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The war against Syria

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Re: The war against Syria

Postby Garavnoss » Sun Feb 14, 2016 1:32 am

Truth of the matter is that there are now so many different factions in the arenas of conflict, nobody really knows what the fuck is going on and reading the papers or watching the television merely places the general public in the same quandary as are the politicians.

The trick is to disregard the verbal information [or written] and just LOOK at the destruction that is the end product of these conflicts, THEN, ask yourself the same questions that the politicians are NOW asking each other, "What the fuck is going on ?, how do we get out of the situation without making bigger fools of ourselves ? " and, more importantly "Who's idea was it to start all this mayhem and what can we do to appease the IS since they are unlike ANY other force we ever encountered".

Once you disturb a "Hornet's Nest", there is no telling who will get stung in the arse, the ONLY certainty is that the general public will eventually [one way or another] have to suffer the consequences of bad leadership and foot the bill for their mistakes.. as usual. 8)
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Re: The war against Syria

Postby Paphitis » Sun Feb 14, 2016 2:34 am

Garavnoss wrote:Truth of the matter is that there are now so many different factions in the arenas of conflict, nobody really knows what the fuck is going on and reading the papers or watching the television merely places the general public in the same quandary as are the politicians.

The trick is to disregard the verbal information [or written] and just LOOK at the destruction that is the end product of these conflicts, THEN, ask yourself the same questions that the politicians are NOW asking each other, "What the fuck is going on ?, how do we get out of the situation without making bigger fools of ourselves ? " and, more importantly "Who's idea was it to start all this mayhem and what can we do to appease the IS since they are unlike ANY other force we ever encountered".

Once you disturb a "Hornet's Nest", there is no telling who will get stung in the arse, the ONLY certainty is that the general public will eventually [one way or another] have to suffer the consequences of bad leadership and foot the bill for their mistakes.. as usual. 8)

Sorry, but we are not into appeasing DAESH terrorists.

The cessation excludes them, and as such we will continue to hunt them down for as long as it takes.
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Re: The war against Syria

Postby Garavnoss » Sun Feb 14, 2016 2:51 am

Paphitis wrote:
Garavnoss wrote:Truth of the matter is that there are now so many different factions in the arenas of conflict, nobody really knows what the fuck is going on and reading the papers or watching the television merely places the general public in the same quandary as are the politicians.

The trick is to disregard the verbal information [or written] and just LOOK at the destruction that is the end product of these conflicts, THEN, ask yourself the same questions that the politicians are NOW asking each other, "What the fuck is going on ?, how do we get out of the situation without making bigger fools of ourselves ? " and, more importantly "Who's idea was it to start all this mayhem and what can we do to appease the IS since they are unlike ANY other force we ever encountered".

Once you disturb a "Hornet's Nest", there is no telling who will get stung in the arse, the ONLY certainty is that the general public will eventually [one way or another] have to suffer the consequences of bad leadership and foot the bill for their mistakes.. as usual. 8)

Sorry, but we are not into appeasing DAESH terrorists.

The cessation excludes them, and as such we will continue to hunt them down for as long as it takes.

Sooner or later IS will have to be negotiated with, whatever strategies are used to extricate themselves from the predicament they have imposed upon their allies, there is no alternative for the forces of the West other than to consider such a route.

They have made too many errors of judgement and caused too much damage to be able to avoid negotiations.

They could surrender of course, but that would be too much of an admission of failure., concessions are the answer in MY view. 8)
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Re: The war against Syria

Postby Paphitis » Sun Feb 14, 2016 3:26 am

Garavnoss wrote:
Paphitis wrote:
Garavnoss wrote:Truth of the matter is that there are now so many different factions in the arenas of conflict, nobody really knows what the fuck is going on and reading the papers or watching the television merely places the general public in the same quandary as are the politicians.

