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The war against Syria

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Re: The war against Syria

Postby Paphitis » Fri Dec 25, 2015 2:40 am

We have our favourites in each country.

In Turkey for instance our preferance is the Turkish Military over Erdogan. You think we do not know that Erdogan is going to be problematic? We know but we just can't interfere. Because we will be the bad guys in the eyes of the Turkish People. We rely on them to come to their senses. We can interfere if we want to and organize their military and conduct a coup at any time. But Erdogan arrested many of our inside operatives a few years ago. But our cells have been able to recruit more people.

In the end we are in control. The same can be said of Saudi Arabia.

Have you even noticed that Erdogan's Islamic Party is more hardline in regards to the Cyprus Issue? Cyprus has no chance as long as arrogant is in power.

The pro military Kemalist forces are Turkey's best bet to modernization. Kikapu is right in a sense. The Islamic elements in the country need to be led by the nose. Otherwise you will end up with a Turkey with dreams of a greater Ottoman Empire. They are Ottoman resurrectionists.

Turkey better remember who pays the utility bills in their little shit hole! We can pull the rug from under Erdogan any time.
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Re: The war against Syria

Postby Paphitis » Fri Dec 25, 2015 4:38 am

It's one thing to be naive but stupid too!

Do you know how many schools the Australian Taxpayer funds in Indonesia?

You think Cyprus has problems because you have Turkey to your North, but Australia has the largest Islamic Country (250 million) just to its North and we don't see eye to eye on quite a few things. Our relations waiver from good to utterly bad within days even. But we continue to send Billions worth of aid to their Education Department and even their Military. Billions.

We do it because we understand that we need to help the Indonesian Authorities maintain control and keep the Islamists at bay. As a result, we have them somewhat under our control.

Last Week, Australian ASIO busted an ISIL cell in Indonesia. The Indonesian Authorities were informed and they basted and arrested 9 individuals who were planning terrorist attacks against western Interests in Indonesia. Another strike 1 to Australia. Now we have even more influence in the country and a sometimes belligerent and nationalistic Government singing Australia's tune. And we have their ear because they are on our payroll.

Some call this interference. But what Australia is doing is trying to maintain stability in that country so that it does not experience issues in the future.

Smart hah?

Oh yes. The Anglo Americans/Germans are pretty smart. credit where credit is due. You guys are utterly stupid and need to pay attention. Cyprus would do well to look at the ways we operate especially since you have Turkey just to your North.

All the rest of you can maintain your naivety because you have no clue what is going on or what is at stake here. Imagine another Syria in Indonesia and another DAESH or Jamaah Islamiyah.

You citicize Western Policy over Saudi Arabia and Iran, but what is it you want? You want us to invade and and enforce our own ways on them? We would love to but we can't. So we send them Aid and we buy influence and keep them under some control. Change is a slow burn long process in these countries.

But anyway, Merry Christmas!
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Re: The war against Syria

Postby GreekIslandGirl » Fri Dec 25, 2015 7:09 pm

Russia bringing Peace ....

Syrian Islamists to be evacuated from southern Damascus in UN-brokered deal

Friday 25 December 2015

Two thousand Syrian Islamist fighters are expected to be evacuated soon from besieged, rebel-held areas of southern Damascus in a deal brokered by the UN, a Hezbollah TV station has said.

Manar TV said the militants would also be handing in their heavy weapons to the Syrian army under what it said was a multi-party deal under UN auspices.

The capitulation was forced by a government siege over several years that squeezed the flow of food and humanitarian aid. The Syrian authorities agreed to their evacuation in the hope of reasserting control of the strategic area, where fighters from other factions are also lodged, only 4km (2.5 miles) south of central Damascus.

The move came as it was announced that Russia and Qatar have agreed on steps to encourage the Syrian opposition to sit down for talks with the Syrian government, the Russian foreign minister said Friday.

Russia is a staunch supporter of the Syrian president, Bashar al-Assad, who Qatar and other Middle East countries accuse of war crimes. Speaking to reporters after his talks with Russian foreign minister Sergei Lavrov in Moscow, the Qatari foreign minister, Khalid bin Mohammad al-Attiyah, accused Assad of supporting terrorist groups.

