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The war against Syria

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Re: The war against Syria

Postby Robin Hood » Fri Feb 09, 2018 3:09 pm

Paphitis wrote:Who say's we are illegal or breaking International law?

Please show us any ruling from the UN alleging ANY violation committed by the Coalition. Just show me one please. Or a vote that has gone against the Coalition.

Look, I understand you are angry. But we haven't committed any violation. We just fought ISIL and now we are protecting the Kurds. It's only the fair and right thing to do.

No one is going to condemn us for doing the right thing. And no one is going to support Assad over us. it's just not something most countries will stoop low enough to do.

The person who will pay for their crimes one way or another, will be Assad. We will not abandon the Kurds to face certain annihilation. We will remain in Syria as their Guardian Angels.

There is also no peace treaty so we have every right to stay. And there will never be a peace treaty with Assad because we do not recognize him.

I realise you might find this a bit difficult to understand but try reading VII Article 51 of the UN Charter; Under that Article regarding the entitlement of any Nation to self defence it allows the US or any other state, to engage in hostilities in another UN Sovereign State on two pretexts:

a) They are there operating on a UNSC resolution authorising the use of force ........... YOU don't have it in Syria!

b) That State is invited by the recognised government of that Sovereign State to engage in military action in joint defence with the authority of that Sovereign State ...... YOU don't have that either ........ but the Russians do.

So YOU are in Syria illegally under the terms of VII Art. 5 of the UN Charter and therefore under International Law.

To engage ISIS YOU were working under a UNSC resolution, so that was legal but YOU still needed the agreement of Syria (and Russia) to operate on Syrian territory ........... land, sea or air! That UNSC Resolution did not permit YOU to fund , arm and direct a terrorist force trying to depose that Sovereign Government.

Therefore every death YOU cause and every act of aggression YOU perpetrate against the Sovereign State of Syria and its people is a war crime under The UN Charter, International Law and the Geneva Convention.

I am afraid if YOU are to remain within all the relevant Laws and Charters, to just declare YOU don't recognise 'this' or YOU don't recognise 'that', makes YOU a rogue State. That is why Israel is recognised as a rogue State because they recognise no laws which prevent them from doing just what they want to do, which they do with US veto power. The majority of people recognise that the US and by association their coalition are nothing but agressors and one day they will pay for it ..... as Milti says, Putin will see to that! :roll: :lol:

The US is very rapidly dividing itself from the rest of the World and only their coalition is supporting them ...... and many of them are backing off and looking to Russia/Chine for promoting negotiated settlement to US instigated conflicts. :roll:
Last edited by Robin Hood on Fri Feb 09, 2018 3:33 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: The war against Syria

Postby Paphitis » Fri Feb 09, 2018 3:18 pm

Ah yes but there is the key word. We need to be invited by the recognized Government of Syria.

Assad isn't the recognized Government of Syria. It isn't the recognized Government of the Sunnis (obvious with all the rebel actions they undertook) and it isnt the recognized Government of the Kurds. assad isn't recognized as legitimate by us either. We do not recognize him other than as a War Criminal.

Therefore, we are acting on the invitation of the Kurdish People and Militias.

Hence, there has been no vote even alleging any violation by the coalition. There have been no resolutions. No International Body has condemned or criticized the Coalition. The Sunnis and Kurds have a legal right of self determination under International law.

Therefore, there must be no violation as we are there to defend the Syrian People (Kurdish Communities and Rebels) who I call Syrian because they too are Syrian Citizens and should be a part of any Syrian Government, as should the Sunnis, but are instead being attacked and killed. They are also being cleansed. These are violations of International law and war crimes.

You see, we can't be criticized for breaking International Law by a so called "Government" that is killing its own people. We also just had a war, and there has been no peace treaty with the signatures of the Coalition countries. Hence, we are still at war.

As such, we have not broken any laws and our presence is warranted. There is nothing anyone can do about that.


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So, we have a big problem Houston!
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Re: The war against Syria

Postby Robin Hood » Fri Feb 09, 2018 4:10 pm

Syria - U.S. May Have Arranged "Self Defense" Attack On Syrian Government Forces By Moon Of Alabama

Last night the illegal U.S. occupation force in north-east Syria attacked a group of Syrian government aligned troops and their Russian support. The incident happened north-east of Deir Ezzor city on the east side of the Euphrates. The U.S. claims that it killed some 100 Syrian soldiers that were allegedly attacking its proxy forces in an attempt to recover oil fields.

