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The war against Syria

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Re: The war against Syria

Postby Paphitis » Thu Dec 31, 2015 9:34 am

miltiades wrote:
kurupetos wrote:
Lordo wrote:
miltiades wrote:The Arab women are ....gorgeous

you say that in saudi arabia and see what happens to you.

No need for him to worry... he's old. :mrgreen:

My comment was ...sarcastic since i consider Arab women to be the most unattractive , non glamorous medeival creatures, so much so that if the entire female population world wide was such i would most certainly chop it off and have it dangling from my ...rear , yak

That's because you're a total judgemental, and racist lunatic.

They have everything in some parts including semi-naked women on TV, racy singers or divas, and even Soap Operas where everyone is bonking everyone else and having sex triangles between them.

You have no clue.

It's only in some parts you need to be particularly cautious. Saudi Arabia is one such place. Iran is another but they aren't even Arabic. Possibly Oman too, but they are going the way of QATAR, Bahrain and UAE.

Even Saudi Arabia is making some strides.
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Re: The war against Syria

Postby Paphitis » Thu Dec 31, 2015 10:31 am

Robin Hood wrote:RT is the equivalent of FOX, CNN, BBC, SKY Al Jazeera etc. what I am more interested in is independent web sites such as Information Clearing House, Global Research, Black Listed News and other ‘credible’ sites that do not rely upon advertising to survive, as you suggest, which is why they are continually asking for donations to support them. These are just to pay the running costs not to pay the authors and journalists who provide the articles. They have a vested interest in providing far more detailed coverage of events than you will ever find in the MSM. Ask your wife about journalistic independence and the MSM? What you describe is how the MSM works, that is not true (or at least to a much lesser extent) to these independent crowd funded ‘publishing’ outlets.

BTW, I forgot to mention another very simple fact. FOX News, Fox Studios, 21st Century Fox, and anything else FOX is Australian owned and part of News Limited.

It's an Australian Company. It's NOT even American.

The media mogul who owns it and has a number of other global interests too, including SKY News. The companies he owns are also listed on the Australian All Ords so you can buy shares in FOX News if you want.
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Re: The war against Syria

Postby miltiades » Thu Dec 31, 2015 10:45 am

Paphitis wrote:
miltiades wrote:
kurupetos wrote:
Lordo wrote:
miltiades wrote:The Arab women are ....gorgeous

you say that in saudi arabia and see what happens to you.

No need for him to worry... he's old. :mrgreen:

My comment was ...sarcastic since i consider Arab women to be the most unattractive , non glamorous medeival creatures, so much so that if the entire female population world wide was such i would most certainly chop it off and have it dangling from my ...rear , yak

That's because you're a total judgemental, and racist lunatic.

They have everything in some parts including semi-naked women on TV, racy singers or divas, and even Soap Operas where everyone is bonking everyone else and having sex triangles between them.

You have no clue.

It's only in some parts you need to be particularly cautious. Saudi Arabia is one such place. Iran is another but they aren't even Arabic. Possibly Oman too, but they are going the way of QATAR, Bahrain and UAE.

Even Saudi Arabia is making some strides.

Are they really ? Strange !! You are a lucky man boy.
Tell me something, do these muslim women go out on their own sharing a or two with their peers? Like hell they do. TAKE ONE FOR A WIFE !!!
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Re: The war against Syria

Postby Paphitis » Thu Dec 31, 2015 11:25 am

miltiades wrote:Are they really ? Strange !! You are a lucky man boy.
Tell me something, do these muslim women go out on their own sharing a or two with their peers? Like hell they do. TAKE ONE FOR A WIFE !!!

Yeh they do you sleaze bag.

Not all of them are in Burkhas. Some only have a Mantili, are quite liberated, and educated and are seen at Cafes, Restaurants with other Men, including Western Men who are non Muslim. You can also enjoy some Alcohol but the key is to be respectful because respect is a key element in their conservative culture. So you can't be a total drongo or dork which means you would be shit out of luck and in addition to the fact that they have a whole lot more class about them in their big toe than you do in your whole body.

Plus, they are dark, with darker olive complexions and very piercing eyes, they are like Princess Jasmin from the movie Aladdin. I had to pick a movie you're familiar with given your mental age.