Lavrov, meanwhile, insisted that “it’s up to the Syrian people” to decide Assad’s future.

The Russian minister said the two countries still disagree on Assad’s future but added that he and Attiyah have agreed to encourage the Syrian opposition to launch talks with the Syrian government. ... kered-deal
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Re: The war against Syria

Postby Paphitis » Sat Dec 26, 2015 3:41 am

You should check your sources.

Rebels have already indicated that they WILL NOT be negotiating with the regime at all. They only agreed to hold talks through UN auspices but they will not negotiate with Assad and that they do not recognize his authority. They will only talk through UN mediators.

And the FSA have NOT agreed to lay down their weapons to Syrian Forces.

That's a lot of hubris there. ... 07902.html
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Re: The war against Syria

Postby Robin Hood » Sat Dec 26, 2015 8:46 am

Paphitis: Your Western Media influenced bias rings through again!
But of course there is something you should know.

The Theicracy resulted in the stoning of thousands of women because their "husbands" thought she was having an affair, or was seen having coffee in public with other men, or just because the husband wanted the Mrs out the way so that he can get custody of the kids. Even if the woman was being unfaithful, there is still no justification.

That is absolute bullshit! Yes, practices we abhor still go on in ALL Islamic countries, as well as even the UK and other European countries, especially in the country side. But those that follow these dark practices are few in number and mainly from the 'backwoods'. An attitude that is not dissimilar to the peasants living in the villages in Cyprus, who are still in the dark ages and as so, they have very different ideas to the more modern educated Cypriots. The same applies to Muslim countries.
Under the Shah there was a solid attempt to keep Sharia out of Iran and move across to modern secularism.

That is true and he did it by using machine gunners in helicopters to kill devout Muslims as they left the Mosques. This was one of the actions that stared the revolution just like Assad using his forces to push the protesters back in line started theirs.
Good post indeed. I suppose you support Sharia now.

I do, definitely! As I see it; if you go to Court and swear on the Koran then your punishment should be according to the teachings of the book. If you swear on the Bible you get treated under Christian laws. Example: Steal from a shop (shoplifting) a devout Muslim gets his ........ hand and foot on the opposite sides’ chopped off!. If you are a Bible swearer you get a scolding from the Judge, 30 days suspended and 40 hrs community service.
We don't (support Sharia) not even in KSA who is our ally.

I don’t think you are alone in that view but isn’t it funny how ‘you’ don’t condemn the Saudis like ‘you’ do Iran? We ignore SA beheading 150 people, including women, let alone all the stoning and amputations and them attacking Yemen with weapons supplied by the US, including US made cluster bombs and white phosphorous, but Yemen hardly appears in the western media. Another case of Regime change because what the people wanted was not what the US wanted so they get the Saudi rag heads to do the dirty work for them.

Double standards abound in the sphere of western geopolitics!
The Shah was Iran's best chance of becoming a modern secular State and it had our backing

Assad created and the Syrians enjoyed a prosperous and modern secular state, the difference is that he didn’t have ‘your’ backing! So the West set out from way before this conflict ever started with the sole intent of removing Assad from the driving seat and replacing him with another puppet. To believe the West is destroying the country and its people, for the Syrian peoples own good, is just an incredible naivety.

Assad wanted to sell his oil in something other than Petro Dollars, he wanted his own independent bank and he had a good relationship with Iran and Russia. Just these three actions made him a sworn enemy of western (US) imperialism and ‘Assad had to go!’. Look at the complete clusterfuck which has been the result of the west continually imposing its geopolitical will by direct force or proxy force on people around the World that didn’t want it.

(By the way. I had many conversations with Iranians on politics and they are an intelligent and very polite people. All the above observations are first hand not read up in the western press. When I once asked an Iranian (Senior Engineer) about the difference between life under The Shah and life under the Mullahs he replied “In the days of the Shah, we drank in public and prayed in private .... today, we pray in public and drink in private.”)
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Re: The war against Syria

Postby Robin Hood » Sat Dec 26, 2015 9:13 am

You should check your sources

Sorry my friend but coming from you that is a joke!

