I also support regime change in Syria
I agree with the Russians view, and the view of many other nations, that it is up to the Syrian people to make that decision and no other country, government or world leader.
Russia is free to join this war effort along with the Syrian Security Forces.
There is no argument that Russian intervention is legal and any military movements within the Syrian territorial borders without invitation of the government or a UN Mandate is illegal. In my perception of events, it has been Russian intervention that has bought about the possibility of a negotiated settlement. Maybe they will let the NATO block join THEIR effort, which you have to admit has achieved more in two months than 4 years of Western coalition action.
Note what that article says about the advice given to the US President about his ‘
Assad must go!’ policy ....... now the demand has dropped to a whisper and Assad will stay until the people of Syria vote and say clearly that they have had enough of him and his family.
Again, in my book, it is not up to anyone other than the Syrians to make the decision as to whether he should stand for re-election or not. If the people don’t want him ..... they will let the rest of the world know when they vote. To do otherwise would be giving in to terrorism .... surely you can see that.
If the vote process is monitored by the UN, the voting process is deemed fair, and says Assad is the one chosen by the people to lead Syria ......... then so be it. The US and NATO countries may not like the outcome, if that happened to be the result, but it has sod all to do with them.