Facebook, Twitter, Think Tanks, Academics, ex-Military, the Syriac Council the rebels in Syria ....... The Beano, The Dandy and even the Eagle?????
Robin Hood wrote:Well, with that sort of reliable information available we obviously don’t need the CIA or MI6 we can just count the number of ‘
Likes’ and make military decisions based on the consensus of opinion of a bunch of unidentified ‘
Twitt’s’! I am more selective, I at least check their credentials first!
Well guess what RH. Yes the journalism is reliable. A true depiction of life behind the front lines in Raqqa, and Aleppo. From Raqqa, the information is still being leaked from Civilians often from rudimentary smart phone cameras and so forth but it is getting out and posted on social media on a number of pages and often at enormous risks to those who engage in these vital intelligence gathering pieces.
One of the sources I give great cred to is Vice News. definitely not MSM. The journalist I follow closely is actually a Greek (might be a Cypriot, has a strong English Accent so he grew up in the UK and was educated there). As far as I am concerned, the quality material he churns is top quality and he deserves a Pullitzer for his documentary making. He is also very young, has nerves of steel and is very brave.
He goes where no other media dare to go. I actually messaged him once out of concern for his safety and he did reply to me. I didn't want to see him on the next ISIL YouTube.
But he has gone behind the lines, interviewed the FSA, spoken to their leaders, gone into the bombed out hospitals and interviewed the Doctors and Nurses there, some of which are volunteers from Western Countries, and even worn a bullet proof vest and run the gauntlet under fire from Syrian Forces and even showed us how the ground shook when the Syrians dropped a Barrel Bomb nearby. He sat, drank with the FSA and talked about Nicole Kidman as children were playing through the ruins. There was no Jihad, and in his latest piece, the FSA District Commander told him we are no longer FSA. We are the SDF. We are Sunni Muslims, Turkmen, Assyrian, Kurdish and we also have Coptic Christian, and Yazidi. And they are indeed on the SDF and all these ethnicities and groups have sent their delegates to the Peace Summit and all of them walked out together.
He also went behind the lines with Al Nusra, who are Jihadist and an affiliate to Al-Qaeda. DAESH is the only place he dare not go.
They also post a lot of information about the siege against their strongholds and the suffering of the civilians. Yes they are biased but I hold these sources in very high regard.
Robin Hood wrote:Did they tell you all about the atrocities and the fear they impart on the civilian population? That is why the population is so relieved to see the back of them ......... and their backers no doubt!
Yes well the fear is certainly present. The civilians fear Syrian and Russian attack every day.
They do not have any fear from the FSA who are doing their best to run hospitals, schools, and distribute any aid they get from the Coalition. They have even set up their own police force in Aleppo. The Vices news journalist I mentioned above even went on patrol with a police unit in Aleppo.
Robin Hood wrote:Use your eyes, ears and brain and come to a reasoned conclusion based on just fact.
Sure, but whilst you stick to the Daily Mail, I will keep looking at Vice news and the Syriac Council and click like on Facebook. Fair enough?
Robin Hood wrote:Look at the pictures on TV of the fleeing refugees. I see no signs of trauma or distress except a few crying kids ..... but all kids cry ..... I’ll bet they are saying ‘Are we there yet!’. There is no panic just what looks almost like family groups out for a Sunday (Friday) afternoon stroll. No medics giving attention to bloodied people ......... in fact not even any bloodied people. Why so calm? Because as the SAA moves into each block/area they are guiding these people away from areas to avoid civilian casualties when they bomb the 'moderates', whilst they keep the them in their rat holes.
Go and interview the refugees and ask them who it is they are running from. The vast majority are running from Assad, then DAESH second. Never heard anyone say they are running from the FSA, YPG or YPJ.
Robin Hood wrote:Now go back to known events in the past ..........
Yes, go back to the beginning, and look at who started this and WHY!
Robin Hood wrote:Go back a few decades to Vietnam. A bunch of untrained, ill equipped peasant farmers defeated the World’s most powerful and sophisticated military! How? One word ..... TUNNELS! They gave them the ability to evade their enemy by concealment.
Oh hear we go now! What does Vietnam have to do with this? We are now in 2016.
The FSA are not so badly equipped anymore. Gone are the days they had their trusty AK47. Now they are carrying Javelin and TOW SSM. Even seen them get fitted out and issued with US Army camos, boots, vests, and helmets.
Robin Hood wrote:Move on a few years to Afghanistan. A bunch of illiterate rag head Islamic fanatics have survived decades of attacks by the World’s most powerful and sophisticated military and are still undefeated! Why? Concealment .......... like the Vietcong they can just melt away into the population and avoid confrontation with an overwhelmingly military superior enemy.
