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The war against Syria

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Re: The war against Syria

Postby Paphitis » Sun Feb 18, 2018 2:35 am

Robin Hood wrote:
miltiades wrote:Mate just ignore General wewe, he is an immature ...Plonker !!
He still thinks that Aleppo is in HIS hands !!

It does not really bother me that much but his stupidity and his way of presenting his views is irritating.

So he has once again made sweeping statements about the high esteem so many members hold for him and how poorly they think of me to the extent they have to PM Paphitis to let him know. ..... I thought I would attempt to see just how many really do back his extremist views, because extremist is what they are, and to be able to do so off the public part of the Forum!

My view is that we all have our own opinions and are free to disagree ..... but reasonably politely. It also helps to back your views and opinions with links to some source. Paphitis seems to lack the intelligence to do either and just makes wild statements. (Actually his presentation reminds me of the female North Korean news announcer that conveys the news on NK's latest achievements) :lol: :lol:

Now I will wait to see if a) Paphitis is telling the truth or b) he is just bragging ..... again! I don't like public polls. So now I will just watch for PM notifications ......... :roll: :wink:

My views are extremist?

Why don't you start another poll on this forum and the other forum you go to to see who in fact has the extremist views.

You need to look in the mirror because no one agrees with your views. Your views are just so pro Assad of all people, and Pootin and that is what most people would call pretty damn extremist.

Go on, get "I don't have a lot of self esteem Miltiades" to open another poll for you to see who has extremist views?
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Re: The war against Syria

Postby Robin Hood » Sun Feb 18, 2018 8:20 am


YES my friend …… EXTREMIST! :x

You do not express a reasoned opinion, you spout extremist views on subjects you seem to know little about. Your views are in step with those of the World’s biggest and most prolific aggressor and the prime source of so much death and destruction that is without parallel in the history of the human race. I firmly believe your views are wrong! :x

Read this:

Overthrowing Other People’s Governments: The Master List of U.S. “Regime Changes” By William Blum

GR Editor’s Note:

This incisive list of countries by William Blum was first published in 2013, posted on Global Research in 2014.
In relation to recent developments in Latin America and the Middle East, it is worth recalling the history of US sponsored military coups and “soft coups” aka regime changes. In a bitter irony, under the so-called “Russia probe” the US is accusing Moscow of interfering in US politics. This article reviews the process of overthrowing sovereign governments through military coups, acts of war, support of terrorist organizations, covert ops in support of regime change.
In recent developments, the Trump administration is supportive of a US sponsored regime change in Venezuela and Cuba and we must add Ukraine, where Viktor Yanukovych was successfully ousted by a US inspired coup in February 2014.

 China 1949 to early 1960s
 Albania 1949-53
 East Germany 1950s
 Iran 1953 *
 Guatemala 1954 *
 Costa Rica mid-1950s
 Syria 1956-7
 Egypt 1957
 Indonesia 1957-8
 British Guiana 1953-64 *
 Iraq 1963 *
 North Vietnam 1945-73
 Cambodia 1955-70 *
 Laos 1958 *, 1959 *, 1960 *
 Ecuador 1960-63 *
 Congo 1960 *
 France 1965
 Brazil 1962-64 *
 Dominican Republic 1963 *
 Cuba 1959 to present
 Bolivia 1964 *
 Indonesia 1965 *
 Ghana 1966 *
 Chile 1964-73 *
 Greece 1967 *
 Costa Rica 1970-71
 Bolivia 1971 *
 Australia 1973-75 *
 Angola 1975, 1980s
 Zaire 1975
 Portugal 1974-76 *
 Jamaica 1976-80 *
 Seychelles 1979-81
 Chad 1981-82 *
 Grenada 1983 *
 South Yemen 1982-84
 Suriname 1982-84
 Fiji 1987 *
 Libya 1980s
 Nicaragua 1981-90 *
 Panama 1989 *
 Bulgaria 1990 *
 Albania 1991 *
 Iraq 1991
 Afghanistan 1980s *
 Somalia 1993
 Yugoslavia 1999-2000 *
 Ecuador 2000 *
 Afghanistan 2001 *
 Venezuela 2002 *
 Iraq 2003 *
 Haiti 2004 *
 Somalia 2007 to present
 Libya 2011*
 Syria 2012

Note that the * denotes success.

From Global Research -

You have made sweeping claims as to your popularity on this forum and that everyone on the site sees you as the ‘good guy’ and me as a ‘wanker’ to the extent that they send you multiple PM’s to express their views. I have reservations as to the truth of that claim. Those your refer to now have the opportunity to tell me directly to my face, off the forum that you are an honest broker. I will wait for the PM’s to pour in and overwhelm my forum e-mail account.

