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A genuine question

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Re: A genuine question

Postby kimon07 » Sat Apr 14, 2012 2:18 am

tsukoui wrote:I'll start with a recent quote from The Honorable Minister Farrakhan "Christian, Muslim and Jew are names that “have value but when we use them for divisive purposes, they become the instrument of Satan that keeps people of God divided against themselves"

Now I want to argue that the rise in anti-semitism in Cyprus is a result of the "Whitening" of Cyprus... we all know that Cyprus is a small island with intense identity politics... having joined Europe and left the non-aligned fold we are struggling to maintain our position in the world... the easy way out is to bash the Jews... weak people... weak people...

What on earth are you talking about?
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Re: A genuine question

Postby kimon07 » Sat Apr 14, 2012 2:24 am

kimon07 wrote:
tsukoui wrote:I'll start with a recent quote from The Honorable Minister Farrakhan "Christian, Muslim and Jew are names that “have value but when we use them for divisive purposes, they become the instrument of Satan that keeps people of God divided against themselves"

Now I want to argue that the rise in anti-semitism in Cyprus.......

When did that occur? Are you nuts? Israel, Cyprus and Greece today pose as the closest allies in the Mid. East. Do you regard that as anti-semitic??
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Re: A genuine question

Postby Mapko » Sat Apr 14, 2012 8:47 am

Jews living in dirty Turkey in the last century were, obviously, persecuted for their religion in a Muslim country. In order to weasel their way out of being slaughtered by the big, tough men of the dirty Turk army, they used to go out at night and paint crosses on the houses of Greek and Armenian families. The next day, the big, tough men of the dirty Turk army would see these crosses, painted on the houses of Greek and Armenian families, then get everyone out and kill them.

You people are GREEKS - you should know your history!

Oh, by the way...did anyone realise that Mustafa Camel Ataturk was also a Jew? He was gay, too. This is not my ranting, this is true history.
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Re: A genuine question

Postby yialousa1971 » Sat Apr 14, 2012 10:57 am

kurupetos wrote:bsharpish, are you in the list? :wink:

What version of software are you using to compile the list?
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Re: A genuine question

Postby yialousa1971 » Sat Apr 14, 2012 11:05 am

Mapko wrote:Jews living in dirty Turkey in the last century were, obviously, persecuted for their religion in a Muslim country. In order to weasel their way out of being slaughtered by the big, tough men of the dirty Turk army, they used to go out at night and paint crosses on the houses of Greek and Armenian families. The next day, the big, tough men of the dirty Turk army would see these crosses, painted on the houses of Greek and Armenian families, then get everyone out and kill them.

You people are GREEKS - you should know your history!

Oh, by the way...did anyone realise that Mustafa Camel Ataturk was also a Jew? He was gay, too. This is not my ranting, this is true history.

The Jews and Turks put on a good show but most of us know they are still best buddies. Most of the Turks leaders are crypto Jews!
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Re: A genuine question

Postby yialousa1971 » Sat Apr 14, 2012 11:17 am

kurupetos wrote:What could be interesting here, is to know how Jewish propaganda has managed to influence the 'common sense' (if any) of the average Briton.

Who are the manipulators?

But who is behind it all? Who are the people who determine what is watched on television and printed in the newspapers? This is not so easy a study because a great many of the people concerned operate in the shadows. And even in the case of those whose names are known, what is known about their backgrounds and their connections? Very little.

For this reason, very few people in Britain are aware of the huge influence over the mass media exercised by a certain ethnic minority, namely the Jews.

Straightaway, we can expect that mention of this minority will put many readers on the defensive. Is this "anti-semitism"?, some will ask. That, you see, is the first example of the hypnotic effect of media power. The mass media in Britain today have managed to implant into many people's minds the idea that it is "anti-semitic" even to acknowledge that members of the Jewish community play a large part in controlling our news and opinion and to question whether this is a good thing for Britain. In the uncomfortable feeling provoked in a number of readers of this text by the very mention of the word "Jews", there is provided the first lesson in media indoctrination and brainwashing!

This text is simply a study of who controls public opinion in Great Britain.

We believe that in this study there should be no "no-go" areas, no forbidden avenues of enquiry. We are concerned here with facts. What deductions people make from those facts is their decision. Our intention is that they should be roused from their former ignorance and apathy and persuaded to join our political struggle to achieve, through peaceable and legal means a more just, non-racist society. A society not dominated by a racist minority believing to be "Gods Chosen People".

