I am saddened to read from someone as lucid as Robin Hood, proclamations for the perpetuation of the British control over others; that Imperialism has improved the lives of the colonised and any continuing authoritarianism by the UK is to their benefit. Cacatory! There is zero altruism in Britain's overseas policies! Why shouldn't the RoC be free to develop Cyprus as it wishes? It's a thousand times better, even now, than the mess I remember was having to be tackled after (semi) independence was achieved. The Brits cleaned out the mines - of their treasures! - without a second thought for the environment (the RoC are still cleaning your messes). The Akamas was exploited by the British Military for decades without a second thought for the impact on wildlife! I suppose preventing us from building necessary Dams (until Britain's hold was lifted and these flourished from the 60's onward) was for our own good.
- BTW, since you have not noticed; we are not Palestinians and to use scare tactics such as those is very British, from my experience. Our history and culture is quite different - so don't get us mixed-up again - even if we do 'all look the same' to you!