Might this whole operation have been a trap? The U.S. military clearly knew that something was going to happen in the area. Local deals were made between the Syrian government side and locals Arabs holding the oil fields. The U.S. told the SDF to move out of the way. When the government aligned groups started to take over the field, as presumably agreed upon, the U.S. bombed them.

The "attack on coalition forces" the U.S. claimed as justification for its bombing seems not to have taken place at all. How else does one explain that sole casualty of the claimed battalion size attack with strong artillery support is "one wounded SDF" fighter? A later U.S. military statement to a journalist seems to be vague about the reality of an attack:

After 20 to 30 artillery and tank rounds landed within 500 meters of the SDF headquarters location, Syrian Democratic Forces supported by the Coalition targeted the aggressors with a combination of air and artillery strikes.

The U.S. should be careful. More than one side can play dirty games. Its troops in north-east Syria have thin supply lines and are not well protected. They, as well as U.S. forces in Iraq, are vulnerable to clandestine activities of the other side. I would not be surprised at all should they suddenly receive some unwanted and very bloody attention.

The clock is ticking on the US and it’s a very expensive watch ......... cost more than a Laborghini! :roll: :lol: :lol:
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Re: The war against Syria

Postby Robin Hood » Fri Feb 09, 2018 4:58 pm

Paphitis wrote:Ah yes but there is the key word. We need to be invited by the recognized Government of Syria.

Assad isn't the recognized Government of Syria. It isn't the recognized Government of the Sunnis (obvious with all the rebel actions they undertook) and it isn't the recognized Government of the Kurds. assad isn't recognized as legitimate by us either. We do not recognize him other than as a War Criminal.

The Sunnis are not a Nation, The Kurds are not a Nation and as I said YOUR opinion is just that an opinion. No body asked YOU to poke your nose in. I thought I was pushing my luck a bit thinking you would even read Article 51 .... let alone actually understand it. :roll:

Therefore, we are acting on the invitation of the Kurdish People and Militias.

YOU could be acting on the part of Donald Trump himself ........ but the overriding power is that of the UN and they recognise Assad as the elected President and his government as duly elected by the Syrian people. What YOU think is an irrelevance because YOU are supporting and fighting with terrorists trying to overthrow that government.

Hence, there has been no vote even alleging any violation by the coalition. There have been no resolutions. No International Body has condemned or criticized the Coalition. The Sunnis and Kurds have a legal right of self determination under International law.

We are not talking about votes for a very good reason. Only the result of votes in the UNSC have any authority and any vote against Assad would be vetoed by Russia and China. Just as the US vetoes any resolutions against Israel. So we are talking simply the UN Charter, International Law and conventions. Votes and preferences don't really come into it, you just show hpw confused YOUR thinking is. YOU obviously mean self determination like in Eastern Ukraine, how Crimeans had the right to 'self determination' and Sth Osetia ..... YOU like most of your coalition only recognise laws when it suits YOU.

Therefore, there must be no violation as we are there to defend the Syrian People (Kurdish Communities and Rebels) who I call Syrian because they too are Syrian Citizens and should be a part of any Syrian Government, as should the Sunnis, but are instead being attacked and killed. They are also being cleansed. These are violations of International law and war crimes.

Dumb ass ..... YOU are killing the Syrian people! YOU have destroyed their country with your proxy war. The Syrian government forces are fighting insurgents that are armed by YOU to overthrow an elected government!

You see, we can't be criticized for breaking International Law by a so called "Government" that is killing its own people. We also just had a war, and there has been no peace treaty with the signatures of the Coalition countries. Hence, we are still at war.

Oh, so now admit YOU are breaking International Law! Is Assad killing his own people? If so they must be a very stupid people because they keep voting him back into power. Because they prefer Assad to what YOU have in mind. They have seen what YOU achieved in Iraq, Afghanistan and of course the absolute mess you made of the most prosperous country in Africa ..... Libya. YOUR PR didn't do too well on them ........ so I think the Syrians are smart to have nothing to do with YOUR plans and have every right to destroy YOUR terrorist proxies where ever they find them.

As such, we have not broken any laws and our presence is warranted. There is nothing anyone can do about that.

YOU have broken about every law in the book ...... you are just to arrogant and stupid to see it. That what comes of being brain washed from your very early years. :roll:


To develop friendly relations among nations based on respect for the principle of equal rights and self-determination of peoples, and to take other appropriate measures to strengthen universal peace;

So, we have a big problem Houston!

