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Why was Britain defeated by EOKA?

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Re: Why was Britain defeated by EOKA?

Postby Bananiot » Mon Apr 23, 2012 4:47 pm

So, you will throw your diplomas back in their face. I will believe that you have noble intentions if you did this to show your disgust for the country that educated you but which you love to hate. This is not personal by the way. It applies to all bash patriots that study in the hated west but use the knowledge and skill they gained to skin poor bananiots once they return home. The louder their patriotic talk, the bigger the scoundrels they are, most of the time.
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Re: Why was Britain defeated by EOKA?

Postby kimon07 » Mon Apr 23, 2012 5:21 pm

Ladies and Gentlemen, Please.

Have we concluded why the mighty :lol: Empire was defeated by Grivas and his 250 fighters? Well?? Have the reasons of this disgraceful defeat been established yet?
If not, why jump from one irrelevant subject to the other like a grass hopper jumps from banana to banana? Come on guys, lets exhaust this topic and go to a different one. Maybe Bananiot will start a new one like: "What the need to fight against the mighty :lol: Empire" or: "The stupidity of voting against Annan Plan 5". Eh, Bananiot?
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Re: Why was Britain defeated by EOKA?

Postby kimon07 » Mon Apr 23, 2012 5:43 pm

Don Kelley wrote:
Hold on a minute 250 GCs? didn't someone else say all the young GC boys were in the EOKA? ....... 50 million Brits my arse, more like young conscripts between the age of 18-21.

Oh... my poor darlings :( All 40.000 of them, especially those so very nice lads wearing those nice red berets. So much alone, all 40.000 of them and so unprotected, against vast murderous crowds of unarmed 7-16 years old GREEK Cypriot School children who were throwing handful after handful of ...pamphlets at them. Horrible. How could my darlings endure such savagery. Not to mention of the suicidal operation, i.e., to storm elementary schools and have to force the 6-11 year old unarmed savages to pull down Greek flags from the roof top. Appalling.
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Re: Why was Britain defeated by EOKA?

Postby GreekIslandGirl » Mon Apr 23, 2012 5:44 pm

Jerry wrote:Interesting clip here, it refers to Macmillan's idea early in 1956 that Britain did not need the whole island, just a base. ... cxa4Z1mics

The video refers to the second half of 1957 when they were having to negotiate with EOKA.
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Re: Why was Britain defeated by EOKA?

Postby PC Bubble » Mon Apr 23, 2012 5:55 pm

Britain defeated by EOKA ?

Do you brain dead illiterate peasants actually believe that ...... Amazing !

They did shoot a few people in the back but believe me they got much worse in return. The bastards were made to suffer !!!
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Re: Why was Britain defeated by EOKA?

Postby kimon07 » Mon Apr 23, 2012 6:01 pm

Don Kelley wrote:Hold on a minute 250 GCs? didn't someone else say all the young GC boys were in the EOKA? It looks like you've inherited the GC habit of being economical with the truth.50 million Brits my arse, more like young conscripts between the age of 18-21.

Tell you what. You can answer this question instead.

Why was the 40.000 strong well trained, well equipped and well disciplined Imperial army of the 40.000 conscripts, between the age of 18-21, led by battle hardened and experienced officers, assisted, reinforced and supported by a few hundred TMT cut throats, murderers and arsonists, plus a few thousand fully armed Turkish Cypriot auxiliary police, disgracefully DEFEATED by the 250 poorly trained and poorly equipped and inexperienced EOKA fighters, aged 17-30, who had the moral support of a few thousand unarmed GREEK Cypriot school children, aged 7 to 16, who were just chanting pro-enossis songs, raising Greek flags, demonstrating in the streets and throwing pamphlets around? HUH??
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Re: Why was Britain defeated by EOKA?

Postby GreekIslandGirl » Mon Apr 23, 2012 6:04 pm

Bananiot wrote:So, you will throw your diplomas back in their face. I will believe that you have noble intentions if you did this to show your disgust for the country that educated you but which you love to hate. This is not personal by the way. It applies to all bash patriots that study in the hated west but use the knowledge and skill they gained to skin poor bananiots once they return home. The louder their patriotic talk, the bigger the scoundrels they are, most of the time.

Are we the only ones who complain about Imperialist Britain, its Empire and its atrocities? This discussion has (so far) centered on the political history of Britain and it's only you who seems to think they were blameless. No one "loves to hate" anyone but no one should be forced to tolerate wrongdoings; by Britain or by bullies like you. And yes you do turn to personal-bashing; full of bitterness (even when you don't know what you are talking about regarding the accusations you make).
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Re: Why was Britain defeated by EOKA?

Postby kimon07 » Mon Apr 23, 2012 6:27 pm

PC Bubble wrote:Britain defeated by EOKA ?

Do you brain dead illiterate peasants actually believe that ...... Amazing !

They did shoot a few people in the back but believe me they got much worse in return. The bastards were made to suffer !!!

This is the second time you post almost the same comment. Although you got your answer you are coming back.

If you go to my opening post above, you will find all the relevant evidences. See also a post by forum member "boomerang" quoting a book written by a British agent of MI5.

Have a sample of the relevant sites below:

The military conflict ended in stalemate, but this was really a victory for EOKA – because a few hundred guerrillas, with popular support, had remained undefeated while facing British troops who numbered over 40,000 at the height of the conflict.

Don't forget. Grivas walked from his hide out alive and free and his fighters paraded triumphantly in the streets of Nicosia.

I know all that is painful for you who sided with the British army and cowardly were burning and looting Greek schools and churches and properties and mass massacring unarmed GC civilians, usually at night. But if you can not endure the truth just bugger off and save yourelf the heart pain of learning about how 250 GREEK Cypriot freedom fighters defeated militarily the British Empire and their TMT murderous cuthroat dogs and their TC auxiliary police force.
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Re: Why was Britain defeated by EOKA?

Postby Don Kelley » Mon Apr 23, 2012 6:36 pm

Sorry to have been winding you sados up but honestly you do ask for it.

The real truth is that the UK had no desire to hold on to the empire and was in the process of granting independence to all and sundry ie India, Pakistan Ceylon (Sri lanka) the African colonies and those in Sout East Asia.
Britain was virtualy bankrupt having in the space of 38 years fought in three major wars WWI, WWII & Korea and had no inclination to carry on with the costly conspription of most young people into the armed forces that is why conscription ended in 1960, nothing to do with Cyprus.
The British Empire had been in reality a thing of the past for some time with the british Commonwealth taking its place.

Just think what you'd be doing today under the Fascist nazis or Mussolinis fascists.
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Re: Why was Britain defeated by EOKA?

Postby Don Kelley » Mon Apr 23, 2012 6:39 pm

kimon07 wrote:I know all that is painful for you who sided with the British army and cowardly were burning and looting Greek schools and churches and properties and mass massacring unarmed GC civilians, usually at night. But if you can not endure the truth just bugger off and save yourelf the heart pain of learning about how 250 GREEK Cypriot freedom fighters defeated militarily the British Empire and their TMT murderous cuthroat dogs and their TC auxiliary police force.

So where were all these heros who defeated the British Empire when the Turks Invaded in 74? I keep asking but all I get is bleating, blaming excuses.
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