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The war against Syria

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Re: The war against Syria

Postby Paphitis » Fri Feb 05, 2016 3:03 pm

miltiades wrote:" We have no plans to "kick Russia or China's Arse" "

Who the fuck is " WE" :lol: :lol:

The free world you stupid arse including the EU which is entirely part of NATO minus Cyprus (stupidity at its extreme).

I am sure Makarios must have been your relative!
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Re: The war against Syria

Postby Robin Hood » Fri Feb 05, 2016 7:31 pm


That explains everything!!!!! You obviously do the same with your information sources? You skim through the headlines of the media source you believe to be reliable, then assume the rest of the article and disregard anything that you deem of no consequence that others have actually checked out for themselves. Hmmmm ........ I tend to read all the article, sometimes several times if it is complex, so that I am sure I understand what I am talking about before I comment. I find knowledge just a tad more reliable than guesswork, assumption and imagination.

(I hope you manage to do a bit more before you take the controls of an aeroplane ...... or do you just kick the tyres, bang on the fuel tanks and guess the contents, look at the sky, pick up a map of the world in the departure lounge and make a guess at what the en-route weather will be according to the morning weather report on your favourite TV station?)

You disappoint me!
......... very unlikely the IDF will use a crop sprayer when they can just deliver it on a missile or cluster munition ........

Most likely because a f*cking great bang is so much more noticeable? :roll:
(Israel can do what it likes) No it can't and they are unlikely to do any such thing. We even had a dig at them for using Magnesium Phosphate.

With the Israelis, they hear what suits them and ignore anything else! You’re kidding yourself. :o
It was Assad not the rebels (that used Sarin). The rebels have (NO?) so such Biological Weapon in their inventory or posses the rockets that were used in the attack.

Absolutely not true, proven and even the US accepts it was most likely the rebels.
The game will be up for Pootin the day America lands troops in Syria.

That will be the day you will see the Russians kick the Americans asses! :lol:
At the end of the day, our objective is to alter the Status Quo in Syria allowing the removal of Assad from power .......

Which is illegal of course under both UN Charter and International Law. But when you are a self declared exceptional nation such things as laws become meaningless, they only apply to others! The one thing I admire Putin for is that he is a stickler for at least appearing to abide by the Law although he may bend it sometimes. Once again you apply double standards, everyone else is castigated for even minor transgressions of the law but the good old US can ignore them completely with impunity! :x
Yes it's true. Russia is bombing civilian areas. But the worse of all is Syria's use of Barrel Bombs which level entire suburban blocks.

But of course the US uses pin-point accuracy that means they only kill the bad guys. Pull the other one. :roll:
......not even food and medicine is getting through apart from Coalition Airdrop in certain areas

Stop kidding yourself ..... the Russians run regular aid drops to civilians, as previously explained.
I still have no explanation why you would want to deny some Natural Justice and representation to millions of Syrians.

But that is just what Putin has been trying for since 2012 at least. Stop the violence of the civil war whilst continuing the fight against DAESH in cooperation with the coalition and then let the people chose who they want to lead them. But for very obvious reasons, the US/Coalition has not listened as it does not want that as there is a very good chance that Assad will be the one the people chose! Let’s face it, the so called ‘opposition’ are nothing but a bunch of Islamic extremists, most of them foreigners and they have a bad track record. Assad has offered the FSA deserters an amnesty, which some have taken him up on, as they have realised the futility of their mutiny and are now fighting against the Jihadists. :|
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Re: The war against Syria

Postby supporttheunderdog » Fri Feb 05, 2016 7:56 pm

I saw two interesting items today, the first being a Report from Russia that Turkey is building up forces near the Syrian Border, and might be about to invade Syria, the seconf being a Daily Express item which also suggests Turkish Military intervention to smash Isis.

If Turkey were to invade I think it would be more to seize Syrian Territory to prevent it becoming a part of Kurdish Free State than to Eliminate Isis, and I also suspect that Vlady baby would be a bit pissed and might offer to help Assad to kick them out....sparks might fly....
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Re: The war against Syria

Postby Paphitis » Fri Feb 05, 2016 7:59 pm

Robin Hood wrote:Paphitis,

That explains everything!!!!! You obviously do the same with your information sources? You skim through the headlines of the media source you believe to be reliable, then assume the rest of the article and disregard anything that you deem of no consequence that others have actually checked out for themselves. Hmmmm ........ I tend to read all the article, sometimes several times if it is complex, so that I am sure I understand what I am talking about before I comment. I find knowledge just a tad more reliable than guesswork, assumption and imagination.