So far …….. it is empty! :roll:
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Re: The war against Syria

Postby Paphitis » Sun Feb 18, 2018 9:28 am

Well the wanker bit I added to embellish the general view that you spout a lot of nonsense and vitriol.

In other words, no one really likes you here or respects your views. If you don't believe me, get your bum buddy, "I lack self-esteem, miltiades" to start a poll for you. Haven't you notice no one actually speaks to you other than Miltiades?

And no, the USA or its allies are not responsible for most of those regime changes. Regine changes occur at the grass roots or from within. They do not occur because the USA or any of its allies want it to. All Coups and interventions are started from within or by the people.

It's like saying the USA is responsible for the Greek Junta. That isn't true. The Greek Military was responsible for it. A few Officers got together and plotted against the Government. The USA of course is opportunistic and jumps on the bandwagon as you would expect it to. If it suits its interests, they will support it but it doesn't mean they are responsible for it.

You need to have proof and evidence not talk out of your arse.

Fact is, most countries will envy the Western Ideals and seek regime change in order to live the same kind of lifestyle people in Western Countries do. it's only normal for people wanting their freedom in shit holes like Iran and Syria.

As I said, most Iranians today actually prefer the American backed Shah. They dream and long for the Shah and so would you if you were an Iranian. The reason for this is because they had their freedom under him, and Iran was very outward looking.

So stop talking out of your arse.
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Re: The war against Syria

Postby Robin Hood » Sun Feb 18, 2018 11:38 am

[quote="Paphitis"]Well the wanker bit I added to embellish the general view that you spout a lot of nonsense and vitriol.

Oh .... so I'm not a wanker then .... you just don't like me?

In other words, no one really likes you here or respects your views. If you don't believe me, get your bum buddy, "I lack self-esteem, miltiades" to start a poll for you. Haven't you notice no one actually speaks to you other than Miltiades?

What is it about 'I don't like polls' that you don't understand? Well, now all those that don't like me have the opportunity to express that view to me directly rather than getting a mouthpiece to do it for them!

And no, the USA or its allies are not responsible for most of those regime changes. Regine changes occur at the grass roots or from within. They do not occur because the USA or any of its allies want it to. All Coups and interventions are started from within or by the people.

They're not responsible ? Really? Oh dear ..... you really are out of touch. :lol: :lol:

It's like saying the USA is responsible for the Greek Junta. That isn't true. The Greek Military was responsible for it. A few Officers got together and plotted against the Government. The USA of course is opportunistic and jumps on the bandwagon as you would expect it to. If it suits its interests, they will support it but it doesn't mean they are responsible for it.

See .... just like always, you open your mouth without bothering to read the post. No wonder you make such a fool of your self. Again ..... if you have difficulty understanding ask your children to read it for you:

'This article reviews the process of overthrowing sovereign governments through military coups, acts of war, support of terrorist organizations, covert ops in support of regime change.' Like you said '....If it suits its interests, they will support it but it doesn't mean they are responsible for it. That's what the man said ........they stick their noses in the trough and ferment trouble for their gain ...... that is what I see ..... and so did this guy.

You need to have proof and evidence not talk out of your arse.

Surprising how you always demand proof but never provide any tangible evidence for your own wild claims. My arse in in the right place ..... yours seems to be just under your nose!

Fact is, most countries will envy the Western Ideals and seek regime change in order to live the same kind of lifestyle people in Western Countries do. it's only normal for people wanting their freedom in shit holes like Iran and Syria.

Well that is just your opinion ........ have you ever been to either country or did you get that impression from The Alice Springs Herald?

As I said, most Iranians today actually prefer the American backed Shah. They dream and long for the Shah and so would you if you were an Iranian. The reason for this is because they had their freedom under him, and Iran was very outward looking.

Most Iranians? .... don't you mean those you talk to who live in the US or Australia, rather than Iran itself? Of course that is not completely true!(Trump would not allow it anyway .... you seem to forget the current view is 'America is for Americans' .... unless you happen to be a native American, then this does not apply!) so it certainly doesn't apply to Iranians who want the American dream.

The ordinary people hated The Shah! SAVAK, created by the CIA, murdered thousands. The only ones that want the Shah back are the ones now hiding in the US. The people had no freedom ..... the Elite did ..... and the US/UK corporations robbed the country of its wealth. That is why the US/UK staged a coup and overthrew the elected government of Mossadeque(?) and installed the Shah. I agree it was more western in the Shahs days but it was abused by the Elite who are now hiding in the US.