YOU sure do! Putin's watching and waiting like a tiger in the undergrowth, by the time you see him it will be too late! :lol: :lol: :lol:

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Re: The war against Syria

Postby Paphitis » Fri Feb 09, 2018 11:15 pm

You see, that is where you are wrong. The Sunnis are the Nation, the Kurds are also the Nation along with the Assyrians, Yazidi, Alevi, Turkmen and SHIA.

You better look at the definition of Nation.

As to the recognition of Assad. Can he address the UN in New York? No he can’t and that’s because he would be arrested to have his day in The Hague.

No one is ever going to condemn the Coalition. No one at all.

As for the UN Security Council. We already know it is a corrupted body. It has nothing at all to do with International Law by your own admission. We if we want can destroy the UN overnight. Russia and China have a veto after all. And so does the Coalition. We have several veto votes. So no accusations will come from that body against The Coalition.

The only UN body that actually is an International Law barometer, is the UN GA, and there, the Coalition enjoys the support of most Nations around the world. We would win every vote by a landslide. So once again, there are no accusations or alleged illegalities from the UN GA unlike Assad who is accused of many War Crimes. Fact!

No one has an issue with the Coalition. That’s because we are protecting the Kurds who are a Nation of People in Syria and who also have rights under the UN Charter. You will find that any action by the Coalition is therefore very legal under The Geneva Convention. We can not be accused as committing crimes by an authority that is neither legal or recognized and which will murder thousands of people upon our departure. All peoples in Syria have a right to self determination. A Government that does not recognize that is not a legitimate Government and it’s actions are thus criminal. Therefore, Syria is a free for all. No peace treaty either. We are at war. Geneva Convention applies. And Assad is the biggest violator, not the Coalition.

So we stay and there is nothing Assad or Pootin can do about it.
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Re: The war against Syria

Postby Robin Hood » Sat Feb 10, 2018 9:29 am

You see, that is where you are wrong. The Sunnis are the Nation, the Kurds are also the Nation along with the Assyrians, Yazidi, Alevi, Turkmen and SHIA.

You better look at the definition of Nation.

Definition (Merriam-Webster) Nation State = a form of political organization in which a group of people who share the same history, traditions, or language live in a particular area under one government.

So, I repeat .... they are not Nations” :roll:

As to the recognition of Assad. Can he address the UN in New York? No he can’t and that’s because he would be arrested to have his day in The Hague.

Yes he can ..... as he is the lawfully elected leader of Syria and as such has every right to address the UN. This right is determined by diplomatic protocols , which do not include the contents of YOUR wish list. Any attempt by YOU to arrest him would I suggest, be an act of war against a Sovereign State. He has been accused by YOU of war crimes but has never been charged with them because there is no independent evidence to substantiate the claim. I might add that there has never even been an independent enquiry, as Putin has persistently requested.

No one is ever going to condemn the Coalition. No one at all.

YOU already stand condemned because YOU consistently breach International Law, only those in the US coalition ‘Gilded Cage’ believe otherwise and a few Pacific Islands that do as they are told .... or else!

As for the UN Security Council. We already know it is a corrupted body. It has nothing at all to do with International Law by your own admission. We if we want can destroy the UN overnight. Russia and China have a veto after all. And so does the Coalition. We have several veto votes. So no accusations will come from that body against The Coalition.

I agree, it is corrupted and the corruption is derived from US harassment and threats, as you so clearly demonstrate. Likewise, because of the veto system no resolutions will ever be applied to Assad/Syria. Which is why, apart from a lot of ‘political’ hot air, unfortunately very little is achieved by that organisation. :cry:

The only UN body that actually is an International Law barometer, is the UN GA, and there, the Coalition enjoys the support of most Nations around the world. We would win every vote by a landslide. So once again, there are no accusations or alleged illegalities from the UN GA unlike Assad who is accused of many War Crimes. Fact!

You seem to have great difficulty in understanding the difference between an accusation and an indictment. Yes ..... accused but never charged because YOU have yet to provide tangible and credible evidence.

YOU didn’t win the ‘ US Jerusalem Embassy’ vote by a landslide, in fact quite the opposite, YOU lost by a landslide. UNGA votes don’t count for anything unfortunately, but if they did and were enforced, the US and its coalition partners would have been put in their place a long, long time ago and be paying eye watering reparations to ALL the countries they have ruined and the lives they have destroyed!

