I am trying to arrange for a homeless Cyprus puppy to be addopted in Switzerland.His name is Leo and he is 6 months old.
As we checked all the options of traveling (and many require tons of money), we would like to find someone that is willing to take the dog with them (on their ticket)
As it goes: if you already have a flight ticket- you are alowed to take the animal and be charged as EXTRA LUGGAGE. and that is all that is asked from you- to check in the little guy under your ticket.
We would arrange for someone to bring him to Larnaca/Paphos airport with all his doccuments, and he will be also picked up from your arrival destination.All the expencess would be taken care of on the spot or even beforehand (can be arranged)
The dates we are looking for are between 30th of April and 7th of May and destination can be in Switzerland,Italy,Germany,Austria,France....... If someone is flying to Milan from 22nd to 27th of April- it is also possible.
All the info and suggestions are welcome. Thank you in front!