Stop believing all the rubbish you read in the paper and see on television, most of it is either distorted with much of the background information conveniently left out or deliberate disinformation. Try comparing different reports on the same story and get a broader view. Then use common sense to reach your own conclusions. Honestly, these conflicts are not as cut-and-dried as you would have them.

Example I:

A recent report from Amnesty International accused Russia of ‘deliberately’ killing 200 civilians in bombing raids over several months. Common sense says why would they do that, if was true, is beyond reasoning and would serve no purpose. Watch the BBC’s five minute sound bite and compare it with RT’s half hour coverage of the same story. They just do not compare .....The BBC didn’t tell any lies but one of the significant things they didn’t tell you was that the source Amnesty used was what the MSM refer to as ‘a Syrian based human rights group’ and is where most MSM news outlets get their Syrian information.

This ‘group’, The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights, is actually run by one Syrian man from a semi-detached house in Coventry (3500 miles from Syria) who runs a small shop during the day and was imprisoned twice (?) by Assad . He never says where or how he gets his information, I suppose it would be reasonable to accept that, as it would endanger his sources but .............. of course his views are totally neutral and unbiased? Do you really believe that? I suppose you must do, just reading your posts.

Example II:

Again RT and a report from the front line in Syria which you never saw reported on MSM. The RT reporter is in a bullet proof vest and Kevlar helmet hiding just inside a building. He was covered in dust and dirt. His cameraman was covering the exchange of fire between FSA/Islamists in a building maybe 30m away. The fire died down and the SAA were seen rushing the building where the fire had been coming from. The reporter and cameraman followed, filming and commentating throughout. They arrived and were shown just what the SAA were up against!

A hole in the floor of the front room led down to a tunnel, obviously where they had escaped. Then an interview with the CIVILIAN occupants of the house, a family with several children, all of whom were weeping and wailing. They had been held by the FSA/Islamists in an room above and were petrified. The SAA guy then explained that it was common practice that the retreating terrorist either blew up their tunnels behind them, often bringing the building down, or booby trapped them, with the same result and the occupants knew this.

This is why the US/Coalition want Assad to have no place in any elections because if he did so he would win! The family interviewed were absolutely distraught and their home in ruins .......... not because of Assad but because of the terrorist ‘you’ arm and support. (I might add .... illegally) The Syrians want their secular state back and that is not what the coalition wants to give them.

Then the BBC! A correspondent giving his views on Syria from LEBANON and another from ANKARA..... then good old Kate Aidie .... dressed in the same outfit of bullet proof vest and Kevlar helmet standing in the middle of rubble (that had been piled either side of a cleaned up road). Lipstick and make-up in place and her outfit looked as if it had just come back from the cleaners! That is why I choose very often to watch RT at least their reporters are where the news is being made. Or are you going to tell me it is all propaganda and produced in a studio just outside Moscow?

This ‘we’, ‘we’, ‘we’ is just supreme arrogance ..... who the f*** do ‘you’ people think you are, Gods representatives on this Planet?

BTW referring to one of your previous posts:

There were no religious zealots in Iran, or very few, during the Shahs reign they all fled the Shahs persecution. What there was were just the people protesting at the Shahs excesses, oppression and cruelty. Unfortunately the ‘fact’ that 'you' knew that Khomeini would not be friendly, came AFTER the event and it became very obvious to The White House that the Iranians had very good reason to despise the USA and its Western Allies. (all historical fact)
If you like the results of this revolution then be my guest!

Once again ..... it is up to the Syrian people to decide not the ‘WE’ it has sod all to do with 'you' .... its not your country.

