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The war against Syria

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Re: The war against Syria

Postby miltiades » Sun Dec 30, 2018 1:01 pm

General, you , once again , is proving to all what a lousy General you are. Will the next US President do something about the barbarians who rule Saudi Arabia also ?
This is a barbaric medieval dictatorship that the west goes to bed each night
Assad is a dictator just like all before him

The killing started with the West's involvement. Stop acting that you really care abouth the plight of the Syrians whilst you ignore the ruthless barbarians that rule SA and the rest of theocratic scato countries.
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Re: The war against Syria

Postby Robin Hood » Sun Dec 30, 2018 1:42 pm

Londonrake wrote:
Robin Hood wrote:Paphitis, in case you hadn’t noticed the thread is about SYRIA .....

Robin Hood wrote:What exactly does this load of Trump/US adoration crap have to do with 'The War on Syria'?

Answer ..... sod all! The same applies to you .... what has your post got to do with Syria? Same answer .... sod all as Syria is not even mentioned! You are a frequent offender and usually your threads are just vilification of me. He does this with every thread he posts on. Comment on yours and his 'contribution' absolutely valid.

Robin Hood wrote:Now the US is doing it again with Ukraine! Having funded and organised a coup in KIEV in 2014 and started it ..... they are now funding more trouble in that country, right on the EU’s door step!

A one liner with a link ..... the rest of the post was OP related. Posted because the US is doing exactly the same in Ukraine as it did in Syria ..... this time they are interfering for the second time right on the Russian border!!!! They just can't stay out of other countries affairs!

Robin Hood wrote:
Washington Bears Gifts for Kiev’s Neo-Nazi Warmongering Regime – By Finian Cunningham

"Finian Cunningham is less of a journalist and more of a conspiracy theorist and Mumbo-Jumbo peddler. His 'articles' (I use the term in the loosest sense possible) are a mixture of half-truths, innuendos, blatant fantasy and whatever his Iranian government paymasters instruct him to write. Yes, you read that last part correctly. Finian Cunningham works for PressTV - the English-language propaganda arm of the Iranian government. Bit of a coincidence therefore (NOT) that just about every article of his ferociously attacks either the USA, the EU, western Ukraine, Israel, NATO or whoever else happens to be on Tehran's 'bad list'."

Thank you for your ill-informed opinion but it is all true and verified by official information, he merely passes it on in his article.

Before throwing mud at well regarded journalist's who don't support your propaganda ........ check out:

The Integrity Initiative! An outfit funded by the UK FCO and used by MI6, GCHQ and the MoD who then feed most of the UK News outlets including The Telegraph, The Guardian, The Times, BBC et al with pure propaganda. A creation outfit for anti-Russian Western Propaganda:

Sorry, I couldn't find it mentioned in any detail in the MSM, so you will have to put up with independent sources .... I wonder why?
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Re: The war against Syria

Postby Paphitis » Sun Dec 30, 2018 1:45 pm

No they won’t be doing anything about the Saudis.

It isn’t our duty to be running other countries for starters. And the gruesome as the Saudis are, and also violators of human rights, they are not guilty of war crimes as yet, and neither do they threaten other countries with annihilation.

We are also not interested with how Iran conducts themselves. They can also do whatever they want. What we are interested in is Islamic State, and then assisting with the human right concerns of other marginalised groups at the hands of war criminals like Assad, who btw, is responsible for the rise of Islamic State to begin with.

We have problems with terrorist organisations such as Al Qaeda, Al Nusra, Islamic State on the one side and also with Hesbollah on the other side plus all the other affiliates around the world of which there are many.

Our policy is simple, and very consistent. We support Israel’s existence, 2 State Solution and are diametrically opposed to Hesbollah, Islamic State, Al Nusra, and Al Qaeda. We have no concerns at all with the Saudi or Iranian regimes.

You on the other hand, do not know what you want and are clasping at false straw men.
Last edited by Paphitis on Sun Dec 30, 2018 1:51 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: The war against Syria

Postby Paphitis » Sun Dec 30, 2018 1:46 pm

Sunnies are also on, because sorry , there should be a rule against coloured text. 8)

La la la la la la!

I move a motion to ignore the hysterical ramblings of the anarchist!
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Re: The war against Syria

Postby Robin Hood » Sun Dec 30, 2018 1:48 pm

Paphitis wrote:
Londonrake wrote:
Robin Hood wrote:Paphitis, in case you hadn’t noticed the thread is about SYRIA .....

