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The war against Syria

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Re: The war against Syria

Postby Robin Hood » Sat Feb 24, 2018 4:43 pm

I have always thought that although the BBC was biased that bias was not extreme. Today I saw another face of the BBC! :x A news report from Syria was as biased as any I have ever seen from other MSM outlets including CNN and FOX News! The BBC has sold its impartiality up the river! :cry:

Not once did they refer to 'Syrian Government forces' or the 'SAA'..... every time it was ‘The Assad regime forces with their Russian backers ...... and the Al-Qaida US backed terrorists were referred to as ‘ ..... anti Assad rebels’ painting one in derogatory terms and the other as hero fighters for freedom from a tyrant. And their adoration for the White Helmet, Al-Qaida/US/UK backed so called Syrian Civil Defence was almost obscene. :x

I received the attached video of Ron Paul (US Senator Retd.) discussing the subject of Eastern Ghouta and the UN’s reaction to it. A very sensible and honest narrative and coming from an American Senator. One question he asks is .....’Why were the UN not concerned about this horror when the US coalition were killing, maiming and flattening Mosul and Raqqa with THEIR missile and hyperbaric bombs?

The narrative on BBC concerning Ghouta was exactly the same script as for Aleppo. (RP also covers that aspect of UN/MSM reporting to)

UN's Syria Propaganda Stunt - Senator Ron Paul.
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Re: The war against Syria

Postby Robin Hood » Sat Feb 24, 2018 5:10 pm

Still on the Syria theme ......A comment by ‘Lucy’ after the following article:

“The conditions described in this article seem quite obvious to those who take the time to follow what is happening. The problem is that way too many people believe the propaganda rather than the reality. That includes the media, public officials, and your friends and neighbors. People refuse to believe that their own country pays mercenaries to overthrow other governments.” :o

US Aggression in Syria – an Imperialist Blueprint - Editorial

First though, we note the increasing reprehensible absurdity in this conflict.

Turkey, which invaded Syria nearly a month ago in violation of Syria’s sovereignty, this week accused Damascus of “terrorism” after the Syrian government sent forces to defend the northern area near Afrin under assault from Turkey.

Meanwhile, US forces, again illegally occupying Syria in violation of international law, claim to be fighting terrorist militia. Yet more often than not, the Americans are affording protection to various terrorist groups. Then when Syrian state forces advance to clear the terror groups, the US claims it is acting in “self-defense” by massacring whole units of the Syrian army.

Further absurdity is due to France, which has been bombing Syria illegally along with the US and Britain, warning Iranian militia, who are legally present in Syria owing to Damascus’ approval, that they have to withdraw from the country.
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Re: The war against Syria

Postby Robin Hood » Sat Feb 24, 2018 6:29 pm

Some more articles giving some alternate views of events in Syria.......... hopefully of some interest? :wink:

Trump Sets Deadly Precedent by Hiding Rationale for Bombing Syria

Our president must be restrained before he does the same thing for North Korea.

Turkish forces shell convoy headed to Syria's Afrin region - Reuters Staff

BEIRUT/ISTANBUL (Reuters) - The Turkish army struck a convoy entering Syria’s Kurdish-held Afrin region, which Ankara said carried fighters and weapons but Kurdish forces said was made up of civilians entering with food and medicine.

Al-Jaafari: endangering lives of 8 million civilians in Damascus to protect terrorists in Eastern Ghouta is unacceptable

The Syrian diplomat noted that terrorist groups situated in the Eastern Ghouta and designated as terrorist organizations by the UN Security Council have been targeting Damascus with hundreds of rocket and mortar shells on a daily basis, causing the death and injury of dozens of civilians.
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Re: The war against Syria

Postby Robin Hood » Wed Feb 28, 2018 9:14 am

If you actually look at the background of these UN resolutions, you find that invariably there are clauses in there that the US KNOWS the Russians will not/cannot accept. This is then presented on the MSM as Russia being the bad guy.

I watched the BBC World news this evening and as well as the usual references to the ‘Assad regime and their Russian backers’ I could not believe that people are so naive as to believe these videos of poor civilians giving their story to the World from inside Eastern Ghouta. Do the MSM not realise that the ONLY source of news on the ground in Eastern Ghouta are by the terrorists themselves? If you are not one-of-them you are dead ......... so independent information is not available.

This is a repeat of the daily outpourings from Aleppo! When the fighting stopped and the real stories came out, the MSM dried up and went very quiet because none of the crap they were throwing out at the time was supported by those liberated. It was the SAA and the Russians the Syrian people were thanking ..... not the US coalition. 600,000 displaced Syrians have returned and it is Russia and the Syrian government that is helping with the rebuilding ..... from the US coalition ..... sod all.

Assad opened corridors in Aleppo but the same US backed terrorists were sniping at anyone that tried to leave and in some cases actually mortar bombed the exit points. The same is happening in Eastern Ghouta at this moment but you would not believe that was the case watching BBC! Bombing the exit points actually happened live when Eva Bartlett was at one of these points to talk to those coming out of the conflict zone. The US backed terrorist won’t let them out because the terrorists know that without their civilian hostages the SAA will wipe them out.