Now go try it in Saudi Arabia. They know how to handle perverts like you there.
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Re: The war against Syria

Postby miltiades » Thu Dec 31, 2015 12:14 pm

Boy, in the words of the wise old man go and and ...fuck your self, or get an Arab to do it for you!!
You are so full of shit no doubt you will enjoy it , Boy !
By the way, are you still wet behind the ear !!
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Re: The war against Syria

Postby Robin Hood » Thu Dec 31, 2015 7:23 pm

I won’t reply to all of the points you made because I would regard most of them as what YOU think is happening, has happened and will happen.

As for US bases being at the invitation of Governments ..... not true ..... but none the less inviting the US into your country and allowing them a military structure is a bit like treading in dog shit! You don’t realise what you have done until you smell it and then it takes for ever to get rid of it!
They assassinate their (Iranian) scientists and the world is better place for it. I would assassinate them too if I were in Netanyahu's shoes. I got no issue with that.

So you would endorse murdering Israeli Nuclear Scientists? Remember Israel is a rogue nation along with Nth Korea, with as many as 400 nuclear weapons but, unlike Iran, they DO have a record of attacking other countries. Iran has attacked no other country in almost 300 years, can’t say that applies to Israel or the US.

FYO: Both US and Israeli intelligence and the UN Inspectors have ALL stated they have found no evidence that IRAN has, in the years since the revolution, has ever been engaged in the development of a nuclear weapon. Of course when the Shah was in power, Israel and the US were actively helping his regime to build nuclear facilities ..... my, how times change!
But the Iranian Military is no defence force. And Hesbollah are known for attacking civilian targets in Israel.

The Iranian Military is nothing but a defence force! The last time they were used in earnest was as a defence force in the Iran/Iraq war, you remember that surely ? That was one of those little incidental wars that the US claimed they had no involvement in (Iran/Contras?) but it turned out later that the US supported Iraq (Saddam) both with intelligence and weapons ,including chemical weapons that Saddam used at a place called Korahm Shah.

Hezbollah attacks Israel in Lebanon, like Hammas does in Palestine. Both are justified under International law because Israel is an occupying force. Was it not you that was extolling the rights of a country to self defence and that pre-emptive actions were just that?
RT is NOT free at all and neither is Smirnoff or whatever they call themselves.

They are as free as any western news outlet. Try watching their programmes before you condemn them. Say this one for instance from RT:

Informative - A US Presidential Candidate; surely you don’t think that she is lying through her teeth? She explains many of the points regarding US Policy and Syria that you are in denial of! I would rather see her in the Whitehouse than Clinton or Trump! As she explains Bernie Saunders doesn’t stand a chance and explains why the US Political system will kill him off.

Interesting – this is the first time I have read about what creating a no fly zone actually implies ......... and Hilary is hell bent on creating one over Syria if she gets into the Whitehouse. You won’t find this little gem in the normal media sources, it is was broadcast live on TV but was killed off immediately afterwards.

As for Journalistic bias?

All these articles have been taken from just one independent news source, on one day (Yesterday) .......Information Clearing House ......... not a blog but just what it says. I think an information ‘broad spread’ would be a reasonable description. (They site did not update for a couple of days because the guy that runs it had FLU! They have no shareholders, no Board and no sponsors to satisfy, so truly independent and run on a shoe string budget!)

Unless you take news from sources other than Murdoch’s media empire and the other half dozen US based media empires, you will never find out what else is happening in Syria, Ukraine or the World in general because as Jill Sten says in the interview on RT's Sophie and Co, the American people are kept very much in the dark as to alternative views and it seems that Australia is the same? It seems both nations are easily led!

Happy 2016 .................. the next 12 months will see if you have backed the right horse or not? :wink: :)
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Re: The war against Syria

Postby Kikapu » Thu Dec 31, 2015 10:06 pm

Kikapu wrote:Paphitis, the truth of the matter is, no matter how fair elections are held in Syria, the west is not interested, because they want Assad gone their way, and not at the ballot box. The west has not learned a thing when it comes to removing foreign leaders they don't like because they do not any longer dance to the west's tune. Do you think the mess we have in the Middle east today would be if Saddam was still in power? The answer would be a resounding , NO. I have come to learn that in general, Muslim religion and Democracy cannot co-exists. Turkey thinks they are Europeans and look and see how democracy works there. Even there it does not work. Somethings are the way they are, and no matter how well intention the west may be, although, the west intentions mostly are not well intended, you cannot export west's understanding of democracy to Muslim countries. They don't understand it and they don't want it, and when you try to force it on them, you have the mess you have in the middle east today.