Unlike the US, Iran has not invaded or attacked another country for 300 years. It is about the only country in the region that is relatively peaceful. Even 20 years ago there was much more freedom than in Saudi for instance. There are restrictions but on the whole far less than I found some years later in Saudi. So your view is distorted!
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Re: The war against Syria

Postby Paphitis » Sun Feb 18, 2018 12:57 pm

You can lead a donkey to a well but you can't make it drink.

Yes, there is no evidence at all that America is behind any regime change anywhere. They never had that kind of infuence and power within all these countries.

The seed has to come from somewhere. The Americans can't for instance create a Coup in Greece or Turkey. The Officers of the Greek and Turkish Military however can, and if they tow the American line or it is within America's interests, they will support them. If not, then they won't support it. It's that simple.

And yes, most Iranians support to this day the Shah. Especially all the urban Iranians and educated and middle class elites. The only sectors that do not are the illiterate religious regional and rural areas. that is a fact. You can ask any Iranian. They would instantly embrace the Shah once again if they could. Instantly.

And they don't have any hatred for America or the West either. They want the Ayatollah out if they could and for Iran to return to the fold and have great relations with the USA and even Israel. It's the clerics that are all looney and crazy much like you.
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Re: The war against Syria

Postby Robin Hood » Sun Feb 18, 2018 6:20 pm

repulsewarrior any case, i appreciate the links, and i include my own; as in any event political, it seems, nothing is clear.

I agree with you, the more you look into the water the cloudier it gets! Alternative news sources give you just that, an alternative. Only you or I as individuals can make the decision as to how much store we place in those sources.

...i read this thread for them, the links; and after so many years, actually, from the start, as a thread it now carries quite a weight to those seeking their own answers on the topic, because of them (the links), even in the years to come.

And yet there are those that regard anything that confronts their view as nothing more than a conspiracy theory, propaganda or even treason! I subscribe to about 7 of these independent news sites. However, it is difficult to get some people to understand these sites are just a server that is accessible to literally thousands of journalists. Many of these journalist are very well known and can be relied upon not to push propaganda. They give an informed view. If you have a reasonable ability to analyse what you read, sort out what is likely to be true and what is not ..... is not too difficult.

What is Paphitis, is hard to get through frankly. What is Robin Hood to be fair is as complex. I am told by GR my work is a nightmare to him, so little of it he understands. What Milti says, though, is quite correct, in the end the time we take on such subjects demonstrates we care (or not), for Cyprus.

I agree with you I am 'complex' I won't argue otherwise and maybe that is because I stick to subjects I know something about and tend to read most of the detail. Paphitis appears to skim the headlines of his selected sources, which means he often misses the message!

Enjoy "us", be happy who you are, we are Cyprus on this Forum with such a crowd, what with the "Turks", the "Greeks", those with views extreme. As a Cypriot though i feel a little crowded out sometimes, what i know as a Cypriot, so many words to read said in an anger that's personal; that is the Problem, isn't it?

Yes it is a problem .... and I plead guilty to sometimes replying in anger when I am insulted and ridiculed by those I consider to lack any depth of knowledge on a subject. I try to avoid it but I am human and have my red-lines too. :wink:

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Re: The war against Syria

Postby Londonrake » Mon Feb 19, 2018 8:17 am

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Re: The war against Syria

Postby Paphitis » Mon Feb 19, 2018 9:43 am

Of course I demand proof and you do not provide it because there is no proof. You claim that the USA is responsible for so many regime changes in the world.

I however will tell you that even without any imput from the USA, these regime changes were always on the cards.

You also do the same thing and say that the USA is responsible for the Syrian War which of course is extremely ludicrous. The Syrian War was always going to occur regardless.

Others jumped on the band wagon afterwards and the USA was never included in that until extremely late in the piece. Everyone however will take their side, others in an opportunistic matter. Turkey for instance is the most opportunistic of all, but its actions had nothing to do with the USA.

The Syrian Civil War started from the grassroots. It started with the people of Syria just like everywhere else.

In other places where there were Coups, it was the military. The USA is unable to just flick a switch and somehow convince thousands of soldiers in a particular country to take control of an entire country. The USA like everyone else, can however jump on the bandwagon and even support the Coup, politically and logistically with advisors and weapons even. It doesn't mean they started the Coup. What it means is that they are opportunists.

The USA for instance, did not trigger the Greek Junta in 967. The Greeks did. In fact The Greek Military did.

And yes you know very well that most Iranians would welcome the return of the Shah and the fall of the clerics or the Ayatollah. Ask any Iranian around the world and they will ALL tell you the same thing. Hardly no one in the main cities support the Ayatollah and these people are always voting for more reform. What they would want is the fall and replacement of the Ayatollah to another administration which is more America friendly and which would allow Iranians the freedom to live like they once did under the Shah.

I know you don't like it, but it is a fact.

