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The war against Syria

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Re: The war against Syria

Postby Paphitis » Mon Feb 12, 2018 9:58 am

Really? I don't see it. Why don't you help us out here and explain the links between the Israeli Government and Zionism?

Also, presuming Netanyahu loses the next election, will the next Government also be Zionist linked? Can you prove it to me if that is the case.
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Re: The war against Syria

Postby Robin Hood » Mon Feb 12, 2018 1:12 pm

Paphitis wrote:Really? I don't see it. Why don't you help us out here and explain the links between the Israeli Government and Zionism?

Also, presuming Netanyahu loses the next election, will the next Government also be Zionist linked? Can you prove it to me if that is the case.

Well, likely-hood is you didn't read the links anyway, obviously because of your high 'security clearance' level, so little wonder you didn't see it but maybe you have 'clearance ' to look at Wikipedia? :?

I make that 93 seats with ZIONIST affiliations and 27 without!

So .... The Zionists have it ..... The Zionists have it. :o

I don't do predictions on who will win elections or not ........... I leave wild prophesies to people like you! :roll: :lol: :lol:
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Re: The war against Syria

Postby Paphitis » Mon Feb 12, 2018 1:24 pm

Robin Hood wrote:
Paphitis wrote:Really? I don't see it. Why don't you help us out here and explain the links between the Israeli Government and Zionism?

Also, presuming Netanyahu loses the next election, will the next Government also be Zionist linked? Can you prove it to me if that is the case.

Well, likely-hood is you didn't read the links anyway, obviously because of your high 'security clearance' level, so little wonder you didn't see it but maybe you have 'clearance ' to look at Wikipedia? :?

I make that 93 seats with ZIONIST affiliations and 27 without!

So .... The Zionists have it ..... The Zionists have it. :o

I don't do predictions on who will win elections or not ........... I leave wild prophesies to people like you! :roll: :lol: :lol:

Well you are talking crap as usual.

There are only 24 MPs with confirmed Zionist links as follows:

Zionist Union (Labor Party) = 19 seats
Hatnuah Party = 4 seats
Green Movement (Yael Cohen Paran) = 1 seat

All in a 120 seat Parliament.

All that from your wikipedia link.

So please, do tell us in what ways the Israeli government is Zionist.

Others only profess to have liberal, religious or revisionist Zionist ideology (whatever that means)

Like saying the Labor Party has Trade Union affiliations and ideology for the worker, but that isn't the case with all the members because there are 2 branches of the Party.

It's also like saying the Conservative Party is pro business when the left faction is probably more Left than the Labor Party at its extremities. Having an ideology doesn't necessary make you a Zionist.

Zionists must be proven members of a Zionist Movement and there are 24 MPs which have those links. Not only that, but there are different branches of this Zionist Ideology ranging from Communist to Alt Right Orthodox Jew and just about every shade in between.

Zionism has become such a big buzz word but the reality is that it is an International Political Movement which lobbied for the creation of the Jewish State. It really isn't sinister at all. You would expect Jews to have wanted their own State much like the Kurds want their own State today. Some of the greatest minds ever were part of the Zionist Movement.

It's only natural to desire your own State, and in the case of the Jews, they wanted to return to the Holy Land. Understandable.

Zionism is no different to any other lobby group. If you want to cut it down, probably 95% of Israelis are Zionist because they all share the Zionist ideology in support of a Jewish State. But I would say that those who are actually a member of a Zionist Party or organization might be a very small fraction. Same with the Israeli politicians. I would suspect 90% have Zionist ideologies, but probably only very few actually have links by being members of a Zionist Organization or Party.

You can even argue that I have Zionist ideologies but I am no Zionist.
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Re: The war against Syria

Postby Robin Hood » Mon Feb 12, 2018 6:06 pm

Paphitis wrote:
Robin Hood wrote:
Paphitis wrote:Really? I don't see it. Why don't you help us out here and explain the links between the Israeli Government and Zionism?

