Haha RH. You are very delusional to think Russia is running the show. They have the Syrian regime on their side and are in control of 25% of Syria.
That could well be true but it is a lot more than the Syrian Govt. and the SAA had until Russia stepped in with support. Nice to see Vlad is having a noticeable effect on events.
The rest is in our hands and the Russians have made no progress so far as our allies have held their ground.
If ‘......
in our hands’ refers to moderate Islamic Terrorists, you would be correct but of course thanks to the SAA actions supported by Russian air force, their percentage is dropping by the day as they flee Syrian Govt forces. If ‘....
in our hands’ is a reference to US/Coalition forces ......... that would be an illegal act of war I believe .... so somehow I doubt they are having much inpact apart from air support (
with Russian agreement)to the Islamic Terrorist and FSA mutineers.
In fact, Pootin knows that he has little chance to change the Status Quo unless he inserts his own troops.
According to your usual sources (MSM) he is about to send 150,000 conscripts to wipe the Islamic Terrorists out .... although I have seen no such information coming from thePutin/Lavrov camp! Maybe the Express borrowed your Crystal Ball?
You got a stalemate. They are not at the table and wouldn't be at the table if they believed they can crush the opposition.
Nobody is at the table because ‘
you’ decided you would not discuss anything until Assad went, your Sharia Caliphate were in power (
no doubt in another US carefully orchestrate election ... like Ukraine?) and Russia and the SAA stopped attacking you. I still think Putins proposal of letting the Syrians decide is the best course.
Boy are you in for some humble pie.
We shall see what we shall see!
Yes the Coalition is running the show and will have control of Raqqa within the next 2 months.
Raqqa is just one City and you have been pounding it for months ..... with no civilian casualties apparently (according to the SOHR)?
You make all these bold swashbuckling claims but never post the sources that supports your rather blinkered and ever so slightly biased view of events in Syria. You sort out Iraq ..... you f*ked it up in the first place, created DAESH and have spent the last few years trying to undo the chaos that US interference created in the first place ..... and have achieved sod all! Let Putin sort out the Syrian problem!
Bernie Sanders will get knocked off by Hillary.
Hillary ..... financially backed to the tune of billions of dollars by the Big Banks, Big Corporations, Military Industrial Complex, AIPAC and the 0.01%. Even then the result was too close to call and was won on the toss of a coin. Even she is admitting that New Hampshire will be even more difficult as she is already trailing in the polls.
Bernie .......... refused any big business financial support and has primarily relied upon individual donations from the American people .... well 3.5million of them who contributed on average just $27 each. He lagged way behind in the polls as virtually a ‘
no-hoper’ and he equalled the Hillary vote. New Hampshire ..... will see Clinton defeated .... resoundingly.
The other crowd? I can’t say I really know much about them except for The Duck! But in my opinion, if either Clinton or The Duck end up in the White House WWIII will ramp up and a nuclear confrontation with Russia/China could well be the result. Both of these two are seriously in need of psychiatric treatment ................. only Bernie seems to appear to be sane!