Watch excellent uk tv thru Filmon app free from Apple thru IPad ( or iPod touch) with an added Apple tv device which is a great piece of kit! All free great picture, slighty crap bandwidth at times from Cytanet but you can't have everything can you. Could increase from 4 to 8 megs but why bother, summer is around the corner and who watches tv then?
I very much doubt expats get homesick for tv, it's more serious than that. That's one thing very few bother with except on these bloody freezing cold winter nights living in concrete houses. But according to immigration in the UK more are returning by the day from all over the EU apparently. I think we may have to kick a few out to make room, as there is an estimated 5 million expats! But not all are unhappy with living overseas of course. If even half returned back enmasse the country just couldn't cope. Oh well better stay here a while longer then

watching my uk tv