Well well well, what do you know! :wink:

Professor Bacık: Muslim societies failed to generate supportive culture for democracy

Q. There is the widespread belief that Muslim societies are more likely to embrace authoritarian leaders. Do you concur?

A. Yes. The everyday Islam that we hear in mosques has a marginal view of democracy or free media. The de facto version of Islam today asks people to be more obedient. Today's Islam depends on a simple formula: The state and God are used almost interchangeably. In such a doctrine, Muslim societies failed to generate a supportive culture for democracy.

Q. Is that why most Muslim societies are ruled by dictatorships rather than democracies?

A. There are 1 million reasons to explain this. It is both a result of material and non-material factors. It is both about actors and structures. I do not want to be very pessimistic, but Muslim nations have everything in place to generate authoritarian regimes. The whole Muslim world is becoming a perfect laboratory for authoritarian regimes. ... 08466.html
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Re: The war against Syria

Postby Paphitis » Fri Jan 01, 2016 2:47 am

Kikapu wrote:
Kikapu wrote:Paphitis, the truth of the matter is, no matter how fair elections are held in Syria, the west is not interested, because they want Assad gone their way, and not at the ballot box. The west has not learned a thing when it comes to removing foreign leaders they don't like because they do not any longer dance to the west's tune. Do you think the mess we have in the Middle east today would be if Saddam was still in power? The answer would be a resounding , NO. I have come to learn that in general, Muslim religion and Democracy cannot co-exists. Turkey thinks they are Europeans and look and see how democracy works there. Even there it does not work. Somethings are the way they are, and no matter how well intention the west may be, although, the west intentions mostly are not well intended, you cannot export west's understanding of democracy to Muslim countries. They don't understand it and they don't want it, and when you try to force it on them, you have the mess you have in the middle east today.

Well well well, what do you know! :wink:

Professor Bacık: Muslim societies failed to generate supportive culture for democracy

Q. There is the widespread belief that Muslim societies are more likely to embrace authoritarian leaders. Do you concur?

A. Yes. The everyday Islam that we hear in mosques has a marginal view of democracy or free media. The de facto version of Islam today asks people to be more obedient. Today's Islam depends on a simple formula: The state and God are used almost interchangeably. In such a doctrine, Muslim societies failed to generate a supportive culture for democracy.

Q. Is that why most Muslim societies are ruled by dictatorships rather than democracies?

A. There are 1 million reasons to explain this. It is both a result of material and non-material factors. It is both about actors and structures. I do not want to be very pessimistic, but Muslim nations have everything in place to generate authoritarian regimes. The whole Muslim world is becoming a perfect laboratory for authoritarian regimes. ... 08466.html

Kikapu, it's true that Muslim societies have more authoritarian rulers.

They also in certain parts have the best and most respected leaders on the planet who do their utmost to look after the people with money, free land, jobs in the public sector etc.

As for the rest, I will get back to you. But it is true that the USA has bases in many countries and that it has close bonds with the host, and that includes major Defence treaties. That is the reason why they have bases in those countries, and many facilities are actually joint.

For instance, there are 40,000 US troops in Australia. We want them here. They work with us in exercises. These are US Troops protecting Australian Interests and working for the Australian Government. They are part of the ADF in reality but they are American Troops. We have many joint facilities with them such as Harrold E Holt Navy Station, Pine Gap but the main concentration of US Troops is in Darwin and Obama was there just 1 month ago visiting them.

The Anericans also gain from us, so not denying they don't. The ADF is quite small and spread very thin and many of our assets are overseas in the Middle East when they could be in Australia. But America wants our troops, especially our Special Forces (many are overseas), our planes and ships. In return, they send us troops in Australia to fill the gaps we leave behind.
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Re: The war against Syria

Postby Paphitis » Fri Jan 01, 2016 3:57 am

Firstly, Happy New Year and wish you good health and happiness for 2016. I enjoy talking to you and like you a lot. You're an intelligent gentleman, no matter if we disagree in many things. And we can disagree all you like, because if we were all the same, well the planet would be one very boring place. :D

Robin Hood wrote:I won’t reply to all of the points you made because I would regard most of them as what YOU think is happening, has happened and will happen.

As for US bases being at the invitation of Governments ..... not true ..... but none the less inviting the US into your country and allowing them a military structure is a bit like treading in dog shit! You don’t realise what you have done until you smell it and then it takes for ever to get rid of it!

That is very simplistic RH.