No one has an issue with the Coalition. That’s because we are protecting the Kurds who are a Nation of People in Syria and who also have rights under the UN Charter. You will find that any action by the Coalition is therefore very legal under The Geneva Convention. We can not be accused as committing crimes by an authority that is neither legal or recognized and which will murder thousands of people upon our departure. All peoples in Syria have a right to self determination. A Government that does not recognize that is not a legitimate Government and it’s actions are thus criminal. Therefore, Syria is a free for all. No peace treaty either. We are at war. Geneva Convention applies. And Assad is the biggest violator, not the Coalition

You talk a load of ill-informed and irrational rubbish!

So we stay and there is nothing Assad or Pootin can do about it.

YOU will stay until Putin says YOU will go and (IMO) I see him doing that with a special UNGA vote, followed by a UNGA mandate to remove YOU by force if necessary ..... and Russia, China and most of the free nations will enthusiastically endorse such an action.

YOUR Empires days are strictly numbered! YOUR latest humiliating failure is KOREA! The Koreans talk and demonstrate a willingness to work toward peace ........... and Pence, Tillerson and all Trumps military junta still shout for WAR!!!! And it is Russia and China primarily, that are brokering that movement toward a reunited Korea (that the US divided after WWII) into a Nation again ...... which means the US will be ‘.....LET GO’ ! Then Japan will do the same!

In my experience of life, once the 'school' bully is bought down and destroyed ........ all his devotees crawl on their hands and knees to make friends with those they previously abused. That will happen to YOU.


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Re: The war against Syria

Postby Paphitis » Sat Feb 10, 2018 10:22 am

You had to oick the one definition that suits you, but unfortunatel, Nation also means ETHNOS in Greek. An ETHNOS is a group of people of one ethnicity or cultural grouping which includes eligion and language.

And here we confirm:

A nation is a stable community of people, formed on the basis of a common language, territory, economic life, ethnicity and/or psychological make-up manifested in a common culture. A nation is distinct from a people,[1] and is more abstract, and more overtly political than an ethnic group.[2] It is a cultural-political community that has become conscious of its autonomy, unity, and particular interests.[3]

From wikipedia


a large body of people, associated with a particular territory, that is sufficiently conscious of its unity to seek or to possess a government peculiarly its own:
The president spoke to the nation about the new tax.
the territory or country itself:
the nations of Central America.
a member tribe of an American Indian confederation.
an aggregation of persons of the same ethnic family, often speaking the same language or cognate languages.


The Kurds are the NATION as are every other community I mentioned in Syria.

And I reiterate, it is ONLY YOU who claims that the coalition has violated International law. No International Body has issued any such allegation against the Coalition.

We have every single right to remain in Syria indefinitely, and we will not leave and allow Assad to commit anmore war crimes against the Kurds.

That is the bottom line, and that is all there is to it.

Once gain, you have not provided any evidence that the Coalition has violated International law. And no, Assad is NOT the legitimate Government and it is NOT recognized by the Coalition and he can't even address the UN GA. He is a wanted criminal.

The Kurds have a right to self determination.
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Re: The war against Syria

Postby miltiades » Sat Feb 10, 2018 12:14 pm

Mate, why are YOU not protecting the Kurds from being bombarded by the Turks ? Who says that the coalition will stay in Syria for as long as it likes? Notice that I use coalition and not the persistent usage of WE this and WE that.You have NO SAY IN THE MATTER. GET IT IN YOUR HEAD.
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Re: The war against Syria

Postby Robin Hood » Sat Feb 10, 2018 2:44 pm


You had to oick the one definition that suits you, but unfortunatel, Nation also means ETHNOS in Greek. An ETHNOS is a group of people of one ethnicity or cultural grouping which includes eligion and language.

And here we confirm:

You obviously didn’t read or understand what I posted and you certainly didn’t understand this explanation that you posted.

A nation is a stable community of people, formed on the basis of a common language, territory, economic life, ethnicity and/or psychological make-up manifested in a common culture. A nation is distinct from a people,[1] and is more abstract, and more overtly political than an ethnic group.[2] It is a cultural-political community that has become conscious of its autonomy, unity, and particular interests.[3]

From Wikipedia

1. a large body of people, associated with a particular territory, that is sufficiently conscious of its unity to seek or to possess a government peculiarly its own:
2.the territory or country itself:
3.a member tribe of an American Indian confederation.
4an aggregation of persons of the same ethnic family, often speaking the same language or cognate languages.