Oh I read many articles in their entirety but I am a discriminating reader. Only so many hours in the day.

Yes I have my favourite sources and some of them are in no way MSM. Some are as I do like the CNN, BBC, ABC, Guardian (shock horror), Al Jazeera etc etc.

Robin Hood wrote:(I hope you manage to do a bit more before you take the controls of an aeroplane ...... or do you just kick the tyres, bang on the fuel tanks and guess the contents, look at the sky, pick up a map of the world in the departure lounge and make a guess at what the en-route weather will be according to the morning weather report on your favourite TV station?)

It's like avoiding certain clouds. Some clouds are just dark and grim, are shaped like anvils, and have these bolts of light strike the earth through them and I just know they are to be avoided and given a wide berth. I know what's in them, and I don't want or need or feel comfortable seeing the insides of them.

......... very unlikely the IDF will use a crop sprayer when they can just deliver it on a missile or cluster munition ........

Robin Hood wrote:Most likely because a f*cking great bang is so much more noticeable? :roll:

Oh right, and the UN Peacekeepers are not going to notice a Crop Sprayer dropping some bad-arse Pulonium on civilians. Mmmmmm OK!

(Israel can do what it likes) No it can't and they are unlikely to do any such thing. We even had a dig at them for using Magnesium Phosphate.

Robin Hood wrote:With the Israelis, they hear what suits them and ignore anything else! You’re kidding yourself. :o

Oh they listen alright. And they have been forced to pull up stumps on many occasions because their ears were chewed off.

It was Assad not the rebels (that used Sarin). The rebels have (NO?) so such Biological Weapon in their inventory or posses the rockets that were used in the attack.

Robin Hood wrote:Absolutely not true, proven and even the US accepts it was most likely the rebels.

Yes it was true. The US has accepted no such thing. ... on-ghouta/

The game will be up for Pootin the day America lands troops in Syria.

Robin Hood wrote:That will be the day you will see the Russians kick the Americans asses! :lol:

That day our troops will land is coming RH. And Pootin will only be able to kick the bucket just like he had a hissy fit when the Turks knocked down one of his jets.

At the end of the day, our objective is to alter the Status Quo in Syria allowing the removal of Assad from power .......

Robin Hood wrote:Which is illegal of course under both UN Charter and International Law. But when you are a self declared exceptional nation such things as laws become meaningless, they only apply to others! The one thing I admire Putin for is that he is a stickler for at least appearing to abide by the Law although he may bend it sometimes. Once again you apply double standards, everyone else is castigated for even minor transgressions of the law but the good old US can ignore them completely with impunity! :x

What's illegal. You worried about the Status Quo being illegal or the mass violations of HR by the assad regime?

I am happy with my so called "double standards"

Yes it's true. Russia is bombing civilian areas. But the worse of all is Syria's use of Barrel Bombs which level entire suburban blocks.

Robin Hood wrote:But of course the US uses pin-point accuracy that means they only kill the bad guys. Pull the other one. :roll:

No. We call the Airstrikes off many times. in fact, we don't bomb town centers like Raqqa because we will be killing many civilians who in actual fact will be egging the Coalition on.

......not even food and medicine is getting through apart from Coalition Airdrop in certain areas

Robin Hood wrote:Stop kidding yourself ..... the Russians run regular aid drops to civilians, as previously explained.

They must have missed the starving.

I still have no explanation why you would want to deny some Natural Justice and representation to millions of Syrians.

Robin Hood wrote:But that is just what Putin has been trying for since 2012 at least. Stop the violence of the civil war whilst continuing the fight against DAESH in cooperation with the coalition and then let the people chose who they want to lead them. But for very obvious reasons, the US/Coalition has not listened as it does not want that as there is a very good chance that Assad will be the one the people chose! Let’s face it, the so called ‘opposition’ are nothing but a bunch of Islamic extremists, most of them foreigners and they have a bad track record. Assad has offered the FSA deserters an amnesty, which some have taken him up on, as they have realised the futility of their mutiny and are now fighting against the Jihadists. :|

I've told someone else and I am going to tell you the same thing.