Robin Hood wrote:What exactly does this load of Trump/US adoration crap have to do with 'The War on Syria'?

Robin Hood wrote:Now the US is doing it again with Ukraine! Having funded and organised a coup in KIEV in 2014 and started it ..... they are now funding more trouble in that country, right on the EU’s door step!

Robin Hood wrote:
Washington Bears Gifts for Kiev’s Neo-Nazi Warmongering Regime – By Finian Cunningham

"Finian Cunningham is less of a journalist and more of a conspiracy theorist and Mumbo-Jumbo peddler. His 'articles' (I use the term in the loosest sense possible) are a mixture of half-truths, innuendos, blatant fantasy and whatever his Iranian government paymasters instruct him to write. Yes, you read that last part correctly. Finian Cunningham works for PressTV - the English-language propaganda arm of the Iranian government. Bit of a coincidence therefore (NOT) that just about every article of his ferociously attacks either the USA, the EU, western Ukraine, Israel, NATO or whoever else happens to be on Tehran's 'bad list'."

As I said earlier, it makes little difference to these people. They are the anti-western war mongers which will attack the West continuously, and come to Iran’s defence. Their anti western hysteria has many manifestations, whether against the USA, or the EU, Canada, or Australia, and others. Basically, let’s support every despot in the world to remove this so called western hegemony.

But the hegemony they seem to support are those who diametrically oppose the west. Now lets just list all these forces that oppose the west - Russia, Syria, North Korea, Iran, ....well we all get the picture now don’t we?

It is a very big privilege living in the EU, USA, Australia or many other western countries. Now imagine having the misfortune of living in Russia, or worse still, Iran, or Saudi Arabia, or North Korea? Just by pure chance, we live in open democracies, with freedom and tolerance. Like winning the lottery.

I know many Iranians, and they do not paint a pretty picture of Iran. Many will tell you that Iran was far better under a US supported Shah. Back then, women could wear bikinis at the beach, now they are like Saudi Arabia.

People in Russia are not so fortunate as us. And things are not overly bad in Russia. It is much worse in places like Iran, Saudi Arabia, China (China is a mixed bag), or North Korea. Communism is a failed concept too.

How easily do we forget. Our freedoms were hard fought for. But people take them for granted. The day will come when they will regret it. And they will be begging for the USA to take the reigns once again. We are not ready for any Russia, or any China, or any Iran, or any Saudi Arabia, or North Korea.

These people are just anarchists. They want the world and society to implode, so that something else takes its place. They don’t even know what that something else is. They are just miserable and sad people.

People like the above lack the ability to reason. They are driven by other agendas. They want the total destruction of our civil western societies. For what end, is clear to me. Which is why they are best ignored. Don’t give them a platform to spew their vitriol and hatred.

People have more than enough to deal with already.

Usual crap ..... not worth a reply except to say "Keep it up Paphitis your country needs useful idiots!" :lol: :lol: :lol:
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Re: The war against Syria

Postby Paphitis » Sun Dec 30, 2018 1:59 pm

miltiades wrote:General, you , once again , is proving to all what a lousy General you are. Will the next US President do something about the barbarians who rule Saudi Arabia also ?
This is a barbaric medieval dictatorship that the west goes to bed each night
Assad is a dictator just like all before him

The killing started with the West's involvement. Stop acting that you really care abouth the plight of the Syrians whilst you ignore the ruthless barbarians that rule SA and the rest of theocratic scato countries.

And no, the killing did not start withy the West’s involvement at all.

By the time the West got involved, the Syrian War was underway for 3 years and about 300,000 people were already killed with about 5 million refugees.

We did not enter Syria until very late in the piece and we entered Syria with the objective of destroying Islamic State first and foremost - a mission which we accomplished in Syria and Iraq.

We have no interest at all in regime change in Saudi Arabia or Iran. Both countries can do what they want. Where Iran will have a problem is through their terrorism activities in supporting and funding Hezbollah. Equally, the Saudis will find that the west will oppose any organisations they support - such as possibly Al Qaeda, Al Nusra and Islamic State.

We will however, differentiate between the above and The Free Syrian Army, and other Kurdish, Armenian, and Assyrian Groups which we will support. We have every right in doing that against the war criminal - Assad!

