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The war against Syria

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Re: The war against Syria

Postby Robin Hood » Mon Feb 01, 2016 8:12 pm

This is a reprint from a Counterpunch report by Mike Whitney. Having watched just MSM news sources, in general I would agree with his views .............

This quote from the article is a Reuters statement:

“Three months into his military intervention in Syria, Russian President Vladimir Putin has achieved his central goal of stabilizing the Assad government and, with the costs relatively low, could sustain military operations at this level for years, U.S. officials and military analysts say.

That assessment comes despite public assertions by President Barack Obama and top aides that Putin has embarked on an ill-conceived mission in support of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad that it will struggle to afford and that will likely fail…
Since its campaign began on Sept. 30, Russia has suffered minimal casualties and, despite domestic fiscal woes, is handily covering the operation’s cost, which analysts estimate at $1-2 billion a year. The war is being funded from Russia’s regular annual defence budget of about $54 billion, a U.S. intelligence official said…
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Re: The war against Syria

Postby Robin Hood » Mon Feb 01, 2016 9:10 pm

Woah dude? What is the meaning of this? Your post has gone from Syria, to Ukraine and then to NAZIs and Hitler? Really?

Look at the quote ..... your quote ...... have you not bought Ukraine in as an example of what goes wrong when you let Putin get the upper hand. I merely showed that once again your views are somewhat biased and disillutional.
Furthermore, Pootin is a criminal in more ways than one. It has little to do what he did in Georgia or Ukraine or even in Syria. We know he is a criminal. Hundreds of Russian Journalists are in jail and dozens more were murdered. He has been linked to the murder of one of his KGB colleagues and there are more that we do not know. He has murdered many Russians and Ukrainians of high esteem, public servants, police and even officers of the Russian Military. Pootin is Erdogan on steroids literally!

He has stolen from the Russian People - he has an estimated worth of at least 70 Billion, some say 200 Billion.

I mean even if you were the President of the USA earning 500,000 pa plus benefits, I don't think it is possible to accrue over 70 Billion as a KGB Agent and then as President of Russia. I mean my my Robin Hood. We are talking about someone who is every bit as bad as Hitler and you have the audacity to even compare this geezer to Ukraine President or Obama!

Those are just simply your views! You have not provided a single credible link to a source! It is easy to make wild accusations but much more difficult to substantiate them.
Yes Pootin is nasty business. By backing down we are in effect creating this monster. Obama to some extent created Pootin in Ukraine. Now Pootin has gone too far and is now learning that the hard way. The only salvation for him is to seek an exit that saves face. We are willing to accommodate this. We also believe he is learning his lessons very well
Again just your opinion!

Rather than Putin ‘learning the hard way’, the boot seems to be very much on the other foot from where I am sitting. I think your advice would be more applicable to the US led coalition.
Whether you like it or not, Syria is as much as out revenge as anything else. It's about burning Pootin's fingers so that he heels them out of the cookie jar!

See my previous post ........ there are many that would disagree with that conception. Putin has no interest in territorial gain, he has said repeatedly the intention is to stabilize Syria from the chaos that has emanated from the US Coalitions interference in another Sovereign States internal affairs (once again); Create the stability to allow the Syrian people to decide their future under UN auspices and then he is gone. When Assad is re-elected as President of Syria he will be able to deal with the problem himself.

Don’t you find it strange that all those years Assad was supposedly murdering thousands of his own people, we didn’t have floods of refugees desperate to escape and Syria was a prosperous State, but when the US and its various and sometimes dubious ‘coalitions’ get involved ...... up springs ISIS and the people flee? They flee, not from Assad as you would have me believe but from the violence, death and destruction that US interference bought to Syria after their actions elsewhere in the region (Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, Egypt et al) gave birth to ISIS/DAESH and the US decided to back terrorists to achieve their aim of regime change by proxy.

They also tried to do it in Ukraine but when they realised Putin had outsmarted them without the need to kill and destroy to achieve Russia's aim i.e. secure their own National interest - Savastopol ...... the US lost interest and as usual, left another failed State behind them as an epitaph to their arrogance whilst they look at their 'TO DO' list and find somewhere else to f**k up!!!! :roll:
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Re: The war against Syria

Postby Paphitis » Tue Feb 02, 2016 11:03 am

Woah dude? What is the meaning of this? Your post has gone from Syria, to Ukraine and then to NAZIs and Hitler? Really?

