Lordo wrote:Why am I not surprised?Nine elite Special Forces troops could be prosecuted over alleged war crimes in Syria, it has emerged.
On Tuesday, the Ministry of Defence confirmed that the Service Prosecuting Authority was investigating two separate cases. The MoD said one case related to just one individual, while one involved eight. Defence chiefs refused to provide any information on the alleged crimes.
So we do not know what they have done and need to trust the MoD to be honest. Its like putting the fox to take care of the chickens.
You should try stopping just skimming the headline of your favourite "news" sources, then adding an always highly personally prejudiced (that is - hating the UK) one liner and actually read the articles - and, Heaven forbid, alternative POVs, for a change.
I know I've asked it before - and don't expect a sensible answer (you don't tend to do sensible) - but - as your multiple daily posts make clear, that you clearly despise the UK and everything about it, have you considered returning to your own country? I would be glad to contribute to a one way ticket.
Misery, misery, misery.