Also, presuming Netanyahu loses the next election, will the next Government also be Zionist linked? Can you prove it to me if that is the case.

Well, likely-hood is you didn't read the links anyway, obviously because of your high 'security clearance' level, so little wonder you didn't see it but maybe you have 'clearance ' to look at Wikipedia?

I make that 93 seats with ZIONIST affiliations and 27 without!

So .... The Zionists have it ..... The Zionists have it. :o

I don't do predictions on who will win elections or not ........... I leave wild prophesies to people like you!

Well you are talking crap as usual.

There are only 24 MPs with confirmed Zionist links as follows: ........... Check again!

Zionist Union (Labor Party) = 19 seats
Hatnuah Party = 4 seats
Green Movement (Yael Cohen Paran) = 1 seat

Oh dear ...... you really are not too bright are you. :roll: You have named The Parties that have Zionist in their title. :lol: Look at the right hand column that describes the parties IDEOLOGIES. There are 93 seats held by parties that have a ZIONIST IDEOLOGY of one description or another,among various other IDEOLOGIES.

All in a 120 seat Parliament. Well done you got the total right but have PROVED, yet again, you have a very low intellect level. I am sure any other member reading the Wikipedia link will have come up with the same numbers as I did by looking at the correct column.

All that from your Wikipedia link. But very obviously although a simple, self explanatory link it is way above your level of comprehension.

So please, do tell us in what ways the Israeli government is Zionist.

See Wikipedia link. If it is beyond your intellectual and mathematical capability, get one of your children to explain it and do the arithmetic for you!

Others only profess to have liberal, religious or revisionist Zionist ideology (whatever that means).

Clearly too difficult for you to understand but simply put .... they all have ZIONIST LINKS.

Like saying the Labor Party has Trade Union affiliations and ideology for the worker, but that isn't the case with all the members because there are 2 branches of the Party.

It's also like saying the Conservative Party is pro business when the left faction is probably more Left than the Labor Party at its extremities. Having an ideology doesn't necessary make you a Zionist.

So having say a NAZI IDEOLOGY does not make you a NAZI! If you look like a NAZI, walk like a NAZI and talk like NAZI ..... then you are a NAZI ..... whether you are a paid up member or not you have adopted their ideologies.

Zionists must be proven members of a Zionist Movement and there are 24 MPs which have those links. Not only that, but there are different branches of this Zionist Ideology ranging from Communist to Alt Right Orthodox Jew and just about every shade in between.

Complete rubbish ...... they ALL have an alliance driven by a ZIONIST ideology

Zionism has become such a big buzz word but the reality is that it is an International Political Movement which lobbied for the creation of the Jewish State. It really isn't sinister at all. You would expect Jews to have wanted their own State much like the Kurds want their own State today. Some of the greatest minds ever were part of the Zionist Movement.

Well you obviously speed read the 'World Zionist Organisatio'n link ...... well maybe the first paragraph. You have a way to go yet.

It's only natural to desire your own State, and in the case of the Jews, they wanted to return to the Holy Land. Understandable.

You mean also like the Eastern Ukraine's, South Ossetian's, Palestinian's and the Crimeans, Aboriginals etc.etc.? Yes, that is the Zionist ideology, to break countries down into ethnic sub divisions that present no threat to a Greater Israel as YOU have tried to do in Iraq, Libya and now Syria.

FYI: Most of the Jews in Israel now originated from Eastern Europe so they cannot 'return' if around 98% of them were never there in the first place.

Zionism is no different to any other lobby group. If you want to cut it down, probably 95% of Israelis are Zionist because they all share the Zionist ideology in support of a Jewish State. (Very good .... you are getting the idea!) But I would say that those who are actually a member of a Zionist Party or organization might be a very small fraction. Same with the Israeli politicians. I would suspect 90% have Zionist ideologies, but probably only very few actually have links by being members of a Zionist Organization or Party.

I don't think you have a clue what you are talking about. :lol: :lol: :lol:

You can even argue that I have Zionist ideologies but I am no Zionist.

