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The war against Syria

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Re: The war against Syria

Postby Paphitis » Sun Jan 31, 2016 2:29 pm

miltiades wrote:What do you mean " WE" .
America has now given up on the demand that Assad steps down, haven't you heard?

Under Assad there were no millions of refugees , not 100s of thousands killed, millions displaced, and most importantly Syria did not have Isis and a myriad of other Islamic groups vying who kills more !

Russia's entry has substantially changed the West's erroneous belief, and if you had any vision yours too.

Do you for one moment think that if Assad was to step down there would be peace and democracy in Syria ?
Not in a thousand years mate.

That is what you think!

No one has given up at all. Transition is on our agenda but at the moment, our allies won't even take part in proximity talks so in effect there are no talks as far as the Saudies are concerned. The Syrian opposition will only meet UN and US officials.

The WE you stupid pushtoyero, is the Coalition. The main members of the coalition are USA, UK, France, Australia, Japan, UAE, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, Jordan and some 55 other countries on the sidelines!

In addition, there is no Syria for Assad to rule unless he wants to rule the 20%. No one else wants him or will accept his rule which means war. The opposition will not agree to any peace deal with Assad maintaining office indefinately, and Pootin knows he faces years of war.
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Re: The war against Syria

Postby miltiades » Sun Jan 31, 2016 2:48 pm

Ai gamisou malaka
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Re: The war against Syria

Postby Paphitis » Sun Jan 31, 2016 3:29 pm

miltiades wrote:Ai gamisou malaka

What, that's it? Man you are a silly old codger!
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Re: The war against Syria

Postby Robin Hood » Sun Jan 31, 2016 8:26 pm

Paphitis: From ‘The Truth’ thread .......
Don't ever think there will be a back down from the coalition or the Syrian opposition because we did that once before in Ukraine and look where that got us.

This is what puzzles me about your views.

Ukraine: You invariably start from Russia’s supposed ‘invasion’ and condemn outright their support of the ethnic Russian Ukrainians defence against government forces and irregular militias, a ‘government’ that they did not elect. It was installed as the result of a coup, which was planned, instigated and fully supported by the US/NATO.

The result put a bunch of thugs with proven Nazi associations into power who made no bones about the fact they were out to get rid of the ethnic Russians in the East (I believe their description was to ‘exterminate’ them) and in addition throw the Russians out of their long held naval base and hand it over to NATO, even though they had a legal agreement with an elected government to remain in it for some years.

For this you hate Putin and accuse him of all sorts of crimes. True? :?:

Then .....

Syria: Again, you choose to start at the point there was a US/NATO assisted, armed revolution as the result of a mutiny in the Syrian Arab Army against Assad. These mutineers have your overwhelming support to the point that you arm them to invoke regime change because you hate Assad about as much as you hate Putin.

For the last four years the US and its Allies have poured arms and munitions into these rebel fighters, with the excuse they are fighting DAESH (Who you also hate but less than Putin or Assad) You completely ignore the fact that the FSA represents about 2% of the rebels fighting Assad .... and of course DAESH. The rest are mainly mercenaries, many of them foreign. You also ignore many other unsavoury aspects of this rebel army and the dubious support your allies in the Gulf are giving to DAESH and the other Islamic Extremist groups.

Putin joins in the conflict as there has been zero effective progress by your coalition in two years and, even though he was legally invited by an elected government to assist, you still hate him and accuse him of all sorts of crimes.

Things then changed but you convince yourselves that this was all due to coalition action and had nothing to do with the Russian intervention; in fact you play down their successes. You believe without question some dubious anti-Assad site that lists the civilian deaths but only those supposedly attributed to Russia action. This list runs into thousands of civilian deaths which conveniently fails to list rebel casualties, and all information is supplied by rebels in the field by mobile to a detached house in Coventry. However, after dropping over 23000 bombs on various targets the US coalition score of dead civilians, according to this website is ...... 15! What is it the coalition were bombing because DAESH hides within the population so how did they bomb DAESH with only 15 collateral deaths?

I think a clear case of double standards, surely, don’t you? :roll:

BTW: This has had zero coverage in the western media in spite of the fact there were a lot of western journalist there. I wonder why? This guy I have a lot of respect for and the US equivalent is a flea in comparison. Lavrov is truly a Statesman and Diplomat.