Robin Hood wrote:Look at the quote ..... your quote ...... have you not bought Ukraine in as an example of what goes wrong when you let Putin get the upper hand. I merely showed that once again your views are somewhat biased and disillutional.

Oh yes and I see a big country bullying a little country so it doesn't join the EU and NATO. What gives Pootin the right?

Furthermore, Pootin is a criminal in more ways than one. It has little to do what he did in Georgia or Ukraine or even in Syria. We know he is a criminal. Hundreds of Russian Journalists are in jail and dozens more were murdered. He has been linked to the murder of one of his KGB colleagues and there are more that we do not know. He has murdered many Russians and Ukrainians of high esteem, public servants, police and even officers of the Russian Military. Pootin is Erdogan on steroids literally!

He has stolen from the Russian People - he has an estimated worth of at least 70 Billion, some say 200 Billion.

I mean even if you were the President of the USA earning 500,000 pa plus benefits, I don't think it is possible to accrue over 70 Billion as a KGB Agent and then as President of Russia. I mean my my Robin Hood. We are talking about someone who is every bit as bad as Hitler and you have the audacity to even compare this geezer to Ukraine President or Obama!

Robin Hood wrote:Those are just simply your views! You have not provided a single credible link to a source! It is easy to make wild accusations but much more difficult to substantiate them.

No no no! They are not just my views. These are the views commonly held internationally and also of insiders within Russia. What you think because Obama hasn't said it, he doesn't know it or believe it?

During the G20 held in Australia, Pootin landing on Australian shores and was face to face with Australian Prime Minister when the entire RAN and RAAF had to mobilise to intercept an entire Russian Battle Group headed for Australian Waters. It was an act of aggression against Australia, so we do in fact know exactly who we are dealing with and we are prepared to stand up for ourselves and are eagerly awaiting the right leadership from the USA to achieve what needs to be achieved.

Yes Pootin is nasty business. By backing down we are in effect creating this monster. Obama to some extent created Pootin in Ukraine. Now Pootin has gone too far and is now learning that the hard way. The only salvation for him is to seek an exit that saves face. We are willing to accommodate this. We also believe he is learning his lessons very well

Robin Hood wrote:Again just your opinion!

Rather than Putin ‘learning the hard way’, the boot seems to be very much on the other foot from where I am sitting. I think your advice would be more applicable to the US led coalition.

No not just my opinion once again. There are many strategists after Obama's political scalp in Australia, Japan, South Korea, Saudi Arabia, Germany, Holland and a few more. probably Cameron too. He let us down and fucked up big time and was forced to escalate the Syria Proxy War against Pootin and Assad. Now we need someone with the conviction to insert 200,000 troops with the FSA and we will see if Pootins planes fly over ever again. He can if he has a death wish because we will go all the way to Damascus and even surround his bases.

Whether you like it or not, Syria is as much as out revenge as anything else. It's about burning Pootin's fingers so that he heels them out of the cookie jar!

Robin Hood wrote:See my previous post ........ there are many that would disagree with that conception. Putin has no interest in territorial gain, he has said repeatedly the intention is to stabilize Syria from the chaos that has emanated from the US Coalitions interference in another Sovereign States internal affairs (once again); Create the stability to allow the Syrian people to decide their future under UN auspices and then he is gone. When Assad is re-elected as President of Syria he will be able to deal with the problem himself.

We have no interest in territorial gain or establishing bases in Syria. Our interests are to see the Sunnis and other minority groups gain a voice in Syria, and they are not prepared to work along side Assad under any circumstances.

Robin Hood wrote:Don’t you find it strange that all those years Assad was supposedly murdering thousands of his own people, we didn’t have floods of refugees desperate to escape and Syria was a prosperous State, but when the US and its various and sometimes dubious ‘coalitions’ get involved ...... up springs ISIS and the people flee? They flee, not from Assad as you would have me believe but from the violence, death and destruction that US interference bought to Syria after their actions elsewhere in the region (Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, Egypt et al) gave birth to ISIS/DAESH and the US decided to back terrorists to achieve their aim of regime change by proxy.

Syria even had Pilots fly into Israeli Airspace and land at IAF bases and ask the Israelis for asylum. I personally know one of them.