I wont argue with that at all ...... you most definitely DO demonstrate you have Zionist mentality, but are not a paid up member.

I now know why ...... YOUR coalition ends up failing every time they decide to attack another country and have done since WWII. If they all have your level of knowledge, I am surprised they can even find these places on a World map.
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Re: The war against Syria

Postby Paphitis » Mon Feb 12, 2018 9:39 pm

No I have picked the parties that actually ARE Zionist parties, and which would definately have Zionist members.

I did not pick the parties that claim to have a Zionist ideology, beceause that does not mean they are Zionist. The definition is too broad and it is a wide net.

definition of Zionist = a member of the Zionist movement.

Even I have a Zionist ideology since I support the creation of Israel. But I am no Zionist because I am no member of a Zionist movement and I do not work on their behalf in any capacity.

It's you that is not bright because it seems you have picked every politician that supports the creation and existence of Israel. That is the Zionist ideology. And you would be right by saying that virtually all Israeli MPs would have this kind of ideology in one way or another but that doesn't make them Zionist.

You are a very simple old man. It seems its either black and white with you with no shades of grey. I would presume, that the Israeli Parliament is similar to other Western Democracies and as such is a very diverse body covering the entire political spectrum.

I also claim Godwin's Law. Usually the first person to mention the NAZIs is the person losing the argument so they grab on to the extreme of Nazism to try and make a point. Nazism, was just a political party in Germany in the 30s and 40s. It was a Social Democratic party in Ideology but what differentiated them was their policy of Arianism. Apart from that, it had very pro German Worker and Labor tendencies which does not put them in the extreme right category at all, but rather in the centrist or even left wing spectrum. But we still call them extreme right for some reason, especially the left wing. There are many silly groups that associate themselves with Nazism around the world, and many have racist tendencies. To be a Nazi, you would need to have the same tendencies and beliefs, not merely be a Social Democrat. More importantly, you will need to identify with the old Nazi Party.

The Zionists bare zero resemblance to the Nazi Party. Zionist only identify with a pro Israel/Jewish State stance. They started off many years before the establishment of Israel to lobby for their own State in the Holy Land. That is their ideology. It really isn't a political ideology as Zionists come from all walks of like throughout the entire political spectrum.

What makes a Zionist. Well someone engaged in a Zionist movement is definitely a Zionist. Someone who has a Zionist ideology isn't. The definition of a zionist ideology is so broad that it virtually includes all of Israel and their entire Diaspora.

Here are the first paragraphs of the WZO:

The World Zionist Organization (Hebrew: הַהִסְתַּדְּרוּת הַצִּיּוֹנִית הָעוֹלָמִית‬; HaHistadrut HaTzionit Ha'Olamit), or WZO, was founded as the Zionist Organization (ZO; 1897–1960) at the initiative of Theodor Herzl at the First World Zionist Congress, which took place in August 1897 in Basel, Switzerland. When it was founded, the goals of the Zionist movement were stated in a resolution that came of that Congress and came to be known as the “Basel Program.”

"Zionism aims at establishing for the Jewish people a legally assured home in Palestine. For the attainment of this purpose, the Congress considers the following means serviceable:

(1) the promotion of the settlement of Jewish agriculturists [farmers], artisans, and tradesmen in Palestine;
(2) the federation [unified organisation] of all Jews into local or general groups, according to the laws of the various countries;
(3) the strengthening of the Jewish feeling and consciousness [national sentiment and national consciousness];
(4) preparatory steps for the attainment of those governmental grants which are necessary to the achievement of the Zionist purpose."."

The WZO currently consists of the following bodies: The World Zionist Unions, international Zionist federations; and international organizations that define themselves as Zionist, such as WIZO, Hadassah, B'nai B'rith, Maccabi, the International Sephardic Federation, the three streams of world Judaism (Orthodox, Conservative, Reform), delegation from the CIS – Commonwealth of Independent States (some states of the former Soviet Union), the World Union of Jewish Students (WUJS), and more.