To hazard a guess, if the Syrians are given a free vote they will vote for Assad because he provided and will continue to provide, the peace and security that the country had before 'your' Islamists, backed and armed by the US, smashed it apart! I can’t see the Syrians getting their old life back if the US has a say in who will run the country. They did the same thing in Ukraine and just look at the mess they created there. They have now more or less abandoned the country and the government they created. Once again all down to the account of the good old USA and their obsession for Regime change! :x
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Re: The war against Syria

Postby B25 » Sat Dec 26, 2015 9:34 am

Robin Hood wrote:Paphitis:
You should check your sources

Sorry my friend but coming from you that is a joke!

Stop believing all the rubbish you read in the paper and see on television, most of it is either distorted with much of the background information conveniently left out or deliberate disinformation. Try comparing different reports on the same story and get a broader view. Then use common sense to reach your own conclusions. Honestly, these conflicts are not as cut-and-dried as you would have them.

Example I:

A recent report from Amnesty International accused Russia of ‘deliberately’ killing 200 civilians in bombing raids over several months. Common sense says why would they do that, if was true, is beyond reasoning and would serve no purpose. Watch the BBC’s five minute sound bite and compare it with RT’s half hour coverage of the same story. They just do not compare .....The BBC didn’t tell any lies but one of the significant things they didn’t tell you was that the source Amnesty used was what the MSM refer to as ‘a Syrian based human rights group’ and is where most MSM news outlets get their Syrian information.

This ‘group’, The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights, is actually run by one Syrian man from a semi-detached house in Coventry (3500 miles from Syria) who runs a small shop during the day and was imprisoned twice (?) by Assad . He never says where or how he gets his information, I suppose it would be reasonable to accept that, as it would endanger his sources but .............. of course his views are totally neutral and unbiased? Do you really believe that? I suppose you must do, just reading your posts.

Example II:

Again RT and a report from the front line in Syria which you never saw reported on MSM. The RT reporter is in a bullet proof vest and Kevlar helmet hiding just inside a building. He was covered in dust and dirt. His cameraman was covering the exchange of fire between FSA/Islamists in a building maybe 30m away. The fire died down and the SAA were seen rushing the building where the fire had been coming from. The reporter and cameraman followed, filming and commentating throughout. They arrived and were shown just what the SAA were up against!

A hole in the floor of the front room led down to a tunnel, obviously where they had escaped. Then an interview with the CIVILIAN occupants of the house, a family with several children, all of whom were weeping and wailing. They had been held by the FSA/Islamists in an room above and were petrified. The SAA guy then explained that it was common practice that the retreating terrorist either blew up their tunnels behind them, often bringing the building down, or booby trapped them, with the same result and the occupants knew this.

This is why the US/Coalition want Assad to have no place in any elections because if he did so he would win! The family interviewed were absolutely distraught and their home in ruins .......... not because of Assad but because of the terrorist ‘you’ arm and support. (I might add .... illegally) The Syrians want their secular state back and that is not what the coalition wants to give them.

Then the BBC! A correspondent giving his views on Syria from LEBANON and another from ANKARA..... then good old Kate Aidie .... dressed in the same outfit of bullet proof vest and Kevlar helmet standing in the middle of rubble (that had been piled either side of a cleaned up road). Lipstick and make-up in place and her outfit looked as if it had just come back from the cleaners! That is why I choose very often to watch RT at least their reporters are where the news is being made. Or are you going to tell me it is all propaganda and produced in a studio just outside Moscow?

This ‘we’, ‘we’, ‘we’ is just supreme arrogance ..... who the f*** do ‘you’ people think you are, Gods representatives on this Planet?

BTW referring to one of your previous posts:

There were no religious zealots in Iran, or very few, during the Shahs reign they all fled the Shahs persecution. What there was were just the people protesting at the Shahs excesses, oppression and cruelty. Unfortunately the ‘fact’ that 'you' knew that Khomeini would not be friendly, came AFTER the event and it became very obvious to The White House that the Iranians had very good reason to despise the USA and its Western Allies. (all historical fact)
If you like the results of this revolution then be my guest!

Once again ..... it is up to the Syrian people to decide not the ‘WE’ it has sod all to do with 'you' .... its not your country.