He has lost because there is no turning back the clock.

You are in for one hell of shock and let me tell you, you're not going to like the result one little bit.
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Re: The war against Syria

Postby Robin Hood » Fri Feb 05, 2016 8:45 pm

supporttheunderdog wrote:I saw two interesting items today, the first being a Report from Russia that Turkey is building up forces near the Syrian Border, and might be about to invade Syria, the seconf being a Daily Express item which also suggests Turkish Military intervention to smash Isis.

If Turkey were to invade I think it would be more to seize Syrian Territory to prevent it becoming a part of Kurdish Free State than to Eliminate Isis, and I also suspect that Vlady baby would be a bit pissed and might offer to help Assad to kick them out....sparks might fly....

This is quite a reasoned appraisal of might be!

Syria's Enemies Seek Face Saving Escalation Measures. – By Moon of Alabama

NATO will restrain Turkey from such a misguided adventure. It could mean war with Russia and no European NATO country would like that to happen. Without NATO backing the Turkish military is unlikely to follow the order for such a move.

The Russia revelation of the Turkish preparations is increasing the deterrence against such a move. It also means that Russia would react harshly against a Turkish invasion and surely Russia has demonstrated by now that it has the means to do so in decisive ways.

I tend to agree with him ..... I don't think the US/NATO will go to war with Russia to save Erdogans hide! :roll:
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Re: The war against Syria

Postby Kikapu » Sat Feb 06, 2016 1:39 am

Robin Hood wrote:
supporttheunderdog wrote:I saw two interesting items today, the first being a Report from Russia that Turkey is building up forces near the Syrian Border, and might be about to invade Syria, the seconf being a Daily Express item which also suggests Turkish Military intervention to smash Isis.

If Turkey were to invade I think it would be more to seize Syrian Territory to prevent it becoming a part of Kurdish Free State than to Eliminate Isis, and I also suspect that Vlady baby would be a bit pissed and might offer to help Assad to kick them out....sparks might fly....

This is quite a reasoned appraisal of might be!

Syria's Enemies Seek Face Saving Escalation Measures. – By Moon of Alabama

NATO will restrain Turkey from such a misguided adventure. It could mean war with Russia and no European NATO country would like that to happen. Without NATO backing the Turkish military is unlikely to follow the order for such a move.

The Russia revelation of the Turkish preparations is increasing the deterrence against such a move. It also means that Russia would react harshly against a Turkish invasion and surely Russia has demonstrated by now that it has the means to do so in decisive ways.

I tend to agree with him ..... I don't think the US/NATO will go to war with Russia to save Erdogans hide! :roll:

If and when Turkish troops enter Syria, they will too become "the opposition" to the Syrian Government, therefore, they too will become targets to the Russian Jets. There's nothing NATO can do to prevent the Russians destroying the Turkish Army in Syria. As I have stated before, Turkey's break up is in the plans for the Americans, the Europeans and the Russians. I'm sure the Americans are egging Erdogan on to invade Syria and he is stupid enough to take the bait, just as he took the bait to shoot down a non threatening Russian jet.
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Re: The war against Syria

Postby repulsewarrior » Sat Feb 06, 2016 5:36 am

...indeed, it seems very logical that with all these efforts by Erdogan to create a "New Turkey" for "Turks" he may get what he wants; something much smaller than what is at the moment, on the other hand.

I will remind the readers that while Turkey has claims on Syrian land, Turkey also has claims on Iraqi land as well...

...and while the Kurds seek autonomy as a minimum, so do the Alevi, and Armenians, if there were claims to be made, so would the Greeks.
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Re: The war against Syria

Postby miltiades » Sat Feb 06, 2016 2:18 pm

Paphitis wrote:

I've told someone else and I am going to tell you the same thing.


It appears that Alepo will soon be in the hands of the Syrian army forces. It most certainly does not look as if Assad has lost the war !!
" Mr. Assad’s forces also broke the insurgents’ siege of two towns near Aleppo, Nubol and Zahra, which had survived on government airdrops of food. People there were celebrating on Friday and thanking the troops in videos posted on social media.

