I will never be a millionaire, It breaks my heart.. I will work hard all my life and I will never be able to afford a new hammer or a jaguar !
Why did i ever think that being smart or bright takes you anywhere and that good work is rewarded ?? Stupid..
Being morally corrupted is the only way and I hate this fact but everyday is a prove that thieves and hookers lead better lives than the average hard working person.
It pisses me off to study all those years to land my self a good job just to learn with time that I am brain washed to think its my best option.. is it my government that set the rules and the standards for me, should someone other than me draw my future plans based on my color, race and spoken language!!
RESULTS ARE... OUR WORLD IS SHIT.. all what we try to do is block the facts that our lifes arent gonna make any different to our world.
Yes , me, you, the people you love and the people that loves you, mean jack shit in our world they probably mean the world to you and me but really we all just number of breaths wasted ...
End Of Rant, Will Go Back Being An Ignorant Slave..
Brings me back to
Is a slave a slave if he doesn't know he's enslaved ?
I am afraid with all your philosophical and bright debates unless you know slavery and freedom your input is useless, you cant be a free man and talk about slavery and you cant be a slave and talk freedom..
How can a man who can decide for him self even dare going there in this gray area of unmasked slavery
And how can a helpless slave talk like a free man and demand rights..
Sometimes I am truly sick to my stomach, We are no better human, we are no organization, we are a complete mess and ciaos and we are so little and so pathetic that we lie to our self's and try to make life interesting... will it fucking aint .
Now please, give your self a dose of life numbing bullshit and convince your self you are getting the best out of life and you are happy... quick, be quick and tell your self about all those amazing things in life, the fish in the sea and the starts and the moon...
End of Rant..