The trick is to disregard the verbal information [or written] and just LOOK at the destruction that is the end product of these conflicts, THEN, ask yourself the same questions that the politicians are NOW asking each other, "What the fuck is going on ?, how do we get out of the situation without making bigger fools of ourselves ? " and, more importantly "Who's idea was it to start all this mayhem and what can we do to appease the IS since they are unlike ANY other force we ever encountered".

Once you disturb a "Hornet's Nest", there is no telling who will get stung in the arse, the ONLY certainty is that the general public will eventually [one way or another] have to suffer the consequences of bad leadership and foot the bill for their mistakes.. as usual. 8)

Sorry, but we are not into appeasing DAESH terrorists.

The cessation excludes them, and as such we will continue to hunt them down for as long as it takes.

Sooner or later IS will have to be negotiated with, whatever strategies are used to extricate themselves from the predicament they have imposed upon their allies, there is no alternative for the forces of the West other than to consider such a route.

They have made too many errors of judgement and caused too much damage to be able to avoid negotiations.

They could surrender of course, but that would be too much of an admission of failure., concessions are the answer in MY view. 8)

That's will never happen mate.

We do not negotiate with DAESH under any circumstances. There is no way we will change their status beyond that of terrorist.

We are able to extricate ourselves whenever we like, but we will only do that when we know the forces which oppose them have their measure.

The powers which can't extricate themselves without negotiations are Pootin's merry band of civilian murderers.
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Re: The war against Syria

Postby Paphitis » Sun Feb 14, 2016 8:29 am

Robin Hood wrote:An interesting article .......... includes Syrian conflict but is broader based.

Are Americans Too Insouciant To Survive? - by Paul Craig Roberts

A must read ..... seriously! :shock: Embedded in the above article is this little gem from the Washington Post!(You must read the comments as well!)

The argument from both sides! :roll:

Oh dear Oh Dear Oh dear RH

Turkish Forces have just bombed the Regime.

You better take out that humble pie.

I will even do you a favour and post a link from the less than credible RT! 8) ... ern-syria/
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Re: The war against Syria

Postby Robin Hood » Sun Feb 14, 2016 8:34 am

Oh Dear RH, it looks like the wheels of the assad/Pootin menace are falling off.

The only wheels I see dropping off ar those of the Western powers (US/NATO) as they try to safe face!
Aleppo is still standing and Pootin has backed himself into the corner in Munich because he is getting slammed by the entire International Community and United Nations spokesperson.

No! Russia is being demonised by US/NATO by accusation as usual but as always, they provide no proof with these accusations ..... just like they did with Gouta and MH17. The current UN is a PR tool of the US and their input is meaningless.
Pootin is sticking to his guns, but in the meantime, Saudi Arabia is deploying troops and Fighter Bombers to Turkey to "commence a ground operation against ISIL".

Good for Putin, at least there is one leader that makes a decision and sticks to it. As for your Arab allies ...... if they try anything stupid, they will be exterminated, and legally, as it would be an act of war which Assad/Russia have every right to defend against. What will the US and NATO do? ...... spout a lot of hot air and make a lot of threats as they will undoubtedly try to shift the blame to the defender rather than their aggressor ......... just as they always do.
Turkey is to participate too, but they better not attack our Coalition Ground Troops (Peshmerga, YPG, and YPJ).

Too latel, they have done that already! They have shelled a SAA air base in Northern Latakia occupied last week by the Kurds. On RT in detail and ‘[i]mentioned[/i]’ on the BBC!
You're deluded if you believe that Assad and Pootin are going to achieve a Military Solution! Absolutely deluded.

But you feel that YOU do have a military solution, even though your ‘moderates’ and ISIL are being driven out by the very same Assad/Russia partnership? Asad/Russia will destroy ISIL capability to wage a war other than a guerrilla war ..... and that is the best anyone can achieve. Then, like destroying their means of supply, it will remain a process of hearts and minds to gradually wipe out their ability to recruit ...... and that WILL take years!
How on earth you can expect them to rule as if nothing happened is astonishing. But that's ok because the chickens are well and truly coming home to roost.