The Jewish Agency is a parallel organisation, with goals, attributes and leadership closely intertwined with those of the Zionist Organization during the years before the establishment of the State of Israel, and to varying degrees after that. Significant changes to the statutes of both organisations occurred in 1952, 1970 and 1979.[1]

To be a Zionist you need to be a Member of one of their bodies.

These bodies are listed. You claim that most of Israel's MPs are members of these organizations. PROVE IT!

Oh and our Coalition desn't attack countries. That is not what we do. We only intervene where we have a legal basis in doing so, and we are in Syria legally and we have the support of the vast majority of Nations. And we have not failed either because we are defeating ISIL and we are helping the Kurds.

The failures in Syria are Assad who has no control whatsoever and Syria which is a divided and destroyed country.
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Re: The war against Syria

Postby Robin Hood » Tue Feb 13, 2018 8:28 am

Now I ask you for credible links between Zionism and the Israeli Government. It seems to me that Zionism is more of an International Movement, and not necessarily related to Israel. But since you believe Zionism is inter related with every single Israeli Government and hence every single Israeli political party, then provide links.

You have had your answer in detail as requested. The subject is undoubtedly way above your level of understanding.


• To be a Zionist you need to be a Member of one of their bodies.
• (your) definition of Zionist = a member of the Zionist movement.

English Oxford Dictionary - Definitions:

ZIONIST – Noun – A supporter of Zionism; a person who believes in the development of and protection of a Jewish nation in what is now Israel.

ZIONISM – mass noun – A movement originally for the establishment and now the development of a Jewish nation in what is now Israel. Established as a political organisation in 1897 under Theodor Herzl and was later led by Chaim Weizmann.

I see no mention of the requirement to being a signed up member of the Organisation ..... merely having a Zionist ideology is sufficient.

These bodies are listed. You claim that most of Israel's MPs are members of these organizations. PROVE IT!

93 MP’s out of 120 have a stated Party association with Zionism through their ideology ..... including Likud members who are the largest party in the current coalition government. So, there is a 93:27 Zionist link in the 120 seats. You have stated that 90% of Israeli’s are Zionist ....... the figures are wrong, not even when applied to just Jewish Israeli’s, but you have made MY point for me. There is an overwhelming Zionist influence in the government of the State of Israel. (AND in the US applying the same criteria)

Oh and our Coalition doesn't attack countries. That is not what we do. We only intervene where we have a legal basis in doing so, and we are in Syria legally and we have the support of the vast majority of Nations. And we have not failed either because we are defeating ISIL and we are helping the Kurds.

Once again rubbish!

YOUR Syrian presence is illegal. YOU intervene without invitation that is an act of war unless YOU are under imminent threat of attack, or have a UNSC mandate for ‘defensive’ pre-emptive action, which YOU very rarely do.

So YOUattack’ and interfere in others politics to suit YOUR own political and/or commercial ends. YOU have the support only of your coalition members not the vast majority of nations.

Assad, Russia, Hezbollah and Iran defeated ISIS in Syria NOT (one could say in spite of) YOUR coalition.

By supporting the Kurds, YOU are supporting what are regarded as terrorists trying to overthrow an elected government that has the popular support of the people.

My prediction is ...... YOU will dump the Kurds when they are of no further use to YOU.

It's you that is not bright because it seems you have picked every politician that supports the creation and existence of Israel. That is the Zionist ideology. And you would be right by saying that virtually all Israeli MPs would have this kind of ideology in one way or another but that doesn't make them Zionist.

But it DOES make them Zionists according to the dictionary. So I am right again because the 93 have the greatest influence in the Knesset ....... which is the Israeli Government links with Zionism.

You are a very simple old man. It seems its either black and white with you with no shades of grey. I would presume, that the Israeli Parliament is similar to other Western Democracies and as such is a very diverse body covering the entire political spectrum.

