northern girl wrote:Hi everyone, Im new to this and dont understand the word "carpetbaggers" that was referred to the cyprus44 site. Can anyone explain. My husband and I were thinking of coming out to live in Cyprus but after reading articles posted on cyprus44 and in particular an article entitled " should I or shouldnt I" which was also posted on other sites, has got us confused about the housing situation regarding getting deeds. Is this statement true or is it inflated
The United Nations regards the occupation of the northern third of Cyprus as illegal and there are over 100 UN resolutions on Cyprus.
Turkey ethnically cleansed and colonized the region in 1974 by forcing the indeginous people to the south and is preventing them to return. 80% of all property in the north belongs to refugee Cypriots who hold the original title deeds. In the meantime Turkey has transfer a load of Anatolians who are trying to establish an independent state.
Fools dont know how to do their homework and only a fool would buy property in the north and then try to justify it outside of a legal framework.
If you have to ask the question as to whether you should or you shouldnt, you certainly shouldnt becuase the refugees will one day come knocking.
here is an example :
refer to Sotos post above and dont be a foolish carpetbagger.