Paphitis wrote:miltiades wrote:This rather naïve and utterly full of shit individual who imagines that he is playing with HIS toys, HIS army, is in fact playing toy soldiers whilst dreaming that his is the ....Commander In Chief. So wet behind the ears he is that he actually believes all the crap that he posts.
By the way, page 21 of this thread, way back in August 2013 he had this, ....contradictory to his current bullshit, say.
" Another thing that confuses me is the fact that the Rebels are backed by fundamentalist Islamists. Sometimes, it is better in helping regimes like Assad, Qaddafi, and Mubarak maintain their power to keep everything under tight control and peaceful.
Simple fact is, some countries are just not ready for democracy and it is over rated anyway. Let's face it! Is the US, EU, or any other 'democracy' truly a democracy? Just because you get to cast your ballot does not mean you have a say. "
So back then he believed that the rebels opposing the legal Syrian government were backed by fundamentalist islamists, stating that its better to help the Assad regime !!
What an arsehole of a Plonker!
You're a total idiot and no one takes you seriously.
You're just entertainment for the chronically bored. Assad is out of favor, and we want him gone.
One thing to say that it is sometimes better for a dictator to remain but quite another to say it when people are dieing in order to get rid of the tyrant. Assad's position is untenable. There is no political solution to this I'm afraid. The war will just go on and on for a very long time with him in control.
You therefore retract this comment of yours : " it is better in helping regimes like Assad, Qaddafi, and Mubarak maintain their power to keep everything under tight control and peaceful. "
Your political analysis and acumen match that of a toddler playing toy soldiers.
By the way the USA has NOT indicated that it is considering boots on the ground, the other nations wanting to send ground troops will only do so if the USA ie the coalition send troops. As for Turkey on its own taking on Russia, well this in it self is indicative of your naivety and total ignorance of realities.
I do however agree with the comment you made in 2013 that " it is better in helping regimes like Assad".