It is the contention of this study that members of the Jewish community (whether practising or not) exercise a power and influence in Britain's mass media that are out of all proportion to their numbers in the population. We believe that this is a fact that should not be hidden but should be known - and discussed. No great issue of concern can be properly examined unless all the facts pertaining it are known and are faced - fairly and squarely, with nothing swept under the carpet for fear that some noisy element may object.

Some people may accept the findings of this study as authentic and accurate but then say: "So what?" Isn't it quite common for certain groups to be found in profusion in certain occupations whether for reasons of natural talent and aptitude, accidents of history, or whatever? Are there not a lot of Irish building workers and writers, Scottish doctors and engineers, Welsh singers, Black sportsmen, French and Italian restauranteurs and Indian and Pakistani textile merchants? Given that Jews are to be found in large numbers in the mass media, is this to be regarded as particularly sinister or dangerous? In other words, what's the big deal?"

We hope that we have answered these questions in the foregoing part of this introduction. None of the other occupational fields mentioned have anything like the scope for the wielding of real power - political power, power over who governs us and to what purpose power to shape our society and its values, to determine our destiny and future.

We cannot therefore say of Jews in the media as some might say of other groups in their respective occupations and lines of business: "Oh well, they're good at it - let them get on doing it." What is at stake in respect of control of an institution with such massive power as the media places that institution in a special category of its own, which justifies a very high degree of concern over the matter.

Would we, for instance, feel happy and secure in the knowledge (should such be the case) that a particular interest-group exercised control over our armed forces? We might wonder, in that case, where the loyalty of such a group would lie in the event of a war.

And if we bear in mind that power over the mass media is today as potent in the possibilities it offers as command of a hundred armoured divisions on the battlefield, that mass media power should be a matter of tremendous concern, and we would be foolish to the point of insanity to dismiss as of little importance a situation in which it lays in the hands of people who themselves proclaim to be "Jewish" in the first hand and who themselves openly proclaim loyality to the Jewish state of Israel in the first hand.

And this is not all. As has been said, there is today a very broad consensus view, transcending parties and classes, that much of the influence of the mass media is malignant and socially destructive in its effects.

We simply take the question further: if so many believe the influence of the media to be malignant and destructive, we should be examining the nature of the media - not the least important question in which examination is: Who controls the media?

In a way, the study serves a purpose that is supposed to be served by the mass media in any democracy: The purpose of free and unfettered enquiry and of absolutely free expression of facts and opinion. Unfortunately, there is neither free enquiry nor free expression of either facts or opinion in the mass media in Britain today - and least of all on the subject of this study. Just when did you last see an article in a major newspaper examining, in proper depth, Jewish influence and control in Britain's news and information industry? Just when did you last see a programme on TV dealing with the same topic? The answer to this question proves our point.

One phrase beloved of those who exercise influence in the media is "investigative journalism". The "investigative journalist" is depicted as the crusading hero whose quest for the truth and whose dedication to the public interest leads him or her to take up the cudgels against all the forces of would-be suppression and censorship - even when, as is sometimes the case, this leads to a particularly loathsome form of intrusion into people's private lives. But one form of investigative journalism which the media are most certainly not anxious to encourage is that which enquires into the identity of their own controllers and the underlying agenda to which they operate. In these pages we hope to remedy this glaring omission.

Naturally, we do not expect the facts which we unearth here to be taken up by the media and examined in the light of day. If there is any comment in the mass media on this study - which we think doubtful - it will that of condemnation, of dismissal out of hand, vith liberal use of the term "anti-semitism". But it will not extend to any analysis of what we say or any attempt, by presentation of facts, to prove us wrong.

From this, dear reader, we leave you to draw your own conclusions. ... 0media.htm


The British empire was in fact the Jewish Empire, the Jews created England, the Anglo's becoming the new Hebrews (this is what many think, see Christian Identity). Without the Anglo's where would the Jewish Empire be? Where is the centre of this empire, its the City of London. :wink:
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Re: A genuine question

Postby GreekIslandGirl » Sat Apr 14, 2012 11:33 am

wyoming cowboy wrote:
GreekIslandGirl wrote:The most anti-Semitic people I have ever met are the new Christians. You know, Church of England, Baptists, Assemblies of God, etc etc etc. Certainly not the old Churches like the Greek Orthodox followers.