Many countries have massive defence treaties with the USA. In certain aspects, they rely heavily on them. Now you can argue that some countries don't need it anymore, and that may be true, but a lot do. And they gain from the American presence as does America, because it can base its Ships and assets somewhat strategically. For instance, those countries that DO gain a great deal, are countries such as Japan, South Korea, Philippines, Singapore, and Malaysia. Relations with China are not that great between them, as they are worried about the growing influence of China and the South China Sea Issue is a sensitive topic too. But then you have North Korea firing missiles towards Japan and South Korea.

Other countries that gain a lot, and use US Troops to plug gaping holes is Australia. Everyone has their reasons, and interests, including the USA which also gains quite a lot.

They assassinate their (Iranian) scientists and the world is better place for it. I would assassinate them too if I were in Netanyahu's shoes. I got no issue with that.

Robin Hood wrote:So you would endorse murdering Israeli Nuclear Scientists? Remember Israel is a rogue nation along with Nth Korea, with as many as 400 nuclear weapons but, unlike Iran, they DO have a record of attacking other countries. Iran has attacked no other country in almost 300 years, can’t say that applies to Israel or the US.

FYO: Both US and Israeli intelligence and the UN Inspectors have ALL stated they have found no evidence that IRAN has, in the years since the revolution, has ever been engaged in the development of a nuclear weapon. Of course when the Shah was in power, Israel and the US were actively helping his regime to build nuclear facilities ..... my, how times change!

I wouldn't endorse it but if Iran can do such a thing then so be it. Personally, it would probably be a good thing to kill all such scientists. Actually I take that back. I would like to see ALL countries to agree on the non-proliferation of Nuclear Arms, Chemical and Biological Weapons, and I would like to see all Nuclear Powers agree to destroy all their stockpiles within a reasonable time frame under UN Observation - that includes Russia and America. Unfortunately, I reckon it would be a lot easier to get Russia and America to agree to this than it would be to get Iran, Israel and North Korea which of course means that Russia and America won't agree to it either.

But the Iranian Military is no defence force. And Hesbollah are known for attacking civilian targets in Israel.

Robin Hood wrote:The Iranian Military is nothing but a defence force! The last time they were used in earnest was as a defence force in the Iran/Iraq war, you remember that surely ? That was one of those little incidental wars that the US claimed they had no involvement in (Iran/Contras?) but it turned out later that the US supported Iraq (Saddam) both with intelligence and weapons ,including chemical weapons that Saddam used at a place called Korahm Shah.

Oh geez RH. The Iranian Military has enough firepower to be a real big nuisance. They are not merely a Defence Force but a pretty dam solid regional power.

Yes I remember the war and the US did support Saddam. The US would have continued to support him if he did not invade Kuwait, which really pissed the Saudis. However, no one supported Saddam with his Chemical Arsenal or supported the use of these weapons. That is completely manufactured.

Robin Hood wrote:Hezbollah attacks Israel in Lebanon, like Hammas does in Palestine. Both are justified under International law because Israel is an occupying force. Was it not you that was extolling the rights of a country to self defence and that pre-emptive actions were just that?

Yes I support the right of each country to be able to defend themselves as sovereign Nations.

But Hammas and Hesbollah are not sovereign. They are terrorist organisations who attack Israel. Israel's presence is quite often as a result of these attacks.

RT is NOT free at all and neither is Smirnoff or whatever they call themselves.

Robin Hood wrote:They are as free as any western news outlet. Try watching their programmes before you condemn them. Say this one for instance from RT:

Informative - A US Presidential Candidate; surely you don’t think that she is lying through her teeth? She explains many of the points regarding US Policy and Syria that you are in denial of! I would rather see her in the Whitehouse than Clinton or Trump! As she explains Bernie Saunders doesn’t stand a chance and explains why the US Political system will kill him off.

I do watch them RH. I also watch FOX News and read the Guardian sometimes too for entertainment really. I also love some of the comments below the articles, and read them as a reminder that the vast majority of their readers and of society in general have absolutely no clue.

Robin Hood wrote:Interesting – this is the first time I have read about what creating a no fly zone actually implies ......... and Hilary is hell bent on creating one over Syria if she gets into the Whitehouse. You won’t find this little gem in the normal media sources, it is was broadcast live on TV but was killed off immediately afterwards.

If Hillary Clinton supports a NO FLY ZONE over Syria then I support her. I am reasonably fed up with the Democrats, because Obama has been a let down, and the Republicans can't seem to get their act togather and I couldn't thing of a bigger disgrace than Trump who should stick to that stupid reality TV show of his.

