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Ioannis Kapodistrias mother was from Cyprus

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Ioannis Kapodistrias mother was from Cyprus

Postby yialousa1971 » Tue Mar 27, 2012 1:46 am

27η ΣΕΠΤΕΜΒΡΙΟΥ! Η ημέρα μνήμης της εν ψυχρώ δολοφονίας του αγαθού, του αγίου Κυβερνήτη της Ελλάδος Ιωάννου Καποδίστρια, στα 1831, έξω από την Εκκλησία του Αγίου Σπυρίδωνα στο Ναύπλιο!
Η δολοφονία του οργανώθηκε μεθοδικά και ενθαρρύνθηκε από την Αγγλία, επειδή ο Κυβερνήτης δεν αποδεχόταν τα μικρά και στενά σύνορα που θέλαν να μας επιβάλουν οι Άγγλοι, για να κάνουν το χατήρι των Τούρκων...
Η δολοφονία του όμως τελικά, έφερε ακριβώς το αντίθετο αποτέλεσμα, αφού δεν επιβλήθηκαν στην Ελλάδα τα θνησιγενή σύνορα που σχεδίαζε το Λονδίνο.
Έφερε όμως και μια μεγάλη συμφορά, τη Βαυαροκρατία, τη Γερμανοκρατία δηλαδή του Όθωνα, που προσπάθησε να αφελληνίσει και να προτεσταντοποιήσει την Ελλάδα, κλείνοντας και 300 Ορθόδοξα Μοναστήρια, ανάμεσά τους και την Ι. Μ. Αγίας Μαρίνης Άνδρου... Ως και τον Κολοκοτρώνη τότε θέλησαν με την ψευτοδίκη να καταδικάσουν σε θάνατο!
Ο Ιωάννης Καποδίστριας, είχε μητέρα που καταγόταν από την Κύπρο, απ΄ όπου καταγόταν και ο Άγιος Σπυρίδωνας, του οποίου το άγιο και θαυματουργό λείψανο βρίσκεται στην Κέρκυρα, όπου γεννήθηκε ο Καποδίστριας...
Ο άγιος Κυβερνήτης, δεν καταδέχτηκε ποτέ να πληρωθεί από το κράτος για τις υπηρεσίες του και αντιθέτως, ξόδεψε ολόκληρη την περιουσία του, πληρώνοντας από την τσέπη του για τις ατέλειωτες οικονομικές ανάγκες της χώρας στα πρώτα της βήματα!
Ο Ιωάννης Καποδίστριας, έδωσε την καρδιά του, το νου του, την φροντίδα του, τη στοργή του, την περιουσία του και τελικά και την ίδια τη ζωή του για την Ελλάδα!
Η ημέρα της δολοφονίας τους, η 27η Σεπτεμβρίου, ας γίνει η ημέρα της Μεγάλης Επανάστασης! Η ημέρα που θα ξαναπάρουμε την Ελλάδα μας πίσω! Τιμή και τρόπαιο, δώρο και χρέος στον αγαθό μας Κυβερνήτη

SEPTEMBER 27th! The Memorial Day murder in cold blood of the good, the saint of Greece Governor Ioannis Kapodistrias in 1831, outside the Church of Saint Spyridon in Nafplio!
The murder of methodically organized and encouraged by England, because the Governor did not accept the small and narrow boundaries we wanted to impose the English, to make the sake of Turkey ...
The murder but eventually brought exactly the opposite effect, since there have been stillborn in Greece, which borders the planned London.
But brought a great calamity, the Vafarokratia, ie the Germanokratia Otto, who tried to afellinisei protestantopoiisei and Greece, close to 300 Orthodox monasteries, among them the Holy Saint Marina Andros ... As Kolokotronis and then wanted to pseftodiki to condemn to death!
Ioannis Kapodistrias, had a mother who came from Cyprus, from where it originated and St. Spyridon, whose holy relics and miraculous located in Corfu, where Kapodistrias was born ...
Governor St., deigned not ever be paid by the state for his services, and instead spent the entire property, paying out of pocket for the endless economic needs of the country in its infancy!
Ioannis Kapodistrias, he gave his heart, mind, his care, his affection, his property and eventually their very lives for Greece!
The day of the murder, the September 27, let's make the days of the Great Revolution! The day I Again our Greece back! Price and trophy, gift and duty to our good Governor

After the Byzantine Empire gave way under the Turkish conquest during the C14th and 15th, many Greeks saw it as a merciful release from Latin rule and the country became part of the Ottoman Empire. The Peloponnese was occupied by Venice from 1686-1715 and despite signs of weakening in the C17th and Catherine the Great of Russia's war with Turkey in the C18th, the Ottoman Empire controlled Greece until the struggle for independence intensified. The Balkan territories were also trying to throw off Turkish rule and the pro-independence group, the Philiki Etairia, was involved in intrigues with them. The War of Independence broke out in 1821 and Mavrokordatos, the first President, proclaimed a Constitution at New Year, 1822. There were some successes in the war to win back territory and many foreign 'philhellenes', including the poet, Lord Byron, fought for Greek independence. Byron's death probably influenced the intervention in 1827 by the three powers in the Mediterranean, Russia under Heiden, Britain under Codrington and France under de Rigny. The Turkish governor, Ibrahim, was driven from the Peloponnese and the Turkish fleet destroyed at Navarino. The Russo-Turkish war of 1828-9 soon took the Ottomans' attention from Greece. The Cypriot, Capodistria, was elected President in 1827, with Greek independence was established in 1829, but rival factions within Greece led to his downfall and assassination in 1831 leaving civil war. ... Greece.htm
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Re: Ioannis Kapodistrias mother was from Cyprus

Postby yialousa1971 » Tue Mar 27, 2012 2:09 am


Count Ioannis Antonios Kapodistrias (Greek: Κόμης Ιωάννης Αντώνιος Καποδίστριας Komis Ioannis Antonios Kapodistrias; other English transliterations include John Capodistrias, Johannes Capodistrias and Joannes Capodistria; February 11, 1776 – October 9, 1831) was a Greek diplomat of the Russian Empire and later the first head of state of independent Greece.

Kapodistrias' mother was Adamantine Gonemis (Αδαμαντία (Διαμαντίνα) Γονέμη), daughter of the noble Christodoulos Gonemis (Χριστόδουλος Γονέμης). The Gonemis were a Greek family originally from the island of Cyprus, they had migrated to Crete when Cyprus fell to the Ottomans in the 16th century. They then migrated to Epirus when Crete fell in the 17th century, finally settling on the Ionian island of Corfu. The Gonemis' had been listed in the Libro d'Oro Golden Book since 1606. In 1802 Ioannis Kapodistrias founded an important scientific and social progress organisation in Corfu, the "National Medical Association", of which he was an energetic member. In 1799, when Corfu was briefly occupied by the forces of Russia and Turkey, Kapodistrias was appointed chief medical director of the military hospital.
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Re: Ioannis Kapodistrias mother was from Cyprus

Postby SKI-preo » Tue Mar 27, 2012 3:44 am

...So was Denktash's great great great grandmother
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Re: Ioannis Kapodistrias mother was from Cyprus

Postby kimon07 » Tue Apr 10, 2012 10:44 pm

Thanks for this.
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Re: Ioannis Kapodistrias mother was from Cyprus

Postby kimon07 » Tue Apr 10, 2012 10:46 pm

SKI-preo wrote:...So was Denktash's great great great grandmother

Wrong. Grand mother. Not great, great etc.
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