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The war against Syria

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Re: The war against Syria

Postby Robin Hood » Wed Feb 21, 2018 7:13 pm

miltiades wrote:Each and every assesment on the Syrian issue made by General WeWe has been disastrously wrong. Nothing unusual in that since he has been wrong on all other issues, including the election of his now ...hero Donald Trump whom he called an idiot only to retract this subsequently on falling in love with Don.

Paphitis you are hallucinating mate, you give the impression that YOU are somewhat involved in the on going war.
You are NOT . You seat behind a computer and spout a load of shit.
If I offended you General, then Im....glad !!

I wish he would go back to his play pen ..... and let the 'grown ups' chat away in peace. Children should be seen and not heard! :roll: :lol: :lol:
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Re: The war against Syria

Postby Robin Hood » Thu Feb 22, 2018 5:22 pm

Londonrake wrote:

If you take out all the obvious bias, the basic story is the same where ever it comes from. If a reader cannot see that which is designed to intentionally impart bias then they will never get the full story. The truth has no bias. Apart from that I have no problem with the content as at the moment nobody has a clear idea of what is happening ..... except .... the forum military expert! :roll:

Barrel bombs are quite an interesting subject as, it appears they are NOT weapons of mass destruction and they very rarely kill anybody. That is not their purpose and I refer to those filled with chlorine not high explosive/shrapnel bombs as they ARE designed to kill and maim. As far as I know Assad has not been accused of using that type it is always CHLORINE type, presumably because of the ‘chemical’ link?

I worked on an Ethylene Dichloride Plant. The Chlorine plant was the next door neighbour and we were always told by the safety people that if you can see it (Green/Yellow mist) quit the area and move to higher ground/floors; if you can smell it (bleach) log off and go for a coffee. It is only a threat in higher concentrations (>10-15ppm) but it will irritate at levels lower than that. This always stuck with me. Try looking at the properties of Chlorine and this seems to support that theory:

Just my view and it may be controversial but: :roll: :wink:

Dropping one of these Chorine Barrel bombs on people, is a very inefficient way of killing ..... because it doesn’t kill, it just incapacitates the victim. So why does Assad use them? If you think about it, it is fairly obvious. It is about the closest thing you could get to a ‘velvet’ bomb that is effective against the terrorist but of minimal danger to civilians.

How come? Because, as they found in Aleppo and every other rebel strong hold that is liberated, these rebels move around through tunnels burrowed through the ground and through peoples basements, They shift the civilians out of their safe basements, where they would go for protection from snipers, rockets and mortars and then use the basements to store their weapons and to move around freely without exposing themselves.

Chlorine has 2.5 times the density of air so when released it will flow into lower areas ....... like tunnels and basements????? :roll: So when dropped say into the road in the centre of a town/city, the oil drum splits and the chlorine, which is diluted with water runs downhill. The gas evaporates out and drives all the rats out of their burrows where they can then be picked off at will. The civilians being on the upper floors are above the chlorine ..... they may smell it but if they can do that it will not cause any serious harm.

They cannot drop these things as a gas as it would need to be compressed and that means a pressure vessel which is very heavy. So, in a way it is a soft bomb ..... apparently IMO not the terrible weapon we are led to believe.

You may well disagree but when I use this as a logical approach these barrel bombs seem to be much less dangerous than the HE missiles and bombs the coalition dropped on Raqqa and Mosul and the Russian and Syrian air forces use as well or the phosphorus and depleted uranium the Israeli's use against civilian targets. Maybe this is why the casualty figures by population were lower in Aleppo than in Raqqa and Mosul?

Just a view. :|
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Re: The war against Syria

Postby Cap » Thu Feb 22, 2018 9:15 pm

What Kurdistan will look like in a few years.

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Re: The war against Syria

Postby DrCyprus » Thu Feb 22, 2018 10:32 pm

Cap wrote:What Kurdistan will look like in a few years.


A tenth of that, if they are lucky.
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Re: The war against Syria

Postby repulsewarrior » Fri Feb 23, 2018 3:00 am this article. It is a little off topic being about Cyprus; but it is about intentions, Erdogan's in Syria, greater Syria you might say because it also includes part of Iraq.

