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Is Cyprus at risk because of the British Bases?

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Re: Is Cyprus at risk because of the British Bases?

Postby GreekIslandGirl » Sun Mar 18, 2012 2:14 pm

I am saddened to read from someone as lucid as Robin Hood, proclamations for the perpetuation of the British control over others; that Imperialism has improved the lives of the colonised and any continuing authoritarianism by the UK is to their benefit. Cacatory! There is zero altruism in Britain's overseas policies! Why shouldn't the RoC be free to develop Cyprus as it wishes? It's a thousand times better, even now, than the mess I remember was having to be tackled after (semi) independence was achieved. The Brits cleaned out the mines - of their treasures! - without a second thought for the environment (the RoC are still cleaning your messes). The Akamas was exploited by the British Military for decades without a second thought for the impact on wildlife! I suppose preventing us from building necessary Dams (until Britain's hold was lifted and these flourished from the 60's onward) was for our own good.

- BTW, since you have not noticed; we are not Palestinians and to use scare tactics such as those is very British, from my experience. Our history and culture is quite different - so don't get us mixed-up again - even if we do 'all look the same' to you!
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Re: Is Cyprus at risk because of the British Bases?

Postby Robin Hood » Sun Mar 18, 2012 3:50 pm

GreekIslandGirl wrote:- BTW, since you have not noticed; we are not Palestinians and to use scare tactics such as those is very British, from my experience. Our history and culture is quite different - so don't get us mixed-up again - even if we do 'all look the same' to you!

You malign me!

The post was tongue in cheek and my reference to the Palestinians was a reference to the situation not a racial comparison. I don’t condone the British bases but I can’t condemn them either, if I look at the present situation. Go back to pre 1960 and I would whole heartedly agree with your anger. Britain is a very rapidly declining world power which has not yet come to terms with the fact. Maybe the bases, as they appear to have intelligence importance, should come under the joint control of the EU and the Cypriot military? But to turn them into more areas for unlimited and uncontrolled development to line the pockets of the elite few is not the answer, at least to me.

However, I have always found it strange that Cypriots generally don’t seem to recognise the similarity between the situation with the occupied part of Cyprus and the situation the Palestinians are in? The only obvious difference I see, is that the actually hostilities in Cyprus in 1974 occurred over a very short period of time. It ended in an effectual division of the island. The Turkish forces remain but they do not hurl shells and rockets, nor do they cut of electricity and water, or try to starve the GC population in the South. The Palestinians are losing their lives, lands and lively hoods on an almost daily basis and suffer indescribable human rights abuses and even well documented war crimes. And yet the Cypriot Government is quite happy to leap into bed with the Israeli’s when it is financially beneficial to do so.

What happened to the morality that is expected from the rest of the world when considering the Cyprus Problem. I would have applauded Christofias if he had told Netanyahu ‘Do something about the abuses in Palestine and a return of THEIR stolen lands and I will willingly talk to you!’ Believe me, just like the US needs Iran to get the Caspian oil to market now it has realised it will never be able to do it through Afghanistan, Israel needs Cyprus to be able to do the same thing. Cyprus lost the opportunity to take the moral high ground...... but morals seem to take a back seat when self interest is at stake and the dollar signs start rolling up!
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Re: Is Cyprus at risk because of the British Bases?

Postby GreekIslandGirl » Sun Mar 18, 2012 8:10 pm

Robin Hood wrote:
GreekIslandGirl wrote:- BTW, since you have not noticed; we are not Palestinians and to use scare tactics such as those is very British, from my experience. Our history and culture is quite different - so don't get us mixed-up again - even if we do 'all look the same' to you!

You malign me!

The post was tongue in cheek and my reference to the Palestinians was a reference to the situation not a racial comparison. I don’t condone the British bases but I can’t condemn them either, if I look at the present situation. Go back to pre 1960 and I would whole heartedly agree with your anger. Britain is a very rapidly declining world power which has not yet come to terms with the fact. Maybe the bases, as they appear to have intelligence importance, should come under the joint control of the EU and the Cypriot military? But to turn them into more areas for unlimited and uncontrolled development to line the pockets of the elite few is not the answer, at least to me.

Hey, Robin, tongue-in-cheek back. :) You've tempered your position nicely but one thing perplexes me. It's why you imagine that the Bases would immediately be used for "uncontrolled development"?

Nikitas has discussed, before, the benefit to Cyprus in setting up intelligence gathering, for a fee. Either way, it should be down to the RoC how to administer their own country.

However, I have always found it strange that Cypriots generally don’t seem to recognise the similarity between the situation with the occupied part of Cyprus and the situation the Palestinians are in? The only obvious difference I see, is that the actually hostilities in Cyprus in 1974 occurred over a very short period of time. It ended in an effectual division of the island. The Turkish forces remain but they do not hurl shells and rockets, nor do they cut of electricity and water, or try to starve the GC population in the South. The Palestinians are losing their lives, lands and lively hoods on an almost daily basis and suffer indescribable human rights abuses and even well documented war crimes. And yet the Cypriot Government is quite happy to leap into bed with the Israeli’s when it is financially beneficial to do so.

I don't see you providing any similarities in this, above. The illegal occupation by Turkey is not over any disputed historical lands of theirs.

What happened to the morality that is expected from the rest of the world when considering the Cyprus Problem. I would have applauded Christofias if he had told Netanyahu ‘Do something about the abuses in Palestine and a return of THEIR stolen lands and I will willingly talk to you!’ Believe me, just like the US needs Iran to get the Caspian oil to market now it has realised it will never be able to do it through Afghanistan, Israel needs Cyprus to be able to do the same thing. Cyprus lost the opportunity to take the moral high ground...... but morals seem to take a back seat when self interest is at stake and the dollar signs start rolling up!