You display a rather childish disposition but I can deal with that. I may be old, but simple I am not and with age comes knowledge and wisdom. I clearly demonstrate that I am infinitely better informed than you on chosen subjects, have a greater capacity for analysis, can apply common sense and I am generally a much smarter person than you will ever be.

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Re: The war against Syria

Postby Paphitis » Tue Feb 13, 2018 9:02 am

I would expect most MPs to have Zionist ideology because they would be traitors otherwise to Israel.

Zionism was only established to achieve a Jewish State in the Holy Land and to repatriate Jews to the Homeland.

That is the extent of it. Practically every single Israeli would be a Zionist in Israel and the Diaspora.

What you are talking about is an attachment to a Zionist organization. And only 24 MPs are linked to Zionist organizations and can be regarded as Zionists.

Not every Israeli is a Zionist. Not every Jew is a Zionist. Not every MP is a Zionist.

As I told you, Coalition doesn't care what Assad thinks about our presence. Nor what Pootin thinks. It is clear that the rest of the world does not consider our presence as being illegal.

Also, you said we lost. We have not lost. Syria lost! Assad lost. We liberated all of Iraq, beat ISIL and now we defend the Kurds.

We can do whatever we like. We will not be leaving as that will result in the deaths of many Kurds.

I'm not the one being childish here. I'm just telling you the way it is and getting you out of your propaganda shell so that you can join the rest of the civilized world with the Coalition, including Cyprus.
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Re: The war against Syria

Postby Robin Hood » Tue Feb 13, 2018 11:11 am

Paphitis wrote:I would expect most MPs to have Zionist ideology because they would be traitors otherwise to Israel.

Zionism was only established to achieve a Jewish State in the Holy Land and to repatriate Jews to the Homeland.

That is the extent of it. Practically every single Israeli would be a Zionist in Israel and the Diaspora.

What you are talking about is an attachment to a Zionist organization. And only 24 MPs are linked to Zionist organizations and can be regarded as Zionists.

Not every Israeli is a Zionist. Not every Jew is a Zionist. Not every MP is a Zionist.

As I told you, Coalition doesn't care what Assad thinks about our presence. Nor what Pootin thinks. It is clear that the rest of the world does not consider our presence as being illegal.

Also, you said we lost. We have not lost. Syria lost! Assad lost. We liberated all of Iraq, beat ISIL and now we defend the Kurds.

We can do whatever we like. We will not be leaving as that will result in the deaths of many Kurds.

I'm not the one being childish here. I'm just telling you the way it is and getting you out of your propaganda shell so that you can join the rest of the civilized world with the Coalition, including Cyprus.

Give up, you were wrong and to keep moving the goal posts and throwing chaff won't change that. :roll: Going by just the replies on here, you are a minority of one and the rest of the world does not support YOU. As you only read sites that agree with your opinions I can understand why you live out this illusion you have! You only ever have half the story and much of that is distorted to make it just propaganda. (Try reading the 'reader comments' after any MSM propaganda piece and you will see the rejection of the propaganda reflected in those comments) :roll:


This explains why Putin did not respond to Israel’s aggression against Syria and for a sound reason. So he is not a mouse or an ego-maniac …….... just a skilled leader with a pragmatic view of the situation. No boasts, no threats just advice. Putin has explained where the red line is for Israeli aggression ……… he has given Syria the means to protect itself without Russia getting militarily involved ....... well, for the time being any way.

Vladimir Putin warns Netanyahu over Syria - Russian President warns Israeli leader against ‘steps that could lead to a new round of confrontation’

Provided therefore Israeli attacks on Syria do not go beyond the routine attacks which the Israelis have been undertaking against Syria for decades, and which long predate Russia’s intervention in Syria, and provided the Israelis take no step which threatens the existence of the Syrian government or interferes in Syrian military operations against the Jihadi groups the Russians are fighting, the Russians will do nothing about them.