The government gains have increased the sense of alarm among antigovernment insurgents and their civilian supporters, sending thousands of people, including women and children with whatever they can carry, fleeing through orchards." ... ebook&_r=0
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Re: The war against Syria

Postby Paphitis » Sat Feb 06, 2016 2:30 pm

Robin Hood wrote:
supporttheunderdog wrote:I saw two interesting items today, the first being a Report from Russia that Turkey is building up forces near the Syrian Border, and might be about to invade Syria, the seconf being a Daily Express item which also suggests Turkish Military intervention to smash Isis.

If Turkey were to invade I think it would be more to seize Syrian Territory to prevent it becoming a part of Kurdish Free State than to Eliminate Isis, and I also suspect that Vlady baby would be a bit pissed and might offer to help Assad to kick them out....sparks might fly....

This is quite a reasoned appraisal of might be!

Syria's Enemies Seek Face Saving Escalation Measures. – By Moon of Alabama

NATO will restrain Turkey from such a misguided adventure. It could mean war with Russia and no European NATO country would like that to happen. Without NATO backing the Turkish military is unlikely to follow the order for such a move.

The Russia revelation of the Turkish preparations is increasing the deterrence against such a move. It also means that Russia would react harshly against a Turkish invasion and surely Russia has demonstrated by now that it has the means to do so in decisive ways.

I tend to agree with him ..... I don't think the US/NATO will go to war with Russia to save Erdogans hide! :roll:

Erdogan has been wanting to enter Syria many months ago.

It is in actual fact the Coalition that will not allow Turkey to enter Syria. Turkey took some steps a few months ago when their Air Force entered Syria, to the Coalitions full support, but then they bombed the YPG, Turkey has not been allowed in Syria since, unless of course it is completely under the Coalition's terms.

The coalition would like Turkey to send troops, but only if they actually do what they are told.

And now that the Kurds are fully integrated into The Syrian Democratic Forces, along with the FSA, Turkey is even more angry.

It's tough bikkies for Turkey and life is a bitch and all that.

On the other hand, the other scenario is that Turkey is prepping for a full scale invasion at the behest of the Coalition and will advance onto Aleppo to support the SDF. So Turkey will be defacto on the same side as the Kurds.

Americans are capable of anything.
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Re: The war against Syria

Postby Paphitis » Sat Feb 06, 2016 2:35 pm

Kikapu wrote:
Robin Hood wrote:
supporttheunderdog wrote:I saw two interesting items today, the first being a Report from Russia that Turkey is building up forces near the Syrian Border, and might be about to invade Syria, the seconf being a Daily Express item which also suggests Turkish Military intervention to smash Isis.

If Turkey were to invade I think it would be more to seize Syrian Territory to prevent it becoming a part of Kurdish Free State than to Eliminate Isis, and I also suspect that Vlady baby would be a bit pissed and might offer to help Assad to kick them out....sparks might fly....

This is quite a reasoned appraisal of might be!

Syria's Enemies Seek Face Saving Escalation Measures. – By Moon of Alabama

NATO will restrain Turkey from such a misguided adventure. It could mean war with Russia and no European NATO country would like that to happen. Without NATO backing the Turkish military is unlikely to follow the order for such a move.

The Russia revelation of the Turkish preparations is increasing the deterrence against such a move. It also means that Russia would react harshly against a Turkish invasion and surely Russia has demonstrated by now that it has the means to do so in decisive ways.

I tend to agree with him ..... I don't think the US/NATO will go to war with Russia to save Erdogans hide! :roll:

If and when Turkish troops enter Syria, they will too become "the opposition" to the Syrian Government, therefore, they too will become targets to the Russian Jets. There's nothing NATO can do to prevent the Russians destroying the Turkish Army in Syria. As I have stated before, Turkey's break up is in the plans for the Americans, the Europeans and the Russians. I'm sure the Americans are egging Erdogan on to invade Syria and he is stupid enough to take the bait, just as he took the bait to shoot down a non threatening Russian jet.

If Turkey enters Syria, it will be on America's terms.

Therefore, there will be no attack against Kurdish forces or else.

If they play ball, they will be part of the Coalition and therefore protected and untouchable.
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