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Happy Birthday

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Happy Birthday

Postby supporttheunderdog » Sun Mar 25, 2012 8:34 am

Congratulations to Greece in its 180th year as a modern sovereign state, in celebration of acheiving final recognition of Independance from the Ottoman tyranny in 1832.
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Re: Happy Birthday

Postby Sotos » Sun Mar 25, 2012 9:15 am

Certainly not the best birthday this year but hopefully everything will be fine for the 200th anniversary!
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Re: Happy Birthday

Postby GreekIslandGirl » Sun Mar 25, 2012 11:46 am

A happy, symbolic day; but also a sad reminder that the struggle for liberation is not finished.
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Re: Happy Birthday

Postby kurupetos » Sun Mar 25, 2012 2:34 pm

GreekIslandGirl wrote:A happy, symbolic day; but also a sad reminder that the struggle for liberation is not finished.

ἔσσεται ἦμαρ
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Re: Happy Birthday

Postby kimon07 » Sun Mar 25, 2012 8:02 pm

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Re: Happy Birthday

Postby kimon07 » Sun Mar 25, 2012 11:42 pm

supporttheunderdog wrote:Congratulations to Greece in its 180th year as a modern sovereign state, in celebration of acheiving final recognition of Independance from the Ottoman tyranny in 1832.

A small correction. 1828 not 1832.

«Kapodistrias retired to Geneva, where he was greatly esteemed, having been made an Honorary Citizen for his past services to Swiss unity and particularly to the cantons. In 1827, he learned that the newly formed Greek National Assembly had, as he was the most illustrious Greek-born politician in Europe, elected him as the first head of state of newly liberated Greece, with the title of Kyvernetes (Κυβερνήτης – Governor).
After touring Europe to rally support for the Greek cause, Kapodistrias landed in Nafplion 7 January 1828 and arrived in Aegina on 8 January 1828.[22] It was the first time he had ever set foot on the Greek mainland, and he found a discouraging situation there. Even while fighting against the Ottomans was still going on, factional and dynastic conflicts had led to two civil wars which ravaged the country. Greece was bankrupt and the Greeks were unable to form a united national government.
From the first capital of Greece, Nafplion, he ushered in a new era in the country, which had just been liberated from a 400 year Turkish occupation. He founded schools, established Foundations for young women to work and inaugurated the first university. These Institutes educated the first teachers of liberated Greece.»
«In 1831, Kapodistrias ordered the imprisonment of Petrobey Mavromichalis, the Bey of the Mani Peninsula, one of the wildest and most rebellious parts of Greece. This was a mortal offence to the Mavromichalis family, and on October 9, 1831 (September 27 in the Julian Calendar) Kapodistrias was assassinated by Petrobey's brother Konstantis and son Georgios on the steps of the church of Saint Spyridon in Nafplio.»
«Ioannis Kapodistrias was succeeded as Governor by his younger brother, Augustinos Kapodistrias. Augustinos ruled only for six months, during which the country was very much plunged into chaos. Consequently, King Otto was given the throne of the newly founded Kingdom of Greece.» ... nistration

«In May 1832, Palmerston convened the London Conference. The three Great Powers ( United Kingdom, France and the Russian Empire) offered the throne to the Bavarian prince, Otto of Wittelsbach, without taking the Greek opinion into consideration ….».
«….On July 21, 1832, British Ambassador to the Sublime Porte Sir Stratford Canning and the other representatives of the Great Powers signed the Treaty of Constantinople, which set the boundaries of the new Greek Kingdom at the Arta&ndah;Volos line. The borders of the kingdom were reiterated in the London Protocol of August 30, 1832, also signed by the Great Powers, which ratified the terms of the Constantinople arrangement.» ... dependence
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Re: Happy Birthday

Postby GreekIslandGirl » Sun Mar 25, 2012 11:55 pm

Sure, guys. The Earth will tremble.
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Re: Happy Birthday

Postby supporttheunderdog » Mon Mar 26, 2012 8:55 am

kimon07 wrote:
supporttheunderdog wrote:Congratulations to Greece in its 180th year as a modern sovereign state, in celebration of acheiving final recognition of Independance from the Ottoman tyranny in 1832.

A small correction. 1828 not 1832.

«Kapodistrias retired to Geneva, where he was greatly esteemed, having been made an Honorary Citizen for his past services to Swiss unity and particularly to the cantons. In 1827, he learned that the newly formed Greek National Assembly had, as he was the most illustrious Greek-born politician in Europe, elected him as the first head of state of newly liberated Greece, with the title of Kyvernetes (Κυβερνήτης – Governor).
After touring Europe to rally support for the Greek cause, Kapodistrias landed in Nafplion 7 January 1828 and arrived in Aegina on 8 January 1828.[22] It was the first time he had ever set foot on the Greek mainland, and he found a discouraging situation there. Even while fighting against the Ottomans was still going on, factional and dynastic conflicts had led to two civil wars which ravaged the country. Greece was bankrupt and the Greeks were unable to form a united national government.
From the first capital of Greece, Nafplion, he ushered in a new era in the country, which had just been liberated from a 400 year Turkish occupation. He founded schools, established Foundations for young women to work and inaugurated the first university. These Institutes educated the first teachers of liberated Greece.»
«In 1831, Kapodistrias ordered the imprisonment of Petrobey Mavromichalis, the Bey of the Mani Peninsula, one of the wildest and most rebellious parts of Greece. This was a mortal offence to the Mavromichalis family, and on October 9, 1831 (September 27 in the Julian Calendar) Kapodistrias was assassinated by Petrobey's brother Konstantis and son Georgios on the steps of the church of Saint Spyridon in Nafplio.»
«Ioannis Kapodistrias was succeeded as Governor by his younger brother, Augustinos Kapodistrias. Augustinos ruled only for six months, during which the country was very much plunged into chaos. Consequently, King Otto was given the throne of the newly founded Kingdom of Greece.» ... nistration

«In May 1832, Palmerston convened the London Conference. The three Great Powers ( United Kingdom, France and the Russian Empire) offered the throne to the Bavarian prince, Otto of Wittelsbach, without taking the Greek opinion into consideration ….».
«….On July 21, 1832, British Ambassador to the Sublime Porte Sir Stratford Canning and the other representatives of the Great Powers signed the Treaty of Constantinople, which set the boundaries of the new Greek Kingdom at the Arta&ndah;Volos line. The borders of the kingdom were reiterated in the London Protocol of August 30, 1832, also signed by the Great Powers, which ratified the terms of the Constantinople arrangement.» ... dependence

Mainland Greece was essentially free of Turkish and their allied troops in 1828 but as the very article you quote shows the final recognition of Independance was in the Treaty of Constaninople and the London Protocol in 1832.

It was a I note another imperialist settlement (with Palmerston involved that is no surprise) whereby a foreigner was imposed on Greece as King. The British and French probbaly only got involved in the way they did as they feared growing Russian Influence.
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Re: Happy Birthday

Postby kurupetos » Mon Mar 26, 2012 11:49 am

It's good STUD has reminded us our three lethal enemies...

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Re: Happy Birthday

Postby denizaksulu » Mon Mar 26, 2012 1:55 pm

GreekIslandGirl wrote:A happy, symbolic day; but also a sad reminder that the struggle for liberation is not finished.

Agreed, have to rid themselves of the inner demons. Hi GİG. :D
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