AND (added 11.30)

US Defense Secretary Mattis Admits There Is No Evidence Assad Used Sarin Gas on Syrian People

Defense Secretary Jim Mattis has admitted the US has no evidence that Syrian President Bashar al-Assad used sarin nerve gas against his own people. There has been almost no mention in mainstream media of this incredibly important statement. Having admitted there was no such evidence, Mattis then accused Assad of using chlorine gas to attack his own people. [To our knowledge, no one has asked him if there is any evidence of that, either. We doubt that there is inasmuch as doing so would be of no advantage to Assad and, in fact, just the contrary. The only ones who benefit from such attacks are Assad’s enemies. That being the case, guess who is guilty?

Who is guilty? :?: My guess ....... the US backed terrorists, with the Sarin suppliedby Saudi, routed through Turkey (NATO)and then duly 'fake news'd' and reported by The White Helmets and the Syrian Observatory of Human Rights, as always! :roll:
Last edited by Robin Hood on Tue Feb 13, 2018 11:33 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: The war against Syria

Postby Paphitis » Tue Feb 13, 2018 11:16 am

Me move the goalposts? That is you. We entered Syria on invitation from ISIL when they started beheading a few Westerners with blunt kitchen knives.

We answered that call. We were not going to be party poopers when they were saying that they will reach The Vatican and Washington. We went them to save them the travel.

Your side accused us of aiding ISIL which was not the case. We were the only ones fighting them in the most part.

But in any case, it is Syria in ruins. Iraq is free from the ISIL scourge.

And we are helping the Kurds. We are not really at war with Syria. If we were at war with Syria, then Syria would cease to exist already. We will only bomb Syrian forces which attack Kurdish Forces. There is nothing illegal about that. We have every right to help the Kurds defend their territory from attack.

No one cares what Assad says. We do not even recognize him. He is a war criminal.

As for Pootin threatening Netanyahu. Yes I am sure Netanyahu is having a good laugh. What can Netanyahu do? What amazes me is that it is only The Duran that claims Pootin has threatened Israel. The real pootin isn't that dumb to threaten Israel because that is a direct threat against the USA and he don't have the balls.

The only thing he can do is go fuck himself because he isn't going to invade the Israelis. That is when a new wave of confrontation will occur.
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Re: The war against Syria

Postby Robin Hood » Tue Feb 13, 2018 11:46 am

Paphitis wrote:Me move the goalposts? That is you. We entered Syria on invitation from ISIL when they started beheading a few Westerners with blunt kitchen knives.

We answered that call. We were not going to be party poopers when they were saying that they will reach The Vatican and Washington. We went them to save them the travel.

Your side accused us of aiding ISIL which was not the case. We were the only ones fighting them in the most part.

But in any case, it is Syria in ruins. Iraq is free from the ISIL scourge.

And we are helping the Kurds. We are not really at war with Syria. If we were at war with Syria, then Syria would cease to exist already. We will only bomb Syrian forces which attack Kurdish Forces. There is nothing illegal about that. We have every right to help the Kurds defend their territory from attack.

No one cares what Assad says. We do not even recognize him. He is a war criminal.

As for Pootin threatening Netanyahu. Yes I am sure Netanyahu is having a good laugh. What can Netanyahu do? What amazes me is that it is only The Duran that claims Pootin has threatened Israel. The real pootin isn't that dumb to threaten Israel because that is a direct threat against the USA and he don't have the balls.

The only thing he can do is go fuck himself because he isn't going to invade the Israelis. That is when a new wave of confrontation will occur.

You prove again just how stupid you are! I won't ask you to prove your wild opinion because you can't.

You can't even read!!!! Putin is a statesman and a diplomat, Unlike the US he does not threaten ..... as I pointed out previously, he merely warns so that there are no misunderstandings. If Russia wanted to it could turn Israel into a glass ashtray, but he won't threaten that ..... like Trump keeps threatening to do to Nth. Korea and likewise Israel keeps threatening to do to Iran!

Netanyahu is in a way grateful to Putin as it gives him the excuse not to carry out his threats and send in the IDF as he knows they will get slaughtered and fail in Syria just like YOU did. :lol: :lol:
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