PS; I thought you would have started your poll by now. Ask the people whether they respect your views. I dare you.
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Re: The war against Syria

Postby Robin Hood » Mon Feb 19, 2018 12:48 pm


Of course I demand proof and you do not provide it because there is no proof. You claim that the USA is responsible for so many regime changes in the world.

They are ..... virtually ALL of them!

I however will tell you that even without any imput from the USA, these regime changes were always on the cards.

You mean like for instance Ukraine ..... it would happen anyway, so lets help the fascists and then blame the Russians! Then they recognise a clearly illegal government they helped to put into power by organising a coup gainst all International Law ..... and you think they are the innocents?

You also do the same thing and say that the USA is responsible for the Syrian War which of course is extremely ludicrous. The Syrian War was always going to occur regardless.

They saw an opportunity to get a regime change that suited them and then went in and armed the rioters, and turned a civil disturbance into a seven year foreign insurgency that has killed thousands and destroyed a country ..... just like they did to Libya and Iraq. Before the US moved in all these countries had a good social welfare system ..... far better than anything to US has .... and the US and/or its allies destroyed it..

Tell me does your wife still help you blow your nose or wipe your arse, cut up your food, comb your hair, dress you and tie your shoe laces ...... because you seem to be totally incapable of doing anything for yourself. These are just a few of the 9,000,000 hits I got from a simple Google search:

‘Australia 1973-1975 US involvement’

ALL those coups, wars, incursions and general interference in other countries that I listed are equally all open to the same searches and I just picked the one I thought seemed unlikely. So unlike you I looked for some source of confirmation. I found a probable 9m ..... but you need to have some form of intelligence to work out which are valid and, obviously you are at a disadvantage when it comes to working it out for yourself. You seem happy to let your master tell you what to think and believe. Thank Christ you are in a minority.

You may want to kiss the arse of the US and wallow in the killing and destruction they leave behind them and blame it on the local trouble makers (or Putin) but reality is very different. You can bury your head in the sand for just so long ....
[url] ... -politics/[/url]

In future do your own searches before making stupid comments.

BTW: PM box is still empty! :roll:
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Re: The war against Syria

Postby Paphitis » Mon Feb 19, 2018 1:30 pm

What load of shit.

Whitlam was overthrown because he did npt have the number of MPs to hold onto Government.

Therefore, Malcolm Fraser, the opposition went to the Governor to dissolve Parliament after a successful vote of no confidence.

The Governnor, on behalf of The Australian Monarch Queen Elizabeth (Head of State), was obligated to absolve the Parliament and issue writs for general elections.

Whitlam lost the elections in a landslide and Malcolm Fraser became Prime Minister.

USA and UK had NOTHING to do with it all.

The US Government had great relations with both Australian Administrations and had no interest at all on who was PM. The Australian/US relationship is rock solid and transcends politics and ideology.

You talk shit once again. There was no regime change here and neither Whitlam or Fraser can be regarded as a regime. Whitlam was democratically elected by a 1 seat majority which he had lost resulting in a no confidence vote and a new election being called resulting in the election of Fraser.

The Australian Monarch has the power to dissolve parliament after being instructed to do so by Parliament. The Monarch is Head of State, just like in the UK.

There has never been any US interference in Australian politics. There is no evidence of any interference. The 2 countries have always been very close no matter who is in office. They have always been our best ally.
And duh, yes the Queen had an involvement. She dissolves Australia's parliament every 4 years when instructed to do so. Governments are sworn in by the Monarch. She is Australia's Monarch. She is on our currency and Bank Notes, and The Royal Family are members of The Australian Defence Force as well. That is not interference. That is Constitutional since we are a Constitutional Monarchy.

Even the former King of Greece has an official capacity within the Australian Government and always flies on Australia's RAAF BeeBeeJay. The minute King Constantine of Greece lands in Australia, he is whisked by Australia's Secret Service like a Head of State.

You still have not provided any evidence that the USA is responsible for any regime changes. No matter how much you duck and weave, you just can not prove that the USA triggered any regime changes. All you can do is prove that they had perhaps colluded, supported or sponsored a new administration because it suited its interests.

In Australia it makes no difference who is in power. We are always close to America and Europe. Labor or Liberal or something else, there is such a thing as The Deep State and that Deep State has just one track. Foreign Policy is inherited, not made. Australia shares a Head of State with the UK, Canada, and NZ for crying out loud. :lol:

They are all joined at the hip.'

You are scraping the bottom of the barrel to be using this as an example when in actual fact the Government didn't have 50% of seats plus 1.Its, just like all the other examples you provided. there were changes in Government because of other local circumstances within each country which the USA had nothing to do with.
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