Robin Hood wrote:Paphitis: Your Western Media influenced bias rings through again!
I don't look at the media to come up with my analysis. If I do, then it better be good otherwise I simply got no time for it and that includes the Leftist leaning media you read like the Guardian. It's just there for entertainment.
That is absolute bullshit! Yes, practices we abhor still go on in ALL Islamic countries, as well as even the UK and other European countries, especially in the country side. But those that follow these dark practices are few in number and mainly from the 'backwoods'. An attitude that is not dissimilar to the peasants living in the villages in Cyprus, who are still in the dark ages and as so, they have very different ideas to the more modern educated Cypriots. The same applies to Muslim countries.
Under the Shah there was a solid attempt to keep Sharia out of Iran and move across to modern secularism.
You don't even know what our practices are. You just have a whole bunch of misconceptions or are stuck in the 50s, 60s and 70s when we would just arrange for a Coup here or there.
Our practices are obvious but you are blind. We tend to lend a supporting hand to many Islamic Countries even if they are on the brink. We could organise Coups just as easy but we have a different approach today which is why we let the Shah fall and we see the results of that. we spend Billions in Aid, in impoversihed areas to keep the masses from being radicalised.
And in the British countryside or in Cypriot villages they do not stone women or hang homosexuals from cranes. These were practices that were outlawed by the Shah.
Robin Hood wrote:That is true and he did it by using machine gunners in helicopters to kill devout Muslims as they left the Mosques. This was one of the actions that stared the revolution just like Assad using his forces to push the protesters back in line started theirs.
Who is it you're talking about RH? You must be referring to Assad no doubt! And you support that now don't you?
Good post indeed. I suppose you support Sharia now.
Robin Hood wrote:I do, definitely! As I see it; if you go to Court and swear on the Koran then your punishment should be according to the teachings of the book. If you swear on the Bible you get treated under Christian laws. Example: Steal from a shop (shoplifting) a devout Muslim gets his ........ hand and foot on the opposite sides’ chopped off!. If you are a Bible swearer you get a scolding from the Judge, 30 days suspended and 40 hrs community service.
We don't but we let them be. Just because we let them be does not mean we support those practices.
I already told you, for us it is a slow burn. But if things get out of hand, we can take action then. Our policy is to keep a tight reign on it.
We don't (support Sharia) not even in KSA who is our ally.
Robin Hood wrote:I don’t think you are alone in that view but isn’t it funny how ‘you’ don’t condemn the Saudis like ‘you’ do Iran? We ignore SA beheading 150 people, including women, let alone all the stoning and amputations and them attacking Yemen with weapons supplied by the US, including US made cluster bombs and white phosphorous, but Yemen hardly appears in the western media. Another case of Regime change because what the people wanted was not what the US wanted so they get the Saudi rag heads to do the dirty work for them.
Oh dear. So now you don't support Sharia in KSA. Just before you said you supported Sharia for Iran. You're all over the place now.
No we do not ignore KSA beheading 150 people. We condemn them at every opportunity but we need to be careful too. We can't just go in all gun ho and tell them what we think they must do. We are very happy that at the same time, the House of Saud is keeping things under tight control. What we want is a stable KSA more than anything, and as for their Capital Punishment well once again it is a slow burn. They can easily turn around and talk about Lethal Injection in the USA so its not as if America is the shining beacon in that department.
Fact is RH, the Shah was modern enough to have a vision of a Secular Iran, where there will be no beheadings, public executions, stonings or lashings in public. An inconvenient fact for you.
Robin Hood wrote:Double standards abound in the sphere of western geopolitics!
Just earlier you were talking about gunners in Helicopters killing worshipers leaving the mosque. Mmmmmmm
The Shah was Iran's best chance of becoming a modern secular State and it had our backing
Robin Hood wrote:Assad created and the Syrians enjoyed a prosperous and modern secular state, the difference is that he didn’t have ‘your’ backing! So the West set out from way before this conflict ever started with the sole intent of removing Assad from the driving seat and replacing him with another puppet. To believe the West is destroying the country and its people, for the Syrian peoples own good, is just an incredible naivety.
Only for the Alawites.
Too bad if you were a Sunni, Assyrian, Turkmen or Kurd.
Oh yes! Do you remember the Kurds? Supposedly they are the GCs allies because they have issues with Turkey too. But now they all deserve to die. Mmmmmm
Robin Hood wrote:Assad wanted to sell his oil in something other than Petro Dollars, he wanted his own independent bank and he had a good relationship with Iran and Russia. Just these three actions made him a sworn enemy of western (US) imperialism and ‘Assad had to go!’. Look at the complete clusterfuck which has been the result of the west continually imposing its geopolitical will by direct force or proxy force on people around the World that didn’t want it.
Assad has bugger all Oil and it has nothing to do with resources for us. We have all the Oil we need from the Gulf States. For us it just started as a fight against ISIL. That is what we are concentrating on. We didn't want to get too involved and instead wanted to sit back and watch the Syrians sort it all out for themselves. And yes, we do want regime change.
Our actions in Syria benefited Assad, unless of course Assad wants ISIL which is not out of the question. He did release hundreds of ISIL terrorists a few years ago as they are fighting Assad's opponents and even make Assad look good. Clever stuff, but it won't come to pass.
Robin Hood wrote:(By the way. I had many conversations with Iranians on politics and they are an intelligent and very polite people. All the above observations are first hand not read up in the western press. When I once asked an Iranian (Senior Engineer) about the difference between life under The Shah and life under the Mullahs he replied “In the days of the Shah, we drank in public and prayed in private .... today, we pray in public and drink in private.”)
Oh we don't have any issue with the Iranian people. I am sure they are intelligent and nice people.
The very nice Iranian people were more likely to be the secular parts of Iran, and consequently BIG supporters of the Shah. Yes why don't you ask the Iranians what they think of the Shah? These are NOT the types of Iranians that would stand around watching as homosexuals are being strung from cranes and bridges, or support stonings and lashings.