What a great success Afghanistan has proven to be. The Taliban are gone and the Afghans are now listening to music. Great stuff!
Robin Hood wrote:Again , move on a bit to Gaza. A bunch of poorly armed but fanatical freedom fighters still inflict wounds on their occupiers, in spite of them being as well armed as the Worlds most powerful military. What do the Israeli’s do? They drop bombs, big bombs and missiles on the civilian population with complete impunity and without regard for civilian casualties. Why? To destroy the tunnels, because the tunnels give the Palestinian freedom fighters the means of concealment to launch covert attacks on their occupiers and then just melt back into the population.
Common sense says ............. CONCEALMENT!
Well you know. it takes 2 to tango, and Hamas was regularly launching rockets into nearby Israeli towns.
Robin Hood wrote:From what I have read from various sources and video I have watched both from the TV and YouTube etc. I will tell you what I believe has happened in Aleppo and is continuing, just by using common sense to assess the information available.
Did you hit the like button too?
Robin Hood wrote:The US coalitions moderate rebels seized Aleppo by force, almost four years ago and the first thing they did was to start digging tunnels ......... miles of them. Then, when they engaged with the SAA they fire a few rounds off and the odd RPG and then melt away into the tunnels, like the vermin they are. In the building above are the civilians they use as human shields. If these trapped civilians try to leave and flee for their safety they are shot or, if they make the break successfully, the ‘moderate’ rebels take out reprisals on those left.
Just like the old EOKA days. Yes well, they are fighting a regular army.
But now, they have their American kit and are better armed than the Syrians, so they can afford to come out of their tunnels and blow the Syrian tanks to smithereens.
Robin Hood wrote:Whist you have been mocking the lack of progress by the SAA, they have in fact been working to a well structured plan (Russian?) I first heard about in Eastern Ukraine. The first thing they do is to destroy the rebels supply lines. This of course also affects the civilian population as there is less food and water and what there is, is controlled by the ‘moderate’ rebels. But it reduces the supply of new foreign recruits, weapons and ammunition supplied by the US and other coalition forces. Their ability to attack the SAA has been degraded primarily to one of defence.
Will the Syrians bring their tanks? The Rebels have a Javelin and a TOW for each one ready to go!
Robin Hood wrote:Now the SAA isolates them in pockets and attacks strategic targets to further reduce their capability, arms dumps, fuel dumps, command centres and other storage facilities. When the ‘moderates’ pop up from underground they are met with a hail of gunfire, so they do what all cowards do, they disappear down their rat holes, to save their own miserable skins. But they then either blow up or booby trap the tunnels to make the job of the SAA even more difficult than a conventional house-to-house urban war.
The SSAA will be in for a big shock. Whenever they attack those so called strategic targets, no one is home. They are all underground. they know the area, and the SSAA will have to go door to door. Good luck with that!
Then, they come up with their Javelins and go underground again, after the take out a few tanks. Come, and see what happens.
Robin Hood wrote:Then the SAA get the civilians out of the buildings and send them through safe corridors to the border whilst protecting them from the ‘moderates’ by keeping the rats in their tunnels.
Nonsense. The FSA allow civilians and children in the tunnels and even have bomb shelters.
Robin Hood wrote:Then they call in the Russian Air Force and the SAF and drop big bombs to destroy the tunnels and squeeze the ‘
moderates’ into a cauldron, where they can be contained. But this cauldron still has civilians entrapped. So the SAA repeat the process and so on, until they have released as many civilians as possible and the '
moderates'have no way out.
Again, no one is home.
Destroy the tunnels? Do you guys even know where they are? No you don't.
Robin Hood wrote:When they sealed the perimeter of the outer cauldron around Aleppo the ‘
moderates’ and people like Kerry and the US Govt. knew their protégés were finished and Kerry hastily convened ‘
peace’ talks ...... which were nothing of the sort but merely intended to allow the ‘
moderates’ to escape the cauldron. Of course Russia agreed with having talks but they have made it very clear from day one that they will continue, no matter what, to destroy the rebels whether that is DAESH or the imaginary 'moderate' rebels ..... all of them.
Oh dear RH. Where did you get this from? The DM, Smirnoff and RT? did they have a LIKE button?
Yes all they wanted was a ceasefire and aid.
They walked out alright, and Pootin has been blamed for the collapse.
And you might want to ask WHO walked out! The Sunnis, Kurds, Assyrians, Turkmen and Christians (yes Christians - so much for your Jihadist propaganda) in unison!
Face it! The SDF is ALL Syrians against the repressive and criminal Alawi Regime of Assad.
Because of this, ASSAD HAS LOST THE WAR and is just buying himself time!