Assad, however, is a war criminal and a wanted man. This is something that will never change. He is a condemned man. Justice always catches up to criminals of this caliber. He will be the most wanted man on the planet. A job for Mossad.
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Re: The war against Syria

Postby Londonrake » Sun Dec 30, 2018 2:43 pm

Robin Hood wrote:Thank you for your ill-informed opinion but it is all true and verified by official information, he merely passes it on in his article.

Before throwing mud at well regarded journalist's who don't support your propaganda ........ check out:

You're welcome. Although, it isn't of course my opinion I'm merely "passing it on in my article".

I invite people to actually read your link - as I doubt many (if any) have. It's a frothing at the mouth, paranoid, anti-US rant. I can see why you like it. :wink: :lol: He also writes for Sputnik and RT. Well, there's a surprise! A paragon of objectivity then, just like your good self and the sites you regularly peddle, all of which are filled with people who write end-of-the-world anti-west stuff. Ne'er in them will you ever find even a hint of anything remotely critical of your favoured band of despots and tyrants. At least the man gets paid for his output though and isn't one of the useful idiot brigade.

I used to look into the authors of this sort of stuff as a matter of course but got bored with it. My favourite was the "Respected academic" that underpinned an article on Fallujah. Perhaps you will remember how you used it to support your "The US 'secretly' nuked Fallujah" post :lol: . When I dug a bit it turned out he'd actually been expelled by his own professional body for being a nutter. He was a rabid conspiracy-theorist who's favourite was hawking the idea the Japanese government were involved in a vast plot to secretly plant nuclear material around the country, in order to contaminate the population. Absolutely classic. :lol:

Propaganda?? Nahh. Now you've hurt my feelings. :cry: I just wanted to highlight the hypocrisy in your criticising Paphitis's introduction of Trump - somebody who has nothing at all to do with Syria of course, particularly recently, then going on about Ukraine, an area which is clearly fundamental to the region.

So, return of the Trollski then! Welcome back. But - have you fallen out/been banned already? Surely not? If so, it wouldn't have been your fault of course.

I'm not interested in your BBC article. Although, if they're finally getting their act together after the Internet Research Agency and GRU's activities then good on 'em. It's nothing to do with this thread on Syria though. Just like Trump. :wink:
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Re: The war against Syria

Postby Londonrake » Sun Dec 30, 2018 3:00 pm

Paphitis wrote:People in Russia are not so fortunate as us. And things are not overly bad in Russia.

An article. Although, should you read you need to bear in mind it comes from that well known State propaganda agency and mouthpiece of Theresa May (you can tell by their slavish support and promotion of her Brexit activities :lol: )- the Beeb:

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Re: The war against Syria

Postby Paphitis » Sun Dec 30, 2018 3:25 pm

Londonrake wrote:
Paphitis wrote:People in Russia are not so fortunate as us. And things are not overly bad in Russia.

An article. Although, should you read you need to bear in mind it comes from that well known State propaganda agency and mouthpiece of Theresa May (you can tell by their slavish support and promotion of her Brexit activities :lol: )- the Beeb:


I read it and found it interesting.

I have no problem with reading the beeb. Whilst I think it has some bias in certain aspects, such as having a pro EU agneda that is anti BREXIT, is left leaning, and is anti trump - just like Washington Post, CNN and New York Times, it isn’t a propaganda outlet like other outlets such as RT etc.

They still have some descent journalism, as do the other outlets I mention, even though right now I may be more in tune with the GOP and Trump leaning Fox News.

No matter what, we are very lucky to be living in places like Australia and Cyprus. Russia from what I know is worse than hell on some reports, and it isn’t an open and free society. It isn’t a democracy either except in name. Russia is no bastion of freedom and happiness. It isn’t as bad some other countries but it isn’t good at all.

Trump will be gone in 6 years at the most. This is the USA. They are a free and democratic country. People are free to express themselves politically, spiritually and culturally. This is not the case in Russia.
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Re: The war against Syria

Postby Get Real! » Sun Dec 30, 2018 3:37 pm

Paphitis wrote:Trump will be gone in 6 years at the most. This is the USA. They are a free and democratic country. People are free to express themselves politically, spiritually and culturally. This is not the case in Russia.

Your immaturity and naivety is about the only thing that has remained steady in the 10 years that I've known you. :?
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