Now we hear from the BBC that no one got out today ..... but they don’t explain why. RT does!

Syria - The UNSC Mandated Ceasefire Will Not Hold
- By Moon Of Alabama

Last night the UN Security Council adopted Resolution 2401 demanding a 30 day ceasefire in all of Syria. The text of the adopted resolution does not seem to be available yet. A copy of the original draft resolution is here. The Russian government had offered several amendments to it. It demanded that the U.S. side guarantees that the enemies of the Syrian state would stick to such a ceasefire.


I think what Cunningham is trying to impart here is that the UN is selective when it comes to condemnation! I suppose that is inevitable when the US and it’s poodles are writing the script ..... with a little help from their proxy army on the ground!

Western Lies about Lies over Syria’s East Ghouta - By Finian Cunningham

Western governments, their corporate news media, and even the United Nations’ chief Antonio Guterres are once again playing a disgusting, emotive propaganda game over the Syrian war.

UN Secretary General Guterres told the Security Council this week that the East Ghouta enclave near the capital Damascus was “hell on Earth” and called for an immediate ceasefire. His ceasefire call was echoed by French President Emmanuel Macron.

Where is Guterres’ public concern about “hellish conditions” elsewhere? In Gaza where more than a million people are starving under a years-long blockade by a US-backed Israeli regime – in violation of countless UN resolutions? Where is Guterres’ legal or moral authority for Palestinians?

Or for Raqqa, the Syrian city razed to the ground by US air strikes? Or for Iraq’s Mosul, likewise obliterated along with thousands of civilians by US air strikes? Or for Sanaa, the Yemeni capital being bombarded by American-supplied Saudi warplanes?

We don’t recall seeing the UN chief pointedly addressing the Security Council about those situations, and dramatically invoking “hell on Earth”.


One thing I don’t think I have ever heard the BBC or any UK MSM mention is that British aircraft from RAF Akrotiri are bombing Syria on a daily basis. Certainly Johnson didn’t mention it in his interview with Mishal Hussain on BFBS/BBC this morning.

UK ready to provide Al Qaeda with airstrikes to support another Assad “chemical weapons” false flag. UK uses White Helmets terrorists to ramp up illegal airstrikes.

Today British Foreign Secretary Boris Johnson has stated that the UK might support airstrikes against the Syrian government if there’s evidence of chemical weapons’ use, evidence collected by The White Helmets.

Sputnik News reports that Johnson’s statement comes a day after the infamous White Helmets NGO claimed that the Syrian government had deployed chlorine gas against the town of Al-Shifoniya town in Eastern Ghouta, allegedly killing one child and causing “widespread suffocation” among the local civilians
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Re: The war against Syria

Postby Robin Hood » Wed Feb 28, 2018 9:35 am


A video showing the other side of the story. It is a breath of fresh air to see someone given air time on MSM, even if it is restricted to Australian viewers, to tell a realistic story about Ghouta/Syria and pointing out where the US coalition and the MSM sources are the terrorists themselves.

The People Of East Ghouta Are Living Under al Qaeda Occupation - Watch

It's rich to see the western mainstream media talk about the suffering of the people of East Ghouta.

Dr Marcus Papadopoulos spoke with Sky News Australia about East Ghouta.

Posted February 27, 2018

You will see/hear no reference to this on the BBC, in fact the exact opposite, they ignore reports such as this and put up terrorist propaganda videos instead ! :x :x :x
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Re: The war against Syria

Postby Robin Hood » Wed Feb 28, 2018 10:00 am

Another view of Ghouta from independent journalists ..........

Video: (2 minutes) What’s Really Going On in East Ghouta?

The video below was created by an amazing team of people that won’t let the voices of innocent civilians who are being killed in Damascus, be silenced by western mainstream media!

Created by Carla Ortiz, Jason Clarke, Soraya Tebbani and narrated by Sarah Abed.

Sarah Abed is an independent journalist and political commentator. Focused on exposing the lies and propaganda in mainstream media news, as it relates to domestic and foreign policy with an emphasis on the Middle East. Contributed to various radio shows, news publications and spoken at forums. For media inquiries please email [email protected].

Edit to add:

Another view ............. by Stephen Lendman
Security Council Resolution 2401 terms, calling for a 30-day ceasefire, exclude combat operations against ISIS, al-Nusra and al-Qaeda.

All so-called “rebels” in Eastern Ghouta are US-supported terrorists.

They’re holding countless thousands of Syrian civilians hostage as human shields, unexplained by Western media, waging daily anti-Syria, anti-Russia propaganda war.

Security Council Res. 2401 was adopted on Saturday. As expected, US-supported terrorists breached it straightaway.
Using foreign-supplied weapons and munitions, al-Nusra, Jaysh al-Islam, and Failak al-Rahman have been shelling Damascus before and after the ceasefire took effect.
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Re: The war against Syria

Postby Robin Hood » Wed Feb 28, 2018 3:58 pm

Can We Trust the Corporate Media Banging the Regime-change Drum? - By Jonathan Cook

The authoritarians who silence Syria questions

I am loath to draw more attention to the kind of idiocy that passes for informed comment nowadays from academics and mainstream journalists. Recently I lambasted Prof Richard Carver for his arguments against BDS that should have gained him an F for logic in any high school exam.