Recently, an American (inspired) friend of mine told me how Hitler would have ended up in Heaven by the simple act of (being Christian) asking for forgiveness just before he died. However, I was then informed that, sadly, the 6 Million Jews, gassed to death, would have, unfortunately, ended up in Hell because they (still unrepentant) killed Jesus. Sick, huh!

On the whole, the Jews seem to have acquired a lot of enemies. I love their wit and earthiness (but not their bulldozer antics). :)

Under Orthodox/christian teachings its not a simple act to repent, however it is possible. The only anti jewish things i heard about, growing up in an orthodox Greek cypriot environment, is when my grandmother told me that jews crucified Christ and ive heard that outside of my household also. However, the church teaches that it was human sin(envy, pride, jealousy, etc..etc..) that crucified Christ and not necessarily the Jews. Basically any other group of people placed in the same situation Greeks, Turks, Asians etc...might of acted the same as the Jewish religious leaders did when they pressured the Romans to crucify Christ.

That's so true. The only explanation I have heard in the Greek Orthodox teachings regarding these issues was that we have to look to Human vices; minor and major vices. These are the failings and temptations we must overcome.
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Re: A genuine question

Postby kurupetos » Sat Apr 14, 2012 5:11 pm

yialousa1971 wrote:
kurupetos wrote:bsharpish, are you in the list? :wink:

What version of software are you using to compile the list?

6.6.6. :wink:
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Re: A genuine question

Postby supporttheunderdog » Sun Apr 15, 2012 1:03 am

as an aside if the jews had not Crucified Christ where would Christianity be today - if one accepts biblical teaching on the resurrection, and this is perhaps a good day to debate the issue then the Sanedrin must have been doing God's holy work.

It is however (and in any event) wholly wrong to blame the Jews today for something their ancestors are alleged to have done some 2000 years or so ago - give or take 15/20 years - they were not there so could not have shouted for Jesus rather than Barabbas just as we cannot blame the majority of Germans (born since 1945) for the war and all the attrocites committed therein, modern Spaniards for the work of the Spnaish inquisition, and all the attrocities committed thereby (and in the name of god!) modern day Turks for the invasion of Cypris in 1571 or the modern Greeks for the various Mycenaean conquests (inclduding Cyprus) in the period 2400BC-1000BC or so. .
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Re: A genuine question

Postby repulsewarrior » Sun Apr 15, 2012 3:15 am

GreekIslandGirl wrote:
wyoming cowboy wrote:
GreekIslandGirl wrote:The most anti-Semitic people I have ever met are the new Christians. You know, Church of England, Baptists, Assemblies of God, etc etc etc. Certainly not the old Churches like the Greek Orthodox followers.

Recently, an American (inspired) friend of mine told me how Hitler would have ended up in Heaven by the simple act of (being Christian) asking for forgiveness just before he died. However, I was then informed that, sadly, the 6 Million Jews, gassed to death, would have, unfortunately, ended up in Hell because they (still unrepentant) killed Jesus. Sick, huh!

On the whole, the Jews seem to have acquired a lot of enemies. I love their wit and earthiness (but not their bulldozer antics). :)

Under Orthodox/christian teachings its not a simple act to repent, however it is possible. The only anti jewish things i heard about, growing up in an orthodox Greek cypriot environment, is when my grandmother told me that jews crucified Christ and ive heard that outside of my household also. However, the church teaches that it was human sin(envy, pride, jealousy, etc..etc..) that crucified Christ and not necessarily the Jews. Basically any other group of people placed in the same situation Greeks, Turks, Asians etc...might of acted the same as the Jewish religious leaders did when they pressured the Romans to crucify Christ.

That's so true. The only explanation I have heard in the Greek Orthodox teachings regarding these issues was that we have to look to Human vices; minor and major vices. These are the failings and temptations we must overcome.

...indeed, at the time, the Jews had to contend with a revolution of their own, with the movement of Orthodoxy nearing extiction, while the Reformists gained great wealth and power by adopting the ways of Greeks in their social-exchange and commerce, beyond the "string" that circled their communities.
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