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Cyprus44 gone for good

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Re: Cyprus44 gone for good

Postby Maximus » Fri Mar 30, 2012 5:20 pm

northern girl wrote:Hi everyone, Im new to this and dont understand the word "carpetbaggers" that was referred to the cyprus44 site. Can anyone explain. My husband and I were thinking of coming out to live in Cyprus but after reading articles posted on cyprus44 and in particular an article entitled " should I or shouldnt I" which was also posted on other sites, has got us confused about the housing situation regarding getting deeds. Is this statement true or is it inflated :?:

The United Nations regards the occupation of the northern third of Cyprus as illegal and there are over 100 UN resolutions on Cyprus.

Turkey ethnically cleansed and colonized the region in 1974 by forcing the indeginous people to the south and is preventing them to return. 80% of all property in the north belongs to refugee Cypriots who hold the original title deeds. In the meantime Turkey has transfer a load of Anatolians who are trying to establish an independent state.

Fools dont know how to do their homework and only a fool would buy property in the north and then try to justify it outside of a legal framework.

If you have to ask the question as to whether you should or you shouldnt, you certainly shouldnt becuase the refugees will one day come knocking.
here is an example :

refer to Sotos post above and dont be a foolish carpetbagger. :roll:
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Re: Cyprus44 gone for good

Postby supporttheunderdog » Fri Mar 30, 2012 6:56 pm

Apart from the fact that if you moved to the Northern occupied zone you would (probably) be living on stolen land under an illegal regime there are otherwise a number of problems with crooked developers who sell you a house on land thy have already mortgaged, then they dont pay of the loan and yoo find you cannot get the deeds and the bank comes knocking on your door for the money. The situation is not helped by a legal system with lawyers who will sell out their purchaser clients in favour of developers and the banks. These problems to some extent happen in the south but you do not have the added complications of the Oram s type situation.

You need to get permision to purchase. You also need for example to renew residence permits on a regular basis (anually or bi annualy )and you can find that for example a car you import will be seized on whim of the local customs: there are also heavy restrictions on entering the employment market. You otherwise have no EU rights as an EU citizen.
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Re: Cyprus44 gone for good

Postby repulsewarrior » Sat Mar 31, 2012 12:46 am

northern girl wrote:Hi everyone, Im new to this and dont understand the word "carpetbaggers" that was referred to the cyprus44 site. Can anyone explain. My husband and I were thinking of coming out to live in Cyprus but after reading articles posted on cyprus44 and in particular an article entitled " should I or shouldnt I" which was also posted on other sites, has got us confused about the housing situation regarding getting deeds. Is this statement true or is it inflated :?:

...i googled carpetbagger cyprus, and this is what i got:


and of course:

dear lady, you choose: a Country that qualifies its social-exchange by EU standards, or land illegally occupied by the Turkish Army, and the authority they have for Civil representation because no one in the free world condones theft (so it gets complicated).

...welcome to CF, i hope that you cannot support the carpetbaggers with your dollars and good sense; please keep an open mind because the truth is:
this is a "Greek", "Turkish"/ Greek, Turk issue, where it is the "Turks" and the "Greeks" that are adversaries; in the north, (beside no Greeks) Turks will be fewer, because a "Turkishness" has been imposed, while in the south it will seem from the anger of "Greeks" they are many. if you are stuck on the idea of living in Cyprus, i'd say find good neighbours and stay free from the corruption so easily found here (it seems). be happy, because you are lucky if you love something as beautiful as Cyprus.

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Re: Cyprus44 gone for good

Postby bill cobbett » Sat Mar 31, 2012 2:02 am

Ooooh ... thx RW.... the wiki you refer us to will be edited over the weekend to include the CY case... :D

...just need to find an authoritative source.
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Re: Cyprus44 gone for good

Postby CBBB » Tue Apr 03, 2012 1:10 pm

I am getting withdrawal symptoms!!!!! I miss my daily laugh at the ignorant carpetbuggerers!! I suppose I will have to be satisfied with Cyprus Dying!
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Re: Cyprus44 gone for good

Postby kurupetos » Tue Apr 03, 2012 1:37 pm

CBBB wrote:I am getting withdrawal symptoms!!!!! I miss my daily laugh at the ignorant carpetbuggerers!! I suppose I will have to be satisfied with Cyprus Dying!

There you are...
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Re: Cyprus44 gone for good

Postby B25 » Tue Apr 03, 2012 2:11 pm

kurupetos wrote:
CBBB wrote:I am getting withdrawal symptoms!!!!! I miss my daily laugh at the ignorant carpetbuggerers!! I suppose I will have to be satisfied with Cyprus Dying!

There you are...

Nice one, here is the first topic of the day:

Bankrupt, corrupt and incapable of providing even the most basic services,

All institutions of the TRNC shed a banana state. There order, starting with the Constitution must be changed. Because this can not be accomplished without the leadership of the political superstructure of Turkey's ruling on the island and another thing to think about ranttan not scale.

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This guy has got it in one. Here VP, you listening to your own residents. This describes the trashcan very well.
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Re: Cyprus44 gone for good

Postby CBBB » Tue Apr 03, 2012 2:16 pm

B25 wrote:
kurupetos wrote:
CBBB wrote:I am getting withdrawal symptoms!!!!! I miss my daily laugh at the ignorant carpetbuggerers!! I suppose I will have to be satisfied with Cyprus Dying!

There you are...

Nice one, here is the first topic of the day:

Bankrupt, corrupt and incapable of providing even the most basic services,

All institutions of the TRNC shed a banana state. There order, starting with the Constitution must be changed. Because this can not be accomplished without the leadership of the political superstructure of Turkey's ruling on the island and another thing to think about ranttan not scale.

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This guy has got it in one. Here VP, you listening to your own residents. This describes the trashcan very well.

OK, but we will have to wait for the carpetbuggerers to discover it before there will be any fun, and they are all a bit slow on the uptake!!

There again, if we keep this topic near current, perhaps they will catch on!
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Re: Cyprus44 gone for good

Postby B25 » Tue Apr 03, 2012 2:20 pm

CBBB wrote:
B25 wrote:
kurupetos wrote:
CBBB wrote:I am getting withdrawal symptoms!!!!! I miss my daily laugh at the ignorant carpetbuggerers!! I suppose I will have to be satisfied with Cyprus Dying!

There you are...

Nice one, here is the first topic of the day:

Bankrupt, corrupt and incapable of providing even the most basic services,

All institutions of the TRNC shed a banana state. There order, starting with the Constitution must be changed. Because this can not be accomplished without the leadership of the political superstructure of Turkey's ruling on the island and another thing to think about ranttan not scale.

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This guy has got it in one. Here VP, you listening to your own residents. This describes the trashcan very well.

OK, but we will have to wait for the carpetbuggerers to discover it before there will be any fun, and they are all a bit slow on the uptake!!

There again, if we keep this topic near current, perhaps they will catch on!

Have you read some of the shit being posted on that site, jesus, what a bunch or morons.

The one that made me laugh, was the turks with a copy of his alleged kotchan outside Larnaca airport, what a bloody cheek, perhaps the 200,000 GCs ought go stand beside him and ask F turkey for theirs as well.
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Re: Cyprus44 gone for good

Postby CBBB » Tue Apr 03, 2012 2:26 pm

B25 wrote:
CBBB wrote:The one that made me laugh, was the turks with a copy of his alleged kotchan outside Larnaca airport, what a bloody cheek, perhaps the 200,000 GCs ought go stand beside him and ask F turkey for theirs as well.

Brilliant, this could be fun!!!!
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