Robin Hood wrote:Paphitis:No such thing has been proven regarding the Saudis.(Admission: I was wrong about the source!) Assad is making accusations. It is our belief that the Sarin Attacks were by Assad Forces in the FSA controlled suburb of Ghouta. This is the assessment of the French, UK and US Governments.
You mean the ‘WE’ ?
Ooooop’s ..................... had it not been for getting a daily update from Global Research, I would never have known this ..... and neither would you.
It seems that the US and its partners got it all wrong about Assad using Sarin gas in Ghouta and eleven other sites in Syria! It WAS the Islamic opposition and that includes the FSA! Do you remember Kerry appearing in the MSM spouting irrefutable evidence proof of Assad’s guilt? His Government never produced it of course, because there was none!
How many like you have just accepted what he said? What can only be referred to as deliberate lies? The claim Saddam had WMD’s has also been disproved and day by day more authoritative reports on what led up to the civil war in Ukraine, are also coming to light and in every instance what we have been led to believe is being proved as (let’s say) rather ‘inaccurate’! The ‘WE’ are either liars or grossly incompetent.
What else have they ‘got wrong’ ? (lied about?) ? How much more is required to show that they got it all wrong and would have attacked Assad using this as an excuse had it not been for the diplomatic skills of President Putin?
I am not surprised it has not been reported at all in the MSM!Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPWC) Confirms: Rebels Used Chemical Weapons – not Assad
The Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPWC) has confirmed the traces of the sarin gas used in Syria are not linked with the Syrian government’s former stockpile of chemical weapons. The report corroborates the Syrian government’s assertions that the faction responsible for the chemical attack, as well as 11 other instances of chemical weapons use, was the Syrian opposition.
A respected source: The organisation is based in the Haig and is a recognised international body ....... you don't realize though is that the Status Quo in Syria will change drastically in the coming months if there is a Peace Settlement which we are trying to push.
Oh, but I DO realize! The Staus Quo will change because of the Russian involvement. The coalition are trying to claim it is all their idea .... but I think most people are astute enough to realize that nothing changed UNTIL the Russians took the initiative and the ‘Assad must go!’ claims, as a result have died out.
This is why the result is quite likely NOT to be what the US wants. I posted it before but by your comments, I don’t think you read it? I warned ..... it is a long read, it took me an hour to read through it without claiming that I remembered every word, or checked every link but it convinced me simply because the guy is a specialist, knows far more than I ever will on the subject ........... and I believe is an honest broker.
The paper rubbishes the US claims (The ‘WE’?) that the majority of the Syrian people want to see the back of Assad and is why I believe (once again) that a genuine free vote could well see him back in the driving seat! You won’t read this in the MSM .... as it is far too long and detailed for any normal MSM news outlet.
Quote:We find little reasonable discussion of either, in western circles, after the Islamist insurrection of 2011. Instead, the wartime discussion descended into caricatures, conditioned by ‘regime-change’ fervour and bloody war, of a bloodthirsty ‘brutal dictator’ mindlessly repressing and slaughtering his own people. None of this helps sensible or principled understandings. Fortunately, there are a range of Syrian and independent sources that allow us to put together a more realistic picture. If we believed most western media reports we would think President Assad had launched repeated and indiscriminate attacks on civilians, including the gassing of children.
I do not consider Global Research as a reliable source under any circumstances. they have a very clearly sckewed world view to say the least. I refuse to read that source, because I will not waste my time with it.
Here is some more information for you from the CBS. It's an American Source I know, but there is nothing wrong with the 60 minutes report. Featured in the report is the same survivor of the Sarin Gas attack I mentioned earlier who now lives in the USA. ... 0-minutes/
Suffice to say, I don't think we will ever agree on this issue at all, not even find any middle ground.
To be completely frank RH, I am very disappointed that you would want to defend Assad over these attacks. These types of things should make you very angry and maybe you should put the politics aside for a second because these attacks were so inhumane.
Here is another video.
Extremely graphic and disturbing stuff.
here is some general information and the feelings about this source (Global Research) which I too subscribe to. It has ZERO credibility! ... -tv.t2314/
Michel Chossudovsky is quite frankly a nut job. That is my view.