon is quoted in the Watergate tapes referring to Watergate CIA burglars E. Howard Hunt and James McCord’s demand for money for his silence as threatening to blow open the “Cuba thing.”

It is interesting to compare what Nixon said to Helms’ statement: Nixon to Haldeman on June 23, 1972: “Of course, this is a, this is a Hunt, you will-that will uncover a lot of things. You open that scab there’s a hell of a lot of things and that we just feel that it would be very detrimental to have this thing go any further. This involves these Cubans, Hunt, and a lot of hanky-panky that we have nothing to do with ourselves.”

Kissinger to President Gerald Ford on Jan. 4, 1975: “Helms said all these stories are just the tip of the iceberg. If they come out, blood will flow.”

Nixon’s and Helms’ comments are now viewed by some historians of CIA operations as referring to the CIA’s most probable despicable act: involvement by some of its assets in the assassination of President John F. Kennedy. The released documents cite links between the CIA and right-wing Cuban exiles involved in plotting the assassination of Castro, Mafia chieftain Johnny Roselli, who was linked to Lee Harvey Oswald assassin Jack Ruby as well as to Mafia dons Salvatore “Sam” Giancana and Sabtos Trafficante, and Howard Hughes’ top assistant Robert Maheu, a former FBI agent, who acted as a liaison between Langley and the mob.

The recently-released and heavily-redacted CIA documents, called the “Family Jewels,” provide a great deal of confirmation of events already widely known to the public but they pale in comparison to the shocking revelations by Colby to the 1970s Frank Church and Otis Pike Committees and the Vice President Nelson Rockefeller Commission, all of which investigated abuses by the U.S. intelligence community.
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Re: Why was Britain defeated by EOKA?

Postby Bananiot » Thu Apr 26, 2012 8:02 pm

Can you really not see this cowboy? If you believe that EOKA defeated Great Britain, how could you expect anyone to take you seriously?
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Re: Why was Britain defeated by EOKA?

Postby wyoming cowboy » Thu Apr 26, 2012 8:20 pm

Bananiot wrote:Can you really not see this cowboy? If you believe that EOKA defeated Great Britain, how could you expect anyone to take you seriously?

What I see is a bunch of appeasers, including you and some others, that wish to distort the history of Cyprus, by disparaging EOKA and its purpose of wantingto liberate Cyprus from the oppressive English dogs. Bananiot, let go of your teachers instincts, take your suit and tie off,throw your badminton racket in the trash and take a long drawn out dip in a pile of shit, sniff it taste it for a few decades, and then you might come close to understanding what Cyprus was going through under the Brits, and why EOKA was formed.
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Re: Why was Britain defeated by EOKA?

Postby Bananiot » Thu Apr 26, 2012 8:59 pm

EOKA was formed by Makarios and Grivas in order to bring about enosis of Cyprus with Greece through an armed struggle. If, as you believe, how come EOKA defeated Britain if in 1959 a quasi independent country emerged and in 1974 we lost half of it to Turkey?

Now it seems, you are changing the issue, moving the posts during the game. You talk about the need of EOKA as an institution with the known objectives and strategy to implement them to get rid of the colonialists. Of course we needed to get rid of colonialism. It was already an anachronism and even in black Africa, one country after the other, got its independence. The kind of the struggle chosen by two fore-mentioned ridiculously naive Greek Cypriots is being questioned here. The armed struggle only played into the hands of the colonialists and the proof of this is the conditions they imposed on us in 1959.

But, even if you haven't got the capacity to understand this, at least spare us the agony of keeping to the cretin thesis that EOKA defeated Britain.
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