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poor old homesick expats

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Re: poor old homesick expats

Postby Milo » Wed Feb 29, 2012 2:50 pm

Excellent uk tv compared to many many countries, having been to many and observed how crap it all is. So yes I think excellent is a fair comment. Have you seen Frozen Planet for example? Do some tv programmes win awards. Yeah they do, some programmes are garbage especially reality programmes, but compared to a number of countries well worth calling some of them some of the best viewing there is I think :D :D :D the UK programmers are not frightened to tackle issues inherent in the country, neither are they worried about exposing con men live on tv for exploiting ordinary people i.e developers/builders. They also happily tell their leaders they are doing a crap job weekly on current affairs programmes. The sport I know nothing about and can't stand armchair pundits but I look around bars and hotels in Cyprus and they all show many sporting events shown on Sky.

I can't stand Murdoch so don't buy into Sky. Anyway go on watching what you consider good tv and us poor expats will do what we just have to do, poor us we do suffer :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
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Re: poor old homesick expats

Postby Svetlana » Thu Mar 01, 2012 7:03 am

The end of SKY will; be the end of internet in Cyprus, as we know it, as all British TV watchers turn to internet streaming and all bandwidth disappears......
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Re: poor old homesick expats

Postby CBBB » Thu Mar 01, 2012 8:49 am

How can we make money out of all the surplus dishes and Sky boxes?
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Re: poor old homesick expats

Postby Milo » Thu Mar 01, 2012 9:20 am

Doubt that expats will be throttling the bandwidths Lana, the numbers have dwindled significantly in the last two years. As the census tells you the figures on British expats are approx 26,000, given margins probably 30,000 plus. But very very few are coming in now, and doing a survey recently more are going due to rising costs of living and lower exchange rates. I know if others could sell, they too would return, this last month two close nieghbours totally unable to sell, have rented out their properties to tenants ( already living here) looking for better properties on lower rents, and returned to the UK hoping to sell in a few years. As immigrants though people are fickle and they can come and go, it's their nature.

I would imagine bandwidths for uktv will not be needed in huge numbers.

I have used the internet for tv but it's been mostly bad considering the buffering, but recently it's improved greatly.

I'm a happy bunny :wink: unlike a few bunnys I know :lol:
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Re: poor old homesick expats

Postby cyprusgrump » Thu Mar 01, 2012 9:21 am

CBBB wrote:How can we make money out of all the surplus dishes and Sky boxes?

Aren't the big dishes all spun aluminium?

The scrapyards will be overwhelmed with the stuff! :D

And ebay will be full of Sky boxes....
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Re: poor old homesick expats

Postby Milo » Thu Mar 01, 2012 9:23 am

CBBB wrote:How can we make money out of all the surplus dishes and Sky boxes?

You can't they are worthless! Scrap only. Most receivers in Cyprus are the old model so worth little. Hotels and bars seem to have many as well. They are ugly things though will be good to see em go IMO.
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Re: poor old homesick expats

Postby Ron Doran » Thu Mar 01, 2012 4:35 pm

Don't know how true this is, but a usually reliable friend sent me this as part of an e.mail

'Me again – I've just spoken to my latest “experts” (JR Sat Services on 99755413) who say that Sky packages are not affected. It's the others riding piggyback on Sky that are disappearing, such as BBC, ITV, Channels Four and Five.'

Make of it what you will.
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Re: poor old homesick expats

Postby Svetlana » Thu Mar 01, 2012 6:57 pm

It's not just the British who watch British TV, many Dutch and other nationals prefer it to Greek Tv. I genuinely believe there would be a bandwidth problem in Paphos if SKY did disappear; for retirees TV is a big part of their life. I understand Channel 4 has already gone as has Chanel 5SD, but Chanel 5HD is still available.
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Re: poor old homesick expats

Postby Get Real! » Thu Mar 01, 2012 8:29 pm

So what is so special about British TV that some of you go out of your way to watch it? :?
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Re: poor old homesick expats

Postby bill cobbett » Thu Mar 01, 2012 8:39 pm

Yes... one of the delights of holidaying in CY is watching a bit of CY TV... RIK and the like or listening to CY Radio in the car, Proto sticks in the mind with that signature tune that goes back decades ... it's different... oh and the other delight is that we're away from the rubbish, mind-numbing soaps they have on GB TV.
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