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What does 'Enosis' mean to you, today?

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Re: What does 'Enosis' mean to you, today?

Postby Viewpoint » Tue Mar 27, 2012 9:04 pm

Nikitas wrote:VP,

"Viva la Enosis with Turkey"

Now take that comment VP and put it next to the thousands of times you have accused GC fanatics of "wanting to gift the island to Greece". This is the Turkish cynicism I have posted about. When it suits you, it is OK, when it does not suit you then all kinds of sophistry and rationalisations are invoked.

Enjoy your Enosis, I hope they shove it to you to completion.

You are a hypocrite, enosis is fine for GCs but not TCs...why? have you forgotten that you wanted enosis of the whole island whereas we wanted taksim division where you get a larger part of the island to do as you wish. HYPOCRITE.
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Re: What does 'Enosis' mean to you, today?

Postby GreekIslandGirl » Tue Mar 27, 2012 9:15 pm

Of course it's not fine for TCs to unite Cyprus with Turkey. They were offered the chance to return to Turkey and wanted nothing to do with it.

Nowadays, there are hardly any TCs left (40,000?) - why should they make decisions for nearly one million natives? Probably less than 10,000 actually have homes (legally) in the occupied areas.

Anyway, if such a thing were possible, why hasn't Turkey declared enosis already? Cyprus belongs to the EU. That is our enosis!

- Besides, Turkey is a recent construct and likely to be torn apart again shortly.
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Re: What does 'Enosis' mean to you, today?

Postby non-cypriot » Wed Mar 28, 2012 1:54 am

In a free world, anybody can perceive themselves as what ever they want, i suppose . However according to my atlas, the isle in the Mediterranean we all talk about is the Republic Of Cyprus. Not Greece, not Turkey. It has not joined Greece like Crete, and even though part is occupied by Turkey (and the British military), the whole of the isle is one sovereign nation. Also according to my atlas, natives from Cyprus are Cypriots... Not Greeks, Turks or British soldiers. Cypriots, again according to my atlas, have different cultural backgrounds, yet all equally Cypriots.
I have met many Cypriots. I get on very well with them and even married one. Their food, culture and values are similar to mine. (Except they seem embarrassed to eat rice, as they hide it inside leaves...) If i was a bumb with no nation, I wouldn't mind being a Cypriot... And if i was one,I would be very proud to be so and, definitively wouldn't want to be Greek or Turk.
So regardless the History lessons that i have read on this forum countless times, Robin Hood's question remains relevant... What the hell is so wrong about being just Cypriot...?
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Re: What does 'Enosis' mean to you, today?

Postby Viewpoint » Wed Mar 28, 2012 7:54 am

non-cypriot wrote:In a free world, anybody can perceive themselves as what ever they want, i suppose . However according to my atlas, the isle in the Mediterranean we all talk about is the Republic Of Cyprus. Not Greece, not Turkey. It has not joined Greece like Crete, and even though part is occupied by Turkey (and the British military), the whole of the isle is one sovereign nation. Also according to my atlas, natives from Cyprus are Cypriots... Not Greeks, Turks or British soldiers. Cypriots, again according to my atlas, have different cultural backgrounds, yet all equally Cypriots.
I have met many Cypriots. I get on very well with them and even married one. Their food, culture and values are similar to mine. (Except they seem embarrassed to eat rice, as they hide it inside leaves...) If i was a bumb with no nation, I wouldn't mind being a Cypriot... And if i was one,I would be very proud to be so and, definitively wouldn't want to be Greek or Turk.
So regardless the History lessons that i have read on this forum countless times, Robin Hood's question remains relevant... What the hell is so wrong about being just Cypriot...?

We missed that train in 1960, add to that 38 years of division and tons of mistrust, you get Turkish and Greek Cypriots. Now you may hear the Cypriots chant but that comes from those who want to camouflage the fact the the majority of "Cypriots" would be GCs to take control of the whole island thus push the other Cypriots to one side. The "Cypriot" identity never evolved due to both sides being more concerned with their so called motherlands and trying to out do the other side. Now we have two totally different people basically donkeys but with one placing a saddle (EU) on it back thinking its a race horse but in reality its just a donkey. :lol:
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Re: What does 'Enosis' mean to you, today?

Postby supporttheunderdog » Wed Mar 28, 2012 10:21 am

GreekIslandGirl wrote:Of course it's not fine for TCs to unite Cyprus with Turkey. They were offered the chance to return to Turkey and wanted nothing to do with it.

Is the reason because in all probability their distant ancestors were CYPRIOTS from Cyprus, not Turks, and they could not return to a place they never originated from, just as the prospect is that the Greek speaking CYPRIOTS probably have little Greek Ancestry ? My understaning is that many CYPRIOTS took on the Moslem faith and Turkish language and by and large Turkish speaking (always excluding post 74 illegal immigrants) and Geeek speaking CYPRIOTS probably come from the same gene pool and on that basis the Turkish speaking CYPRIOTS have just as much right as the Greek speaking CYPRIOTS to be here.
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Re: What does 'Enosis' mean to you, today?