To hazard a guess, if the Syrians are given a free vote they will vote for Assad because he provided and will continue to provide, the peace and security that the country had before 'your' Islamists, backed and armed by the US, smashed it apart! I can’t see the Syrians getting their old life back if the US has a say in who will run the country. They did the same thing in Ukraine and just look at the mess they created there. They have now more or less abandoned the country and the government they created. Once again all down to the account of the good old USA and their obsession for Regime change! :x

+1000 Like

Nicely put RH
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Re: The war against Syria

Postby Paphitis » Sat Dec 26, 2015 11:16 am

Robin Hood wrote:Paphitis: Your Western Media influenced bias rings through again!

I don't look at the media to come up with my analysis. If I do, then it better be good otherwise I simply got no time for it and that includes the Leftist leaning media you read like the Guardian. It's just there for entertainment.

That is absolute bullshit! Yes, practices we abhor still go on in ALL Islamic countries, as well as even the UK and other European countries, especially in the country side. But those that follow these dark practices are few in number and mainly from the 'backwoods'. An attitude that is not dissimilar to the peasants living in the villages in Cyprus, who are still in the dark ages and as so, they have very different ideas to the more modern educated Cypriots. The same applies to Muslim countries.

Under the Shah there was a solid attempt to keep Sharia out of Iran and move across to modern secularism.

You don't even know what our practices are. You just have a whole bunch of misconceptions or are stuck in the 50s, 60s and 70s when we would just arrange for a Coup here or there.

Our practices are obvious but you are blind. We tend to lend a supporting hand to many Islamic Countries even if they are on the brink. We could organise Coups just as easy but we have a different approach today which is why we let the Shah fall and we see the results of that. we spend Billions in Aid, in impoversihed areas to keep the masses from being radicalised.

And in the British countryside or in Cypriot villages they do not stone women or hang homosexuals from cranes. These were practices that were outlawed by the Shah.

Robin Hood wrote:That is true and he did it by using machine gunners in helicopters to kill devout Muslims as they left the Mosques. This was one of the actions that stared the revolution just like Assad using his forces to push the protesters back in line started theirs.

Who is it you're talking about RH? You must be referring to Assad no doubt! And you support that now don't you?

Good post indeed. I suppose you support Sharia now.

Robin Hood wrote:I do, definitely! As I see it; if you go to Court and swear on the Koran then your punishment should be according to the teachings of the book. If you swear on the Bible you get treated under Christian laws. Example: Steal from a shop (shoplifting) a devout Muslim gets his ........ hand and foot on the opposite sides’ chopped off!. If you are a Bible swearer you get a scolding from the Judge, 30 days suspended and 40 hrs community service.

We don't but we let them be. Just because we let them be does not mean we support those practices.

I already told you, for us it is a slow burn. But if things get out of hand, we can take action then. Our policy is to keep a tight reign on it.

We don't (support Sharia) not even in KSA who is our ally.

Robin Hood wrote:I don’t think you are alone in that view but isn’t it funny how ‘you’ don’t condemn the Saudis like ‘you’ do Iran? We ignore SA beheading 150 people, including women, let alone all the stoning and amputations and them attacking Yemen with weapons supplied by the US, including US made cluster bombs and white phosphorous, but Yemen hardly appears in the western media. Another case of Regime change because what the people wanted was not what the US wanted so they get the Saudi rag heads to do the dirty work for them.

Oh dear. So now you don't support Sharia in KSA. Just before you said you supported Sharia for Iran. You're all over the place now.

No we do not ignore KSA beheading 150 people. We condemn them at every opportunity but we need to be careful too. We can't just go in all gun ho and tell them what we think they must do. We are very happy that at the same time, the House of Saud is keeping things under tight control. What we want is a stable KSA more than anything, and as for their Capital Punishment well once again it is a slow burn. They can easily turn around and talk about Lethal Injection in the USA so its not as if America is the shining beacon in that department.

Fact is RH, the Shah was modern enough to have a vision of a Secular Iran, where there will be no beheadings, public executions, stonings or lashings in public. An inconvenient fact for you.

Robin Hood wrote:Double standards abound in the sphere of western geopolitics!