I support a NO FLY ZONE in Syria, merely to prevent anyone from attacking rebel groups such as the FSA.

Robin Hood wrote:As for Journalistic bias?

All these articles have been taken from just one independent news source, on one day (Yesterday) .......Information Clearing House ......... not a blog but just what it says. I think an information ‘broad spread’ would be a reasonable description. (They site did not update for a couple of days because the guy that runs it had FLU! They have no shareholders, no Board and no sponsors to satisfy, so truly independent and run on a shoe string budget!)

Out of the above sources, RT would be the least reliable. It is not the free press.

The rest are at least free.

FOX however is entertainment news catering to American Republican Voters or the Right Wing. I watch it for a laugh. The Guardian is exactly the same as FOX, but caters to the Left Wing. I read that too for comedy.

ABC is Australia's BBC. They are pretty reliable, have international correspondence and even though the journalists are paid by the Australian Tax Payer, they do not bend or compromise themselves to the wishes of the Australian Government. They pride themselves on providing high quality reported and they are generally respected as doing this. They have a slight lean to the Left, the Australian Government is Right Wing. The ABC is better than FOX and the Guardian, no question about that.

NBC I don't have a lot of information for but I have watched them before and thought they were OK as far as infotainment went.

Robin Hood wrote:Unless you take news from sources other than Murdoch’s media empire and the other half dozen US based media empires, you will never find out what else is happening in Syria, Ukraine or the World in general because as Jill Sten says in the interview on RT's Sophie and Co, the American people are kept very much in the dark as to alternative views and it seems that Australia is the same? It seems both nations are easily led!

Happy 2016 .................. the next 12 months will see if you have backed the right horse or not? :wink: :)

Everyone has access to a lot of information RH.

But even the Murdoch Empire who own FOX News is certainly free unless Murdoch Himself decides to interfere which he has the power to do obviously.

He is ruled by money, power, influence and so forth and Murdoch has quite a lot of all 3. He is no slave to the US or Australian Governments but US and Australian Governments can be enslaved by him, especially during elections. He can push anything through his editorials.

But he also has outlets and broadsheets which counteract outlets like FOX and are at the other end of the spectrum and more liberal as well as more Left Wing sympathizing.
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Re: The war against Syria

Postby Robin Hood » Fri Jan 01, 2016 11:34 am

Paphits ..... once again Happy New Year :)

It is actually snowing at the moment(1130hrs) here in Limassol ..... well, just outside in the foot hills (400m)! :o :shock:

But even the Murdoch Empire who own FOX News is certainly free unless Murdoch Himself decides to interfere which he has the power to do obviously.

Exactly! What Murdoch says is law within his Empire, cross his red line and you are looking for a new job. The independent sites I follow have no editorial input to the articles they publish. I read what interests me, follow the links the author adds (something that is not possible with the MSM), then read similar articles and come to my own conclusions. Because I have no vested interest (other than a remote humanitarian one) in what is going on in this world and no definitely no direct influence, I tend to see my views on say Syria and Ukraine, in a way that reflects that absence of personal benefit as to the outcome.

Yes, the reply was simplistic but graphic!

A couple of things I have learned over the years about our US cousins is that are not very ‘Worldly’, their knowledge of history and geography outside the borders of the USA is minimal. They are not dumb but see things only from the viewpoint of an American. This reflects in the attitude often expressed by their leaders and promulgated through the MSM which is owned by just half a dozen very rich, very powerful and thus politically influential ‘Murdochs’! So ‘The MSM Management’ controls what the American people read or see on TV.

Another thing I learned is that the US NEVER does anything unless it is to the benefit of the USA! Whether that interest is geopolitical, military or economic, there is always a pay back. I worked on a large project in Saudi (Circa $1.3bn) for the Worlds largest privately owned construction company. To get the contract the Company raised the capital for the job from the US banks and of course the ‘loan’ was in US Petrodollars with a low interest rate. Too good to turn down?

Think about that; the US banks made the loan by creating the dollars out of thin air as a book keeping entry, simply a debt repayable by the Saudi’s. The company bought all the equipment and construction materials from international companies that were mostly US conglomerates. So they paid for it with the dollars the banks created for nothing. Then the Saudis had to pay it all back in US Dollars. How did they get those dollars ? By selling their resources (Oil) to International US owned oil companies .......... in Petro Dollars!