So let's not be too manipulative.

Robin Hood wrote:They also tried to do it in Ukraine but when they realised Putin had outsmarted them without the need to kill and destroy to achieve Russia's aim i.e. secure their own National interest - Savastopol ...... the US lost interest and as usual, left another failed State behind them as an epitaph to their arrogance whilst they look at their 'TO DO' list and find somewhere else to f**k up!!!! :roll:

Oh don't worry. Obama knows he was taken for a fool. That is what happens to nice guys.

But now the chooks are going to Damascus to roost and it looks like Pootin has been enticed into something he will not be able to extract himself from unless we say so.
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Re: The war against Syria

Postby miltiades » Tue Feb 02, 2016 11:16 am

" unless we say so."
:lol: :lol: :lol:
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Re: The war against Syria

Postby Paphitis » Tue Feb 02, 2016 11:20 am

miltiades wrote:" unless we say so."
:lol: :lol: :lol:

Use your brains old man.

The FSA are supported by the West and they are holding their ground because we won't let them fall. We have an unlimited supply of arms and money which we can make available to the Syrian Opposition.

This war is at a stalemate, so Pootin is in it for the long and bitter haul unless he starts playing ball. Why do you think everyone wants peace talks? Because the opposition can now negotiate from a position of power. And why do you think Assad was the most eager to negotiate along with Pootin? because they are running scared now.

How do you say "Checkmate" in Russian? Ask your woman and let us know.
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Re: The war against Syria

Postby Paphitis » Wed Feb 03, 2016 2:25 am

miltiades wrote:" Western response has been both feeble and noncommittal, but the world is now in need of real leadership. Unfortunately, it seems our leaders are walking into the abyss with their eyes closed."
So is Paphitis !!

On the contrary old man.

The Coalition build up is enough to fight a World War and certainly to wipe the floor with Pootin.

At this stage, we are only fighting ISIL, and we have them on the ropes with territory gains in Iraq with the liberation of Ramadi and also in Syria because Raqqa is officially under siege with our forces just outside the outskirts as we speak.

But one day, we will be looking for a swift end and that means troops. That will happen in short order but don't expect us to go after the Opposition to your Golden Boy because that is not on the cards.

However, Assad is on our cards.

Now, you tell me what Pootin has managed to liberate? Fuck all I hear you say! Oh yes, he has achieved fuck all alright. The history books will show it too, and that must be a bitter pill for him to swallow.

We don't post things on YouTube mate. Or even release sensitive military material unless its from an Opposition or Kurdish mobile phone video on Facebook.
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Re: The war against Syria

Postby Robin Hood » Wed Feb 03, 2016 8:12 pm

So you think the US is going to wop the arse off Russia? Think again dreamer! :lol: :lol: :lol:

Most of these observations in the following article are from Western experts but have been played down or just ignored, by the Corp. Media, who you rely on for all your information. When will you realise and admit that simply from the evidence available from both corporate media and from all news sources, it is the Russians who are now running the show in Syria?

You may not like the idea of that too much but the reality on the ground and in the air, clearly pronounces it as a fact.

How Corruption Cripples America’s Military: US versus Russian Weaponry. Who Wins?

America’s military budget is roughly 7.2 times that of Russia ($610 billion compared to $84.5 billion), but even Western news-accounts are saying that the weaponry produced in Russia is superior overall to the weaponry produced in the United States.

An example of Russia prowess at sending a message without having to say a word ………………. and the US even acknowledges the incident and its effects!

On 13 September 2014, Voltairenet described, on the basis of a 30 April Russian report, an incident on 12 April, in which the USS Donald Cook Aegis Class destroyer, loaded with missiles, entered the Black Sea, to threaten Russia, and a Russian Su-24 flew overhead, carrying a device that can turn off all electrical systems. Voltairenet said:

As the Russian jet approached the US vessel, the electronic device disabled all radars, control circuits, systems, information transmission, etc. on board the US destroyer. In other words, the all-powerful Aegis system, now hooked up — or about to be — with the defence systems installed on NATO’s most modern ships was shut down, as turning off the TV set with the remote control.”

The Russian Su-24 then simulated a missile attack against the USS Donald Cook, which was left literally deaf and blind. As if carrying out a training exercise, the Russian aircraft — unarmed — repeated the same maneuver 12 times before flying away.”