Mr. Erdogan seems to disagree. "Whatever Afrin is to us, our rights in the Aegean and Cyprus are the same. Do not ever think that the natural gas exploration in the waters of Cyprus and the opportunistic attempts in the Aegean Sea drop off from our radar," he said, and then threatened Cyprus with yet another military invasion:

"Just as we disrupt the plots [in the region] through Operation Euphrates Shield [in Syria] and Operation Olive Branch [in Syria], and soon in Manbij and other regions, we can and we will disrupt the plots of those who engage in miscalculations on our southern border. Our warships and air force are keeping an eye on the area in order to intervene in any way whenever required."

Since 1974, Turkey has refused to comply with U.N. Security Council resolutions demanding the immediate withdrawal of its troops from Cypriot soil. The global inaction in response to Turkish aggression encourages Mr. Erdogan, the president of a so-called "ally" of the West, to threaten Cyprus with yet another military assault.

Mr. Erdogan dreams of giving Americans the Ottoman slap, for he is a proud Ottomanist. The pro-government news website A Haber posted a photo of Erdogan giving U.S. President Donald Trump the Ottoman slap.

"Those who think that we've erased from our hearts the lands from which we withdrew in tears a hundred years ago are wrong," he declared, referring to the Ottoman-occupied lands that Turks lost with the dissolution of the Ottoman Empire in 1922.

There is nothing shocking in Mr. Erdogan's words: He is a consistently honest jihadist who speaks and acts according to his beliefs. What enables him get away with his intimidating rhetoric and ongoing hostility is the apparent weakness and confusion of the West in the face of violent Turkish supremacism.

...another article linking Turkish agression in Cyprus to something bigger, regarding Turkey, ... invasions/

...interesting map, Cap; i would love to compare it to Erdogan's dream of a "new" Turkey.
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Re: The war against Syria

Postby repulsewarrior » Fri Feb 23, 2018 7:16 pm

Syria: Nearly 368 People Killed in 5 Days ... -0007.html

...150 children.

The recent attacks have left over 1,850 people injured, with residential areas and several medical facilities damaged, making it harder to treat those suffering injuries.

"The clinics department is out of service, the clinical care unit is out, the surgery unit is out, the incubator unit is out, the pediatric section is out, all of the departments of the hospital are completely out of service,” a man identified as a medical worker said, according to Cyprus Mail Online.

“There were casualties among our staff, among patients, among the children we had,” he said, further adding that the doctors had to operate in the rubble as it was impossible to evacuate in time.

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Re: The war against Syria

Postby repulsewarrior » Fri Feb 23, 2018 7:42 pm opinion, i'm posting here for the record, ... a-cynicism
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Re: The war against Syria

Postby Cap » Fri Feb 23, 2018 11:53 pm

The Kurdish YPG continue to rid the world of Anatolian terrorist cockroaches.

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Re: The war against Syria

Postby Cap » Sat Feb 24, 2018 12:15 am

DrCyprus, would you agree with me, once the Anatolian cancer is neutralized and defeated.
Doesn't the RoC deserve a large slice of Southern Anatolia?
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Re: The war against Syria

Postby Robin Hood » Sat Feb 24, 2018 7:25 am

repulsewarrior opinion, i'm posting here for the record, ... a-cynicism

I was tending to agree with him. Russia seems very much to be staying out of this ..... they have no more effect on Turkey than the US coalition has on terrorists. Erdogan's attitude reflects that Paphitis displays ........ might is right and WE are above the law, rules are for others not us.

Then he spoilt it in the last paragraph and exposed his bias:

“At the same time, Iran is increasingly entrenched in Syria, buying land and setting up businesses, while threatening increased pressure on Israel from the Golan Heights,” he said. “Iran, the grand master of oppression, makes a sheer mockery of it all by accusing the Turkish government of violating human rights. What happens in Iran every day, if not that?”

Having lived there for over four years I can honestly say they have far less oppression and restriction of human rights than I have experienced in Saudi and other Arab states. The guidelines are clear and not particularly oppressive, break the rules and your human rights fly out of the window and not just in Iran, .... all of the Gulf countries. :roll: :wink:
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