Now I ask you for credible links between Zionism and the Israeli Government. It seems to me that Zionism is more of an International Movement, and not necessarily related to Israel. But since you believe Zionism is inter related with every single Israeli Government and hence every single Israeli political party, then provide links.
You have had your answer in detail as requested. The subject is undoubtedly way above your level of understanding.
• To be a Zionist you need to be a Member of one of their bodies.
• (your) definition of Zionist = a member of the Zionist movement.
English Oxford Dictionary - Definitions:
ZIONIST – Noun –
A supporter of Zionism; a person who believes in the development of and protection of a Jewish nation in what is now Israel.
ZIONISM – mass noun –
A movement originally for the establishment and now the development of a Jewish nation in what is now Israel. Established as a political organisation in 1897 under Theodor Herzl and was later led by Chaim Weizmann.
I see no mention of the requirement to being a signed up member of the Organisation ..... merely having a Zionist ideology is sufficient.
These bodies are listed. You claim that most of Israel's MPs are members of these organizations. PROVE IT!
93 MP’s out of 120 have a stated Party association with Zionism through their ideology ..... including Likud members who are the largest party in the current coalition government. So, there is a 93:27 Zionist link in the 120 seats. You have stated that 90% of Israeli’s are Zionist ....... the figures are wrong, not even when applied to just Jewish Israeli’s, but you have made
MY point for me. There is an overwhelming Zionist influence in the government of the State of Israel. (
AND in the US applying the same criteria)
Oh and our Coalition doesn't attack countries. That is not what we do. We only intervene where we have a legal basis in doing so, and we are in Syria legally and we have the support of the vast majority of Nations. And we have not failed either because we are defeating ISIL and we are helping the Kurds.
Once again rubbish!
YOUR Syrian presence is illegal.
YOU intervene without invitation that is an act of war unless
YOU are under imminent threat of attack, or have a UNSC mandate for ‘
defensive’ pre-emptive action, which
YOU very rarely do.
attack’ and interfere in others politics to suit
YOUR own political and/or commercial ends.
YOU have the support only of your coalition members not the vast majority of nations.
Assad, Russia, Hezbollah and Iran defeated ISIS in Syria
one could say in spite of)
YOUR coalition.
By supporting the Kurds,
YOU are supporting what are regarded as terrorists trying to overthrow an elected government that has the popular support of the people.
My prediction is ......
YOU will dump the Kurds when they are of no further use to
It's you that is not bright because it seems you have picked every politician that supports the creation and existence of Israel. That is the Zionist ideology. And you would be right by saying that virtually all Israeli MPs would have this kind of ideology in one way or another but that doesn't make them Zionist.
But it
DOES make them Zionists according to the dictionary. So I am right again because the 93 have the greatest influence in the Knesset ....... which is the Israeli Government links with Zionism.
You are a very simple old man. It seems its either black and white with you with no shades of grey. I would presume, that the Israeli Parliament is similar to other Western Democracies and as such is a very diverse body covering the entire political spectrum.
You display a rather childish disposition but I can deal with that. I may be old, but simple I am not and with age comes knowledge and wisdom. I clearly demonstrate that I am infinitely better informed than you on chosen subjects, have a greater capacity for analysis, can apply common sense and I am generally a much smarter person than you will ever be.