After that, the 4th generation destroyer [Donald Cook] immediately set sail towards a port in Romania.

Since that incident, which the Atlanticist media have carefully covered up despite the widespread reactions sparked among defense industry experts, no US ship has ever approached Russian territorial waters again. :o

The above incident in detail:

I will make my own predictions: .........just my opinion of course! :roll: :wink:

1. Within the next twelve months the US will withdraw from the Syrian theatre, as they have done in almost every theatre of conflict they have been the instigators of since the 1950’s. They will obviously find a way to save face and will still try to covertly interfere but I believe their days as the Worlds ‘.....exceptional and irreplaceable Nation’ are coming to an end.

2. The sanctions against Russia will be scrapped at least by the EU.

3. AND Bernie Sanders will be the next US President (it is just a shame he is in his 70's) because at last, as the Iowa Caucus has shown, the American People are waking from their slumber. (Unless of course the .01% decide he has lived too long already and is a threat to be removed!)

BTW: Contrary to your expressed opinion, the Russians are allowing coalition aircraft pre-advised entry into Syrian airspace. Applying common sense alone would support that notion without any factual backing, it could not happen any other way! :roll:
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Re: The war against Syria

Postby Paphitis » Thu Feb 04, 2016 2:31 am

Robin Hood wrote:Paphitis:
So you think the US is going to wop the arse off Russia? Think again dreamer! :lol: :lol: :lol:

Most of these observations in the following article are from Western experts but have been played down or just ignored, by the Corp. Media, who you rely on for all your information. When will you realise and admit that simply from the evidence available from both corporate media and from all news sources, it is the Russians who are now running the show in Syria?

You may not like the idea of that too much but the reality on the ground and in the air, clearly pronounces it as a fact.

How Corruption Cripples America’s Military: US versus Russian Weaponry. Who Wins?

America’s military budget is roughly 7.2 times that of Russia ($610 billion compared to $84.5 billion), but even Western news-accounts are saying that the weaponry produced in Russia is superior overall to the weaponry produced in the United States.

An example of Russia prowess at sending a message without having to say a word ………………. and the US even acknowledges the incident and its effects!

On 13 September 2014, Voltairenet described, on the basis of a 30 April Russian report, an incident on 12 April, in which the USS Donald Cook Aegis Class destroyer, loaded with missiles, entered the Black Sea, to threaten Russia, and a Russian Su-24 flew overhead, carrying a device that can turn off all electrical systems. Voltairenet said:

As the Russian jet approached the US vessel, the electronic device disabled all radars, control circuits, systems, information transmission, etc. on board the US destroyer. In other words, the all-powerful Aegis system, now hooked up — or about to be — with the defence systems installed on NATO’s most modern ships was shut down, as turning off the TV set with the remote control.”

The Russian Su-24 then simulated a missile attack against the USS Donald Cook, which was left literally deaf and blind. As if carrying out a training exercise, the Russian aircraft — unarmed — repeated the same maneuver 12 times before flying away.”

After that, the 4th generation destroyer [Donald Cook] immediately set sail towards a port in Romania.

Since that incident, which the Atlanticist media have carefully covered up despite the widespread reactions sparked among defense industry experts, no US ship has ever approached Russian territorial waters again. :o

The above incident in detail:

I will make my own predictions: .........just my opinion of course! :roll: :wink:

1. Within the next twelve months the US will withdraw from the Syrian theatre, as they have done in almost every theatre of conflict they have been the instigators of since the 1950’s. They will obviously find a way to save face and will still try to covertly interfere but I believe their days as the Worlds ‘.....exceptional and irreplaceable Nation’ are coming to an end.

2. The sanctions against Russia will be scrapped at least by the EU.

3. AND Bernie Sanders will be the next US President (it is just a shame he is in his 70's) because at last, as the Iowa Caucus has shown, the American People are waking from their slumber. (Unless of course the .01% decide he has lived too long already and is a threat to be removed!)

BTW: Contrary to your expressed opinion, the Russians are allowing coalition aircraft pre-advised entry into Syrian airspace. Applying common sense alone would support that notion without any factual backing, it could not happen any other way! :roll:

Haha RH. You are very delusional to think Russia is running the show. They have the Syrian regime on their side and are in control of 25% of Syria.