Moral relativism. Your moral high-ground may not be somebody else's. The RoC doesn't set itself up as the World's policeman, judge nor jury. It's under siege from a war and it has to find some way to free itself first and foremost. Besides, it's not a grievance for 'morality' wrongs that the RoC is waving towards others regarding the Cyprus problem, but illegalities!
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Re: Is Cyprus at risk because of the British Bases?

Postby Robin Hood » Sun Mar 18, 2012 9:10 pm

Greek Island Girl, You said:

I don't see you providing any similarities in this, above. The illegal occupation by Turkey is not over any disputed historical lands of theirs.

Surely the mere fact they (Turkey) took and retained land that belonged to others, without their tacit agreement, is far more relevant than an occupiers claim to a God given right to the land. Turkey did exactly the same in 1974 as the Israelis have done since 1948 in what was Palestine. The State of Israel stole land from Palestinians and continue doing so today as they have been for over 60 years. This is also a well documented illegal occupation.

Your moral high-ground may not be somebody else's.

Cyprus is rightly concerned that the World should recognise the Islands plight. So, in the same moral context they should recognise the plight of others who have suffered and continue to suffer a far worse occupation from an occupying power. By exhibiting a degree of empathy Cypriots could reasonably expect greater understanding by others for the Cyprus Problem.

It's (Cyprus?) under siege from a war

I’m not sure what you are implying here...... if you mean Cyprus is engaged in a war ..... it seems a pretty quiet war from where I am. The only bangs I hear are from locals testing illegal home made fireworks! :o

I apologise in advance as this has nothing to do with British bases but, indulge me and watch this documentary.

It is in 8 parts (each about 10 mins), and keep the tissues handy! The first part (14 mins) is not representative of the rest of the documentary, it gets progressively more harrowing.

I have no idea of your age but, if you were around in 1974 and witnessed those events I am confident you can relate to this. In Cyprus the violence, bad as it must have been for those involved, lasted a few weeks at most, I believe? What you see in this documentary has been going on for over 40 years non-stop. There is no commentary just the people telling their stories.
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Re: Is Cyprus at risk because of the British Bases?

Postby GreekIslandGirl » Sun Mar 18, 2012 9:42 pm

Reh Robin Hood, I know what Turkey has been up to since they bombed and Napalmed my village back in 1964. I also know what the British were up to since they bombed the roads from my village to Polis and my mum could not get to a maternity hospital.

You are one and the same, since you are intent on following the "moral high ground". Listen to me, there is NO such thing. Cyprus is at war even though you are unaware of it and that is exactly why I told you there is NO similarity between us and the Palestinians.

How this relates to British Bases - these are akin to Israel occupying Palestinian territory - just as you are insinuating Turkey is occupying Cypriot territory like the Jews occupy Palestinian territory. We are screwed from both fronts - Brits and Turks. This is where any similarity to the Palestinians once again ends - because they ONLY have the Jews to contend with whereas we have both the Brits and Turks occupying RoC territory.

Now do you get it? Tongue in cheek, of course. :D
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Re: Is Cyprus at risk because of the British Bases?

Postby Superstar » Mon Mar 19, 2012 2:13 am

Cap wrote:Absolutely.
The Red Neck bases are a product of UK foreign policy. Whether Cyprus agrees or not we're still a part of it.

The limey, left wing- US ass licking/ worshiping cowards are here stay.

And who stopped the Turks after the Geeks ran in 74 if it wasn't the troops from UK SBA Dhekelia?
If you reckon Britsh service personel who stopped the Turks are bad what do you think that makes the Greek Cypriots who broke running records.
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Re: Is Cyprus at risk because of the British Bases?

Postby Superstar » Mon Mar 19, 2012 2:15 am

GreekIslandGirl wrote:We are screwed from both fronts

Well if you're as good looking as you avatar it's understandable. :shock:
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Re: Is Cyprus at risk because of the British Bases?

Postby CBBB » Mon Mar 19, 2012 6:38 am

Superstar wrote:And who stopped the Turks after the Geeks ran in 74 if it wasn't the troops from UK SBA Dhekelia?

Another ex-pat Cyprus expert who doesn't know his arse from his elbow.
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Re: Is Cyprus at risk because of the British Bases?

Postby repulsewarrior » Tue Mar 20, 2012 4:11 am

GreekIslandGirl wrote:Reh Robin Hood, I know what Turkey has been up to since they bombed and Napalmed my village back in 1964. I also know what the British were up to since they bombed the roads from my village to Polis and my mum could not get to a maternity hospital.

You are one and the same, since you are intent on following the "moral high ground". Listen to me, there is NO such thing. Cyprus is at war even though you are unaware of it and that is exactly why I told you there is NO similarity between us and the Palestinians.

How this relates to British Bases - these are akin to Israel occupying Palestinian territory - just as you are insinuating Turkey is occupying Cypriot territory like the Jews occupy Palestinian territory. We are screwed from both fronts - Brits and Turks. This is where any similarity to the Palestinians once again ends - because they ONLY have the Jews to contend with whereas we have both the Brits and Turks occupying RoC territory.

Now do you get it? Tongue in cheek, of course. :D

...well said.
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Re: Is Cyprus at risk because of the British Bases?

Postby repulsewarrior » Tue Mar 20, 2012 4:11 am

CBBB wrote:
Superstar wrote:And who stopped the Turks after the Geeks ran in 74 if it wasn't the troops from UK SBA Dhekelia?

Another ex-pat Cyprus expert who doesn't know his arse from his elbow.

...well said.
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