Yes, the chickens are coming home to roost as more and more civilians coming out of areas occupied by your terrorists are welcoming the SAA and singing the praises of both Assad and Putin. The people see them as saviours. Surprisingly this was even shown on the BBC this morning. Putin/Assad's pictures being waved and stuck in car windows and on hoardings. Those being interviewed were all saying thank you to Assad/Putin. (I've told you before ..... you are looking at the wrong sources for your information.) :roll:
Our troops will be in Syria within the next 10 days. The cessation will crumble in all likelihood, but if Pootin is smart he will do a 180 and sit at the table to discuss the transition in Syria and achieve a political solution. If not, then expect some major action involving troops from Saudia Arabia, Qatar, Jordan, UAE and maybe USA.

You had better start stacking up the body bags or will you just dump these plonkers in mass graves? For sure YOUR troops won’t be anywhere near Syria, but the dumb asses you are getting to fight your Proxy war will be annihilated. BTW: the majority of these allies are mercenaries being paid by the day by the Saudi’s. Do you really think their heart will be in it?
Where going in to fight terrorists like ISIL!

Provided you stick to doing it in Iraq .... no problem. But stay out of Syria as, once Assad/Putin have buried your terrorst’s and mercenaries, they will do the same with ISIL and you will need all your forces to shoot them down as they flee the Syrian forces and Russian bombs and run for their lives across the border.
Especially those terrorists surrounding Aleppo!

You’ve got that ‘ass-about-face’ the terrorists (your terrorists) are in isolated pockets inside Aleppo. It is the SAA/Iran/Hezbolah that have them surrounded!
Time to start preparing that humble pie RH!

True ..... do you want me to send it DHL or will you be coming to collect it? :roll: :wink:
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Re: The war against Syria

Postby Robin Hood » Sun Feb 14, 2016 8:44 am

Garavnoss wrote:Truth of the matter is that there are now so many different factions in the arenas of conflict, nobody really knows what the fuck is going on and reading the papers or watching the television merely places the general public in the same quandary as are the politicians.

The trick is to disregard the verbal information [or written] and just LOOK at the destruction that is the end product of these conflicts, THEN, ask yourself the same questions that the politicians are NOW asking each other, "What the fuck is going on ?, how do we get out of the situation without making bigger fools of ourselves ? " and, more importantly "Who's idea was it to start all this mayhem and what can we do to appease the IS since they are unlike ANY other force we ever encountered".

Once you disturb a "Hornet's Nest", there is no telling who will get stung in the arse, the ONLY certainty is that the general public will eventually [one way or another] have to suffer the consequences of bad leadership and foot the bill for their mistakes.. as usual. 8)

I could not agree with you more! If you approach the whole Syria issue based on International Law and common sense, an ability lacking in most of the population, the answers to the points you raised, become very obvious and run counter to what the Western MSM and the politicians/diplomats would have you believe. Putin has made an enormous difference to events in Syria and has shown the US/NATO coalition to be nothing but a bunch of self serving, international criminals, guilty of war crimes in abundance. :x

Thank you for joining in the discussion. :)
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Re: The war against Syria

Postby Garavnoss » Sun Feb 14, 2016 9:59 am

Paphitis wrote:
Garavnoss wrote:
Paphitis wrote:
Garavnoss wrote:Truth of the matter is that there are now so many different factions in the arenas of conflict, nobody really knows what the fuck is going on and reading the papers or watching the television merely places the general public in the same quandary as are the politicians.

The trick is to disregard the verbal information [or written] and just LOOK at the destruction that is the end product of these conflicts, THEN, ask yourself the same questions that the politicians are NOW asking each other, "What the fuck is going on ?, how do we get out of the situation without making bigger fools of ourselves ? " and, more importantly "Who's idea was it to start all this mayhem and what can we do to appease the IS since they are unlike ANY other force we ever encountered".