Just earlier you were talking about gunners in Helicopters killing worshipers leaving the mosque. Mmmmmmm

The Shah was Iran's best chance of becoming a modern secular State and it had our backing

Robin Hood wrote:Assad created and the Syrians enjoyed a prosperous and modern secular state, the difference is that he didn’t have ‘your’ backing! So the West set out from way before this conflict ever started with the sole intent of removing Assad from the driving seat and replacing him with another puppet. To believe the West is destroying the country and its people, for the Syrian peoples own good, is just an incredible naivety.

Only for the Alawites.

Too bad if you were a Sunni, Assyrian, Turkmen or Kurd.

Oh yes! Do you remember the Kurds? Supposedly they are the GCs allies because they have issues with Turkey too. But now they all deserve to die. Mmmmmm

Robin Hood wrote:Assad wanted to sell his oil in something other than Petro Dollars, he wanted his own independent bank and he had a good relationship with Iran and Russia. Just these three actions made him a sworn enemy of western (US) imperialism and ‘Assad had to go!’. Look at the complete clusterfuck which has been the result of the west continually imposing its geopolitical will by direct force or proxy force on people around the World that didn’t want it.

Assad has bugger all Oil and it has nothing to do with resources for us. We have all the Oil we need from the Gulf States. For us it just started as a fight against ISIL. That is what we are concentrating on. We didn't want to get too involved and instead wanted to sit back and watch the Syrians sort it all out for themselves. And yes, we do want regime change.

Our actions in Syria benefited Assad, unless of course Assad wants ISIL which is not out of the question. He did release hundreds of ISIL terrorists a few years ago as they are fighting Assad's opponents and even make Assad look good. Clever stuff, but it won't come to pass.

Robin Hood wrote:(By the way. I had many conversations with Iranians on politics and they are an intelligent and very polite people. All the above observations are first hand not read up in the western press. When I once asked an Iranian (Senior Engineer) about the difference between life under The Shah and life under the Mullahs he replied “In the days of the Shah, we drank in public and prayed in private .... today, we pray in public and drink in private.”)

Oh we don't have any issue with the Iranian people. I am sure they are intelligent and nice people.

The very nice Iranian people were more likely to be the secular parts of Iran, and consequently BIG supporters of the Shah. Yes why don't you ask the Iranians what they think of the Shah? These are NOT the types of Iranians that would stand around watching as homosexuals are being strung from cranes and bridges, or support stonings and lashings.
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Re: The war against Syria

Postby Paphitis » Sat Dec 26, 2015 11:43 am

You should check your sources

Robin Hood wrote:Sorry my friend but coming from you that is a joke!

Stop believing all the rubbish you read in the paper and see on television, most of it is either distorted with much of the background information conveniently left out or deliberate disinformation. Try comparing different reports on the same story and get a broader view. Then use common sense to reach your own conclusions. Honestly, these conflicts are not as cut-and-dried as you would have them.

I just told you, I don't pay a lot of attention to ANY reports unlike yourself who gives undue credit to fringe media outlets.

Robin Hood wrote:Example I:

A recent report from Amnesty International accused Russia of ‘deliberately’ killing 200 civilians in bombing raids over several months. Common sense says why would they do that, if was true, is beyond reasoning and would serve no purpose. Watch the BBC’s five minute sound bite and compare it with RT’s half hour coverage of the same story. They just do not compare .....The BBC didn’t tell any lies but one of the significant things they didn’t tell you was that the source Amnesty used was what the MSM refer to as ‘a Syrian based human rights group’ and is where most MSM news outlets get their Syrian information.

That's because Amnesty International hasn't any agenda that is pro Russian, pro Assad or mainstream Western Media.

And let me tell you that the mainstream Western Media is a lot more reliable than RT or the regimes State controlled media, HAMAZ or Iranian State Controlled media that GIG posted above. Why? Because their master is the dollar and not the US Government. But let's accept that they probably are biased.

Well, RT is not just biased but it is controlled by Pootin. And if they do not listen to pootin, you know what will happen to their journalists.