The whole deal cost the US nothing in real terms but in return the US got $1.3bn worth of oil.

I find it very difficult to get this concept of money accepted ........ but it IS how the system works as the $US is the World’s main reserve currency. What they are actually doing is to produce dollars from thin air and then export the resulting inflation. The problem will come when the $US is edged out of the pole position and all these dollars flood back to the US! The Chinese saw this coming some years ago and now own vast swathes of the US property and industrial interests and all bought with the dollars the US has been creating in vast numbers since the end of WWII.

If you really do believe that the US troops are in Australia for the benefit of the Australian people you are looking at the situation through rose coloured spectacles! There will be payback at some time and the Aussies will find it very difficult to get rid of them. The US is in Australia to protect its interests in SE Asia ..... part of the US Pivot to Asia.

I agree with your comments on nuclear disarmament, at least most of them. We continually hear from the US that they do not want to be the Worlds ‘policeman’. Fair enough, so why not create a real international police force from all the countries in the United Nations and move them in to replace the US Forces in the 1000+ ‘police stations’ they have around the world? The US would only agree to that if it is the US that is in command, or were in a position to control events so that it worked for US interests against all others and that will never happen.

So what is needed is a strengthened UN under the control of someone with the strength of character to run the show as an independent World Secretary General, under the combined democratic opinion of all the nations ...... just to have one Nation that believes it is ‘exceptional’ and every other Nation dances to its tune, is not the answer.

Pie in the sky ? Yes because it will never happen, they will turn the Earth into a glass ashtray before any common sense prevails.
Oh geez RH. The Iranian Military has enough firepower to be a real big nuisance. They are not merely a Defence Force but a pretty dam solid regional power.

They may have the fire power because if they didn’t they would end up like Palestine, but they have not used their might against another country for a couple of centuries. The Israeli’s were able to take Palestine because the Palestinians had no Military to respond to the Israeli aggression. The Iranians are in the same situation and the only reason Israel has not attacked them is because they ARE powerful enough to retaliate. The Iranians also know that the Israeli’s would use nuclear weapons if it were not for the fear of retaliation and the condemnation of the rest of the World. The existential danger to world peace is not Iran ...... it is Zionist’s in Israel.
But Hammas and Hesbollah are not sovereign. They are terrorist organisations who attack Israel. Israel's presence is quite often as a result of these attacks.

They are both just as much defence forces as the IDF! It is the US/Israel that designated them terrorists ...... the same US that now regards many Muslim ‘terrorist’ organisations as allies. Thankfully the Russians regard them ALL as terrorists and since they decided to intervene we have seen them rolled back in Syria.

Israel is the illegal occupying force of Palestine just like the Turkish forces in Cyprus. The only difference I can see is that the Turks stopped in 1974 whereas the Israeli’s have continues to swallow up more and more Palestinian land. The Palestinians particularly, have the right to self defence and most of the killing and destruction comes from the Israeli’s ..... not the Palestinians.

Do you realize that Gaza (the Worlds largest ever concentration camp) is about the same size as Limassol? Yet the population is around 1.9 million ............... over twice the population of Cyprus, all squeezed into an area the size of Limassol. Is it any wonder that any attacks by Hamas/Hezbollah come from civilian occupied areas? And the UN does nothing! Why? Because the US vetoed the idea of a UN Protection Force, just like exists in Cyprus, on the say so of Israel! IMO: The capital city of the US is Tel Aviv not Washington until the people of the USA take control of their country again, nothing will change!
I support a NO FLY ZONE in Syria, merely to prevent anyone from attacking rebel groups such as the FSA
That would be a declaration of war and would put the US and Russia both on a head-to-head war footing. The thought of that evil woman in the Whitehouse is the stuff of nightmares. She is a mental case and somebody should bump her off or at least get her certified and locked away, before she gets the whole Planet into a final war which nobody will win!

BTW: Once again Assad has the right to attack the FSA ............ they are an army comprised of SAA mutineers and terrorists recruited from around the Muslim world, which is why I believe the Syrians, even the Sunnis could well vote for Assad to remain in power but with limited authority and a democratic and representative Parliament. The thought, even to Sunnis, of an Islamic caliphate must be terrifying and that WILL happen if Assad is deposed without a clear and viable replacement. Look at Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya ..... that is what happens when you exercise regime change with military force without thinking it through .......... or maybe they just didn’t give a shit as long as US interests were preserved?
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