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The war against Syria

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Re: The war against Syria

Postby yialousa1971 » Sat May 12, 2018 4:28 pm

Watch these videos at Twitter and VIMEO they tell a different story than ZOG media. :wink: ... 0513501184
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Re: The war against Syria

Postby Robin Hood » Sat May 12, 2018 4:55 pm

yialousa1971 wrote:Watch these videos at Twitter and VIMEO they tell a different story than ZOG media. :wink: ... 0513501184

Personally I don't like the format of Twitter so although I did read it I find the comments a bit chaotic! To my simple mind Twitter is for twit's!

That was better! A very impassioned young man but, whilst I more or less agreed with him, he was a bit too passionate to have a real impact ..... maybe an age thing? :roll: I prefer the quiet and more laid back approach of say the likes ofJohn Pilger although he is getting a bit slow these days but still has all the facts.

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Re: The war against Syria

Postby Paphitis » Sat May 12, 2018 7:02 pm

Robin Hood wrote:
Paphitis wrote:Australia and Israel do not report on military operations. They never have.

Yes they are tightly controlled and that is smart.

The Government makes no media release and it never releases any footage of destroyed targets. They are particularly sensitive about Border Security and have adopted a policy of complete non disclosure and a complete media black out.

The Americans are lot more liberal when it comes to these things but I wouldn't call it wise because it opens itself up to Fake news and counter claims and a media frenzy and that is not a game Israel or Australia will ever go down.

It is much easier that way.

Our Government knows what is going on. That is all that is required. The information is sensitive and people do not have a right to know.

Australia did about 2000 weapon releases in Syria. Do a search to see if you can find footage of even 1. There isn't any. Do the same with the Americans and YouTube is full of footage.

the media only knows what the Australian Government is happy to release.

If the Aussie Government finds out you know so much about there secret operations ...... they would have to kill you! :lol: :lol: :lol:

I would be happy to take a bullet for Australia.

There can be bigger honour.
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Re: The war against Syria

Postby Londonrake » Sat May 12, 2018 7:11 pm

Robin Hood wrote:Pyrpolizer .... as a follow on to your previous post ..... I thought this was an interesting observation of the New Rules of Engagement, in Syria.

Israel Now Faces New Rules Of Engagement In Syria- Zero Hedge- May 11, 2018

Even as CNN is out with a new report condemning Iran for denying any responsibility or role in the latest massive exchange of fire between Israel and Syria, The New York Times has admitted (albeit buried deep in the story) that Israel was the actual aggressor and initiator of hostilities which threatened to spiral out of control overnight Wednesday and into Thursday morning.

While CNN and most Israeli and mainstream media sources blame Iran for initiating an attack on Israel, on the very day of the early morning strikes (Thursday), the Times acknowledged, "The barrage [of Syria/Iran missiles] came after an apparent Israeli missile strike against a village in the Syrian Golan Heights late Wednesday."

This is significant as Israel is seeking to cast Iran as an aggressor on its border which must be dealt with preemptively; however Syria's response—which involved between 20 and 50 missiles launched in return fire—imposed new rules of engagement on a situation in which Israel previously acted with impunity.

Maybe, Israel just lost its 'Get out of jail free card' ? There could now be a price to pay for their excursions into Syria? :roll:

I don't think so. Although, of course, the "hotter" it gets the more the loss figures will mount up on all sides. Syria has an appalling record when it comes to past confrontations with Israel. You should do a little non confirmation bias research.

I got the impression from reading quite a few accounts (not the "independents" I have to say) that Iran's rocket attack was a response to the Israeli sortie against their forces in Syria a few weeks ago.

It's interesting to note how Russia is staying away from all this. They're not in Syria for altruistic reasons of course. The plan is to hang on to what are nowadays their only Mediterranean military bases. Putin apparently has quite a good relationship with Netanyahu and the last thing he wants is a full scale conflict between Israel and Iran within Syria. Reports have emerged that the 2 have a "hotline" (as does the US) and that the Russians were told in advance of Israel's planned attacks. Russia and Iran are not and never have been on friendly terms. What's been happening in Syria is in essence a marriage of convenience.

Today's unpalatable (TLDR) quotation. From the peace-loving "They have never threatened Israel" Republic of Iran:

May 2012: In a speech to a defense gathering in Tehran, Iran's Military Chief of Staff declared: "The Iranian nation is standing for its cause and that is the full annihilation of Israel."

Any result on the search for material to support your claim that "Israel has continually threatened Iran with the use of its nuclear weapons"?