Amnesty International however is an organisation I am prepared to give 100% credence too as truly 100% independent.

Robin Hood wrote:This ‘group’, The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights, is actually run by one Syrian man from a semi-detached house in Coventry (3500 miles from Syria) who runs a small shop during the day and was imprisoned twice (?) by Assad . He never says where or how he gets his information, I suppose it would be reasonable to accept that, as it would endanger his sources but .............. of course his views are totally neutral and unbiased? Do you really believe that? I suppose you must do, just reading your posts.

Of course he would be imprisoned by Assad. Do I look surprised.

But at the end, he is allowed to publish his blog from his semi-detached house in Coventry. Thank heavens he is in Coventry and not Syria, where Assad will just grab him and make him disappear from the face.

Robin Hood wrote:Example II:

Again RT and a report from the front line in Syria which you never saw reported on MSM. The RT reporter is in a bullet proof vest and Kevlar helmet hiding just inside a building. He was covered in dust and dirt. His cameraman was covering the exchange of fire between FSA/Islamists in a building maybe 30m away. The fire died down and the SAA were seen rushing the building where the fire had been coming from. The reporter and cameraman followed, filming and commentating throughout. They arrived and were shown just what the SAA were up against!

You really let yourself down here RH by even accusing me of being influenced by Western media and yet you are looking at RT. You can't be serious?

Robin Hood wrote:A hole in the floor of the front room led down to a tunnel, obviously where they had escaped. Then an interview with the CIVILIAN occupants of the house, a family with several children, all of whom were weeping and wailing. They had been held by the FSA/Islamists in an room above and were petrified. The SAA guy then explained that it was common practice that the retreating terrorist either blew up their tunnels behind them, often bringing the building down, or booby trapped them, with the same result and the occupants knew this.

Oh so the FSA are Islamists now. Mmmmmm

You must be taking the piss now and you talk about Western Bias.

Robin Hood wrote:This is why the US/Coalition want Assad to have no place in any elections because if he did so he would win! The family interviewed were absolutely distraught and their home in ruins .......... not because of Assad but because of the terrorist ‘you’ arm and support. (I might add .... illegally) The Syrians want their secular state back and that is not what the coalition wants to give them.

We are happy to look at the election option RH. Will the Sunnis be allowed to vote?

Robin Hood wrote:Then the BBC! A correspondent giving his views on Syria from LEBANON and another from ANKARA..... then good old Kate Aidie .... dressed in the same outfit of bullet proof vest and Kevlar helmet standing in the middle of rubble (that had been piled either side of a cleaned up road). Lipstick and make-up in place and her outfit looked as if it had just come back from the cleaners! That is why I choose very often to watch RT at least their reporters are where the news is being made. Or are you going to tell me it is all propaganda and produced in a studio just outside Moscow?

I'm going to tell you that it is you who is being influenced by the media, with a distinct bias towards RT and that other state controlled outlet which I forget the name of - is it Smirnoff? mmmm...

Robin Hood wrote:This ‘we’, ‘we’, ‘we’ is just supreme arrogance ..... who the f*** do ‘you’ people think you are, Gods representatives on this Planet?

We are the Coalition!

Robin Hood wrote:BTW referring to one of your previous posts:

There were no religious zealots in Iran, or very few, during the Shahs reign they all fled the Shahs persecution. What there was were just the people protesting at the Shahs excesses, oppression and cruelty. Unfortunately the ‘fact’ that 'you' knew that Khomeini would not be friendly, came AFTER the event and it became very obvious to The White House that the Iranians had very good reason to despise the USA and its Western Allies. (all historical fact)

Yes there was persecution of the religious zealots and the US Government was happy to support it.

It would have been fantastic for the Iranian People and the world if the Shah managed to pull it off, and most Iranians would have been happy, minus the Mulahs of course.

If you like the results of this revolution then be my guest!

Robin Hood wrote:Once again ..... it is up to the Syrian people to decide not the ‘WE’ it has sod all to do with 'you' .... its not your country.