The rest is in our hands and the Russians have made no progress so far as our allies have held their ground.

In fact, Pootin knows that he has little chance to change the Status Quo unless he inserts his own troops.

You got a stalemate. They are not at the table and wouldn't be at the table if they believed they can crush the opposition.

Boy are you in for some humble pie.

Yes the Coalition is running the show and will have control of Raqqa within the next 2 months.

Bernie Sanders will get knocked off by Hillary. :lol:
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Re: The war against Syria

Postby Robin Hood » Thu Feb 04, 2016 10:00 am

Haha RH. You are very delusional to think Russia is running the show. They have the Syrian regime on their side and are in control of 25% of Syria.

That could well be true but it is a lot more than the Syrian Govt. and the SAA had until Russia stepped in with support. Nice to see Vlad is having a noticeable effect on events.
The rest is in our hands and the Russians have made no progress so far as our allies have held their ground.

If ‘ our hands’ refers to moderate Islamic Terrorists, you would be correct but of course thanks to the SAA actions supported by Russian air force, their percentage is dropping by the day as they flee Syrian Govt forces. If ‘ our hands’ is a reference to US/Coalition forces ......... that would be an illegal act of war I believe .... so somehow I doubt they are having much inpact apart from air support (with Russian agreement)to the Islamic Terrorist and FSA mutineers.
In fact, Pootin knows that he has little chance to change the Status Quo unless he inserts his own troops.

According to your usual sources (MSM) he is about to send 150,000 conscripts to wipe the Islamic Terrorists out .... although I have seen no such information coming from thePutin/Lavrov camp! Maybe the Express borrowed your Crystal Ball?
You got a stalemate. They are not at the table and wouldn't be at the table if they believed they can crush the opposition.

Nobody is at the table because ‘you’ decided you would not discuss anything until Assad went, your Sharia Caliphate were in power (no doubt in another US carefully orchestrate election ... like Ukraine?) and Russia and the SAA stopped attacking you. I still think Putins proposal of letting the Syrians decide is the best course.
Boy are you in for some humble pie.

We shall see what we shall see! :wink:

Yes the Coalition is running the show and will have control of Raqqa within the next 2 months.

Raqqa is just one City and you have been pounding it for months ..... with no civilian casualties apparently (according to the SOHR)?

You make all these bold swashbuckling claims but never post the sources that supports your rather blinkered and ever so slightly biased view of events in Syria. You sort out Iraq ..... you f*ked it up in the first place, created DAESH and have spent the last few years trying to undo the chaos that US interference created in the first place ..... and have achieved sod all! Let Putin sort out the Syrian problem!

Bernie Sanders will get knocked off by Hillary.

Hillary ..... financially backed to the tune of billions of dollars by the Big Banks, Big Corporations, Military Industrial Complex, AIPAC and the 0.01%. Even then the result was too close to call and was won on the toss of a coin. Even she is admitting that New Hampshire will be even more difficult as she is already trailing in the polls.

Bernie .......... refused any big business financial support and has primarily relied upon individual donations from the American people .... well 3.5million of them who contributed on average just $27 each. He lagged way behind in the polls as virtually a ‘no-hoper’ and he equalled the Hillary vote. New Hampshire ..... will see Clinton defeated .... resoundingly. :lol:

The other crowd? I can’t say I really know much about them except for The Duck! But in my opinion, if either Clinton or The Duck end up in the White House WWIII will ramp up and a nuclear confrontation with Russia/China could well be the result. Both of these two are seriously in need of psychiatric treatment ................. only Bernie seems to appear to be sane! :roll:
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Re: The war against Syria

Postby Paphitis » Thu Feb 04, 2016 11:20 am

Only according to Smirnoff News. Have you noticed how that "noticeable effect" is not so noticeable anymore?

Pootin has aligned himself with Jihadist forces. We are fighting jihadists and helping free Syrians and Kurds.

Have you noticed how coalition forces have assisted in the liberation of extensive swaths of Iraqi territory? What has Pootin liberated? Sweet fuck all is what!

Let's not waste our time on Bernie. The next Pres is Republican. Either Rubio, Bush or Cruz. Thank heavens for that.

I want to see the old guard back, Romney, Cheney, Powell, Rice and Rumsfield. :D
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