No - thought not.
Last edited by Londonrake on Sat May 12, 2018 8:02 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: The war against Syria

Postby Paphitis » Sat May 12, 2018 7:11 pm

Pyrpolizer wrote:
Paphitis wrote:
Pyrpolizer wrote:
yialousa1971 wrote:The Israeli government has invoked Military Media Censorship upon all Israeli media outlets. They are forbidden to report on the ongoing clashes and cannot report on the severe damage done to Israeli outposts and military infrastructure in the Golan Heights in response to the Israeli attacks against Syria.

But how can this be? According to Paphitis Israel is a Democracy!! :P :P :P

Australia has also invoked Military censorship on the media about Military operations associated with Border Security.

The Government does not make any public announcements concerning Border Security.

This censorship has been in place in Australia for 4 years now.

it is not an uncommon thing. the media have a tendency to jeopardise the State and even put lives at risk.

There is no correlation between that and democracy.

You are comparing apples with oranges.

Australia is a democracy and (I assume) the only way to have restricted the freedom of press/expression regarding it’s borders security should have been a) via a LAW that has already been approved by your parliament. As for example it was done in Germany regarding the holocaust, and in France regarding the Armenian genocide.

The only other way in Democracies to restrict freedom of press is b) by declaring a state of emergency for reasons of National security assuming that these reasons genuinely affect the life of the nation.

Israel has not even confirmed it did anything. It lets everyone assume the bombings in Syria were done by the Martians! Neither did it ever declare a state of emergency. Restricting freedom of press on the fact that some of it’s outposts at the Golan were hit does not even endanger the life of it’s nation.

Israel is simply NOT A DEMOCRACY. It’s a military state, that strikes anywhere it likes even in neighboring countries breaking international law, and internally applying military law anytime it chooses without having to account to anyone not even to it’s own citizens.

Yes Australia has laws restricting the press from particular types of information.

They call it the State Secret Act.
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Re: The war against Syria

Postby yialousa1971 » Thu May 24, 2018 8:46 pm

@ Koala Bear
58s58 seconds ago
BREAKING: Ongoing Israeli airstrike, the Syrian air defense is responding, several missiles targeted Israeli warplanes over Lebanon


- @ELINTNews
3m3 minutes ago

#BREAKING: Reports of explosions near Homs City in Syria, Syrian Air Defences firing S-200 missiles at attacking warplanes, Israeli planes reported in Lebanese Air Space- First Video of S-200 launches ... 92/video/1
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Re: The war against Syria

Postby yialousa1971 » Thu May 24, 2018 8:54 pm

local Syrian media report downing of Israeli jet in Lebanese airspace by Syrian missile

One of our military airports in the central region was subjected to a hostile missile strike, and our air defence forces responded to the aggression and prevented it from achieving its objectives.

Syrian air defences deal with hostile raids, believed to be Israeli, southwest of Homs, in the vicinity of Chinhar Airport and the Shingar and tine area.

Preliminary information on the targeting of an Israeli aircraft with S200 rockets and reports of its injuries, which attempted to attack military outposts
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Re: The war against Syria

Postby yialousa1971 » Thu May 24, 2018 9:00 pm

2m2 minutes ago
Several sources confirmed to me that at least dozens of Hezbollah fighters were gathered in al-Dab'a airbase when the airstrike happened, the fighters were on their way to Dier Ezzor desert to joint an upcoming attack against ISIS
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Re: The war against Syria

Postby Pyrpolizer » Wed May 30, 2018 10:58 pm

West's portrayal of Democracy
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Re: The war against Syria

Postby yialousa1971 » Thu May 31, 2018 4:33 pm

Israel in panic over losing their ‘dear’ ISIS & Al-Nusra terrorists in Syr– Assad

Striking targets in Syria and threatening to assassinate the leader on the pretext of fighting Iranian influence is a sign that Israel is in “panic” after losing its “dear” terrorist assets, President Bashar Assad told RT.

“We don’t have Iranian troops,” Assad said. “We always said that we have Iranian officers, but they work with our army, we don’t have [Iranian] troops.”

Some Israeli politicians have threatened to “liquidate” Assad and topple his government if Iran continues to operate in Syria and transfer weapons to the Lebanese Hezbollah. The Syrian president, however, has made it clear that he is not afraid of the threat.

“The Israelis have been assassinating, killing, occupying for decades now, for around seven decades, in this region, but usually they do all this without threatening. Now, why do they threaten in this way? This is panic, this is a kind of hysterical feeling because they are losing the ‘dear ones,’ the dear ones Al-Nusra and ISIS, that’s why Israel is panicking recently, and we understand their feeling,” Assad said. ... s-threats/
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