Now we have to endure Brian Whitaker, the Guardian’s former Middle East editor, using every ploy in the misdirection and circular logic playbook to discredit those who commit thought crimes on Syria, by raising questions both about what is really happening there and about whether we can trust the corporate media consensus banging the regime-change drum.

Whitaker’s arguments and assumptions may be preposterous but sadly, like Carver’s, they are to be found everywhere in the mainstream – they have become so commonplace through repetition that they have gained a kind of implicit credibility. So let’s unpack what Whitaker and his ilk are claiming.

Continues ...................
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Re: The war against Syria

Postby repulsewarrior » Wed Feb 28, 2018 9:43 pm

Thanks, Robin.
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Re: The war against Syria

Postby Robin Hood » Thu Mar 01, 2018 11:33 am

repulsewarrior wrote:Thanks, Robin.

You are more than welcome. :wink:

This is what I would call investigative journalism. These are all verifiable facts and are at odds with the stories that the White Helmets and SOHR present to the MSM. It seems that the Guardian printed these stories without ANY verification. In other words they are spreading terrorist propaganda and, of course, fake news. At least this is credible and is well explained.

(I can’t get the link to work! Try
that posted the article, which is by the ‘Inside Syria Media Center’

I am truly amazed that apparently intelligent people do not seem to have the mental capacity to apply simple common sense to this MSM propaganda, which is all it can be.

The Russians/Syrians declare a cessation of hostilities for five hours every day. They open up an escape route for all the civilians, not just the young/old/sick/wounded. They drop pamphlets telling the people how to get there. They put ambulances on standby at the exit point and man them with doctors/medics and medicines to treat the sick.. They have truck loads of aid to deliver but the UN won’t go in unless their safety is guaranteed........ and then no one comes out of the terrorist held area and the aid does not go in!

Does no official mouthpiece have the common sense to ask why???? :evil: :evil:

It is completely illogical to blame either Assad or the Russians, they have absolutely NOTHING to gain from any action that prevents this cessation of hostilities from being anything but a success. In fact exactly the opposite! The only ones to gain are the terrorists who need hostages. And yet the MSM pours out not only a stream of accusations against Assad and Russia but fails to mention the atrocities carried out by the US backed terrorists on the rest of Ghouta.

This is exactly what happened in Aleppo. Same thing going on now and the same illogical accusations from the western media of deliberate bombing of civilians, always women and children, hospitals, schools etc. a completely illogical scenario.

The ones launching mortars are the terrorists and the evidence supports this as opposed to the use of barrel bombs by ‘The Regime’ and the Russians. None of these stupid stories supplied by the terrorists, White Helmets and SOHR makes the slightest bit of sense, but put the boot on the other foot and it does!!!! :roll:

Then, when Aleppo was eventually liberated from the terrorists (The MSM referred to it as The Fall of Alleppo) and all the real life stories of what had gone on in all those months/years, like the terrorists hoard of food and medicines held by the White Helmets who just happen to be right next door to the terrorist HQ, all came to light, it was ignored. From the western media......... silence ..... not a word was said, they just paid no attention to the evidence and continued to accuse Assad/Russians as the bad guys and moved on to Mosul and Raqqa where the story was presented in a completely different way. Then when it all finished there and all the death and destruction came to light ...... they went quiet again! It happens this way every time! :evil:

When the terrorists were bussed out of Aleppo and sent to Idlib ...... the White Helmets disappeared with them ..... doesn’t that seem a bit odd to you? You would have thought these ‘heros’ would revel in the acclaim. Now they appear in Eastern Ghouta and in Idlib which are both areas occupied by US backed Islamic terrorists trying to overthrow an elected government by acting as the US coalitions proxy army!

You do not need to be genius to work out that the stories on the western media are inaccurate, they are not telling the full story and when they report it is selective and very clear by the wording they use that it is all very heavily biased.

ALL their sources are plainly anti- whatever and they do not check out the information they are getting. When it all comes to light weeks, even months later they never publish it ...... that all comes from the independent journalists who are as incensed as I am about the distorted view the Western MSM Press are feeding a very gullible population. :evil:
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Re: The war against Syria

Postby Robin Hood » Thu Mar 01, 2018 4:27 pm

An interesting short video based on the analysis of the Saker “Escalation in Syria – how far can the Russians be pushed?“. Does a good assessment of the Turkish involvement.

added @ 17:12.

I just love this Lady, she may be a bit of an unconventional character (I can empathise with that) but she tells it just like it is! I found her views very entertaining.

Resisting Calls to ‘Do Something’ About Syria – BY Caitlin Johnstone. February 28, 2018

A common refrain is that the West must “do something” to help Syria, but this is like arguing that the gasoline that was used to start a fire can also be used to extinguish it, explains Caitlin Johnstone
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