Once you disturb a "Hornet's Nest", there is no telling who will get stung in the arse, the ONLY certainty is that the general public will eventually [one way or another] have to suffer the consequences of bad leadership and foot the bill for their mistakes.. as usual. 8)

Sorry, but we are not into appeasing DAESH terrorists.

The cessation excludes them, and as such we will continue to hunt them down for as long as it takes.

Sooner or later IS will have to be negotiated with, whatever strategies are used to extricate themselves from the predicament they have imposed upon their allies, there is no alternative for the forces of the West other than to consider such a route.

They have made too many errors of judgement and caused too much damage to be able to avoid negotiations.

They could surrender of course, but that would be too much of an admission of failure., concessions are the answer in MY view. 8)

There is no way we will change their status beyond that of terrorist..

Why not ?, Netanyahu had HIS status changed and so did Mandela [the Black Bastard] to suit political expediency.

In Mandela's case, he was still on the C.I.A's list of terrorists up until it was noticed [just prior to the event of his 90th birthday] when a message from Robert Mugabe [sent to H.M. the Queen] and passed on to all the "Dignitaries" preparing to bestow grace upon him as the "Greatest African" put the cat among the pigeons. :lol:

Not to worry though, George Bush hurriedly rectified the position by having the list modified.....too late to escape notice of course but that's the way the game is played in such realms. 8)
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Re: The war against Syria

Postby Paphitis » Sun Feb 14, 2016 11:06 am

Robin Hood wrote:Paphitis:
Oh Dear RH, it looks like the wheels of the assad/Pootin menace are falling off.

The only wheels I see dropping off ar those of the Western powers (US/NATO) as they try to safe face!
Aleppo is still standing and Pootin has backed himself into the corner in Munich because he is getting slammed by the entire International Community and United Nations spokesperson.

No! Russia is being demonised by US/NATO by accusation as usual but as always, they provide no proof with these accusations ..... just like they did with Gouta and MH17. The current UN is a PR tool of the US and their input is meaningless.
Pootin is sticking to his guns, but in the meantime, Saudi Arabia is deploying troops and Fighter Bombers to Turkey to "commence a ground operation against ISIL".

Good for Putin, at least there is one leader that makes a decision and sticks to it. As for your Arab allies ...... if they try anything stupid, they will be exterminated, and legally, as it would be an act of war which Assad/Russia have every right to defend against. What will the US and NATO do? ...... spout a lot of hot air and make a lot of threats as they will undoubtedly try to shift the blame to the defender rather than their aggressor ......... just as they always do.
Turkey is to participate too, but they better not attack our Coalition Ground Troops (Peshmerga, YPG, and YPJ).

Too latel, they have done that already! They have shelled a SAA air base in Northern Latakia occupied last week by the Kurds. On RT in detail and ‘[i]mentioned[/i]’ on the BBC!
You're deluded if you believe that Assad and Pootin are going to achieve a Military Solution! Absolutely deluded.

But you feel that YOU do have a military solution, even though your ‘moderates’ and ISIL are being driven out by the very same Assad/Russia partnership? Asad/Russia will destroy ISIL capability to wage a war other than a guerrilla war ..... and that is the best anyone can achieve. Then, like destroying their means of supply, it will remain a process of hearts and minds to gradually wipe out their ability to recruit ...... and that WILL take years!
How on earth you can expect them to rule as if nothing happened is astonishing. But that's ok because the chickens are well and truly coming home to roost.

