Garavnoss wrote:miltiades wrote:This rather naïve and utterly full of shit individual who imagines that he is playing with HIS toys, HIS army, is in fact playing toy soldiers whilst dreaming that his is the ....Commander In Chief. So wet behind the ears he is that he actually believes all the crap that he posts.
By the way, page 21 of this thread, way back in August 2013 he had this, ....contradictory to his current bullshit, say.
" Another thing that confuses me is the fact that the Rebels are backed by fundamentalist Islamists. Sometimes, it is better in helping regimes like Assad, Qaddafi, and Mubarak maintain their power to keep everything under tight control and peaceful.
Simple fact is, some countries are just not ready for democracy and it is over rated anyway. Let's face it! Is the US, EU, or any other 'democracy' truly a democracy? Just because you get to cast your ballot does not mean you have a say. "
So back then he believed that the rebels opposing the legal Syrian government were backed by fundamentalist islamists, stating that its better to help the Assad regime !!
What an arsehole of a Plonker!
The comments highlighted "RED" are representative of a person with sound perceptions of political events and, [whether agreed with or not], are certainly NOT deserving of the initial ridicule and subsequent insult the author of those comments received.
Those comments which preceded and followed are representative of the vile inane ramblings of an embittered old fool.
An Isis dedicated bloody pervert concurs with the wet behind the ears plonker. You deserve each other and you are deserving of every single insult that I throw at you. A pair of plonkers the two of you.
Hey Pervert, now that the plonkers army is getting ready to invade Syria will you be joining HIS troops, if you do make sure you blow your filthy self up!