Paphitis wrote:Who say's we are illegal or breaking International law?
Please show us any ruling from the UN alleging ANY violation committed by the Coalition. Just show me one please. Or a vote that has gone against the Coalition.
Look, I understand you are angry. But we haven't committed any violation. We just fought ISIL and now we are protecting the Kurds. It's only the fair and right thing to do.
No one is going to condemn us for doing the right thing. And no one is going to support Assad over us. it's just not something most countries will stoop low enough to do.
The person who will pay for their crimes one way or another, will be Assad. We will not abandon the Kurds to face certain annihilation. We will remain in Syria as their Guardian Angels.
There is also no peace treaty so we have every right to stay. And there will never be a peace treaty with Assad because we do not recognize him.
I realise you might find this a bit difficult to understand but try reading VII Article 51 of the UN Charter; Under that Article regarding the entitlement of any Nation to self defence it allows the US or any other state, to engage in hostilities in another UN Sovereign State on two pretexts:
a) They are there operating on a UNSC resolution authorising the use of force ........... YOU don't have it in Syria!
b) That State is invited by the recognised government of that Sovereign State to engage in military action in joint defence with the authority of that Sovereign State ...... YOU don't have that either ........ but the Russians do.
So YOU are in Syria illegally under the terms of VII Art. 5 of the UN Charter and therefore under International Law.
To engage ISIS YOU were working under a UNSC resolution, so that was legal but YOU still needed the agreement of Syria (and Russia) to operate on Syrian territory ........... land, sea or air! That UNSC Resolution did not permit YOU to fund , arm and direct a terrorist force trying to depose that Sovereign Government.
Therefore every death YOU cause and every act of aggression YOU perpetrate against the Sovereign State of Syria and its people is a war crime under The UN Charter, International Law and the Geneva Convention.
I am afraid if YOU are to remain within all the relevant Laws and Charters, to just declare YOU don't recognise 'this' or YOU don't recognise 'that', makes YOU a rogue State. That is why Israel is recognised as a rogue State because they recognise no laws which prevent them from doing just what they want to do, which they do with US veto power. The majority of people recognise that the US and by association their coalition are nothing but agressors and one day they will pay for it ..... as Milti says, Putin will see to that!

The US is very rapidly dividing itself from the rest of the World and only their coalition is supporting them ...... and many of them are backing off and looking to Russia/Chine for promoting negotiated settlement to US instigated conflicts.