Yes, the chickens are coming home to roost as more and more civilians coming out of areas occupied by your terrorists are welcoming the SAA and singing the praises of both Assad and Putin. The people see them as saviours. Surprisingly this was even shown on the BBC this morning. Putin/Assad's pictures being waved and stuck in car windows and on hoardings. Those being interviewed were all saying thank you to Assad/Putin. (I've told you before ..... you are looking at the wrong sources for your information.) :roll:
Our troops will be in Syria within the next 10 days. The cessation will crumble in all likelihood, but if Pootin is smart he will do a 180 and sit at the table to discuss the transition in Syria and achieve a political solution. If not, then expect some major action involving troops from Saudia Arabia, Qatar, Jordan, UAE and maybe USA.

You had better start stacking up the body bags or will you just dump these plonkers in mass graves? For sure YOUR troops won’t be anywhere near Syria, but the dumb asses you are getting to fight your Proxy war will be annihilated. BTW: the majority of these allies are mercenaries being paid by the day by the Saudi’s. Do you really think their heart will be in it?
Where going in to fight terrorists like ISIL!

Provided you stick to doing it in Iraq .... no problem. But stay out of Syria as, once Assad/Putin have buried your terrorst’s and mercenaries, they will do the same with ISIL and you will need all your forces to shoot them down as they flee the Syrian forces and Russian bombs and run for their lives across the border.
Especially those terrorists surrounding Aleppo!

You’ve got that ‘ass-about-face’ the terrorists (your terrorists) are in isolated pockets inside Aleppo. It is the SAA/Iran/Hezbolah that have them surrounded!
Time to start preparing that humble pie RH!

True ..... do you want me to send it DHL or will you be coming to collect it? :roll: :wink:

What! Don't tell me you have not been reading Smirnoff!

Turkey just attacked assad Ground forces and are preparing an invasion.

I mean seriously. What can Pootin do to our little naughty lapdog?

You're in for a very rude awakening RH. So Pootin might as well give up now whilst he has the chance.
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Re: The war against Syria

Postby Paphitis » Sun Feb 14, 2016 11:07 am

Garavnoss wrote:
Paphitis wrote:
Garavnoss wrote:
Paphitis wrote:
Garavnoss wrote:Truth of the matter is that there are now so many different factions in the arenas of conflict, nobody really knows what the fuck is going on and reading the papers or watching the television merely places the general public in the same quandary as are the politicians.

The trick is to disregard the verbal information [or written] and just LOOK at the destruction that is the end product of these conflicts, THEN, ask yourself the same questions that the politicians are NOW asking each other, "What the fuck is going on ?, how do we get out of the situation without making bigger fools of ourselves ? " and, more importantly "Who's idea was it to start all this mayhem and what can we do to appease the IS since they are unlike ANY other force we ever encountered".

Once you disturb a "Hornet's Nest", there is no telling who will get stung in the arse, the ONLY certainty is that the general public will eventually [one way or another] have to suffer the consequences of bad leadership and foot the bill for their mistakes.. as usual. 8)

Sorry, but we are not into appeasing DAESH terrorists.

The cessation excludes them, and as such we will continue to hunt them down for as long as it takes.

Sooner or later IS will have to be negotiated with, whatever strategies are used to extricate themselves from the predicament they have imposed upon their allies, there is no alternative for the forces of the West other than to consider such a route.

They have made too many errors of judgement and caused too much damage to be able to avoid negotiations.

They could surrender of course, but that would be too much of an admission of failure., concessions are the answer in MY view. 8)

There is no way we will change their status beyond that of terrorist..

Why not ?, Netanyahu had HIS status changed and so did Mandela [the Black Bastard] to suit political expediency.

In Mandela's case, he was still on the C.I.A's list of terrorists up until it was noticed [just prior to the event of his 90th birthday] when a message from Robert Mugabe [sent to H.M. the Queen] and passed on to all the "Dignitaries" preparing to bestow grace upon him as the "Greatest African" put the cat among the pigeons. :lol:

Not to worry though, George Bush hurriedly rectified the position by having the list modified.....too late to escape notice of course but that's the way the game is played in such realms. 8)

I agree with you to!

We will actually change their status to Islamic Martyr.
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