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Cyprus44 gone for good

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Re: Cyprus44 gone for good

Postby Lordo » Tue Apr 03, 2012 4:19 pm

CBBB wrote:
B25 wrote:
CBBB wrote:The one that made me laugh, was the turks with a copy of his alleged kotchan outside Larnaca airport, what a bloody cheek, perhaps the 200,000 GCs ought go stand beside him and ask F turkey for theirs as well.

Brilliant, this could be fun!!!!

Refreshing to see how lightly you take the stolen lands of TCs by the RoC. You deserve all you have got and all you will get in the future too sunny.
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Re: Cyprus44 gone for good

Postby B25 » Tue Apr 03, 2012 4:22 pm

Lordo wrote:
CBBB wrote:
B25 wrote:
CBBB wrote:The one that made me laugh, was the turks with a copy of his alleged kotchan outside Larnaca airport, what a bloody cheek, perhaps the 200,000 GCs ought go stand beside him and ask F turkey for theirs as well.

Brilliant, this could be fun!!!!

Refreshing to see how lightly you take the stolen lands of TCs by the RoC. You deserve all you have got and all you will get in the future too sunny.

Thats bollocks, your land is there for the reclaiming. Ours??? typical fucking turk talking again.

I have friends working til all hours in the Land registry to sort out the F TC properties and being paid for by the RoC (yes our taxes you piece of shit), are you doing the same. Hade assirktir pezevenki
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Re: Cyprus44 gone for good

Postby Lordo » Tue Apr 03, 2012 4:27 pm

At least get the spelling right reh Ğamizmeno. Assikdir. How many times do I have to tell you?

Have you any idea how long it takes and how much it costs for a TC to claim the land RoC has stolen?

Your taxes will pay in the end though including the costs.

I will invite you to the reclemation party. Drinks are on me. All the Zivania you can drink.
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Re: Cyprus44 gone for good

Postby B25 » Tue Apr 03, 2012 4:41 pm

Lordo wrote:At least get the spelling right reh Ğamizmeno. Assikdir. How many times do I have to tell you?

Have you any idea how long it takes and how much it costs for a TC to claim the land RoC has stolen?

Your taxes will pay in the end though including the costs.

I will invite you to the reclemation party. Drinks are on me. All the Zivania you can drink.

I'd rather cut off my bollocks with a broken bottle. The process is available, ours???
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Re: Cyprus44 gone for good

Postby CBBB » Tue Apr 03, 2012 4:43 pm

Lordo wrote:At least get the spelling right reh Ğamizmeno. Assikdir. How many times do I have to tell you?

Have you any idea how long it takes and how much it costs for a TC to claim the land RoC has stolen?

Your taxes will pay in the end though including the costs.

I will invite you to the reclemation party. Drinks are on me. All the Zivania you can drink.

..and you are talking about someone else's spelling in a barbaric language?
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Re: Cyprus44 gone for good

Postby Lordo » Tue Apr 03, 2012 4:46 pm

You will not be invited you alchismenos.
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Re: Cyprus44 gone for good

Postby CBBB » Tue Apr 03, 2012 4:46 pm

Lordo wrote:You will not be invited you alchismenos.

I wouldn't attend.
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Re: Cyprus44 gone for good

Postby repulsewarrior » Tue Apr 03, 2012 5:43 pm

never heard that one before, it's like poetry.
..."alchismenos", i like that Lordo, proper Greek? for Property Rights, none of you are really interested in the plight of the displaced, it seems. otherwise, you would be talking about all the displaced, and against the ignorance which results in this suffering; you talk about '74, "Greek" land and "Turkish" land, i ask are we not Cypriots, and what about '63?

...if we continue to dismiss the issue of the Problem as a Human issue, only the Intolerance that resists any change wins.

...the Republic has a system which if respected demonstrates beyond a shadow of a doubt that the land is reclaimed by the rightful owner, and it is a shame that it takes so long; clearly this Government needs to reform the law on Property, in any case. the north on the otherhand lacks any Rule of Law for Cypriots to reclaim their land though. there is the IPC, but that is Turkish, and more designed for her to compensate those who wish to divest themselves of their property. indeed, an answer will be found with a solution. however, if we believe in Individual Rights and equality, and act accordingly, all of the displaced deserve recognition and respect, Justice seen, would be if at least some could return as they left, as communities.
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Re: Cyprus44 gone for good

Postby bill cobbett » Tue Apr 03, 2012 5:59 pm

Lordo wrote:
CBBB wrote:
B25 wrote:
CBBB wrote:The one that made me laugh, was the turks with a copy of his alleged kotchan outside Larnaca airport, what a bloody cheek, perhaps the 200,000 GCs ought go stand beside him and ask F turkey for theirs as well.

Brilliant, this could be fun!!!!

Refreshing to see how lightly you take the stolen lands of TCs by the RoC. You deserve all you have got and all you will get in the future too sunny.

Tell your mate with the alleged kochans to take it up with the "ipc".
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Re: Cyprus44 gone for good

Postby Kikapu » Fri Apr 13, 2012 8:24 am

Since the demise of C44, the intelligence level of the Cyberspace has risen a little! :lol:
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