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Why was Britain defeated by EOKA?

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Re: Why was Britain defeated by EOKA?

Postby Jerry » Wed Apr 25, 2012 12:07 am

GreekIslandGirl wrote:
Jerry wrote:
GreekIslandGirl wrote:
The document I refer to follows on from yours.

"... the British Government's role is indisputable. In a letter of 11th March 1971 from Seconde (Southern European Department, FCO), to Ramsbotham (High Commissioner in Cyprus), the former writes:
"We have been through the 1963 papers, which tend to confirm that the Thirteen Points were indeed framed with British help and encouragement; that the then High Commissioner [Clark] considered them to be reasonable prospects; and that our intention was to promote their acceptance by the Turks"
Ramsbotham (HC, Cyprus) wrote later to Seconde:
“Makarios, ever the gentleman, took sole responsibility for the Thirteen Points” PRO FCO 9/1353-WSC 1/1"


Well we have conflicting reports then. It looks like Britain may have “framed and encouraged” but then probably “decided not to back”

“The full story remains obscure”

On 30 November 1963, President Makarios wrote to Vice- President Küçük proposing thirteen amendments to the constitution which, he said, would 'remove obstacles to the smooth functioning and development of the state'. He did so apparently with the knowledge and encouragement of the British High Commissioner, Sir Arthur Clarke, whether personally or officially is not clear: the full story of this remains obscure. The approach certainly had the qualities of comprehensiveness and candour ... n-%203.htm

No, Jerry, we don't have 'conflicting' reports. The much later document I referred you to reveals what was going on that we were not privy to previously. We do not have the full story for sure - but if new documents shed more light we should be prepared to re-evaluate our history and not be dogmatic about the half-truths fed to us.

No, the much later report reveals nothing new, it's a comment that "tends to confirm" 1963 papers. Both the terms "tend to confirm" and "and indeed" suggest that what was revealed had been considered earlier.
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Re: Why was Britain defeated by EOKA?

Postby wyoming cowboy » Wed Apr 25, 2012 6:13 am

what was certainly confirmed is that the english were playing both sides egging makarios to change the constitution and on the other side training the tc with weapons they supplied them with Major Macey....
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Re: Why was Britain defeated by EOKA?

Postby GreekIslandGirl » Wed Apr 25, 2012 8:14 am

wyoming cowboy wrote:what was certainly confirmed is that the english were playing both sides egging makarios to change the constitution and on the other side training the tc with weapons they supplied them with Major Macey....


As Lord Palmerston said:

"Therefore I say that it is a narrow policy to suppose that this country or that is to be marked out as the eternal ally or the perpetual enemy of England. We have no eternal allies and no perpetual enemies. Our interests are eternal and perpetual, and those interests it is our duty to follow."
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Re: Why was Britain defeated by EOKA?

Postby Jerry » Wed Apr 25, 2012 10:38 am

wyoming cowboy wrote:what was certainly confirmed is that the english were playing both sides egging makarios to change the constitution and on the other side training the tc with weapons they supplied them with Major Macey....

I would go along with that, it's also likely that different branches of the government were not singing from the same hymn sheet.
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Re: Why was Britain defeated by EOKA?

Postby Don Kelley » Wed Apr 25, 2012 11:15 am

They probably wanted to use GC mentality such as but this is Cyprus you don't expect anyone in Cyprus to tell the truth do you.
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Re: Why was Britain defeated by EOKA?

Postby Don Kelley » Wed Apr 25, 2012 11:17 am

There was a brilliant news report in 1974 where an 18 year old Turkish conscript was asking the BBC news reporter "Which way did they go?" he'd lost sight of the 1,000 GCs he was chasing.
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Re: Why was Britain defeated by EOKA?

Postby CBBB » Wed Apr 25, 2012 11:23 am

Don Kelley wrote:There was a brilliant news report in 1974 where an 18 year old Turkish conscript was asking the BBC news reporter "Which way did they go?" he'd lost sight of the 1,000 GCs he was chasing.

That would have been a miracle seeing as there is no way a Turkish conscript would talk English, and BBC reporters don't learn barbaric languages like Turkish.
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Re: Why was Britain defeated by EOKA?

Postby Lordo » Wed Apr 25, 2012 2:30 pm

CBBB wrote:
Don Kelley wrote:There was a brilliant news report in 1974 where an 18 year old Turkish conscript was asking the BBC news reporter "Which way did they go?" he'd lost sight of the 1,000 GCs he was chasing.

That would have been a miracle seeing as there is no way a Turkish conscript would talk English, and BBC reporters don't learn barbaric languages like Turkish.

You mean like the civilised GCs in Atlilar who cut off the heads of 10 year old boys and killed 16 day old babies with a bullet in the head.
You uncultured bubble, obviously you are not cultured enough to know Brian Sewell. Not only does he speak Turkish but with a very posh accent. Get a life.
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Re: Why was Britain defeated by EOKA?

Postby Lordo » Wed Apr 25, 2012 2:31 pm

Don Kelley wrote:There was a brilliant news report in 1974 where an 18 year old Turkish conscript was asking the BBC news reporter "Which way did they go?" he'd lost sight of the 1,000 GCs he was chasing.

You mean to tell me that an 18 year old conscript from the depths of the Anatolian Step could speak English?
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Re: Why was Britain defeated by EOKA?

Postby Bananiot » Wed Apr 25, 2012 6:49 pm

CBBB, have you considered the possibility the young Turkish soldier was a BBC?
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