Once again, can the Sunnis vote, or do you just want them to hide in their caves of the Syrian Desert and just be quiet?

Robin Hood wrote:To hazard a guess, if the Syrians are given a free vote they will vote for Assad because he provided and will continue to provide, the peace and security that the country had before 'your' Islamists, backed and armed by the US, smashed it apart!

Who will vote for Assad? The Alawites or the Sunnis? Can the Sunnis vote?

Robin Hood wrote:I can’t see the Syrians getting their old life back if the US has a say in who will run the country. They did the same thing in Ukraine and just look at the mess they created there. They have now more or less abandoned the country and the government they created. Once again all down to the account of the good old USA and their obsession for Regime change! :x

I can't see Assad EVER winning an election if the Sunnis are allowed to vote in a fair, properly scrutinized election by UN Observers. So keep dreaming.

So assad's departure is a foregone conclusion.
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Re: The war against Syria

Postby Robin Hood » Sat Dec 26, 2015 6:04 pm

It's all easily solved in a forum, especially when the belligerent parties are not involved in the discussion.
I think that was a very perceptive comment and you can see your observation coming to the fore here
Yes it is easy to come up with the solutions when none of us have any vested interests in the outcome. The problem will be satisfying the vested interests of those with rampant views, whatever they happen to be. The outcome will also have no direct effect on us as the conflict is remote, although there may be unanticipated consequences?
If they don't get rid of Islam, and then Zionist control, there will never be an end to this.

I am not sure I fully agree with that but I can understand the reasoning behind it. IMO: What needs to be done with both Islam and Zionism is to recognise that they both have a political as well as a religious component. To get rid of the political element is certainly a requirement for any form of peace, at least in the Middle East. But how can you achieve that when the major players remain unchecked because of a weak UN that should be leading the battle but just sits on its arse doing very little but spout hot air and create Resolutions .......... that the major powers stick the middle finger up to anyway?


I read what you say although I have to say I think you are well on the way to losing the plot completely. Are your views really reflective of those Statesmen, politicians and diplomats in whose hands the solution lays?

If your version of the situation, as far as ‘The WE’ (The US/NATO + Coalition) are concerned, is the way the coalition leaders are thinking then there is little point in having any discussions to resolve the problem as, what they will accept, what they will not accept, as well as what they demand of others, says the whole thing is pretty well cut and dried as far as they are concerned! It would seem to be a case of ' by our rules or all bets are off’ ! That is OK if you have the winning hand but, thank goodness, not everybody is going to jump to the ‘WE’ tune.

Enter stage right the other super power RUSSIA backed by China and Iran and all the UN Nations that are NOT part of your coalition (140?) I can see nothing in any MSM or independent reports where Russia is making any demands, apart from the obvious Assad one, about who will and who will not be taking part in negotiations, with the exception of their common enemy the Extreme Islamist Terrorist group Daesh and all their sub component parts.

I have seen nothing to say that Turkey with its proven links to terrorism and Daesh, should be excluded or countries like Saudi, UAE and the other Arab dictatorships (US Client States) who all seem to be involved in supporting terrorism in one way or another, as of course are the NATO States and their affiliates.

I think there is a long way to go and whatever the outcome there will have to be compromise but, the result has to be decided in the interests of the Syrian people and the vested interests of other Nations, States and western economic interests are of secondary consideration.

BTW: At least by spreading my information sources over the extremes of all sides of the argument I have the basis to create an informed opinion. You may not agree with it but at least I will present a reasoned argument. I think you are much more of an extremist in your views than those you have such a loathing for and as a result your views have become irrational.

There is only one solution for Syria and that lies solely with the Syrian people al we can do is help to ensure that is the case. If they decide that they would prefer an Sunni Islamic State under Sharia law with allegiance to the Caliphate and that is what the vote shows, then we should accept that and take steps to ensure it has no way of expanding its influence across the globe.

Create a 'no mans land' around the ME, including Israel, cut all economic ties and support including travel by any means, communications, technology, food, medicine and of course, weapons and leave them to it. We will have done our best!
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