These articles may also interest you? They are mainly the informed opinions of the writers based on available facts but all have credentials ........ and cover some valid points not found in MSM news organisations news releases ..............

You Have Now Landed in Geneva, Syria - By Pepe Escobar

You Won't Believe What This US Ambassador Said About al-Qaeda's Syrian Allies - By Daniel McAdams

A very reasonable suggestion and synopsis of current events .......?

EU Refugee Crisis: Stop Illegal Wars, Don’t Blame The Victims - By Finian Cunningham
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Re: The war against Syria

Postby miltiades » Sun Jan 31, 2016 9:37 pm

Robin, you have a tremendous amount of patience and perseverance in challenging the Plonker of Arabia, I admire your tenacity. As for me, I don't have what you have so I just call a spade a spade.

Ever since he took his hat off to the pervert, confided that he hates Putin, or Pootin as he persists in calling him , ( another Lordo here ) declared that WW3 is not so bad, I lost any interest in his ludicrous views, remembering of course that a few years back he called on the Cypriot National Guard to declare war on Turkey :lol: :lol: :lol:
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Re: The war against Syria

Postby Robin Hood » Mon Feb 01, 2016 7:27 am

miltiades wrote:Robin, you have a tremendous amount of patience and perseverance in challenging the Plonker of Arabia, I admire your tenacity. As for me, I don't have what you have so I just call a spade a spade.

Ever since he took his hat off to the pervert, confided that he hates Putin, or Pootin as he persists in calling him , ( another Lordo here ) declared that WW3 is not so bad, I lost any interest in his ludicrous views, remembering of course that a few years back he called on the Cypriot National Guard to declare war on Turkey :lol: :lol: :lol:

Surely, isn't that what diplomacy is? It is a question of appealing to some one who is certainly NOT a plonker, using common sense and logic backed by reasonably reliable sources for the 'facts' (not, I admit always 100%!). I have found Paphitis to be someone I can talk to, without exchanging insults and, even though we are at different ends of the spectrum, I will continue to try and persuade him to accept that there is another side to the story.

If those sitting around the table in Geneva took the same line and both (ALL) sides were prepared to accept compromise in the common good then a solution for Syria is possible. But unlike Paphitis, I agree with Putin that ...... ''.... who will rule Syria is a choice for the Syrian people and no one else '.... even if you are the Worlds self declared exceptional and irreplaceable Nation. Simply .... it ain't and never was something the Western Powers should ever have interfered in. It is that interference that has led to this immigration crisis because the people are fleeing the violence and to simply blame Assad for that is not logical. :roll:
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Re: The war against Syria

Postby miltiades » Mon Feb 01, 2016 7:35 am

Anybody who declares that he hates Putin more than ISIS , that WW3 its not so bad is not only a Plonker but a blithering idiot.
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Re: The war against Syria

Postby Robin Hood » Mon Feb 01, 2016 9:22 am

miltiades wrote:Anybody who declares that he hates Putin more than ISIS , that WW3 its not so bad is not only a Plonker but a blithering idiot.

Not really! He does not suffer a mental impairment, he's just misguided .............. but I'm working on it. :wink:
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Re: The war against Syria

Postby miltiades » Mon Feb 01, 2016 10:11 am

" Western response has been both feeble and noncommittal, but the world is now in need of real leadership. Unfortunately, it seems our leaders are walking into the abyss with their eyes closed."
So is Paphitis !!
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Re: The war against Syria

Postby Paphitis » Mon Feb 01, 2016 3:39 pm

Robin Hood wrote:Paphitis: From ‘The Truth’ thread .......
Don't ever think there will be a back down from the coalition or the Syrian opposition because we did that once before in Ukraine and look where that got us.

This is what puzzles me about your views.

Ukraine: You invariably start from Russia’s supposed ‘invasion’ and condemn outright their support of the ethnic Russian Ukrainians defence against government forces and irregular militias, a ‘government’ that they did not elect. It was installed as the result of a coup, which was planned, instigated and fully supported by the US/NATO.

The result put a bunch of thugs with proven Nazi associations into power who made no bones about the fact they were out to get rid of the ethnic Russians in the East (I believe their description was to ‘exterminate’ them) and in addition throw the Russians out of their long held naval base and hand it over to NATO, even though they had a legal agreement with an elected government to remain in it for some years.