Postby non-cypriot » Wed Mar 28, 2012 12:34 pm

Viewpoint wrote:
non-cypriot wrote:In a free world, anybody can perceive themselves as what ever they want, i suppose . However according to my atlas, the isle in the Mediterranean we all talk about is the Republic Of Cyprus. Not Greece, not Turkey. It has not joined Greece like Crete, and even though part is occupied by Turkey (and the British military), the whole of the isle is one sovereign nation. Also according to my atlas, natives from Cyprus are Cypriots... Not Greeks, Turks or British soldiers. Cypriots, again according to my atlas, have different cultural backgrounds, yet all equally Cypriots.
I have met many Cypriots. I get on very well with them and even married one. Their food, culture and values are similar to mine. (Except they seem embarrassed to eat rice, as they hide it inside leaves...) If i was a bumb with no nation, I wouldn't mind being a Cypriot... And if i was one,I would be very proud to be so and, definitively wouldn't want to be Greek or Turk.
So regardless the History lessons that i have read on this forum countless times, Robin Hood's question remains relevant... What the hell is so wrong about being just Cypriot...?

We missed that train in 1960, add to that 38 years of division and tons of mistrust, you get Turkish and Greek Cypriots. Now you may hear the Cypriots chant but that comes from those who want to camouflage the fact the the majority of "Cypriots" would be GCs to take control of the whole island thus push the other Cypriots to one side. The "Cypriot" identity never evolved due to both sides being more concerned with their so called motherlands and trying to out do the other side. Now we have two totally different people basically donkeys but with one placing a saddle (EU) on it back thinking its a race horse but in reality its just a donkey. :lol:

There are always plenty more trains... But some prefer to stand on the platform cultivating mistrust when Cypriotness is what should be cultivated and made flourish, regardless the background.
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Re: What does 'Enosis' mean to you, today?

Postby supporttheunderdog » Wed Mar 28, 2012 1:14 pm

Nikitas wrote:Enosis when it was first expressed, concerned Cyprus as a British colony being ceded to Greece.

After independence it could only mean the joining of two equal entities, each having something worthwhile to contribute to the union.

What I question is how this joining of two equal entities would have worked: I suspect The parts would not be equal long. Whether through being ceeded to Greece or by a later joining of two equaL I have always seen Enosis as marginalising Cyprus and its economy to the benefit Athens.
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Re: What does 'Enosis' mean to you, today?

Postby GreekIslandGirl » Wed Mar 28, 2012 1:21 pm

supporttheunderdog wrote:
GreekIslandGirl wrote:Of course it's not fine for TCs to unite Cyprus with Turkey. They were offered the chance to return to Turkey and wanted nothing to do with it.

Is the reason because in all probability their distant ancestors were CYPRIOTS from Cyprus, not Turks, and they could not return to a place they never originated from, just as the prospect is that the Greek speaking CYPRIOTS probably have little Greek Ancestry ? My understaning is that many CYPRIOTS took on the Moslem faith and Turkish language and by and large Turkish speaking (always excluding post 74 illegal immigrants) and Geeek speaking CYPRIOTS probably come from the same gene pool and on that basis the Turkish speaking CYPRIOTS have just as much right as the Greek speaking CYPRIOTS to be here.

I'm not talking about anyone's 'rights' to be here. I said they have no right nor reason to volunteer Cyprus to Turkey for the taking. If they feel so strongly Cypriot, and not Turkish, then they accepted Cyprus as part of the territories of Greeks. Why now change it?

If as you say they (TCs) were Greeks who took on a "Moslem faith" - all the more reason why Cyprus is not naturally anything to do with "Turkey".

- As for your for gene pool assertions, you follow an outdated, foundationless racist line of analysis.
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Re: What does 'Enosis' mean to you, today?

Postby GreekIslandGirl » Wed Mar 28, 2012 1:26 pm

non-cypriot wrote: What the hell is so wrong about being just Cypriot...?

Nothing. That's a nationality. So too would be "European". But most people prefer to identify themselves with a cultural/historical reference also. Otherwise why say what's wrong with being just British? Many Scots, Welsh and Englishmen would complain against "being just" British.
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Re: What does 'Enosis' mean to you, today?

Postby Piratis » Wed Mar 28, 2012 3:40 pm

Viewpoint wrote:
Nikitas wrote:VP,

"Viva la Enosis with Turkey"

Now take that comment VP and put it next to the thousands of times you have accused GC fanatics of "wanting to gift the island to Greece". This is the Turkish cynicism I have posted about. When it suits you, it is OK, when it does not suit you then all kinds of sophistry and rationalisations are invoked.

Enjoy your Enosis, I hope they shove it to you to completion.

You are a hypocrite, enosis is fine for GCs but not TCs...why? have you forgotten that you wanted enosis of the whole island whereas we wanted taksim division where you get a larger part of the island to do as you wish. HYPOCRITE.

Partition required ethnic cleansing and the violation of the human rights of 100s of thousands of Cypriots since there was no part of Cyprus which was inhabited by a majority of TCs. On the other hand enosis was the democratic choice of the vast majority of the population and the TC minority would continue to live in Cyprus as they did during Ottoman or British rule. How could it be OK for Cyprus to be part of the Ottoman or British empires against the will of the vast majority of Cypriots, but not OK to be part of the Greek State which is what most Cypriots wanted?

If any group of people can take for themselves a territory where they are a small minority by ethnically cleansing the majority, then why wouldn't every other minority do that? What is so unique with your minority to give you such right? If the north part of Cyprus was always inhabited by a majority of TCs (in the way that Kurdistan is inhabited by a majority of Kurds) then I would have no problem for you to take the part of the island where you have always been the majority and do what they want with it. But to ethnically cleanse us, steal our lands, and then claim our lands as yours, that is something you have no right.
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