The Kurds are the NATION as are every other community I mentioned in Syria
They are one of MANY communities that form the Nation State of Syria .... they are Syrians, you have already said that.

And I reiterate, it is ONLY YOU who claims that the coalition has violated International law. No International Body has issued any such allegation against the Coalition.

But then you never see the whole picture :roll: ..... it’s very simple! YOU have two options within Article 51 to do what YOU are doing. YOU comply with neither of those and therefore YOUR actions, even YOUR mere presence in Syria is illegal.

We have every single right to remain in Syria indefinitely, and we will not leave and allow Assad to commit anmore war crimes against the Kurds. That is the bottom line, and that is all there is to it.

See above ........ under International Law and the UN Charter YOU have NO rights in Syria what so ever. YOU are invaders, there illegally and as such every hostile act YOU commit is a crime to one degree or another under International Law. Once again you are confusing accusation and indictment. YOU have yet to present any proof to support YOUR accusations, it’s as simple as that.

(Think about it ...... Harvey Weinstein is still walking the streets a free man because he has not been charged with any crime because his accusers have yet to present their proof to a Judge. Who will then, if he thinks there is just cause, issue a warrant for Weinstein’s arrest.)

Once again, you have not provided any evidence that the Coalition has violated International law. And no, Assad is NOT the legitimate Government and it is NOT recognized by the Coalition and he can't even address the UN GA. He is a wanted criminal.

See above .... there are two legal options ..... YOU comply with neither ...... YOU are therefore in breach of International Law. What more proof than that do YOU need? i It’s as simple as that!

See previous explanation ..... he was voted into power by the majority of the Syrian people .... he is 100% legitimate. Whether YOUR coalition recognises him is irrelevant. His legitimacy is assured by the UN Charter. That is what gives him legitimacy ...... not YOUR opinion. It’s as simple as that!

The Kurds have a right to self determination.

There has never been a Nation of Kurdistan ..... it is a recently invented country .

If the Kurds have the right then so do the Crimean’s, the Eastern Ukraine ethnic Russians, as do the people of South Ossetia, as do the Maori, as do the Aboriginals, as do the Palestinians, as do the Rohingja (?), as do the Kashmiri’s and of course as do the Native American and Canadian Indians. I am sure they would all welcome YOUR support for THEIR claims to self determination as well ...... or is that just your opinion?
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Re: The war against Syria

Postby Paphitis » Sat Feb 10, 2018 3:18 pm

Fancy someone throwing accusations that I did not understand whilst they ignore this here:

It is a cultural-political community that has become conscious of its autonomy, unity, and particular interests.[3]

For instance, the Kurds, Turkmen, and Assyrians. But in particular the Kurds who are moving towards Statehood in their own right with our assistance and support.

And yes we do have rights to Syria as a legal combatant in a war. There is no peace treaty that we have signed and we will not be leaving and jeopardize the safety of an entire community of people. If you want to follow law, there is an actual legal definition attributed to the concept. Our presence actually prevents International law and breaches against the geneva Convention from being enacted by the Assad regime's forces. Therefore, no authority can ever condemn the Coalition at all. And no authority has.

There will be a Kurdistan, just like there is an Israel since 1948. Just watch this space. Assad is NOT in control of Northern Syria, The Kurds are and the Coalition provides them with Air Cover and covert ground support even.

No one has accused us of breaching International law. That is because you can't be in breach when your presence actually protects the existence of an entire race of people and nation.

You are always saying we have violated a law but you still do not provide any judgement against the coalition. There has never been a vote in the UN or even a debate. Therefore, you are just making stupid and unfounded allegations. And you should apologize.

We will remain in Syria. There is nothing anyone can do about it.

If Assad feels hard done by, then head to New York and move a resolution against the Coalition Nations and see if his allegations have legs. If he has balls, then move a UN Resolution. Russia doesn't do it because Pootin knows very well that Assad has no legs because the International community is ALWAYS going to support the Coalition to protect the YPG and Peshmerga.

Get Assad to go to New York. All Coalition Heads of State have no problems going to New York. Assad should join them. :lol:

As a coalition, we do not recognize Assad's authority. He is not the legitimate Government of the Kurds or Sunnis. We are at war with him. We will demolish his entire military if he oversteps the mark and attacks our northern militias and Russia will just watch it all unfold and won't lift a finger because they are not stupid.
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