For this you hate Putin and accuse him of all sorts of crimes. True? :?:

Then .....

Syria: Again, you choose to start at the point there was a US/NATO assisted, armed revolution as the result of a mutiny in the Syrian Arab Army against Assad. These mutineers have your overwhelming support to the point that you arm them to invoke regime change because you hate Assad about as much as you hate Putin.

For the last four years the US and its Allies have poured arms and munitions into these rebel fighters, with the excuse they are fighting DAESH (Who you also hate but less than Putin or Assad) You completely ignore the fact that the FSA represents about 2% of the rebels fighting Assad .... and of course DAESH. The rest are mainly mercenaries, many of them foreign. You also ignore many other unsavoury aspects of this rebel army and the dubious support your allies in the Gulf are giving to DAESH and the other Islamic Extremist groups.

Putin joins in the conflict as there has been zero effective progress by your coalition in two years and, even though he was legally invited by an elected government to assist, you still hate him and accuse him of all sorts of crimes.

Things then changed but you convince yourselves that this was all due to coalition action and had nothing to do with the Russian intervention; in fact you play down their successes. You believe without question some dubious anti-Assad site that lists the civilian deaths but only those supposedly attributed to Russia action. This list runs into thousands of civilian deaths which conveniently fails to list rebel casualties, and all information is supplied by rebels in the field by mobile to a detached house in Coventry. However, after dropping over 23000 bombs on various targets the US coalition score of dead civilians, according to this website is ...... 15! What is it the coalition were bombing because DAESH hides within the population so how did they bomb DAESH with only 15 collateral deaths?

I think a clear case of double standards, surely, don’t you? :roll:

BTW: This has had zero coverage in the western media in spite of the fact there were a lot of western journalist there. I wonder why? This guy I have a lot of respect for and the US equivalent is a flea in comparison. Lavrov is truly a Statesman and Diplomat.

These articles may also interest you? They are mainly the informed opinions of the writers based on available facts but all have credentials ........ and cover some valid points not found in MSM news organisations news releases ..............

You Have Now Landed in Geneva, Syria - By Pepe Escobar

You Won't Believe What This US Ambassador Said About al-Qaeda's Syrian Allies - By Daniel McAdams

A very reasonable suggestion and synopsis of current events .......?

EU Refugee Crisis: Stop Illegal Wars, Don’t Blame The Victims - By Finian Cunningham

Woah dude? What is the meaning of this? Your post has gone from Syria, to Ukraine and then to NAZIs and Hitler? Really?

I claim Goodwin! That is all I can do RH.


Furthermore, Pootin is a criminal in more ways than one. It has little to do what he did in Georgia or Ukraine or even in Syria. We know he is a criminal. Hundreds of Russian Journalists are in jail and dozens more were murdered. He has been linked to the murder of one of his KGB colleagues and there are more that we do not know. He has murdered many Russians and Ukrainians of high esteem, public servants, police and even officers of the Russian Military. Pootin is Erdogan on steroids literally!

He has stolen from the Russian People - he has an estimated worth of at least 70 Billion, some say 200 Billion.

I mean even if you were the President of the USA earning 500,000 pa plus benefits, I don't think it is possible to accrue over 70 Billion as a KGB Agent and then as President of Russia. I mean my my Robin Hood. We are talking about someone who is every bit as bad as Hitler and you have the audacity to even compare this geezer to Ukraine Lresident or Obama! :roll:

In case you're wondering, Obama has a Net Worth of 7 million.

PS: you were the first to mention the NAZIs! Why do you do that?

PS2: you know I don't waste my time with The Clearing House unless I need a good laugh in which case it's good comedy relief!

Yes Pootin is nasty business. By backing down we are in effect creating this monster. Obama to some extent created Pootin in Ukraine. Now Pootin has gone too far and is now learning that the hard way. The only salvation for him is to seek an exit that saves face. We are willing to accommodate this. We also believe he is learning his lessons very well.

If he pays attention in class, he might even be a star pupil and teacher's pet. We will send him his Gold Star after we mark his progress!

Whether you like it or not, Syria is as much as out revenge as anything else. It's about burning Pootin's fingers so that he heels them out of the cookie jar!
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